Okay so this is the first time I've ever written anything so dark. Dark for me anyway. I just ask you keep this in mind as you read this story.

Angela and her girlfriend, Stephine, left Low Sidda to head for the car. This was their third date and it had gone well. They smiled shyly at each other after Stephine took Angela's hand.

"I'm having a really good time," Stephine said. She was petit with blonde hair and green eyes. Angela was tall with brown hair and brown eyes.

"I'm glad. Do you want to go to Crash or we could just go back to my place." Stephine blushed. "Hey, its cool if you don't want too. I don't want to pressure you or anything," Angela quickly added.

"It's fine. We can hang out at your apartment. I'm just not ready for...the other stuff." Angela held up her free hand making a scout sign.

"Scout's honor, I will be very gentlemanly." Stephine giggled. She shook her head.

"I could just see you in a girl scout uniform selling cookies." They laughed. They were almost to the car when Stephine herd a noise near her ear. She turned toward the noise. A second later she felt Angela fall down, still holding her hand. "Oh, god. Angela," she said. She knelt down beside her. "Are you okay?" Angela didn't answer. A moment later Stephine felt a pinch at her neck. She didn't even get to touch it before the darkness claimed her. She collapsed on top of Angela.

Angela woke up on a cool floor. She sat up, rubbing her head. She looked around and empty, colorless room. The only thing in the room was a camera and a speaker. She stood up. Her head was pounding and she needing something to drink. She was startled when a voice boomed from the speaker.

"Good, you're awake."

"Who are you? What do you want," Angela asked. She leaned against the wall.

"I won't hurt you Angela. You just have to do exactly what I say or Stephine dies. Do you understand me?" Angela nodded. "Good." A door opened and Angela stepped outside.

JJ walked into the BAU bullpen. She'd just gotten a call from Hotch to meet him in his office. She was about to call him anyway. She'd just picked up a case from Atlanta. She waved at the other members of the team with the file in her hand as she went up the steps. She went into Hotch's office. She was surprised to see a young woman sitting on the couch in the office. She was petit with shoulder length light brown hair and brown eyes. She smiled at JJ. JJ smiled back then looked questioningly at Hotch.

"SA Jennifer Jeareu, I'd like you to meet, SA Winifred Carter." Carter stood up and held out her hand.

"You can call me, Fred," she said. JJ smiled.

"Call me, JJ." They both turned to Hotch.

"Agent Carter has been selected as Press Liaison for a DoD project. They've requested you to train her. She'll be working under you for the next several weeks." JJ nodded.

"Okay. Welcome to the team. And you're just in time for a case." JJ handed the folder she held to Hotch. "Atlanta has a serial rapist. He takes couples, forces the dominant partner to rape the other, then releases them. There have been 6 couples already. 2 have been killed because the partner refused."

"That's horrible," Carter said. JJ nodded.

"Its what we do," she said by way of explanation.

"Agent Carter, I would understand if you wanted to wait this one out. We can bring you in on the next case."

"No, sir. I'm here to learn and work. I can't do that just sitting around here."

"Well, if you get to overwhelmed let me know." She nodded.

"Oh course."

"Call the team in," Hotch told JJ. She nodded.

"Come with me," she said to Carter. She followed her out of the office. She watched JJ summon the team and then followed her into the BAU room. "This is the BAU room. We hold all our briefings in this room. As you can see we are well equipped." JJ turned on the evidence screen. Carter watched her plug a flash drive into the screen. "My job is to handle the media and go through cases and decide where we're going." The team filled into the room.

"Hello," Emily said, being the first into the room. Carter nodded to her. Hotch and Rossi were the last into the room.

"Everyone, this is SA Fred Carter," Hotch said. "She will be shadowing JJ for the next several weeks in preparation for another position she will be taken with the DoD," he explained. "Agent these are SSA Dave Rossi, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, and Dr. Reid. This is Penelope Garcia, our technical analyst." They all expressed a hello.

"Well, I actually know Garcia. We worked together a few times when I was in computer crimes. She helped us capture this one guy who was crashing photo websites. Which has nothing to do with the case and I'll be shutting up now." Carter flushed a bit as she sat down. Hotch remained standing so she could sit. The team chuckled at her blushing.

"Don't worry. There is no way you could beat Reid in the babbling department," Morgan said. She smiled.

"Okay, so what do we got," Rossi asked, drawing attention to JJ. She brought up the 6 couples on the screen.

"We have in all 8 victims. Our un-sup takes couples. All were abducted on a friday or saturday night after a date on the way back to their car. There is no set type. 3 couples were lesbian, the other 3 were straight. In all cases the dominate partner was forced to rape the other. In two cases the partner refused and the other was killed. They always target the women or fems of the couple," JJ pointed out. "The un-sup keeps them 3 days then releases them after he's done. In all cases the un-sub was never seen, only heard during the act. He killed the women with a toxin that the lab in Georgia have been unable to identify. The partner explained it as slow and painful. They were forced to watch. The un-sub would come into the room, dressed in black, face covered, and shoot them with a dart that carried the toxin. There has been little to no evidence of the un-sub."

"So we're looking at a sexual sadist who used the dominate partner as his weapon of choice," Derek said.

"Looks like. I don't think its a guy though," Emily said. "There may be more than one un-sub. A guy to get them and bring them in, then a woman to actually play everything out."

"Okay, wheels up in 20." JJ turned to Carter as everyone left the room.

"Do you have a go bag? We could be there a few days." Carter shook her head.

"But its no big. I can just buy some cloths while I'm there or call my cousin. She lives in Atlanta. I keep cloths there for when I visit." JJ nodded. They left the room as well.

Once up in the air, the team couldn't help but notice Carter looked a little nervous. She looked a bit tense and made sure not to look out the windows. She blushed when she saw Derek and Emily smiling at her.

"I don't fly well," she confessed. "My sister says it's because I have control issues."

"Do you," Emily asked. Carter shrugged.

"Don't we all?" She sat back to let JJ get past her. "I'll be okay though. Just wish I didn't have to deal with the motion sickness." They cringed. "Oh, don't worry. I never throw up. I just get nauseous. I've dealt with that my entire life."

"Okay, everyone," Hotch said to get their attention. "We'll be working with Det. Olivia Nearing. I've been warned she is not to big on us being brought in on this investigation as we were invited by their captain. Try to stay calm. We don't need a repeat of Denver," Hotch said, looking at Emily.

"What? The man grabbed my ass and wouldn't stop calling me and JJ 'honey'. He needed a good ass kicking," she said. Derek was laughing and shacking his head.

"At least she waited until the case was over," JJ pointed out. Hotch grinned. Carter smiled. They were all so cute in that dysfunctional family way. Suddenly the computer in front of Derek beeped. He looked at it and smiled big.

"Hey, Baby Girl," he greeted. He turned the computer so everyone could see Garcia.

"That's cool," Carter said. "And Garcia did you forget to tell me something," she asked, nodding toward Derek. Garcia laughed.

"Derek is my chocolate Adonis."

"Oh." Carter nodded with a wicked smile. Everyone was curious for the reason behind the laughter in her eyes.

"Anyway, I found that all the fem partners recently visited a bar in Atlanta called Low Setta. Like within a month of being taken. Low Setta is a local girls only bar, but not exclusively lesbian. A lot of women just go there because there is no real pressure to be with anyone. That's all I've found so far."

"Thanks, baby girl."

"See ya." Garcia signed off.

"Okay. JJ, I want you and Emily to talk to the women who have separated from their partners. Rossi you and Morgan take the others. Reid and I will go to the station."

"What about me sir," Carter asked.

"You'll come with us. I don't want you doing interviews yet." She nodded. Hotch sat down and the settled in for the flight.

"So tell us a little about yourself," Morgan said to Carter.

"Okay. What do you want to know?"

"Where are you from," JJ asked.

"Well that's actually a difficult to answer. My dad was in the Air Force. If you mean where was I born, that would be Tokyo."

"So you were an AF bratt?" Carter nodded.

"My mom is Japanese. They got married when my dad was 23 and she was 16. I was born a year later. Dad has been posted to Japan, Greece, Egypt, Italy, Spain, UK, and finally Fort Rock in Boston. I was 16."

"Any siblings?" Carter nodded.

"I have one half brother. My mom died when I was 17 and my dad remarried. I have a 10 year old baby brother named William Carter."

"That's really young," JJ said.

"Yeah. He's more like my nephew than my brother. I was 18 when he was born. I don't see him a lot. I started college right after he was born. But I call him everyday and we email each other all the time. He wants to be an FBI agent like his big sister, much to my father's distaste."

"You don't look japanese," Derek said. Carter shrugged.

"I guess I got my dad's looks and my mother's mind." The team smiled.

"So what do you like to do for fun," Derek asked.

"I teach kung fu at my local dojo, I dance, I have a serious addiction to Doctor Who, I read fantasy and scifi novels, and I love going to the movies."

"Are you seeing anyone." Everyone groaned at Derek's question. Carter blushed a little.

"No. I'm not really into dating right now. Or anything else. I just wanna be me."

"So you've just got out of a rough relationship," Rossi said.

"Yeah. He left me pretty screwed up."

"Hey, we've all been there, kiddo," Rossi said. Carter smiled.

"Thanks. So tell me about you guys," she said changing the subject. The flight went by quickly as the team talked. They were laughing about a story Derek told Reid as they walked out of the plane. Three SUVs were waiting for them. A woman greeted them.

"I'm Det. Nearing. Welcome to Atlanta." Hotch introduced the team and they all shook hands.

"I hope you guys can help. So how do you want to do this, Agent Hotchner?"

"Myself, SA Carter, and Dr. Reid will be going with you to the office. The rest of my team is going to go talk to victims." Nearing nodded.

"Okay. Follow me." They al filed into their SUV.

"So how are you with a gun," Hotch asked as he drove to the office. Carter looked up from a file she was reading.

"My teachers said I'm an excellent marksman. My dad gave me my first gun when I was 8." Hotch smiled.

"I imagine you passed all your hand to hand courses with high marks," Reid said.

"Yeah, but I've been doing kung fu and tai chi since I could walk. I've also been trained in to handle a katana pretty well. I won competitions as a child and teen."

"Well the discipline you learned in all those will be useful in this job."

"Thank you, sir."

"Carter, you can call me Hotch. Everyone else does."

"I will...Hotch." They pulled into the office parking lot.

Meanwhile across town JJ and Emily knocked of the door of Cassie Dale. She and her boyfriend were the first to be taken over a month ago. Cassie answered the door. She was tall with blonde hair and big brown eyes. She looked pale. JJ held up her creds.

"Hey, Ms. Dale. I'm Agent Jareau and this is Agent Prentiss. We're with the FBI and we've been asked to look into your case. Could we ask you some questions?"

"Cassie, who is it," A slightly older woman walked into view.

"Its two FBI agents, sis. They wanna talk to me about what happened." The woman's face twisted with anger.

"Why don't you arrest that Kyle boy. He raped my baby sister."

"Cara, please. I've explained to you what happened. Kyle didn't rape me." Cassie turned away. JJ could see tears form in her eyes.

"Would you like to go somewhere else to talk," JJ asked. Cassie looked at her. She saw that Jj cared, that she just wanted to help.

"You aren't taking her anywhere," Cara yelled. Cassie turned back to her.

"I'm not a kid, Cara. I can do what I want." Cassie grabbed her keys and slammed the door. "I'm sorry. I know she just wants to protect me," Cassie said as they headed for the stairs. "I'm all she's got. Our parents died when I was 18. Car accident." They walked outside. "Can we go to the park," she asked. JJ nodded. She and Emily followed her to a small park a few blocks away. They sat down on a bench.

"Its beautiful here," JJ said. Cassie nodded.

"We use to come here and just sit and watch the kids play." She pointed to a small play area. "We were going to start a family some day. The night we were taken he asked me to marry him. I said yes." Tears began to fall down Cassie's face. JJ rubbed her back.

"I know this is hard, but we need you to tell us what happened." Cassie nodded.

"We were walking back to the car when I heard this whizzing noise near my ear. I turned to look and before I know it Kyle was on the ground. I knelt down to see if he was hurt then I felt a pinch in my neck. I was out a second later. When I woke up I was tied to a bed. Something was in my mouth so I couldn't talk. I had been stripped down to my undies. It was cold but not to cold. There was a security camera and a speaker in the right corner. I remember struggling against the hand cuffs. They hurt my wrist." She rubbed her wrist unconsciously. Emily noticed faded bruises. "I don't know how long I was alone. I just remember being so happy to see Kyle. He always made me feel safer." JJ took her hand and squeezed it gently. Cassie smiled at her.

"Then the voice came. It sounded robotic like when you type something to make your computer say it." Emily took Cassie's other hand.

"Cassie, I need to know what the room looked like." Cassie closed her eyes.

"The walls looked aluminum or steel. The bed was thin and the springs stabbed me in the back a lot. It didn't have a head board. I was cuffed to a metal loop attached to the wall. There isn't anything else in the room. Just me and Kyle." Cassie began to slob as the memories came flowing back. JJ hugged her shoulders.

"It's okay, Cassie. We're right here."

"He made Kyle touch me. He made him do things that...I love Kyle. I do." Her shoulders began to shake. "But what he was forced to do...he could't handle it. This person took that away from us. And now..."

"Now, what," Emily asked as she rubbed her back.

"I'm pregnant. It can't be anyone else's but Kyle's baby." Emily and JJ shared a look. "I'm afraid to tell him because of how I got pregnant." Cassie turned into JJ as she cried. JJ patted her shoulder.

A few hours later JJ and Emily got into the car after visiting the last victim, 17 year old Ashley Martin. Her boyfriend had recently killed himself over the guilt of what had happened. JJ stared ahead through the windshield for a long second before the tears finally began to fall. Emily reached over and took her hand. JJ squeezed her hand.

"How can someone do this, Em? I know we see a lot of horrible things but this is..."

"I know." JJ looked at her for a long second before pulling her hand away and wiping her face.

"Come on. We should get back." Emily nodded.

"Right." She started the car and they headed back to the office. Rossi and Morgan were already there. They looked as emotionally worn out as they were. They shared their information and Hotch discharged them to go to the hotel to get some sleep. JJ and Emily shared a room. Since Carter was the odd one out she had her own room. JJ collapsed onto the bed closest to the door. She knew Emily liked the bed near the window. Emily surprised her by sitting next to her on the bed.

"You okay," she asked. JJ looked up at her. Emily smiled. JJ looked beautiful with her hair fanned out around her head. Emily resisted the urge to caress her cheek.

"I'm okay, Em. Just tired. What do you want to order from room service because I am not leaving this room." They laughed.

"How about some burgers with fries and sodas?"JJ nodded.

"Sounds good. I'm going to take a shower while you order that." JJ got up. Emily caught her hand as she passed. JJ paused to look down at her. She saw love and concern in Emily's eyes. She smiled sweetly. She so wanted to bend down and kiss those perfect lips. She resisted because she knew Emily only loved her as a friend, maybe a sister. Emily let her go. She grabbed her bag and disappeared into the bathroom. Emily grabbed the room phone to order dinner.

JJ came out of the bathroom greeted by the sweet smell of burgers and fries. She grinned at the plates on the table. Emily smiled at her. Neither woman looked like it but they loved good ole american food. Especially burgers and pizza. JJ joined her at the table.

"Looks great," she said. Emily nodded. She watched JJ pick up the burger and take a bite. JJ groaned. "Oh my god, that taste so good." Emily chuckled. JJ looked at her. "What?" Emily pointed to her own mouth.

"You have a little." JJ brushed her lip but in the wrong place. This made Emily laugh harder. "No, its right..." Emily reached over and brushed the ketchup from JJ's lower lip. "there." She sat back rubbing the ketchup on her napkin. JJ blushed but not in embarrassment. Emily had touched her lip. She looked down and quickly took a fry into her mouth. Emily went back to her food as well. After cleaning up they both settled into bed and turned on the TV. They both soon fell asleep.