AN: Hey :) So I hope you like this chapter :) Please read and review :)

Albus woke up with a pounding headache. Someone yanked back his curtains, shouting his name much too loudly. The noise was bad. He rolled over, trying to block out the painful noise and the pounding in his head. Finally the noise prevailed and he moaned heavily as he rolled over to see who it was.

They had been kind enough to stand away from the windows, so his eyes were partially saved from the light, but it still hurt.

"Hey, mate, take this. It's a hangover draught."

The potion was passed to him and he drank it gratefully before looking back up at Scorpius. He was feeling better already, his brain clearing and his headache disappearing.

"What. Happened? Wait, how did you get in here? You did not stay over with Rose? No way in hell are you fucking my cousin." The rush of words would have made Scorpius laugh if it weren't for the threatening tone that came at the end.

"Oh no. One of the younger kids let me in. I haven't even seen Rose yet, I just wanted to warn you about last night."

"Shit. Malfoy, what did I do last night?"

"Well, You'll be happy about it. But Rose wasn't exactly."

"Malfoy. I need to know."

"You and Klara ended up snogging. Rose is convinced that you're just using her."

Albus groaned and rolled back over, this was too much for him to take in, even with the hangover draught. He needed more sleep and a hot shower before any of this would be okay. But he wasn't going to get that. He had to go and talk to Klara, now. And then Rose.


"Just thought I'd warn you that Rose is ready to kill. I reckon you've got an hour before she wakes up and comes over here to murder you."


They sat there in silence while Albus tried to decide what to do. Finally, with another loud groan he rolled over ad sat up on the edge of the bed.

"Okay, I need a shower. Can you tell Rose that I'll talk to her later, but that I promise I'm not fucking around with Klara, I really do like her. Then tell Klara that we really need to talk?"

Scorpius raised his eyebrows, he'd forgotten what getting involved in all for this would mean. "Alright Albus, say the magic word and I'll do it."

"Shove off, Scorpius."

"That's two words. And neither is magic."

"Fine. Please."

Scorpius smirked as he walked down to the common room, as long as Rose didn't murder her cousin, this promised to be a good day.

Rose woke up slowly, her stomach was moving around uncomfortably, but otherwise she felt fine. She was surprised; she had a lot to drink the previous night. How was she not hung-over? Then she remembered. Albus and Klara. She gritted her teeth, all the anger of last night coming back to her.

How could Albus do it? He was not the type to screw girls over. But that didn't mean he wouldn't make a mistake while drunk. Klara really did like Albus, and Albus had never said anything back. Rose had just assumed that Klara would get over it, or that Albus would finally admit his feelings, but a drunken snog at a party was not the way for Klara to move on. Besides, Albus probably wouldn't remember anything about last night. He had a reputation for being a forgetful drunk, and a lightweight.

Rose rolled over and stood up, pulling back the curtains around her bed to find Klara sitting on the edge of her own bed, looking anxiously at Rose. She sighed; Klara had done nothing wrong. It was Albus she was mad at. How could he have kissed Klara when it was so obvious that she liked him?

"Don't worry, I'll go kill him for you. I can't believe he would do that. It's so obvious you like him. Did he do anything else to you? Anything more than snog you? Even that's enough! I'll murder him." Rose made to storm out of the room, trying desperately not to punch something as she left.

Before she reached the stairs, Klara had grabbed Rose's arm and pulled her to a stop.

"Wait. Rose, stop. Let me explain. Sit down. You don't need to kill Albus."

Rose stopped for long enough that Klara could drag her back to her bed and sit her down.

"Firstly, Rose, you're in a night gown. Don't go downstairs like that; you'll give the younger students more than they need to see, and I think I heard Scorpius earlier. I haven't had time to talk to you about Albus and I'm really sorry. I was trying to tell you before the party last night, but then I didn't want to tell Scorpius before you told me how you felt." Klara sighed sadly; she was really worried about how Rose would react. It was different to be supportive of a crush.

Rose cleared her throat, clearly irritated and waiting for Klara to continue.

"Albus and I are dating." She spoke quickly, not stopping for breaths, as though she was afraid Rose would interrupt her, "We went down to the kitchens together a couple times this week, and the grounds, and the room of requirement. We've been spending a lot of time together since you've been with Scorpius more. And then, a few days ago, he kissed me. We aren't in a relationship or anything. But I like him, and he likes me. I wanted to tell you, I just didn't have a chance and I didn't plan on snogging Albus at the party or anything. I wanted to tell you first."

Rose physically deflated as Klara spoke. All the anger left her as she realized just how distant she had been. It was being in a new relationship, she really liked Scorpius. And she had wanted to get to know him, so she had left her friend a lot more than usual. And as for Albus and Klara, she couldn't have been happier for her best friend and her cousin.

"As long as he doesn't break your heart I promise not to kill him."

Klara bounded across the space between them pulling Rose into a bone crushing hug. Rose was wheezing by the time Klara let her go, trying to apologize while rummaging for clothes in her drawer.

Rose ran down the stairs, Klara walking more slowly behind. Showered and dressed properly, she felt much better. She was beaming as she entered the common room.

Across the room Albus stood next to Scorpius, bracing himself for the blows that he was expecting. Rose was coming towards him too quickly for him to comprehend what was happening, his quidditch skills resulting in his braced legs that at least kept him from being knocked over as Rose barreled into him.

"Look, Rose, I'm not screwing around with her. I really do like he. I think we have something special–" Albus paused, perplexed. Rose was hugging him, obviously not angry. "Rose. What are you doing?"

"I'm so happy for you Al, really. Finally, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this." Albus looked over Rose's head to see Klara. He tried to ask her what had happened but she was laughing to hard to respond. Finally Rose let go and moved over to Scorpius.

In a moment they were locked in a passionate embrace. It started off as a hug, but as Scorpius placed Rose gently on the ground, he couldn't resist squeezing her hips and sucking gently on her bottom lip.

Rose pouted as he pulled away, but he was pointing over at Albus and Klara. Klara was smiling, clearly having explained what happened to Albus, while he stood with his hands on his hips, looking disgusted.

AN: Hope you guys liked that :) Alright after this I'm gonna start doing key moments in their lives. You know, meeting the parents, graduation, first time. Things of that sort. Let me know if there's anything you guys want to see? If you tell me I'll probably write it? Anyway review please? It helps me write faster...