Title: Changes

Author: wildwordwomyn

Word Count: 159

Rating: G

Fandom/Pairing: Being Human gen drabble starring Josh and Aidan, with mention of Sally

Disclaimers/Warnings: No real spoilers and I'm 99.9% sure all this is fake.

Author's Notes: I always feel so bad for Josh that I keep wanting someone to hold him. I made Aidan do it for me...

Summary: Josh asks Aidan a question.

"Hey, Aidan?" Josh starts.

They're sitting on the sofa in the dark after one of Josh's changes. He's exhausted and hungry and his bones hurt but he still has to know.


"Does it ever get any easier?"

He can see Aidan's face clearly even without the aid of light. His wolf's night vision won't wear off for another few hours and the vampire looks sad. When he turns to look at Josh his face is grim.

"Different people handle things in different ways," Aidan states calmly, though he can tell it's not the right answer. It's not the real one anyway.

"Does it ever get easier for you?" Josh clarifies, the desperation in his voice obvious.

"It wasn't before." Aidan smiles softly. "Not until Sally. And you."

Josh doesn't smile back. He doesn't have the energy. When Aidan snakes an arm around his shoulders to pull him close he goes willingly. It never occurs to him back away.

The End