Title: Jerry-built

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters.

Summery: America is not please that Russia broke it.

Warning: Pertains around sex but doesn't divulge into the act, yaoi

Side Note: This is from a challenge a friend and I are doing. I will be writing seventy stories with these two as the main coupling. So if you enjoy my works, or this coupling please check back every so often to see what I have accomplished. This is story one, word number fifty-seven jerry-built. And not all stories will be this short.

America loved his canopy bed. All of the fabric was white with stars that had his flag, the best flag in the world, in them. It was sturdy enough he could plop down on it when he was exhausted, and it wouldn't creek. Moreover, it didn't bow when both Russia and he laid on it. When they got rough it would start to creek, but that was normal.

Russia hated America's canopy bed, hence the reason he was smiling gleefully. The bed it's self wasn't so much the issue, it was actually quite beautiful for something the capitalist pig chose. It was dark wood with some carvings in the headboard. The fabric was what grated his nerves, it only served as a reminder he was in the second most arrogant nation's home. Prussia being number one on that list. It did make an irritating creaking sound that tended to give him a headache. Sometimes it would become louder than his dear America's screams.

So here they were, Russia laying on top of a very pissed off America. Heavy fabric laid over them. In the roughness of the act, the posts holding the mattress area up cracked, sending them to the floor. If that wasn't bad enough the impact of the fall snapped the canopy posts, the frame and all of the fabric crashed down on top of them. They weren't physically hurt, but America was not at all pleased. He shoved Russia off him throwing on his clothes. "What are you doing Merica?"

"I'm going to complain to China about this. It was made in his country, so it's his damn fault." With that logic in mind he set out to find the much older country.

China had been in his kitchen cooking some food America couldn't identify, though he wasn't trying to anyway. He was on a mission to tell China exactly what was on his mind. "Can I help you, aru?"

"Yeah, the bed you sold me broke!" He took the cup of tea he was offered, and then guzzled it down.

"What were you doing when it happened?" America's face became flushed instantly telling China everything he needed to know. "I didn't make it to withstand BDSM, aru. That would be Germany's area of expertise."

Authors Notes: I hope you enjoyed this story. And a tidbit of information the word jerry-rigged (similar meaning to jerry-built) was coin after World War II. A bad name for German's is Jerry and because their machine kept breaking down at the end of the war, the allies started referring to things as jerry-rigged if they broke. Oh and for anyone who is reading When Wishes Are Granted chapter six will be up sometime in may. Please review!