Title: When Spring Rain turns to Summer Sky

Rating: M (change in rating)

Pairing: Tsukishima Shizuo x Hachimenroppi Izaya (DVD cover art characters. My profile has pictures of them)

Prompt from the Drrr Kink Meme: younger seme X older uke. Since Tsuki!Shizuo came out later (DVD 13), I'd like him to be younger and shorter than Roppi!Izaya, but still be the seme. XD Anon would like the story to revolve around the pains of pursuing somebody who's older and wiser (Roppi!Izaya).

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters!


The next day was a clear sky; the stars had finally stopped falling. Tsukishima woke up to notice Roppi cuddling next to him, sleeping soundly. Tsuki remained still, smiling to note that Hachimenroppi was finally getting a peaceful sleep without nightmares. He wanted to get up to make breakfast, but… Roppi-san looked so comfortable, Tsuki could not get up immediately.

Instead, he took his time to stare at the older male's beautiful body. Did they really… do it last night? It was unbelievable. Even as Hachimenroppi laid next to him nude, breathing softly and peacefully, it was still like a dream. Tsuki carefully caressed away the bangs so he could take a better look at the sleeping man, the face of a man that he had longed for for many years; almost all his life and more.

Slowly, so he did not wake him up, the blond sat up and slipped away from their cuddling position. He gathered his clothes in this dark and foreboding room.

He knew he should leave. He had overstayed his welcome and the room was a reminder of that. Probably tomorrow — no, today, he would pack and say goodbye. He would at least make them breakfast and some lunch for later. He hoped that he had helped, but seeing the corner of the room that was partially painted blue before it stopped, Tsuki knew that he had caused more trouble than good while he'd stayed.

It hurt to admit, but yes. He wasn't needed here, right? It would be best that he leave. He had delivered the message he wanted to tell Roppi for many years. He would be happy with that alone. He needed to return to his brothers who were probably expecting him…

Tsuki saw drops of water on the cutting board where he was dicing up the tofu for the miso soup for breakfast.


Ah… Tsuki's lips quivered as he bit his lower lip. He didn't realize he had started crying as he remembered he needed to go back home.

He wiped his tears as he continued to cut the tofu in perfect squares. He had breakfast to make, he shouldn't dawdle. A useless kid like him should at least make breakfast properly, right?

"Roppi-san? Are you awake?" Tsuki knocked on the door. He had his apron on as Psyche and Hibiya were tugging at his clothes, whining, "When's food? When are we eating? We're hungrrry~~" "Let's eat without him~~ He's a late sleeper~~" As usual, Psyche and Hibiya were being brats.

When the door opened, Tsuki took a step back, stunned. Even the two kids next to him grew silent in awe.

Hahichmenroppi was wearing his red and black and gold-trimmed ceremonial robe. He gracefully lifted his head and tilted it questioningly as the boys gawked at him.

"What are you all doing? We're going to the main house today. So get dressed."

Still stunned, the boys gathered around the table awkwardly and quietly eating their breakfast as Hachimenroppi sat down with the grace of a swan amongst ducklings. Tsuki fidgeted a bit as he nervously almost spilled his soup while passing the condiments. Psyche pretended not to notice as he wolfed down his food while Hibiya also took care to dismiss anything amiss as he ate with proper etiquette.

"I'm done!" Psyche announced as he pushed away his plate. Hibiya scoffed at the messy and noisy Psyche as he went back to eating delicately. Psyche had a mischievous glint in his eyes as he got up and slowly walked near Hibiya… clearly planning to do something naughty.

"Psyche." Roppi's stern voice broke the calmness in the air like knife. "Go get dressed." He ordered with a voice that was not above a normal speaking volume but carried the weight of a thousand stars.

Psyche glanced up and pouted as he marched over to his room. "Yessss sir."

Tsuki got up to wipe Psyche's mouth before he let him go. By then, Hibiya also pushed away his plate. "Thank you for the food," he bowed as he too went to his room to get dressed.

"So, erm..." Tsuki quietly sat back down at the table. It was just him and Roppi-san. He needed to tell him. "I was … thinking… I should go home today." Tsuki wasn't sure if this was the worst timing ever, but he needed to tell him and he knew that. He nervously waited for Roppi's reply.

"I think you should go to the main house with me before you return home," Roppi replied quietly as he placed down his chopsticks. Then he gave the younger blond a soft smile. "For various reasons, of course."

"M-me too? Erm… well…" Tsuki looked bewildered. He didn't have any ceremonial robes for one thing, and… w-why were they going to the main house now?

"Come. I have something you can get into." Roppi got up and wrapped his arm around Tsuki's, smiling up at him. "Thank you for the food, by the way."

Surely this was a dream… right? Tsuki's mind was spinning. It must be a dream…

They were all dressed nicely in ceremonial robes. Tsuki wore one of Roppi's old ones, and though it was blue and white, he felt awkward in them. Once they'd brushed Hibiya's hair and neatly smoothed out Psyche's robe, they were off to the main house in Roppi's carriage.

The two kids remained quiet only for so long before they were looking out the window and pointing at the Milky Way stars. Roppi remained calm and poised without a word, once in a while telling his younger brothers to sit still. But the chatter helped Tsuki as they distracted him from thinking of the upcoming 'doom' he was feeling. Without knowing of the poor young blond's anxiety, their driver continued down the path steadily.

The main house was a series of long traditional Japanese houses complete with wooden columns and a triangular tiled roof. As they entered the gates, the small fountain by the rock garden greeted them next to the tall willow trees and sakura trees as the buds had started to bloom. The pink petals softly rained like snow as the servant ushered them inside.

Tsuki rarely had the chance to meet the heads of their house, Empress Lady Ruju and Emperor Diamond, as they were revered like gods. It was said in the legends that the headless fairy named Ruju had came down from heaven to take her yearly bath. And Diamond, upon falling in love with the headless fairy, stole her head and hid it. Realizing that her head was missing, Lady Ruju was devastated and agreed to stay with Diamond until she found it.

Many years had passed, and Lady Ruju too had fallen in love with Diamond and forgave him when she found out it was he who had stolen her head. Now they lived in harmony as the headmasters of the constellations when Lady Ruju brought Diamond from Earth to the Sky to rule the heavens besides her.

Tsuki was terrified to step out of the coach, but Roppi stepped out first and held out his hand for him after he had helped Psyche and Hibiya down. Hachimenroppi's smile was so gentle — Tsuki gulped as he took his hand nervously and took a deep breath.

The sun was too bright, Tsuki noted. Too bright and sunny for a day when he would jailed in a dark cellar somewhere for all of eternity, forgotten by all the stars if not mocked and japed for eons.

Roppi told Psyche and Hibiya to go ahead and run to their usual house that was reserved for them each time they visited. The raven-haired man calmly took Tsuki's hand into his own and walked towards the main house.

Last time he had walked in here was about... few years ago? Or was it during his coming-of-age ceremony? It was such a rare event to meet the head of the house face-to-face while he had always seen them from a distance at the yearly star festival.

The seated servants, on the tatami wooden floor, bowed and announced Roppi and Tsuki's presence to the Emperor and Empress. Then the servants slid the rice paper doors to allow the two stars of the night skies to come inside.

Roppi gracefully sat in a perfect seiza position, adorned with his beautiful red and black robe with gold embroidery in the design of a magnificent phoenix taking off. Tsuki was wearing a shimmering blue and white, rare colors that Roppi did not wear often, which had again a bird motif that was associated with Roppi's house.

"What brings you here with such short notice, Hachimenroppi?" Diamond asked as Lady Ruju sat next to him holding a pen and ink as she wrote in graceful calligraphy. He was wearing all white with gold elaborate embroidery of the sun, while Lady Ruju wore a beautiful matching black kimono with silver embroidery of stars and the moon. "It must be of urgency as you rarely come out of your house."

Roppi ignored the small teasing jab as he opened his mouth to begin.

But Tsuki beat him to it as he crumpled with his head to the floor, bowing in shame.

"It's… it's totally my fault, so please don't blame Roppi… I mean, Hachimenroppi-san! I'm the one to blame as I…!" Before Tsuki could make a list of everything he had done wrong, barging into Roppi's house, soliciting and trespassing, vandalizing the precious wall that Roppi had held dear with blue paint without asking and even… d-doing things… with… Hachimenroppi…, but Roppi (whose eyes were wide with surprise) quickly covered Tsuki's mouth.

"What's the meaning of this?" Diamond's grey eyes turned more serious instead of his usual teasing expression, and even Lady Ruju had paused from her writing, curious.

"My Lord, perhaps it's best that I explain." Roppi intervened, trying to smooth out whatever it was Tsuki almost blurted out.

"Explain yourself."

Roppi took a deep breath and he let go of covering Tsuki's mouth to… hold his hand.

That earned an audible gasp from Diamond and Tsuki… and a visible gasp from Lady Ruju as her black shadow smoke puffed out of her beautiful neck.

"I would like to… revoke the unspoken rule."

Diamond blinked in surprise briefly before his eyes grew sly. Lady Ruju could not speak, but her shadows seemed flustered. All the while, Tsuki remained confused. 'Unspoken rule?' What was this about?

"Oh?" Diamond spoke for his high mistress as he shifted on his soft cushioned divan. "Go on."

Roppi took another deep breath as he presented his well-prepared speech with determined eyes.

"As you know… my deceased beau and I… pushed hard to create equality among the constellations, the main family with the branch family, the nebulae and the dwarf stars alike… and even to extend to repair relationships between those who are yet to become stars…"

Roppi took a deep breath and slowly let it out. He ignored the irritating, mischievous grin that Diamond wore as if he had taken a guess as to what Roppi had planned to say.

"I understand that back then… when I, from the main branch, planned to marry the branch family member… we had wanted to bridge the gap between the families, but I see now that we were wrong. It only created further discrimination and prejudice. It has made the main family members… unable to voice who they truly love, in fear of everyone judging them if they did not love a branch family member." Roppi spoke calmly though the hand holding Tsuki's tightened. Realizing that the composed Hachimenroppi was actually very nervous, Tsuki lightly squeezed back in support.

"My Lord. I believe everyone should love freely. That's what my beau would have wanted and that's what we had originally wanted to create. A world where one shouldn't look at their loved one's social status and be judged by others. And if… a main family member happen to love a branch member, so be it. Back then, yes, that was heavily frowned upon and we wanted our relationship to be the founding stone. And now I believe that if…" Roppi glanced at Tsuki with just a graceful turn of his head and he smiled softly at him. "That if a main family member happened to love another main family member… they shouldn't be judged for that either."

"Well said, well said." Diamond clapped his hands and unfolded his large paper fan with a snap, displaying the beautiful white swan bejeweled with studded diamonds. "I'm quite glad, actually. It's been quite stuffy lately with all the branch family members always scolding the main family if they were to even chat just amongst themselves, calling them elitist. I wholeheartedly agree that one should feel free to love whomever without being judged. But Hachimenroppi-kun~" Diamond winked. "It'll be a tough road. There will still be adversaries against you. Even more, then, when you decided to…. be previously engaged. People will consider you going 'backwards.' Are you up for that?"

"I want people to understand that this isn't about going backwards or forwards. But to love who they wish to love." Roppi let out a soft sigh. "And besides, it isn't as if I enjoy being a spectacle of all the taboo. It just happened."

"Just happened that you always get mixed up in love that society at the time frowns upon?" Diamond laughed as he fanned himself. "No worries, I'm sure Lady Ruju doesn't mind. I'm not even a star and here I am, a normal human being who came to the heavens thanks to my dearest sweetheart, isn't that right?" Diamond lightly leaned on his shadowy queen whose headless form puffed a pink heart-shaped shadow. "I'm on your side, Hachimenroppi-kun. Though you have a long and rough journey ahead, you know. All the other stars won't like it." His eyes glistened sharply with perception.

"That's alright. I believe… I have a partner for that long journey this time." Roppi turned to smile at Tsuki, but then his eyes widened when he noticed that the young blond's eyes were about to turn on the water faucet.

"W-what's wrong, Tsuki?" Roppi looked a bit taken back as Tsuki suddenly burst into tears in the presence of their emperor and empress. Even Diamond and Lady Ruju looked bewildered as Tsuki bawled in front of them without shame.

"I'm just…! I… I'm just…. happy that you didn't give up on me!" the young star sniffled as he stammered, "I thought…! I thought you hated me…!" Tsuki bawled into his kimono sleeves, sniffling like a child. Roppi slid over and gave him a hug, patting his back as Tsuki cried in relief.

"You're so silly… Why would I hate you?" Roppi gathered the crying young boy for a firm embrace. "I love you very much, Tsukishima-kun."

And that only made Tsuki cry even harder as he stammered, "I…. I love you so much, Roppi-san! I just… I just thought…! I wasn't worthy and… and!" And as Tsuki bawled into Roppi's shoulder, the Empress Lady Ruju and Emperor Diamond smiled happily at the couple.

It was a beautiful night sky when the wedding took place. Hachimenroppi wore the crimson robe embroidered with a golden phoenix as was his family crest while Tsukishima wore the robe in blue like the sunny sky with a silver embroidered ram, his smile as gentle as a sheep's. Roppi was fixing the black feathers behind his ears while waiting inside the tatami floored room with all his attendants gushing over how handsome he looked and how calm he was on his special night. Roppi was patient enough to force a smile and endure it despite the fact that he just wished to be left alone.

Tsuki on the other hand was a mess in his room with his brothers making a fuss. Delic kept teasing him about all the embarrassing and dirty things he needed to do on their 'first night,' just to ruffle him up, and poor Tsuki could not tell him that they already went all the way. Tsugaru kept smacking Delic on the head with his bamboo fan and gave him some decent advice as he fixed the celestial robe of their youngest brother.

"Remember to love him with all your heart, Tsuki. I'm sure everything will be alright," Tsugaru calmly told him as he patted his youngest brother.

"I can't believe you're getting married before ME!" Delic fiercely hugged the protesting Tsuki, who stammered, "But-but… Onii-san is always flirting around with so many…. mmmfff!" Tsuki was cut off as Delic nervously laughed, covering his mouth with his hand.

"Anyways! It's time!" The gong was heard and Delic smiled broadly as he smacked Tsuki's back with a bit too much force, making the younger blond stumble. "Break a leg, bro! It's your special night!"

Tsuki fixed his elaborate ram's horn headdress of gold with trembling hands as he hurried to the door. Tsugaru quickly fixed any last minute touch ups and they were out, Tsugaru wearing his matching robe with gold and black tiger embroidery while Delic wore his blue with a brown threaded monkey and pink cheeks embroidered robe. They led the way as Tsuki nervously stepped forward out to the garden of stars.

There were seas and seas of stars that had gathered for the celebration. There were nebulae from the furthest corners of the galaxy all the way to the smallest dwarf planets who climbed on top of their suns for a better look. Thousands of paper cranes littered the sky with fireflies lighting the way. And the special guests were the magpie birds who had helped Tsukishima crossed the river Milky Way, who all came to cheer and made a bridge once more in celebration of their special day.

Tsuki carefully stepped on each bird, thanking them as he bowed. Then, when he almost reached the top, he looked up to see Hachimenroppi already at the center, waiting for him with a gentle smile that melted his heart.

So Altair climbed up the last few steps to the center to meet Vega and everyone in the universe cheered as they kissed.

"And they lived happily ever after. Eating sushi!" Simon finished, as he closed the badly drawn crayon picture book for little kids.

"Eeeeh? I've never heard of this version before," Akane said as she dangled her legs on her high stool seat, leaning on the wooden bar of Russia Sushi restaurant.

"Because dis reel story! Sushi makes everyone happy! They eat sushi, sushi happy. Story ends." Simon nodded solemnly with a big smile.

"I do not believe that is the correct version of the Japanese Tanabata folklore." Varona slightly frowned. "According to the textbooks, the Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese folklore of the Star Festival, all originate from the Chinese tale of 'The Weaver Girl and the Cowherd,' in which your story is loosely based off of but it deviates drastically." Ever the bookworm, Varona defended the original text rather then going along with Simon's joke. It was just another day for the Debt Collector Trio and they had run into Akane Awakusu, who had just finished a self defense class. Tom, feeling generous, and wanting to avoid a possible conflict between Varona and Akane as he misunderstood their interest in Shizuo to be romantic in nature, decided he would take them all to Russia Sushi for lunch. Shizuo wasn't listening much as he was busy eating his tamago sushi when Simon decided to take out an old Japanese picture book and decided to entertain the child, totally disregarding all the Japanese text as he couldn't 'read' since he was Russian.

"No need to have one tale, Varona. That is how tales grow tails! Story after story, new story creates new sushi! More sushi means more happy clients! Eat, eat. We don't have human sushi no matter how cheap!" Simon said as he placed an expensive order of unagi on the table to bill Tom for later. Tom sighed as he noticed that.

"Simon… I'm pretty sure you're fluent in Japanese… you are, aren't you?" Tom pointed out how Simon continued to make puns within puns, something that required not only intelligence and humor but also a complete understanding and control of the language and culture of Japan. Regardless, he winced and sighed in defeat as the bill was presented to him.

"I do not understand why one must continue to make new versions of old folklore, as folklore was changed back in the past when writing was rare," Varona insisted, continuing to argue a pointless argument as she totally missed the point of Simon's humor. Meanwhile, Akane looked dizzy as she didn't understand a thing, what Simon had told her and the complicated story about taboo or the meaning behind Varona's argument about folklore.

"Varona. It is of-" Simon was smiling as he tried to lace yet another joke on top when the door opened and a certain informant entered inside.

"Oh? What's this! New customer! Customer, please love sushi! Sushi is good! Good sushi is-" Simon turned to smile at his new customer with the same mannerism as any other. But already, the entire store was screaming as a certain man in a bartender suit had ripped out the wooden bar straight from the counter.


By then, Tom had grabbed Akane out of the store for safety as the tornado of chaos ensued inside with everyone screaming for cover, save for one man's laughter that sounded very misplaced.

As Tom was running for a safe distance, Akane held onto a different man from her previous flight when she had tried to kill Shizuo. She looked over at the dread haired man and asked in a serious voice, "Is it true that at least they lived happily ever after?"

"Haa?" The debt collector looked back at the young little girl who was oblivious to the dangers concerning her safety while she had continued to focus solely on the story she was just told. "Err… yeah. They seem to always live happily ever after in any of the Orihime stories… except when it rains though. Apparently the birds can't make a bridge when it rains," Tom answered as he scratched his head.

"Then I'll pray it doesn't rain for the Star Festival!" Akane smiled as she clapped. "And I'll invite Shizuo-onii-chan and we'll go watch the fireworks together!"

"Haha… I'm sure you'd look beautiful in a summer kimono, Akane-chan," Tom replied, smiling awkwardly as he thought to himself how scary it would be to try to enjoy the Star Festival with tons of Awakusu-kai's exclusive bodyguards in black suits hanging around.

Regardless, Akane looked happy as she made plans to invite Shizuo to the Star Festival. Of course she'd invite also Uncle Akabayashi and the two senpai she had met at the dojo, Kururi and Mairu Orihara. The little yakuza princess was already happily dreaming the happy ending to her story while the bloodcurling cries of, "IIIIIIIIIIZAAAAAAAAAAAYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" continued on for an hour in the distance.

- the end

Author's Note: That concludes the fairytale of Vega and Altair. Thank you very much for reading thus far! And for those who are utterly shocked…. lol… I promise Simon told a 'censored' version of the story, not the whole thing, to Akane. No sex scenes to little kids! It was also very loosely condensed ahahaha. I promise! No traumatizing the little yakuza princess! Sorry if the ending wasn't 'Shizaya' enough for you guys, but i thought Simon telling the fairytale to Akane would be a cute ending… and I tried to add the Shizaya part a bit at the end. Regardless I hope you all enjoyed the fanfic! I'm so glad this is over… so i can work on other fics ahaha. See you next time