Why should I trust you?

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker found a girl on patrol but…. She's a lot like them but she's bit more aggressive than Sunstreaker… also her twin is not so happy at being found by the two. SunstreakerxOCxSideswipe, IronhidexOC

~Blah~ Twin bond talk

"Blah" talking

::Blah:: com links

"AHHH!" yelling

::Blah:: human Cell phones/ com links

I Do not own it as much as i wish i could

The dark street was covered in so much snow it looked as if a little kid had scribbled white crayon all over the road, onto the houses, grass, street lights, and the street sign was completely buried underneath all the scribbled mess of what resembled snow. The only thing that stood out was the dark shapes of two girls walking down the street.

"Why do we Have to walk outside everyday Lexi? Its Freaking freezing out here tonight! Why because we live in Michigan! Why do you make me?" She whined, clinging to Lexi as she walked further down the dark, snowy road.

"Because we have to think on how we're going to get out of trouble!" Lexi snapped, as the wind blew back her dark brown- blonde hair which made her look more intimidating with her eyes a blaze with a fire only few people knew.

"Sorry, Lexi but you know I don't like to take long walks to get out of messes I caused…."

"You didn't cause it Ella! We did! You were just doing your job so I can't blame you, but you could have warned me before you punched the kid that got in your way…"

"I did warn you and the kid! You were busy flirting with some boys! Are they more important than your twin? I asked the kid to get out of my way but he didn't listen to me!" She snapped, as hot tears began streaming down her lightly freckled face.

Lexi immediately stopped, spun on her heel, took a step towards her and wrapped her arms around her crying twin. She didn't have to say anything to Ella. The simple gesture was an apologetic enough. Besides it would give Ella a good blackmail for the future.


"What is it Hellfire?" Lexi murmured.

"Why does life hate me? Why does it through every fucking thing at me?"

"I honestly don't know but lets go, I have a feeling someone's watching us."

"Kay." Ella said, sniffling while wiping away her tears with the back of her sleeve.

Lexi unwrapped her arms from the sniffling girl. Took a step and began walking toward a good friend who would take them in for the night, after matching steps with Hellfire of coarse. Neither of them noticing the hateful crimson eyes behind them. Nor the annoyed growl that came from the owner of the eyes at failing to be… well ninja like.