AN: Right, so I have finally gotten my new laptop, plus this is the final chapter of the story... Horray for me!
As you might notice, this doesn't have much of a 'closed' ending, as I will be starting the sequal to the story, and yes I feel like a big evil person for the things I've written.
But don't worry, I have big plans for the next story, that will be written in April/May, after I've finished watching the new Season of Breakout Kings, for those who don't know starts March 4th.

Chapter twenty two
Never going to change

While Julianne stood in front of the sink brushing her teeth, she tried to keep her place in front of the mirror. Elizabeth stood beside her pulling a brush through her long hair; the fact the space wasn't very big, so both girls kept bumping elbows.

"You know it would be easier if you waited until I finished," Julianne looked over Elizabeth, then glanced over her sister in only night shorts and a baggy old T-shirt. "I really like getting ready on my own." Her eyes were studying over her sister for a few seconds.

Elizabeth placed the hair brush down, "Fine, I guess I'll keep Lloyd company until you're done." She opened the bathroom door slipping out seeing Lloyd sitting on a bed wearing his suit.

"Hey," Lloyd's tone was unnaturally low, but it wasn't a good day for him, he woke up early to get ready. "Ray's gone to sort some things out, then he'll be back to pick us up." He brushed a stray piece of hair from his face.

Elizabeth sat beside him, her hand tapped his knee looking into his eyes, "I know you can do this." Her hand squeezed his knee lightly before letting go, "But you've helped me, so it's the least I can do."

"Thank you," Lloyd shifted his weight on the bed to look over her face, "I guess I have to face her at some point."

"Face who?" Elizabeth asked brushing some of her hair behind her ear.

Lloyd laughed, "My mother, I have a feeling that today is not going to make me feel much better than I have the minute I got sentenced." He exhaled loudly, "I'm not here for her. I'm here to pay my last respects."

"Me and Julianne will be with you all the way." Her hand reached down squeezing Lloyd's, "You're not alone." She watched the bathroom door opening.

Julianne looked from Elizabeth to Lloyd. "Bathrooms free," Her voice was soft watching Elizabeth let Lloyd's hands go heading into the bathroom closing the door behind her.

Julianne reached down straightening Lloyd's tie; she gave him a small reassuring smile, "She's right, we are going to be with you." Her hand dropped the tie, but out the corner of her eye she watched the bathroom door. "You and Liz seem to be getting on a lot better than before."

"We are," Getting to his feet Lloyd stood in front of Julianne. "Today is going to be a long day." Brushing some of her hair behind her ear Lloyd couldn't help but get lost in her eyes.

Julianne let a small smile slip, "But you will make it." Her voice was sweet, her fingers brushed down his arm feeling nervous. All her life she never felt anything as strong as this, now she knew her feelings were not all one sided.

Getting out of the car Ray glanced to the back seat at Lloyd, he knew that today wasn't Lloyd's best, but he didn't want to be horrible to Lloyd today. So it was his day to try all he could to be a better person, he was going to make Lloyd feel less stressed over the events.

"Come on." Julianne got out of the car waiting for Lloyd to get out.

Elizabeth inhaled, "Just remember why you're here." Her hand patted his back looking over the church, "But I guess we're running a little late." Her eyes snapped to Ray who didn't look too happy to be here.

"No, we're not late." Lloyd straightened himself out, he headed towards the church feeling like someone had dumped a bucket of cold water in the pit of his stomach, but he wasn't going to let his mother get the best of him. No not today.

Elizabeth nodded, "That's right!" She linked her arm with his while Julianne turned to Ray giving him a worried look.

Today was going to be about being there for Lloyd, but Julianne knew as much as she cared for him, the fact that Elizabeth was always there to get in the way. Was she acting jealous, she didn't know, all she did know was that she couldn't let that feeling take over her today.

The church was quiet; almost like no one was in there at all, but as Ray sat on the back row he could tell that Lloyd's family was nothing like Lloyd.

Sitting down Julianne, Elizabeth and Lloyd kept close to the back. Julianne didn't really know what she was doing; all she kept thinking was how she never really was sure how to act in these kind of situations.

All through the service Elizabeth watched Lloyd, but keeping a close eye as Julianne played with the end of her jacket, they all dressed smart. Elizabeth surprised to see even Ray had put on a shirt and smart trousers.

Lloyd on the other hand didn't move the whole time, he kept looking forward to his mother sitting with her sister and brother, the aunt and uncle that seemed to act like he didn't exist. He was used to everyone being disappointed in him, his grandfather, before losing his mind completely didn't hate him. He had a feeling that no one even told him that he was in prison. So as people spoke of the man he loved, the only person in the family he felt bad for letting down, Lloyd now kept both hands on his lap trying all he could to keep a straight face.

"Hey," Elizabeth whispered to Lloyd, he didn't seem to move, and she understood why. "I…" She didn't even know what she was going to say after that, so she reached into his lap taking one of his hands giving it a small squeeze.

Julianne watching this, she was looking over Elizabeth before placing a hand on Lloyd's knee, her eyes looking forward not knowing what they was going to be doing when the service was over.

Elizabeth stood in the ladies room; staring into a mirror she couldn't stop feeling awkward in this place. The wake seemed to be well planned out, but all Elizabeth could focus on was Lloyd looking like a ghost.

Not expecting him to be his cheerful self, she wasn't expecting him to be completely hollow. It was like someone had drained the life from him and left an empty shell in its place. The whole day was moving slow, and as Elizabeth reached into her purse looking at the medication bottle she opened it carefully pouring some pills on her open hand.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you." A woman spoke softly to Elizabeth as she stood up from the sink swallowing some water with the pills she'd taken.

Feeling frozen to the spot Elizabeth brushed her hand over her mouth before holding the other out, "I'm Elizabeth Simms, I came here with Lloyd." Her voice worried, she knew she was expected, but she still couldn't help but feel like an intruder.

The woman pursed her lips for a second, "Well Elizabeth, I'm Agnes, Lloyd's mother." Her tone had dropped, but she still tried to keep a civil tongue. "And how do you know my son?"

Elizabeth turned to see if there was any way of getting out of this awkward conversation, but now she was here, she wasn't going to let anything go to waste. "Lloyd and I are friends, my sister is Julianne, and she worked with the task force that Lloyd is on." Her hands playing down her skirt, she knew this woman was taking in all the details and judging her. "He's a great guy, he's been so supportive and…"

"I'm sorry, but I really don't think you're talking about my son," Her eyes going to the door they both came in. "But you seem like a lovely young lady." She smiled walking out of the ladies room leaving Elizabeth on her own.

Lloyd watched as his mother exited the rest room, he had been waiting for her to notice him from the second he walked into the wake. He knew that she had seen him, and no matter how much he felt he should be mad at her, he still craved her approval more than anything else in the world.

"I got you a drink…" Julianne handed Lloyd a glass, she didn't really know what kind of drink he'd like, but watching him take a sip of the Scotch she felt better when he finished the glass. "I feel silly asking if you're okay." Her eyes following where Lloyd was staring at, "But I feel like I need to say something here, and I'm not quite sure."

Snapping his attention back to Julianne his hand lightly rested on her shoulder, "I don't really know." He watched her carefully, "I'm not that good at this myself." He let his hand drop.

"Guess this is a first time for us," Julianne reached down taking Lloyd's hand, she could feel how her fingers rested in the gap of his, and his hand lightly holding onto hers.

Elizabeth exited the ladies room, her eyes going over to Lloyd and Julianne with a soft melancholy smile slip on her face. She sighed walking toward the bar, she then stopped frozen seeing him turn to face her. "Liz what are you doing here?"

"Tom!" Elizabeth felt like her throat had suddenly closed up, her eyes studying over his face trying to keep calm, but it seemed hard for her for her brain to connect to her mouth. "I…"

"Wait, you said your fiancée was called Lloyd right?" He asked watching her nod, but his eyes went to Lloyd and he could see Elizabeth's sister holding his hand. "And my mom's sister has a son called…" He froze, "You're joking right?"

"No, and I'm not marrying him either it was just because…" Elizabeth folded her arms around her chest, "I wanted to show that I was happy."

"And are you?" Tom asked

"Happy?" Elizabeth replied.

Tom let out a chuckle, "Yes, are you happy?"

For a while Elizabeth looked to Lloyd and Julianne, she felt her hands fall to her side as she looked out the door. "I'm not quite sure; I need to get some air…" She pointed as she walked away.

Lloyd watched as Elizabeth left the hall, he didn't know what to think. Part of him wished he could just leave, he didn't like being here, but as he wanted to leave, she finally made her move.

"Lloyd." Agnes said calmly, it wasn't a comforting calm, but more of a scary calm. Her eyes blanking everything around her, but set dead on Lloyd. "I didn't think you'd be able to come."

"I was invited, and I told you, I'm helping the marshals to get time off my sentence, I'm helping people."

Agnes inhaled sharply, "Well I was assuming they'd have a lot more protection." Her eyes went to Julianne, her eyes narrowed to the fact the girl was holding his hand. "And you must be Julianne."

"Yes." Julianne's voice was so small, she hadn't heard much about Lloyd's mother, but what she did hear wasn't very nice, as Julianne carefully let Lloyd's hand drop.

Agnes kept that calm face, "I only had you invited as it was what he would have wanted, but I thought I made it clear that you weren't welcome." Her voice took on a tone that made Julianne feel she was being pulled into a frozen lake.

Lloyd gritted his jaw, his eyes kept trying to focus, but in his mind he wanted to scream, "I'm not here for you, or anyone else in the family. I came here to say goodbye to the only person in my whole life that didn't treat me like a outcast."

"Lloyd you made yourself an outcast the day you got addicted to gambling, the day I found out you was selling illegal prescriptions, the day they came into my home to arrest you for the death of that poor girl." Agnes stood to her full height, next to Lloyd wasn't that tall. "You've done nothing but disappoint me, because all you ever thought about was yourself, not anyone." Her eyes went to Julianne, "If you and your sister were smart, you'd see that."

It was a strange feeling, but as Julianne swallowed a dry lump in her throat, she didn't notice the change in Lloyd. "You're right," He started. "I am a disappointment, but the fact doesn't change that you ruined my life, you made me feel like I was worthless before I even stepped foot in that prison, but what I think hurts most of it all, is that it should be you in that coffin. Not him!" He turned and stormed out, the fact everyone in the room went quiet.

Lloyd had stormed out, and Julianne was confused whether to follow him or not, picking her cell phone from her purse, she dialled Ray's number, and knew this wasn't good.

Elizabeth kept looking out to the lake; the bench was perfect view of the sun starting to set in the sky. Mostly she kept thinking over everything that had happened in the past few months.

Brushing her hands down her thighs she closed her eyes for a few seconds before opening them to see Lloyd, "You mind if I join you?"

"No, if you don't mind me asking what brings you here?" Elizabeth moved a little to allow Lloyd to sit next to her.

Lloyd sat, for a few seconds there was just silence, but it wasn't the type that needed to be filled. "I told my mother she should be dead." He finally replied turning to face her. "Why did you leave?" He asked, "It wasn't because of me?"

"No, it's not you," Elizabeth started, "Tom, the ex-Tom, is your cousin." Her eyes went back to looking at the lake. "He doesn't really know you…"

"Not many of my family know me." He added while watching the sky change colours. "For once I just wanted to feel like I belong somewhere." He broke out, "I wanted her to look at me, and for once tell me it was going to be okay."

Elizabeth felt her hand move to the bench, it rested a few millimetres from Lloyd's hand. "I guess we should have a club, the 'our mothers don't love us enough club', you can be vice president."

"Why can't I be president?" Lloyd asked looking over her face, Elizabeth had a soft smile. "I mean my mother used to tape oven mitts to my hands and tell me I was dirty."

"My mother called me a murdering whore." Elizabeth blurted out, then started to laugh at the fact she never expected to say it out loud.

Lloyd froze, he knew that Elizabeth wasn't laughing at a joke; the look in her eyes gave it away, "What happened?"

Elizabeth calmed down, "Well long story short, I was pregnant, and I got it terminated, my mother found out, and now she calls me an irresponsible slut." She then pointed, "Oh and that my sister Julianne would never be so stupid."

Lloyd brushed a hand down her arm, "You're not stupid," He felt like he wasn't alone, "I don't even know why you keep it to yourself, but I can't…"

"Lloyd, I'm fine, I really am." She then looked around them, "Plus you've not been yourself today, so a question, what was your grandfather like?"

"Well, he used to tell me that he liked to be compulsive." Lloyd smiled, it was the first smile he had all day. "I guess I got my personality from him…" He thought it over, it was true, but then the more he thought about it, he knew that he was somewhat happier for the memories he did have.

Elizabeth now got to her feet, "So compulsive?" She slowly started to take her jacket off placing it on the bench. "Have you ever skinny dipped before?" She asked him slowly.

Lloyd felt a lump form in his throat, "Well, I never really got around…" He paused watching her starting to unbutton her blouse. "What are you doing?"

Elizabeth smiled, "Well what would your grandfather do?" She asked him, her voice smooth, and her hands still working her buttons.

"I would have to say, he'd be the type to do that…" Lloyd kept sat on the bench, he didn't know what to do or say now.

While she kept taking off her clothes, Elizabeth smiled to Lloyd, "Then do it…" She now pushed her skirt to the floor kicking her shoes off. "Time to be compulsive Doctor Lowery."

Not waiting, Lloyd was quick to his feet, pulling his jacket off, he threw it on the bench, along with taking the rest off in no time, and he looked over Elizabeth. "I think he'd admire this." He looked to the lake, and with that both him and Elizabeth ran the short distance jumping into the water.

Rising to the surface of the lake Elizabeth gasped, "Fuck this water is cold!" She swan trying to warm up, Lloyd slowly swimming beside her.

"Yes, it's cold." Lloyd treading water in front of Elizabeth, "But I got to admit, it's not really skinny dipping with underwear on." He looked her over, and then felt awkward as she took hers off throwing them to the shore. "Okay, you're naked."

"Not like you've not seen it before." Elizabeth giggled, "Plus you're smiling, so I think I've done what I had to do."

Lloyd swam closer to Elizabeth, "You know, I am glad I came, even if I think my mother won't talk to me in a while."

"Plus you needed to do this, you're not what your mother thinks of you, you may be a creep at times, but you're still a nice guy." Swimming closer to Lloyd Elizabeth could feel her hands reaching out to rest on his shoulders. "I guess I miss read you."

Lloyd felt his feet touching the bottom, holding Elizabeth upright, he felt her body against his, and he felt the pull of her eyes. "Well I guess you did." He brushed some of her wet hair behind her ear.

"Just stay as you are…" Elizabeth whispered, her hand touching his face, carefully leaning forward. She didn't plan it, but before she knew it her lips were brushing against his.

Lloyd knew in the back of his mind it was wrong, but wrapping his arms around her, he couldn't help but kiss her back. He felt her hands in his hair, the way she kissed him was full of something strong, and as he kept the kiss strong, he knew it was something he was going to regret later, but that was later and this was now.

"Ray, he hasn't run away." Julianne kept looking to her cell phone, Elizabeth wasn't picking up either. She wasn't panicked twenty minutes again, but now she was starting to feel sick.

Ray kept pacing the room, he didn't know what to do really, if Lloyd did make a run for it, he'd be responsible, Charlie would be pissed, he didn't like this one bit. "I'll have to call Charlie, this isn't good." He turned to see the door opening. "Where was you?"

Lloyd inhaled walking into the room, his hair damp now, but he couldn't really look at Julianne. "Sorry, I just needed some air." He walked into the room looking to the packed bags; they were going to be heading back soon.

Elizabeth stepped in, she knew her hair was still wet, but she kept quiet sitting down, "I found him, well I guess we found each other." She felt her hands resting in the pockets of her jacket, "So are we going to make a move?"

Ray looked from Lloyd to Elizabeth, he knew something was wrong, well something wasn't right, and as he kept studying Lloyd, he knew he didn't want to know. "Yeah." He picked up the keys; he looked to Julianne as they all left the room to check out, but even on the ride home no one spoke.

Every now and then Lloyd and Elizabeth would glance in each other direction, but what happened at the lake was never going to talked about, well not out loud, and not with Julianne around.

The End…