Breakout Kings
Disclaimer... I don't own Breakout kings, or the characters from the show, though some of the Escapee prisoners are my own, as well as Elizabeth Simms is from my own imagination.
I hope to make this story like a mini series, also the fact I will try and not like the current season running to influence this.
Also! These is set after episode six, just to clear that up... ^-^
Now enjoy XoXo

Chapter one
For shame

"Jules!" A spank on her ass made Julianne open her eyes lightly, her head throbbing from a headache. She'd told herself to turn off from the computer when not working. It wasn't as easy as she once thought. Her hands gripping the pillow, for the fact her alarm hadn't gone off, she hadn't gotten a call, so she wasn't on the clock. "Jules! Get your lazy Butt out of bed!" Her voice was like a drill; the type that pulled you from pleasant dreams of sweet kisses, things she craved and wanted, but dare not speak out loud.

Elizabeth grunted, she didn't like the basement, never had, but now it was a little Apartment for Julianne. She hated it even more, her hand once again smacking at her sister's behind harder. "Jeez Louise! Lizzie!" Julianne moaned while pulling her face from the pillow. A few seconds ago, she was dreaming of the room, his face, the way he looked up with pleading eyes. Lloyd, the guy she'd never would of dated in a million years, but now seemed to creep into her every thought, her idle fantasy and now her dreams. "What could you possible want?" Flipping over on her back, her brown eyes meeting a set of deep blue, framed by deep red hair, over light olive skin.

"Mom said you could give me a lift to the Library," Elizabeth's voice so cool and casual, like she didn't just spend the last minute and a half spanking her older sister into consciousness.

Julianne lifted her hand, for a second looking at the bare skin, where she thought she was still wearing her watch. To her distaste, she must have taken it off brushing the hand through her ratty blonde mess of hair. "Can't you drive yourself?" Her light moaning response was now replied with a casual eye roll.

"Erm, DUI," Elizabeth tapped her hand, in a way a mother would punish a toddler, well how she was punish. "Licence suspended for another two and a half months." Her voice calm, the fact she got the DUI two years ago, she didn't seem to really care or reflect on her actions. "So," She lifted her hand, in a quick swoop slapped her sister's stomach. "Up, clean, dress, eat and take me to the Library," Her tone commanding, "Bitch!" she pulled herself to her feet. Elizabeth didn't want to be in the basement longer than needed.

Julianne sighed, her eyes going to her old fashion wind up alarm clock, the light ticking was soothing compared to her sister's stomping around the kitchen. "Charming," her whispered word careful, but it wasn't long until the ceiling was vibrating with the sound of music.

Quickly pushing the quilt off herself, Julianne was face with two options, one. Don't take her sister to the library; face a lot of crap from Elizabeth and mother. Or two, just take her, it wasn't that far of a drive, maybe stick with Elizabeth for a while, come home. Simple, nothing too complicated, she drove a convict to a location and here sister was no problem. But it wasn't any convict, it was Lloyd, now again Julianne's hands rushed to her hair, it wasn't the pain she wanted, she was never into that kind of thing, no just the need to collect herself. She couldn't like Lloyd that way; it was inappropriate and will lead her nowhere.

Elizabeth danced around the kitchen with ease, her hips rocking with the base of the song. Searching through cupboards, opening and closing them loudly. The morning wasn't really Elizabeth favourite time of day; keep hunting through the kitchen, getting more frustrated alone the way.

"God damn it!" The slam of the last cupboard, Elizabeth turned slowly on the balls of her feet. "Oh, didn't see you there." Her eyes focused on Julianne stand dressed and ready. Wearing a simple white shirt with a black waist jacket, her shirt tucked into her black pinstripe trousers, her black kitten heels. Her purple scarf lightly wrapped around her neck, her hair pulled into a neat bun on the back of her hair.

"I'm ready, when you're," Julianne frozen on her train of thought, "Are you planning to want to go anywhere else?" Her hand played on the island in the middle of the kitchen, her fingers played on the specks of white in the black granite surface.

Elizabeth for a second watched her sister, she'd grown used to the little things her sister did out of nerves, but every time she'd see her sister, it didn't seem to get better. Her own hands playing on the surface, grabbing Julianne's hand, "I just need to check some books out," her blue eyes kept a strong hold on her sister's soft brown. "I also need to get some stuff, cos mom obviously didn't get my pop tarts."

Julianne inhaled, she wished sometimes she'd could be anything but the way she was. Her eyes going over Elizabeth, her long red hair waved down her back, wearing a long vest, white with black writing all over it, mainly love written in different fonts, a simple pair of black jeans, followed with purple all star converses. To Julianne, her sister seemed to have a permanent Peter Pan complex.

Elizabeth slowly dropped Julianne's hand, "Well I wanted to do some shopping, but if you don't want to…" Her voice trailed off softly, her eyes looking around the kitchen as her playlist started to play a new song. This song was subtler, but the volume still boomed around.

"Well, if you want to," Julianne turned around to the ipod dock turning the volume down, her fingers gentle on the dial. "I'm just going to have to, I mean." Her words a jumble of high and low pitch, her hand moved to her scarf playing with it carefully.

Elizabeth exhaled, "Jules really?" Her voice didn't meant to sound harsh, but her hands going to her pockets she rocked on her feet. "I am not going to rush off and leave you."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right," Julianne lightly smiled dropping her hand, her eyes looking around the kitchen, "So, a year out, what you planning to do with it?"

Elizabeth now moving around the kitchen more, her eyes scanning a cupboard in hope to find anything she could eat for breakfast, she wasn't ignoring Julianne's question, for the time being avoiding the idea of what to do. Closing the cupboard with more care, she finally looked over her sister once more. "I've not really thought, maybe I'll wing it."

"Wing it," Julianne placed a hand to her hip, for a few seconds she envied her sister, Elizabeth motto, 'Ill wing it' maybe she'd be able to say that one day, but that one day wasn't now.

Elizabeth giggled opening the bread bin, "Well, I just need some time, where I can just be carefree." Taking out a loaf, "Toast?" she waved the bag with a smile, "you can make the coffee…" softening her tone.

"Fine," Julianne broke into a comfortable smile, moving around the island to stand beside Elizabeth, her arms wrapped around her sister hugging her lightly. "I've missed you." Letting Elizabeth go.

Elizabeth nodded taking out pieces of toast to pop into the toaster, her eyes kept forward, the kitchen hadn't really changed layout wise, but then Elizabeth's college was in Connecticut, she thought it was best to take her year out, just to get some perspective.

Julianne kept her hands on the wheel, in her mind kept telling herself 'she could do this', Her eyes focused on the red light. In the corner of her mind watching Elizabeth switching the song over, her main focused on the car in front, the lights staying red. "What shopping you planning on doing?" Julianne had a deep need to talk, to talk would take her mind from the space from here, to where she would be if she didn't have to leave the house today. Well, once a week, she'd go to the park, ask a stranger the time, but after two months, she still felt her anxiety in crowds. Closing her eyes for a few second inhaling and exhaling.

Elizabeth with the window open, she missed home, even if she lived mainly in an apartment complex with college friends, coming home normally for holidays and birthdays. "Clothes, maybe see if I can catch up with friends," for a moment her hand brushed into her hair pulling loose ones out, flicking them into the wind outside the window. "Might go out tonight, we can catch up more, maybe have a few drinks…" Her voice trailed, her sister still in the seat. Elizabeth glanced to the lights green, turning to see people behind in cars not looking amused. "Jules…" starting calm, "Julianne!" snapping quickly, "Green light means go."

"Oh, crap, shit, damn," Julianne quickly took her foot off the break pushing carefully on the accelerator moving the car forward, "Sorry, tonight, why?"

"I thought you'd need to get out," Elizabeth kept watching her sister driving; it wasn't new for her to see the reaction. "Jules, it won't kill you."

Julianne, breathing in her nose, exhaling out of her mouth, slowly as the library got into view, she found herself calmed. "No, just," Parking in the public parking lot, her hands finally left the wheel, flexing her finger a few times. "I didn't expect you to, well want me to go out with you."

"Well one, you are my sister," Elizabeth reached into the back seat of the car, turning to face Julianne once more. "Plus, my first Friday night home, me and you, some shots and a karaoke bar." She clapped her hands, "Awesome time!" she made metal fingers sticking her tongue out.

Julianne's eyes wide, her glance trying to find the punch line, the part where Elizabeth would take it back, "Well, maybe if I'm not working…" Her eyes drifted to her cell phone, it'd not rung, at all. Julianne found herself wanting a new case, but for now there was nothing for the past week. "Okay, but I am not singing."

"Jules, you're going to sing," Elizabeth now opening the door, "You and me, we gotta do our number."

Julianne taking her seatbelt off, a part of her felt a fresh wave of panic wash over her, it had been too long since she'd last went out, even then it felt awkward, but she knew that Elizabeth never took no as a valid answer. "Well, if I must," her voice didn't sound so convincing, but Elizabeth nodded closing her door.

Getting out the car slowly, Julianne watching people walking up and down the street, a woman walking passed with a pushchair, her deep breath made her slightly light headed, "Excuse me, can you tell me the time?" her voice soft.

The woman stopped, for a second glancing over her watch, "Ten past ten," smiling with a gap tooth grin she carrying on her way.

Elizabeth raised her eyebrow, "what was that all about?" her tone confused with her sister's actions.

Julianne spun on her heels facing Elizabeth, "Just something someone suggested," her voice light, for that split second thinking of the last thing she said to Lloyd, her sigh careful.

"So who is he?" Elizabeth asked, her hand on her hip, not moving. Julianne walking passed her towards the big old building that was the library.

Julianne knew that Elizabeth kept behind her, trying to think, "No one," quickly turning to be face to face with her little sister. One thing Julianne found hard. Was the lie to the girl who shared a lot of her own facial expressions. Anyone could see their faces and know they were sisters, same oval face, sharp jaw line, and just different eye colour. Both girls born with blonde hair, even if Julianne's hair faded with age, Elizabeth changed her hair since nineteen.

"No one," the words a mimic of Julianne's tone, the look on Elizabeth's face was showing that she didn't believe her sister. "Really Jules, no one!"

Lightly pushing her sister aside, her eyes going to pamphlets saying 'Meth, leads to the grave' 'So your uncle touches you' and 'Suicide, it's not that cool.' For a second she was hoping that Elizabeth would take the hint.

Glancing over her sister's back, Elizabeth rolled her eyes now going to the computer to find where the book she wanted would be. She sat down quickly clicking around, for a second glancing around, then quickly she got out of the set program, finding the bypass, finally getting onto a site glancing over the format, finally clicking about, typing in a code. "Lizzie, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, just," Elizabeth glanced around, no one was paying attention, "A guy from my college, tried to hake into my file," she exhaled, "so this is my way of getting him back." Her voice dropped, it was easy for Julianne to notice, but she never thought her sister would be like this.

"So you're…" her eyes went wide, "You know you can be arrested for this!" feeling panic mode starting to take hold, her eyes going to Elizabeth, back to the screen.

"No, I won't be arrested," she side glanced over her sister, "They will track this back to this building, but it won't be me," her eyes rolled, "you're the computer wiz, please tell me you know how to delete time trace."

"I know how to," Julianne exhaled, "I just, hurry up," she turned her back looking to the cameras, her face flushing while trying to count back from Ten, remembering she wasn't going to be in trouble.

A few moments passed, Elizabeth finishing everything. Getting to her feet, her eyes quick to watch the expression on Julianne's face. "Come on, it's not like I've made him a murderer, I just gave him a few parking tickets unpaid."

"Yes, but you broke the law, you haked into a federal server," Julianne inhaled, exhaled trying to stop a panic attack, she tried hard to stop herself hyperventilating.

Elizabeth placed both her hands on Julianne's shoulder, her eyes fixed on her sister's eyes. "Jules, They won't even noticed, it's not the first time, I've not been caught, so please relax." For a few moments Elizabeth just kept still watching her sister calming herself.

"Well, I'm not going to praise you," getting her breathing back to normal now, "Are you still wanting to go shopping, or are you planning on five finger discount?"

"I am insulted," Elizabeth put on a fake upset tone, "I hate shop lifters, I pay," now folding her arms, "unless you going to be a nag…"

"No, I," Julianne waved her arms in defeat, "Come on, I need a new outfit if we're going drinking tonight." She didn't sound so enthusiastic.

"Blah!" Julianne spluttered out, she'd not drunken this much in a while, even if she wasn't going crazy. Elizabeth kept bring on the tequila shots, her eyes going over her sister's face.

Laughing, "Really Jules, you're twenty six, and you are a light weight!" Elizabeth laughed while looking over her sister's face. It took her four hours to convince her to wear her hair down. More hours to get make up, plus the outfit Julianne was wearing flattered her figure perfect. A tight fitting olive green tank top, the V neck line just stopping to give subtle cleavage, denim dark blue mini skirt. Julianne was only happy that she could wear the black leggings stopping just before her ankles.

Julianne laughed quickly, it was hard for her to be complete anxious, she'd been drinking a vodka tonic, had several shots of tequila, so right now she was feeling relaxed, but not drunk crazy. "Light weight," her finger pointed to her sister, "I'm sorry, but you're the college girl, well going onto Medical school next year." Her voice calm, Julianne kept focused on Elizabeth.

Picking up the ninth shot glass, Elizabeth quickly pointed back to Julianne, "I am not a complete party girl," knocking the shot back, she didn't lie. Wearing a purple and black stripped strapless mini dress; it ended just the middle of her thighs, a pair on knee high black boots had silver buckles. Her hair wavy down her back, made up, she felt good about the night.

"Liar! Lair! Pants on fire!" Julianne sung, it made her giggle, feeling light headed, she kept focused on her sister across the small rounded table, it was the high kind of table, in the front of the bar, the karaoke set up, people looking excited.

Elizabeth gasped, her hand clutching her chest, "For shame Jules, shame," her tone wasn't as believable, but breaking into a smile, Elizabeth played with the straw to her white Russian.

"Oh shame yourself!" Julianne point, "yup, you heard me!"

"Really Jules, really?" Elizabeth glanced as a group of me getting up onto the stage, being five or six of them, only two microphones; Elizabeth kept looking them all over.

One of them, being the tallest, took the mic in one hand, his eyes looking right to Elizabeth and Julianne's table, he gave a quick wink, "This one, is for the ladies, but fellas, listen close…" With the music playing, the group of men broke into an off key rendition of Tenacious D's Fuck her Gentle.

For a few moments Julianne couldn't watch, the tall man who started the song, dark eyes, over gelled black hair kept watching her. She didn't know if it was her being paranoid, but parts of her knew when ever he mentioned sexual words, his eyes would lock onto her face. It made it hard for her to focus. Not because she found herself attracted, no quiet the opposite.

"What's wrong?" Elizabeth asked, her eyes going from her sister's to the stage, back before feeling a strong pull in her stomach.
Julianne blinked a few times before focusing her attention back onto Elizabeth, "nothing, maybe." Her need to find the right sentence was difficult with the many thoughts travelling around her brain, "It's just he's creeping me out," she figure it was just better to be blunt and to the point.

Elizabeth turned to the stage, the fact she kept looking to each man, trying to work out what one was creepy, when the song finished. Elizabeth figured the right guy, the tall man walking to the table. Picking up a napkin, the pen on the table, he quickly wrong down number, Julianne could only assume a phone number, "Call me," he winked before walking off.

Elizabeth snatched the napkin, glanced over 'Eric 901-652-0359 XxX' for a second she held her breath, letting it out she slid the napkin back to Julianne. "What a loser."

"I know," Julianne let out a sigh of relief, pushing the napkin into her pocket, her eyes going to the stage, "Are we really going to sing?" her voice worried.

"Oh yes, yes we are." Elizabeth then blinked, her eyes on Julianne, "you're ringing."

Julianne who'd been mid sip of her drink, quickly rushed for her phone, she knew only one of two people could be call, one being her dad, or Charlie. Her eyes focused, she wasn't drunk, but the fact she'd been drinking wasn't hard to tell either.

Charlie's name flashing over the screen, she placed the phone to her ear after pressing the answer, "Hello, wait!" Julianne quickly jumped from her chair, landing awkwardly, she proceeded to go to a quieter place, keeping one hand over her ear to be able to hear Charlie.

"Julianne," Charlie repeated, he could hear the sound of music, chatter, finally the noise going into a background muffle sound. "Can you hear me?"

"Yeah," Julianne glanced around the empty hallway, to her left was stairs letting to the restrooms, and another flight of stairs behind her going down into a, well she could only assume staff area. Her hand kept over her ear trying to listen to Charlie's voice.

Charlie kept quiet a few seconds, "We've got an urgent case, I'll need you in the office ASAP." His tone harsh, she knew he didn't mean to sound so hostile, but Julianne had gotten used to it now.

"Like now?"

"Yes, like right now, this is a high profile convict, so the sooner you're hear, the faster we get started." Charlie's tone dead serious.

Julianne kept looking to the door she walked through, thinking of Elizabeth, then back to Charlie, "Just, right now, I'm kinda, with…"

"Look right now, I don't really care, you want this gig, you need to be here soon, more time you're away, more time the escapee has." The phone went dead.

Julianne stamped her foot, her hand gripping onto her cell phone, "Frick!" she muttered before brushing a hand through her hair, glancing down to her clothes, she didn't feel right, her hand going to her neck, her scarf at home, she felt naked without it on.

Opening the door, Julianne walked slowly to the table, seeing that Elizabeth has placed another vodka tonic down, drinking a tequila sunrise, her face falling with the look on Julianne's face, "oh, what now?"

"I've gotta go work," Julianne for once sounded generally upset by this, her eyes going to her purse on the table, her eyes focused on Elizabeth picking her jacket up. "I have to go."

"You can't leave me here!" Elizabeth quickly knocked her drink back, grabbing her own purse and coat.

Julianne exhaled, "But,"

"No buts, if someone is calling you in to work at this time of night, I am giving them a piece of my mind!" her voice set. "Plus, I'm not letting you get into a cab alone." She finished off a serious face.

All Julianne could do now was dial a cab service on her cell phone, walking towards the exit of the bar, with Elizabeth behind her. This was going to be hard to explain to Charlie, she could only hope she didn't lose her place on the team.