I decided to give myself a challenge to sit down and write a damn one-shot in a day instead of bloody weeks. I succeeded within a few hours. Born from my wonderings.

Prompt: Why did Speedy take the name Red Arrow if he wants to be his own man?

This One-Shots Genre: Crime/Drama/Friendship?

Flight of the Arrow - Legacy

Mid-July - Star City, 22:13 PDT

He didn't know why he picked the name Red Arrow, really. Hadn't he wanted to set himself apart? To be his own man? So why Red Arrow?

These thoughts came to Roy Harper as he perched on the hero's platform—the roof, looking down on the streets of Star City. (Why do heroes hang out on the roof so much? Vantage point I suppose.) He was just use to the new suit. It was mostly black with some gray on the harness and belts and a broad red section on the upper torso styled as broad descending triangle that looked suspiciously like an arrow.

Maybe he wasn't Green Arrow's sidekick anymore but this was still his city; it was his home. Maybe it would change someday but not anytime soon.

Maybe he should change his name. It hadn't stuck yet; he could, if he wanted to.

Out of habit, he drew an arrow from his quiver, only half setting it to bow as his masked gaze swept the quiet street. Any minute now they should be here. Any minute...

Ten minutes later, he was getting impatient.

Patience is a hero's friend. He reminded himself. An archer's friend. This was an important lesson—one of the first Green Arrow had taught him; you could never shoot too soon or too late—the chance was high that you'll miss. The mark could be lost. It had to be just-

The screech of tires, startled his senses and he had the arrow fully notched to string and ready to go by the time bright headlights swept the around the corner. The arrow and its grapple cord sailed across the street, linking to the other building. The rusted car fishtailed around the corner as Red Arrow rappelled across the street and landed on a fire escape. He notched another arrow as the car screeched again, swinging around in a crazy circle.

There will always be the stupid ones. Green Arrow had said. Just make sure their folly stays with them and touches no one else.

Red Arrow bit his tongue so hard he nearly drew blood. The car crashed into the fire hydrant from the rear, denting in the side of the car.

Red Arrow drew the arrow back to fullest length, the arrow's fletched end resting between middle and forefinger, the line drawn back to his ear. Were those people still alive after being in a car with such a nightmarish driver?

"Git outta the car! Go, go!" Red Arrow breathed an inward sign of relief as the driver stepped out and ran a little ways down the street to the next building over. Red Arrow lurked in the shadows; they had an extra passenger with them he knew. He had heard it on the police scanner. He had to get all three or that girl wasn't going back home alive.

Desperate men make mistakes. Let them but get the innocents out of the way. Green Arrow again, in one of his wiser moments.

As the driver unlocked the building, the passenger door opened, revealing a man armed with a Glock 17.

"Come on, she isn't giving you that much trouble."

The back door opened and a burly man came out back first, dragging some one with him.

Red Arrow waited; the man turned around; holding a struggling teenage girl with both arms. She was gagged, her hands tied and she was blinded folded but she kicked and squirmed for all she was worth.

It's always nice to rescue the cool-headed ones. Sometimes they'll fight back, sometimes they'll wait it out but they'll trust you and they'll listen.

Her hair was long and brown, faint scars evident—just a girl in black pants, blue v-neck and well-worn, well-used converse sneakers. Hollis Sophia Montaigne, daughter of some of Star City's political activists. They weren't terribly well-known but apparently one of them had said something that irked these men or the employer who hired them.

Thugs are the worst; they're willing to do whatever they're paid to do. Sometimes, they'll give way if there's something better they want. But don't count on it.

Red Arrow fired his first arrow for the driver, smiling in satisfaction as he went down with a shock arrow and neither of his companions noticed.

Hollis's captor yelped the sound carrying into the distance as her head lashed back and caught him in the nose; he dropped her; the passenger seat man approached them swiftly his Glock out. The girl cocked her head and dodged to the side, slamming into the car as the gunman breezed pass her.

Red Arrow barely felt the breeze of the arrow and twang of the string before the burly man reaching for his former captive was downed with a shock arrow. His third arrow was on nocked and pulled back when the gunman regained his footing, spun on his heel and was falling backwards when a shot rang out.

Pick your targets. Don't trust your ability to shoot; get the biggest threats first.

Roy Harper panicked and froze in shock. Wake up, she'll DIE! Red Arrow reacted; the arrow was flying and another after it before he realized he had plucked another arrow out of his quiver. The gun was shot out of his hand and the guy was shocked unconscious before he even hit the ground.

Red Arrow clambered down the fire-escape, nearly sliding down the rough metal. He dropped the next few feet, running towards her.

The girl was blind-folded; she flinched raising her arms threateningly.

"It's okay." Red Arrow soothed, stepping closer. "I'm not gonna hurt you."

She could have died. Red Arrow whispered.

Muscle man was standing right next to her! She was blind-folded! Roy yelled.

The gunman could have killed her. She can't dodge a bullet.

She mumbled something through the gag; he took that off and then cut the ropes from her hands. As he undid her blind-fold, she rubbed feeling back into her hands.

"Who are you?" She studied him closely, trying to place him.

He was still thinking on that himself and he glanced around to make sure the men were still out and to avoid her gaze. "A friend. Were you hit?"


"Good." Red Arrow pulled a device out of his pocket; stuck it to the radio of the damaged car and turned it on. "The police should be here to pick these guys up. We're leaving." He didn't have to drag her across the street, she followed a swift trot but she was gasping in seconds. She followed anyway, until they came to a motorcycle hidden behind some trash cans.

Sometimes, leave the civilians to the cops. But other times you just have to take care of them yourself. Drop them off in place where they can get home without getting attacked.

"Where are we going?"

"Your pick. The station or your house." She looked at him suspiciously. "I do my homework. Home or station?"

"Home." He handed her a helmet from the saddlebag and put one on himself. Fortunately, she knew how to climb on motorcycle even if she did look awkward on it.

"First time on a motorcycle?"


"It's just like riding a bike," he said, sliding into the front seat, hooking his bow securely to the specially made grip. "Only faster. Hold on to me." There was a five second pause before she obeyed, sliding forward and wrapping her arms around his waist. The engine rumbled, the headlights flicked on. He felt the girl's arm tighten in panick as the engine hummed louder and the cycle was suddenly zooming off into the street.

It was one of the things he had salvaged from his days as Speedy; it was his, built by his own hands. Well, Canary and Arrow helped. But it was his bike. He couldn't afford a boat but he could keep this motorbike.

She had been a girl in a bad spot. A smart girl in a bad spot.

"Have you had defense lessons?" he asked, through the helmet intercom.

She jumped a little, surprised. "Yes. But I've forgotten most of it...it's been a while."

"I see."

"My mom told me to think about what I would do in situations like that. Think and think and think. So, I'd just do it without having to think too much."

"Smart mother."

"She's probably worried."

Suddenly he wished GA was here. He'd soothed her fears, calm her down. Red Arrow could feel the tremors running through her and her fingers wove tightly together around his waist. She turned her head and leaned against his back and her breath came through the intercom.

GA told him about the Watchtower. So maybe...he did trust him. A little. And hadn't Green Arrow taught him to be good enough to save people like the girl riding on his motorcycle?

"Red Arrow."


"My name is Red Arrow."

There was a pause. "Oh. So that's what happened to Speedy. You went solo."


"Thanks for saving me."

"It's what I do. Get lessons."

"I will."

GA isn't so bad. He did teach me after all. I'll be my own man. But he was still my teacher.

The lights of Star City blurred as the motorcycle sped up, weaving through traffic to the peaceful side of town.

So, here it is. I'm not to sure if I got the Arrows IC here; I haven't heard Green Arrow talk much but I assume he'd have some wisdom to share since he is a hero and a mentor to boot. I hope I kept RA in character...he seems to talk shortly and briefly, not big on explaining himself in more than words than needed.

Also, I didn't want a COMPLETE damsel in distress. Those words Hollis's mom said to her are the very words of wisdom my mother imparted to me. :)

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I got the lessons idea from Tamora Pierce who used little lessons like these in between chapters but those were longer. Tamora Pierce is the writer of the Tortall and the Emelan books and is an amazing writer. :D (my favorite) So thank you, for the idea, .

(And thanks to the ppl who reviewed!)

So please do me a kindness and review! Hopefully there'll be more Red Arrow in later episodes; he may a be a stick but he's a realist and independent. Nice qualities in a guy even if he comes across as a jerk. Enough my yammering. Please review. :)