A/N: Thank you all so much for your reviews! I've got even more fluff for you to enjoy!

Two a.m., Christmas Eve and the Tyler mansion was still and silent.

A door squeaked open and Rose peered out into the dim hallway. She bit her lip softly, glancing down the hallway to the master bedroom where her parents lay fast asleep and the other direction where her little brother lay curled up dreaming of the presents to come.

She quietly tip toed out into the hallway and gently closed her door behind her. She maneuvered through the dark hallway squinting in the darkness to see where she was going.

She slithered past Tony's room and turned the corner heading towards the guest suites. The lights were out in the room given to Donna but the room next to Donna's had light streaming out from the crack under the door. Just as Rose had suspected, the Doctor was not asleep.

She carefully walked past Donna's room and stopped in front of the Doctor's. Very quietly she rapped on the door and called in a loud whisper, "Doctor?"

In the still quiet of the house she could hear movement from inside and moments later the door creaked open and the Doctor appeared looking a bit surprised to see her. "Rose? Is everything alright?"

However his question was lost on her as she took in sight of his appearance. His trench coat and pinstriped jacket were gone as was his tie. The sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up to his elbows and the first few buttons were undone showing off just enough of his chest. She'd seen him in less, hell after he first regenerated and passed out someone had to change him out of his old clothes and into the jammies and Jackie insisted that she sure as hell wouldn't do it. At that time she wasn't so interested in examining his body, she wasn't even sure she liked him, wasn't sure she was convinced he was the Doctor.

But now, after she hadn't seen him in years, and after accepting that she was so deeply in love with him she couldn't help but admire him.

"...hello, Rose? Earth to Rose Tyler." His fingers snapped in front of her face and she was shaken from her hypnosis.

"What?" She asked, a bit dazed, her eyes scrolling up his chest, his neck, his jaw to finally settle on his handsome but crinkled in amusement face. Her cheeks flushed and her eyes snapped to the floor, grateful for the darkness of the hallway.

"Are you alright?" He repeated his earlier question and she nodded, braving a look up to his face.

"Yeah," She whispered, "I'm fine I just...I couldn't sleep is all."

His lips twitched in a sideways smirk but his eyes were soft and warm. He nodded once and took a step back, motioning her into the room.

"Thanks." She murmured, padding into the room and the Doctor quietly shut the door behind her.

She looked around the room and spotted the three articles of clothing missing from his body lying neatly on the bed along with his dirty old trainers on the floor. The bed was perfectly made (not such a surprise, the Doctor probably would not be touching it anytime soon). The desk chair was pulled out and angled, obviously indicating the Doctor's location for the last several hours.

"What were ya doing?" She asked, turning around to face him and nodding her head towards the chair.

"I was thinking."


"Everything." He grinned.

"Everything." She repeated with a smirk. "Right."

Taking her response as doubt he started to ramble about everything that was on his mind for the last few hours.

"Alright!" She cut him off with a laugh. "I get the picture. You know everything."

"Almost everything." He corrected walking back over to sit in his chair and he propped his feet up on the desk. "I am still, for example, trying to figure out how I was able to get here."

She walked over and hopped up on the desk to sit beside his feet. "How did you get here? I mean was it accidental like the first time we came here or..."

"Donna convinced me to try."

Rose smiled, she was beginning to like Donna more and more. "Why did Donna have to convince you?"

"Well," He tilted his head back, "As far as I knew it was impossible. Well, not impossible but both universes would fracture and everything would fall apart and I'd end up killing so many species in order to get back to you. I have to admit when we were first separated I wanted to do anything I could to try and get back to you even for a brief split second risking that fracture in the universe. But I couldn't..." He shook his head slowly. "You mean so much to me Rose and losing you was painful but I couldn't destroy the whole universe when my entire existence is revolved around protecting it."

She reached out and placed her hand over his shin and as his eyes met hers she smiled softly, "I understand. I wouldn't want you to do that for me."

His lips twitched in a warm smile and then he continued with a seemingly out of the blue statement. "Donna found your room."

"What?" She furrowed her brow.

"On the TARDIS. She found your room. I had asked the TARDIS to hide it, mostly from me but that day it happened to be out in the open and Donna felt like exploring. She found your room and she saw all the pictures you had of us and she asked me about you. I told her what happened at Canary Wharf and how travel between worlds was impossible and her response was simply 'bullocks!'."

Rose laughed aloud. She hadn't known Donna for that long of a time but she could imagine the feisty red head saying such a thing,

"She said I missed you way too much for my own good and the Doctor she knew was not the same Doctor she saw in those pictures."

"I remember I had a lot of pictures of your old self."

"Yes," He nodded, "But she didn't regard those. She was referring to the ones taken after my regeneration. She said that I had a darkness in me that she couldn't detect in those pictures and that whether or not I realized it I needed you. She asked me what was stopping me from finding you."

"And you told her that travel between worlds was impossible." Rose said now swinging her feet back and forth.

He tapped the side of his nose and then pointed at her. "Precisely. That's when she told me it was a load of garbage, that nothing should stop me from trying to get to you." He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, his face scrunching up. "I ah, got a little angry at her for that. She was a human after all, she had no idea what I knew about the universe, about what could and could not be done."

"Don't you think that if there was any way, any way at all for me to get Rose back I would do it? I can't do it Donna, I can't!" His eyes flashed with anger as he stood towering over his companion menacingly but the feisty redhead showed no sign of intimidation, in fact she was glaring right back at him.

"You can't, or you won't?" She shot back.

"What?" He shouted, confused, frustrated and irritated. "What don't you understand about the word 'impossible'. It's impossible. It's not a matter of will I or won't I it's pure fact. I. Can't. Do it."

"Well obviously Rose got there somehow so its not impossible."

He growled in frustration and stormed away from his companion, running his hands wildly through his hair, stalking halfway around the console before spinning back to face her.

"There were cracks in the universe but I closed them, they're sealed off, forever. Permanently. If I tried the whole universe would fracture and we would all die, do you understand that Donna? Every single species in the whole universe, and let me tell you, you can't even being to imagine how many of them there are, would all just disappear. I miss her, yes of course I miss her, very much in fact but she's not the first companion I've lost. And she's safe, she's with her family, she can go back to her normal life." He sighed heavily, calming himself down as he leaned against the console and washed a hand over his face. "I can't destroy the universe. I-I can't."

Donna's face softened as she observed the distressed Time Lord. She slowly crossed the room and slid her body next to his with only several inches between their shoulders. The Doctor wasn't looking at her, instead staring off at a blank spot on the wall, a frown heavily accenting his features. Donna sighed and stared at the spot with him.

"You remember Lance, right?"

He turned his head towards her, raising an eyebrow. "That pathetic excuse for a human being you called your fiance?"

Donna slapped his arm roughly and he flinched. "Yes him."

The Doctor took a step away from Donna and turned on his side to face her completely. "What about him?"

"I was in love with him." She whispered, her face washing over in melancholy.

"I know."

"There was once a time when I told myself I'd do anything for him." She met his eyes, challengingly. "Including tear the universe apart."

Annoyance flitted in his eyes and he sighed. "Donna..."

"No," She snapped, "Look at this girl." She held up the picture of Rose she still had in her hands. The Doctor's throat tightened as his eyes settled on the smiling face of Rose. That picture was taken when he had taken her to Reythil, a planet actually shaped like a banana and with a beach. She needed something relaxing after their first trip to the parallel world and losing Mickey so he thought Reythil would be a positively relaxing, non-threatening experience. When Rose stepped out into the warm air on one of the many beaches on Reythil she was thrilled and changed immediately for a day on the beach. However the Doctor forgot to mention that the water, although warm and pleasing to the Reythilians was not acceptable temperature for a fragile human. Instead of looking for another planet with an acceptable beach like the Doctor offered, Rose chose to stay on Reythil and just soak up the rays of their orange sun. As the two sat on the beach with a blanket they'd gotten from the TARDIS, Rose took out her camera and tried to take pictures of him but he kept protesting and shielding himself away from the photography device. One of the friendly Reythilians on the beach misunderstood their actions and came over to ask if they wanted him to take their picture. Rose grinned at the Doctor and handed her camera over to the blue scaly alien and pinched the Doctor on the leg so he'd keep quiet about it. He glowered at her side for a few moments but then when she rested her head on his shoulder he couldn't help but smile back and the picture was taken.

The Doctor took the picture out of Donna's hands and very softly ran his thumb over Rose's grinning face.

"You can't say you wouldn't do the same thing for her."

The Doctor closed his eyes, flipped the picture over in his hands and pressed it face down against the console. "I can't." He whispered brokenly.

"There has to be a way." Donna whispered vehemently.

"There's not." His voice was dead now, void of all emotion but the pain was evident on his face.

"You said that you've been there before when you thought it was impossible, how?"

"It was an accident." He shook his head. "The TARDIS must have fallen through one of the cracks in time."

"Alright," Donna nodded, trying to understand. "So...can't you just do that again?"

"There are no more cracks in time." He spoke slowly and sternly, obviously trying to keep the Oncoming Storm at bay. "The last one I found I was only able to project an image through and even that required phenomenal amounts of energy. I had to burn up a supernova."

"Well then, find another supernova, power up this baby," She patted the TARDIS console, "and find your Rose."

"It's not that simple."

"It could be."

"No," He whirled on her, a dark look in his eyes, "It can't. That was the last crack and it was very, very small. I can't get through without a crack. It would destroy the whole universe and even if it didn't it would destroy the TARDIS. I was very, very lucky last time that she still had a bit of life in her left, I may not be so lucky next time and I will not destroy my ship."

She rolled her eyes. "You're so stubborn."

"I'm not stubborn, I'm a Time Lord. I know what I'm doing."


"Stop it." He hissed quietly. "Just stop it. It's impossible, and that's that." He pushed himself off the console and stormed away from Donna, running away as usual. He was just about to walk out of the console room when Donna stopped him with a question.

"What would Rose do?"

His body tensed and he clenched his jaw and his fists clenched by his sides though he did not turn to face Donna.

"What would Rose tell you to do?" Donna asked again. "She'd want you to do anything you could."

"No." He whirled around quickly and paced over to her his face filled with rage. "She'd want me to do what was right."

"Would she though?"

"Yes." He growled. "Don't pretend like you know Rose."

"I'll tell you what I do know Doctor. I know that I've seen you do things that I thought were impossible. I mean, bloody hell, you can travel through time in a bloomin box that's bigger on the inside. You're an impossible man, Doctor. Impossible should not stop you, it should test you, cause you to say 'to hell with that, to hell with impossible.' " She grabbed his hands tightly in hers and he eyed her, his eyes still flashing dangerously. She grabbed the picture off the console and shoved it into one of his hands and then took that hand and placed it over one of his hearts. "Listen Doctor. For once put that big brain of yours to rest and just listen."

Their eyes remained locked for a few long tense seconds and then something softened in the Doctor's face and beneath her hand she could feel his muscles relax. She let go of his hand and took a step back to give him some space all the while keeping an eye on him.

His fingers twitched against the picture and he could practically feel Rose's presence through the picture and his already wild and erratic heart beat spiked. He closed his eyes and crushed the picture further against his chest as hundreds of thoughts flew in his brain, his logical, emotional, scientific, and spiritual minds all conflicting and arguing with one another.

Then quite suddenly and without warning the TARDIS lurched, knocking them both off balance. The Doctor's eyes slammed open and still holding the picture tightly in his grasp, he ran over to the console and ran his fingers frantically over every single button that helped to pilot his ship.

"What's going on?" Donna demanded, now holding onto one of the railings for dear life.

"I don't know!" He shot back racing around the console, looking at the monitors. "What are you doing?" He demanded of the sentient time ship but the ship only lurched again sending the Doctor to the floor.

The shaking and lurching lasted for about another minute and then everything stopped and it was quiet again.

Donna straightened herself out and looked towards the door. "I'm almost afraid to ask where we are."

"So am I." The Doctor responded, leaping to his feet. He grabbed the monitor and turned it towards him, shaking his head at the coordinates. "We haven't landed on any planet. We're just floating in space!"

He ran over to the doors and swung them open and his eyes widened at the sight before him. "Oh."

"What? Oh What?" Donna asked frantically and ran up behind him, peering over his shoulder. Her eyes widened and she stared, slack jawed out the doors. "What in hell is that?"

He let a breath escape his lips. "That's a supernova...a really big one."

"Why'd the TARDIS take us here?" Donna asked, following the Doctor after he'd closed the doors and headed back towards the console.

"I think...but it can't..." He shook his head.


Find our Rose, my Doctor. The familiar, soothing voice of the TARDIS rang in his mind and he shook his head, resting his hand against the console, feeling her hum against his palm.

"I can't..." He whispered.

"Can't what?" Donna demanded.

Find her.

His eyes closed tightly and he inhaled sharply. He held his breath for a long while with Donna watching on quietly, wondering what he was doing, and then finally he opened his eyes and looked down at the picture now a bit crinkled in his hand. "Donna."


A mischievous smirk formed on his lips and he turned to look at her. "Hold on to something."

"So," The Doctor placed his hands behind his head and leaned back in his chair, "The TARDIS brought me to the supernova and with my piloting she brought herself here."

"You do know how you got here then." Rose stated.

"Well technically speaking yes I do know how I got here but what I do not understand is how both universes are still perfectly intact."

Rose smiled and lifted her shoulders in a shrug. "I guess it really wasn't as impossible as you thought, travel between parallel worlds."

"It should be." He sighed.

"You sound disappointed." She noted.

"Not disappointed no just confused." He shook his head in irritation. "I don't like being confused. It's, well - confusing."

A smirk formed her lips and she huffed a laugh. "I really missed you."

He met her eyes and smiled warmly. "I missed you too." He admitted.

Her smirk grew into a bright smile and she bit her lip, averting her gaze like a shy teenager and focusing all her attention on where her hand was rested still on his shin. She noted that the ends of his pant leg slid up on his legs revealing the pale skin of his ankles. She found herself being drawn to it and her fingers trailed down his shin to his ankle. Her fingertips brushed over his bare skin and the flesh to flesh contact suddenly increased her heart rate. Without even realizing what she was doing Rose continued trailing her fingers slowly up his leg, bunching up the material of his pants to reveal more skin.

She got halfway up to his knee when the Doctor's voice startled her, "Rose, what are you doing?"

She withdrew her hand from his leg and settled into her lap. Her cheeks flushed and she cleared her throat. "I-I dunno...Sorry." She mumbled.

She did know though. She was feeling up the Doctor, granted it was just his leg but who knows how far she would have gone if he hadn't said anything. Her cheeks flamed red and her heart raced at just the thought.

Though if she hadn't been caught up in her own embarrassment she would have noticed the huskiness in his tone and the intensity in his eyes as he watched her.

The awkward, thick silence that then fell upon the room was luckily quickly broken by a sudden yawn from Rose. Her hand shot up to cover her mouth and her eyes finally met his and she noticed the amusement in those deep brown eyes.

"I thought you said you weren't tired."

"I never said that." She said. "I said that I couldn't sleep. Totally different."

He lowered his feet onto the floor and she couldn't help but watch as his long, skinny legs moved but she quickly snapped herself out of her ogling and looked back at his face. He leaned towards her, a concerned, soft smile crossing his lips. "You should go to bed, Rose. It's late."

"I can't." She whispered, shaking her head. "I just can't...I can't wake up and find out that this was all a dream."

He placed his hand over hers reassuringly and made sure their eyes were locked before he spoke. "It's not a dream, I promise. I'm here."

"You always say that." She muttered quietly.

His eyes narrowed in thought for a second and then he smiled, his eyes lighting up and she knew he got an idea. He stood from his seat and intwined their fingers together. "Come here." He tugged her off the desk and pulled her over to the bed.

"Doctor?" She questioned in mirth as she watched him pull down the bedding. "What are you doing?"

He stood near the edge of the bed and grinned at her, nodding towards the bed. "Go on, get in."

She looked between him and the bed and narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Why?"

"My Rose, always questioning things." She couldn't deny the fluttering in her heart at his term of endearment. "Just get in the bed."

Her brow lifted suggestively. "Doctor, so forceful."

"Will you just... get in the bed, please?" He spluttered uncharacteristically and she held back a chuckle as she did as she was told and slid into bed. She settled down onto the pillow and crossed her arms over her chest, looking up at the Doctor inquisitively. "Would you mind telling me now why you ordered me into bed?"

Her eyes widened slightly as he not only crawled onto the bed with her but also got under the covers. "As a human being you need a good nights rest especially since tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Now being the ever so stubborn Rose Tyler I realize you will not go back to your own bed willingly." She shot him a look but her smile still remained intact because of how close he was. "And me, being the ever so brilliant Time Lord I am, have come up with a solution." He rolled onto his side and propped himself up on his elbow, staring at her with a half smile. "You said you can't fall asleep because you fear when you wake up I won't be here?"

Rose nodded quietly and swallowed over the lump in her throat. She watched, her heart pounding rapidly as he moved his body closer and close until their bodies were touching. His arm then came to rest over her abdomen to hold her securely against him. She was too busy looking at his arm to notice his face moving closer to hers and she shivered when his lips ever so lightly brushed against her ear. "I promise you Rose Tyler, when you wake up you will be in my arms."

All of her breath left her lungs in a very quick second and a powerful shudder ripped through her body. She turned her head to the side and found herself nose to nose with him and she melted under the intense look in his eyes.

"Doctor..." His name unintentionally left her lips as breathy moan and his eyes fluttered closed briefly in response.

"Rose." Her name escaping his lips was all the initiative she needed to close the short distance between them. They kissed just hours ago but that was all raw passion and built up emotion. As theirs lips met now it was softer, sweeter, more loving.

With his arm still slung around her she shifted her position so she was on her side and slid her arm up to rest her hand lightly on the side of his face. Her heart leapt when his grip around her tightened and he pulled her closer and opened his mouth to allow the kiss to deepen.

It didn't get hot or heavy, it didn't need to. The couple was more than content to lie there and slowly and sensually explore the others mouth for the rest of the night.

However, Rose's human lungs proved to be an obstacle in that specific activity and she pulled away, only slightly, to allow herself to breathe. Their foreheads and their noses still remained in contact as Rose tried to catch her breathe but she was finding it rather difficult with the Doctor's warm hand resting on her bare back and their lips only a mere inches from touching again.

A soft whine bubbled from her throat when he pulled away and she felt his smirking lips against her forehead for a long moment. He then guided her head to rest under his chin and as she snuggled into his chest she found she liked being there almost as much.

She pressed a light kiss to his collarbone and she not only heard but felt his breath hitch. She smiled, pleased that she was able to rise that reaction out of him. She nuzzled his neck with her nose, kissed his skin once more and then settled down into the mattress, feeling the exhaustion sweeping over her.

She felt a calming peace wash over her as she lie protectively wrapped in the Doctor's arms. It was not something she had felt in a very long time and not once since she was trapped on this parallel Earth. It was a feeling she knew only the Doctor could bring her and it was unlike anything she had ever felt in any of her dreams.

Feeling safe, protected and loved Rose was able to let herself drift off to sleep, curled up against the Doctor's chest not to stir until morning.

Once Rose's breathing was deep and even and her heart rate slowed to a normal thump thump, thump thump and he was more than certain that was asleep, he pressed a gentle, loving kiss to the top of her head.

"Goodnight my love."

So I hope everyone wasn't OOC. I'd really love to hear what you guys thought!