Harry Potter and the Mermaid's secret



Spells,and books

( I do not own anything. The Songs are from the Musical format. )

The effects of the second task,The Heir Revealed,and Starting a Journey to the Past.

After the points were given to the champions, Dumbledore was disturbed about what the merchief said to him. "King Triton's Heir has been revealed ,during the task. The eldest daughter of Triton,Attina realized that the Potter boy is the son of her youngest sister. I would suggest that you tell him the truth before the King of the sea arrives.",said the Merchief before he went to tell his people.

Albus knew that he had to act fast. He had a plan hopefully he had at least couple of days before King Triton's arrival. Step one of his twenty step plan was to go check,and make sure the ministry-Atlantica peace agreement that the Minister of magic at the time Robert Potter ,Harry's grandfather made has not been corrupted/ destroyed by Umbridge ,and get a copy of it. Step two check the hall of records for any veela/ wizard bondings in the last twenty four hours relating to Harry or either or both of the Delacours. Step three is getting a set of dress robes in Harry's size in a royal purple color. Step four get lots of headache relief potions and calming draughts, they are going to need them. Well for step 5, he was going to have at least three feasts in the next couple of day. Steps six through twenty he is going have to do the muggle expression 'ride through the storm' or 'wing it'.

"Minievera,I am going to the ministry to go check up on something that were effected by the task. I would like you to the the house elves to prepare the evening meals are feast for the next four days for political reasons. No seafood for the feasts. I also will like to see Harry in my office after the feast to night.",said Dumbledore with a twinkle in his eyes"Oh also have Filius teach the choir the songs that Lilly sang when ever she was by lake." with that he walked towards Hogsmeade to apparated to the Ministry

"Huh,what does he mean by?",said Mc Gonagall before for she realises,and then promptly fainted.

To say that Dumbledore's luck was good that day you be wrong. Dolores Umbridge remove the Treaty made by the minister before the war with Voldemort. At the Hall of Records he found out the Harry is in a Veela soul bond with Fleur Delacour which makes sense Harry saved her first,but the weirdest thing was the fact that Harry has two other soul bonds one with his best friend Hermione Granger ,and a third year Ravenclaw by the name of Luna Lovegood who with irony is the reincaration of Harry maternial grandmother Queen Athena of Atlantica. As he took a gulp of of one of the headache relief as he walked in to the Great hall for the first of four feasts,and at least two balls. He had Dobby bring up Harry's new dress robe to his bed with a note that said I will explain. Unnoticed by the worrying Headmaster that the magic of Hogwarts was turning the Great Hall in to a giant perveisus or the fact that the Sorting Hat,and his familiar had plans of their own. Dumbledore was plan for a meeting after the feast to tell Harry the truth.

"Did you remember the vials that says Lily's true orgins?",said the Sorting hat to is accomplice Fawkes who just chirp yes

"Lets do this.",said the sorting hat as they flew in to the Great hall Susprising the Dumstrang and Beauxbatons that the never saw a Phoenix as in their life as they flew in as the sorting hat started to sing.

What's all this big commotion
That's spreading through the ocean?

From sea to shining sea
There is no hesitating
Today their celebrating
Lily's little Seeker
Today when Triton's Heir
Came back into the water
their gonna have a spree
The King's nearer now
I think I hear them now
Lily's little seeker
As Harry,his friends,and the Professors realize who the sorting hat is sing about the Sorting hat landed on Harry's head,and shouted,"Prince of Atlantica, heir of King Triton,and Prince of the Sea.",as soon as the rest of the Great hall heard that they looked at Harry with big eyes ,then the Sorting hat continued his song.
Up from the sea they rise
Up to the world of skies
There's never been, not ever before
A child born of sea and shore
Up from the sea they rise
Up to the world of skies
Forever to be together as one
Under the sea and under the sun
At that Dumbledore slick down his chair with a look in his eyes that he was sorry about not telling Harry earlier. The Sorting hat shouted,"Release the memory." As soon as Fawkes released the Memory he dropped the bottle on to the head the table Dumbledore went wide eyed as he realized what was happening to the great hall,and shouted ,"Calm down the Great Hall has been turned in to a pensieve. We are going to take a little trip down what muggles call memory lane." as the Scene of the Great Hall change in to a Under water palace as a group of human looking Merpeople were swimming towards a large coral structure. "They don't look anything like the Merpeople in the lake."said Cedric Diggory

"egyetért.",said Victor Krum

"That is because there is a difference between salt water merpeople,and fresh water merpeople that you encountered in the task, I can go on all day about it ,but we have a concert to attend.",said Dumbledore as the Scene changed in to the inside of the concert hall as a Merperson shouted,"Presenting King Triton of Atlantica. Now presenting the royal court composer Sebastian the crab " The a muscular white hair, and bearded merperson came down a chariot pulled by dolphins. He was carrying a triton in his hand.

"The merperson with the triton is king triton.",said Dumbledore

"So he is my grandfather?",asked Harry

"Yes crab is your other Godfather named by your mother.",said Dumbledore as he points to the smaller chariot. In a smaller chariot pulled by smaller fish in it is a red crab that had a look on him that he went up to the podium and tap a his composer stick and a orchestra of aquatic animals started to play.

Then a group of Mermaids appeared in a two shells that open.

Ah, we are the daughters of Triton
Great father who loves us
And named us well
And Ariel

In concert we hope to enlighten
The heart of the merfolk
With music's swell

Then a Brown haired mermaid came up in to main focus, and sang



Then a Blonde haired mermaid took position as her sister, and sang



Then another Brown haired mermaid that had crown made of coral sang



Then another black haired mermaid sang



Then a black haired mermaid sang



then another blond haired mermaid sang


"Wow they are bloody hot.",said Ron which was responded by Hermione, and Harry slapping him up side his head

"They are my aunts.",said Harry as They were continue there singing as a large Shell was starting to rise.
And then there is the youngest
In her musical debut
Our seventh little sister
We're presenting her to you
To sing a song Sebastian wrote
Her voice is like a bell
It's our sister

"Oh, no. Where is she? Once more.",said Sebastion

Sister Ariel!

"Ariel!",shouted Triton as his triton glowed as the scene shifted to a small deserted island in the Atlantic ocean where there was a seagull looking in to a telescope backwards, and sqawked,"Mermaid of the portside."

"Did that Seagull talk?",said Flitwick with big eyes like everyone.

"Yes it is because how close that it Atlantica, King Triton's magic,and a certain frequent visitor it affected local animals so they can communicate with magical beings.",said Dumbledore

"Hey Scuttle can you tell me about this stuff I found at sunken ship?",said Ariel who voice had the Professors of Hogwarts thinking one thing 'Lily Potter' as she was handing Scuttle a fork.
"Wow – this is special… this is very, very unusual.",said Scuttle
"What? What is it?",asked Ariel
"It's a dinglehopper!",said Scuttle
"A dinglehopper?",asked Ariel
"Oh, these babies are fantabulous. Absolutely indispensary. When it comes to dinglehoppers, I'm a regular encyclopoodia!",said Scuttle
"Does that Seagull remind you of any one?",asked Fred to George

"I do believe he reminds me of Dad.",said George to his twin as Scuttle started to sing
Say thatcha wanna have a hairdo
Like the folks who live up there do
That'll flap their wigs!

Then a group of seagulls started in .
Flop their wigs!
As then Scuttle started to sing again
Well, you'll look absolutely dandy
If you use one of these handy
Little thingmajigs!
Pick up the dinglehopper, just like so
Twirl it the way I'm twirling now! Give it a little yank, and there ya go!
You're what they call "the dog's meow"!
"what in the world!",thought the people for the future.

Wonderful stuff!
That human stuff! Can't get enough—
Of human stuff! And we are the authority—
No need for us to bluff!
Because we're great at explanatin' Human stuff!

Ariel holds a pipe,and asks," What's that?"
Scuttle says,"A snarfblatt!"
Ariel says,"Wow!"
Back when the world was prehistoral, People sat as still as coral. Flat upon their bumps
On their runts!

There they would be, not even thinkin'
Bored to death and barely blinkin'
Way down at the dumps
On the dumps!

Then they invented snarfblatts, just by chance.
Suddenly life was la-di-da! Snarfblatts're what you use to
make folks dance!
Give it a blow, and then – voilà!

Wonderful stuff!
That human stuff! If you're a buff—
Of human stuff!
It's marvable!
Completely A-OJ!
Which sounds absurd, but take my word
That's what the humans say!
Sensible stuff
That human stuff!
None of it fluff—
Not human stuff!
And heaven knows
Since we're the pros
From us, you'll get no guff

And once you've got your who's-ma-gig—
A thinga-ma-what—
A whatch-ma-gig—
That's all you need to bring you up to snuff!
Right up to snuff!
With proper dinglehopper groomin'
Rest assured... you'll look real human!
Then Ariel joins in ,and sings the the seagulls.
We know, 'cause we know
Human stuff