Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice.

My first fanfic. Do not read if you can't handle adult themes.

Lolita (ˌlo'li:tə)

n. a sexually precocious young girl

Every Whore Needs a Mentor

... welcome to the life the fabulous Mikan Sakura!

Role model by morning. Prostitute by night. That's how Mikan Sakura liked it.

And that's also how her client, the famous Mr. Shiro Hyuuga, liked it.

And bitch, the bastard payed big money if she had him wet even before they fucked.

He liked to see her so much like a good teenager, so motherfucking innocent and virginal in her school uniform. It made him ache all over. And damn, he liked it even more at night when all they did was suck each other's privates and kiss like there's no tomorrow in her see-through, barely-there lingerie.

And Mikan knew this was his weakness. Seeing her all like a child in the daylight and a stripper by night.

Mikan liked playing Barbie Doll for him. Of Fuck Doll. Whatever.

It was fun.

And besides, it earned her big money.

She was already a top student even before they met. She just had her A-game upgraded. She became the top-star, law-fearing role model high school student in Alice Academy.

And he loved her for it. Showered her with gifts of jewelries, lingeries and clothes.

Oh, Shiro and Mikan weren't in love. They were fuck buddies. He liked to tease her. She liked to tease him. It was business. Nothing personal.

They both benefit from it.

In fact, Mikan was mainly the one who got something out of their little endeavors. When what Shiro only gained is fun and pleasure, she gained knowledge. She learned what men wanted, what they expected. And so she performed better at her job as a prostitute.

At first, you see, nobody wanted her. Every man that ever went in, didn't even look at her twice. She was young. She was sixteen. She had no experience. Not until Shiro came along.

He wanted her. Since then, he fucked her senseless. Brought her to extremes she never knew existed. He taught her everything she needed to know. He told her how to blow, bite, lick, taste... Everything. And she be damned if she said that she wasn't pleasured by everything he did. Because she was pleasured. Heck, she experienced bliss every time they finished. She wanted everything he was doing to her at night. Wanted it.

And so she sought him every night. He sought her every night.

It all worked out.

And now, she was almost what every man wanted from the prostitute house.

She was god-damned richer than the fucking owner. She was envied, praised, worshiped by her other co-workers.

She was lucky.

And the only thing she actually needed to do?

Make men scream, moan and fucking groan.

She was Mikan Sakura.

Role model student. Prostitute. Fabulous.

The Infamous Alice Academy.

Shiro had a son.

A fucking son.

What next, a wife? A fucking wife?

What? So she was a home-wrecker now?


She never noticed him before. She never really cared about the students of Alice Academy. She did her job as the Student Council President, beat every other people's ass in exams, and not do anything to even upset the Student Handbook of Rules and Regulations.

She didn't notice anyone.

And it was by pure fate, that of all the students, of all the people she could first notice, she noticed him.

Shiro Hyuuga's fucking son.

Of course she wouldn't have noticed him if he didn't scare the beejeebees out of her ass by beating her Top Spot at the Examination Results.

But she did. She noticed him. Well, no. Actually, she noticed his name.

Natsume Fucking Hyuuga.

Minus the fucking, of course.

Her heart stopped beating. The world stopped.

He can't be Shiro's son, can he? He couldn't be his son.

Because if he had a son, it would mean he had a wife.


Mikan didn't want to ruin marriages and crap like that. She just wanted fun.

And so she ran. She ran towards the section of this Natsume Hyuuga boy.

It was recess, she knew the more popular boys of his section stayed in his section's classroom in one of her rounds. She tried her luck by guessing he was one of them. She had to do this. She needed to know.

She ran. She ran and stopped. She was in front of the door. She opened it.

And she stopped breathing.

There. In front of her. Was the exact same replica of Shiro Hyuuga.


Up next on Lolita:

Mikan meets Natsume Hyuuga.

Mikan confronts Shiro Hyuuga.

And faces the truth.

Ah, okay. So this is my first fanfic. Be gentle with me people. ((:

And please tell me if I need to raise the Rating higher? Maybe M? Because I'm not familiar with your tastes. So yeah.

And oh, review? :D