Disclaimer: Touchstone Pictures owns them I don't…I own mine they don't
This story takes place at three years before the movie.
Màthair- old gaelic for mother
Cù gaelic for dog
Selchie- gaelic for seal
"Folk tales about seals, who come ashore, shed their skins and take human form. These stories often weave tragic romantic themes of silkie lovers who must don their skins and return to the sea; and of the human lovers who hide the skins so that the silkie becomes a prisoner of the land." found on a website about silkie folklore
IF you want to see how I see my characters...or in other words as the topic of conversation went a few weeks ago- "Ok,Laura who would you have play "so and so" when the stories become movies"- so on my profile there is a link to my "Here is how I see Them" blog- enjoy... My daughter and I had a blast hunting who we thought best fit the characters...
Chapter 1: What Washes Ashore
The rolling white caps of the stream's icy water rushed through her hands. Standing knee deep in the rushing current legs apart and slightly bent, hands cupped in front of her, she poised herself.
Steady she thought as her eyes caught the darkened flicker of an image beneath the current's rage. Swiftly her hands gripped in an attempt to grasp the oncoming fish. Mumbling tersely under her breath as her prey slipped through her hands once again, she bit her lower lip in disgust. As a deep breath escaped from her mouth she gripped her thick ebony colored hair behind her neck in frustration. Her eyes titled towards the sky she slowly reached in the pocket of her apron, and retrieved a black ribbon. She tied her long hair behind her making a tight knot, then a bow.
Muffled giggles rolled from the stream's bank. Quickly turning her head the woman cast a sharp glance toward the small figure sitting on the water's edge under the large tree.
"Perhaps you think you can do better?" she mocked her hands now placed firmly on her hips "Come in and try then" she smiled softly at her daughter.
The child shook her head as her small hands covered her mouth; her dark eyes sparkled with delight and the purity of innocence. Her deep indigo colored dress covered her bent legs, her bare feet firmly planted on the thick grass where she sat. Her chin rested on her knee caps.
Taking a deep breath the woman continued with her mission of catching supper for their evening's meal. Suddenly she lost her footing slipping backwards into the water.
"Ugh" she loudly groaned as she sat waist deep in the frigid water.
Falling back the young dark haired girl kicked her legs in the air, as she laughed robustly out loud. Her laughter echoed angelically over the flowing ripples. Holding her stomach she rolled and rolled in the soft grass beneath her body.
"Rowan…." her mother chuckled as she sat in the water.
Still laughing the child jumped up. Hand across her belly her body bent with her arm strecthed out finger pointing at her mother, the young girl continued her laughter. Suddenly and without warning she turned her head. Her attetnion was diverted by the sound of Cu, her dog barking not far off by the stream's edge. The child turned around and began making her way. She skipped off in the direction of her barking puppy, her attention so easily deferred at seven years of age.
The lithe woman stood up more determined than ever as she steadied herself and continued with her task. Bracing herself on the rocks beneath her bare feet she focused as another fish came toward her. Swiftly and with great concentration she succeeded. Pulling a medium size trout from the water she smiled triumphantly. Raising her prize high in the air she let out a whoop.
Suddenly she heard her daughter's voice calling her. Turning in the direction of the voice the woman stood straight stretching her body higher. Her brows knitted as she caught the image of her daughter near the water's edge just upstream from where she stood.
"Màthair" urgently called the child "Màthair, come."
The dark haired woman quickly made her way to the bank, tossing the fish onto the grass as she stepped out of the water. Gathering the soaked material of her dark green dress the woman hurried toward the calls of her daughter. Her heart raced as she heard the concern in her voice once again.
"Màthair, come, hurry" the child was running toward the protection of her mother.
Reaching her mother the girl wrapped her arms tightly around her waist.
"What is it Rowan?" she inquired as her hands braced against the child's back.
"Come màthair, see what Cù has found" taking her mother's hand the child pulled anixously in the direction of the barking animal.
"Alright I am coming child, what is it" following her lead "Is it a frog again? Or has he perhaps found a turtle this time?" she continued with amuzement.
"No…no….come see… màthair….come quick….you will never believe!" The child repeated with great excitment.
The pair came to the place where the dog was barking and yipping as it circled its find. Coming to a sudden halt the woman grabbed her child flinging it behind her in protection.
"Rowan, stay behind me girl." She commanded quietly "Cu, hush come away from there."
The dog continued to bark and yip at his find. Taking a few cautious steps toward the dog the woman knelt down. The dog ran circles around her finally slipping its head between her arm as it climbed into her lap. Rowan slowly crept behind her mother. Making her way to the other side of her mother she too knelt down.
"Màthair" she whispered tenderly as her dark eyes widened.
"Rowan, take Cu and stand back" she said as she placed a protective arm across her child.
Slowly standing the young woman carefully made her way toward the figure that lay faced down at the water's edge. It was the figure of a man. Bending down next to him the woman cautiously leaned over his body observing carefully, cautiously.
"Is he dead màthair?" the child whispered.
Gingerly the woman pushed back the wet dark braided hair that covered the stranger's face. For a moment she stared at the tribal markings that adorned his cheek. Tenderly she placed her fingers on the tribal markings; his skin was cold to her touch. Leaning her head close to his back she placed her ear upon his soaked garments in an attempt to hear breathing. HSe placed two fingers on his juggular to feel a pulse. Lifting her head she turned to her daughter.
"No petal he lives…..but barely" she said reassuring the frightened child "Come we must go to the cottage. We need to fetch something to haul him back with."
Taking her daughter's hand the pair quickly made their way back to their cottage just in the clearing ahead. They were followed closely by Cu.
"Where did he come from?" the child quizzically asked.
"I do not know…he does not look as though he is from around here that is for certain." her mind raced with adrenaline as she wondered what trouble this stranger would bring to her doorstep.
"I think he is a selchie man, don't you" the child said.
"No Rowan….there is no such creature." She chuckled and smiled at her daughter placing her finger on the tip of the child's nose and giggled it lovingly.
"I have heard them say that you are a selchie woman….. màthair" she continued to chatter as the neared the cottage trying to keep the fast pace of her mother's stride.
The young dark haired woman stopped, turned then bent down so that she would be face to face with her child. Taking Rowan's hands in hers she braced her head next to her daughter's forhead.
"I have heard them say I am a witch as well. Do you believe that also Rowan?"
Looking into her daughter's face the child shook her head as she smiled.
"You do not truly believe that I was once a seal do you?" she asked, her coal black eyes staring into the dark eyes of her daughter "Rather silly do you not think so? A person who was once a seal? Can you just imagine?" smiling she cupped her daughter's face and placed a kiss on her nose "Come now…we must tend to this man or he may die."
Taking the child by the hand once again the pair continued to the cottage. Once there they gathered a large pelt made of several deer skins, rope and their small horse that she came from her island home way in the north sea. Making their way back to the stream's bank the two made no hast in preparing a make shift stretcher. Placing the skins near the patient the woman made her way to one side of the man. Looking at her daughter she took a deep breath.
"Rowan…we need to roll him onto the skins…can you help me?" she said smiling at the child "Come to this side down by his boots."
The child did as she was instructed, kneeling down next to the man's knees.
"Alright, when I say go we will roll him over."
"Yes màthair…. I am strong…I can help you!"
"Yes petal you are…here we go…we must be careful for I do not know to what extent his injuries are. Alright one…two…three… roll him" she said.
With a great amount of effort the mother and child rolled the injured man over on his back. Once on his back the woman heard a gasp come from the child.
"He is bleeding….and he has bad cuts look at his leg" she whimpered looking at her tiny hands now covered with the blood from the stanger.
"It will be alright child. He has wounds but I am a good healer I will mend him." She said reassuring her daughter even though she was not sure he would survive "Come we must roll him once more so he is in the middle of the skins. Then we must make hast in getting him to the cottage."
Rolling him over once again so that he was secure in the middle of the skins the pair hooked the stretcher to the horse with ropes and made their way to the cottage. Rowan walked by the man as her mother led the horse slowly. Once at the cottage she had Rowan hold open the door as she led the horse in through the opening. Making a circle around the center post the horse was brought to a halt and unhitched. Taking the horse back outside the steed was placed in the small stable.
As she made her way back to the cottage a loud screech was heard from above. Looking up the woman gazed at a circling hawk. It struck her as odd that the bird hovered over the house as it did.
Entering the cottage the woman began to collect the items she would need to care for this wounded stranger. She had a bad feeling about it all but she was sworn to heal those in need and so she must regaurdless of her fears.
Once all the herbs, salves, ointments, bandages, cloths and a bowl of hot water was collected she made her way to the patient.
"Rowan…fetch some blankets please." She instructed the child.
Obediently the child gathered blankets from a off the beds and returned to her mother. The blankets were placed next to her mother on the floor. Rowan sat down next to her mother near the strangers face.
"Look màthair... look upon his face...what do you think those markings are from?" she asked as she reached her fingers out to touch him
"I do not know...but I am sure they are his tribal markings." she said.
"Yes he is difinitely a selchie" the child said with assurity.
"Rowan, you must go outside now and play. Take Cu with you."
"But I want to help you màthair…I found him...he is mine." she protested.
"Rowan he is a man not some wounded animal you have rescued… you are not going to keep him to add to your collection. We have enough strays around here as it is child. We cannot and will not keep him! Now you must go outside for I have to remove his clothing in order to tend to his wounds and clean him up. Mind me child…mind what I say…" she said sternly.
"Come on Cu we always have to go outside when there is fun work to be done." the child marched off with folded arms in a rather defiant huff.
Taking a deep breath she began her work. She began by removing his soaked boats first. Next she untied his armor plate and removed it over his head. Unfastening his belt then his tunic was removed. Sitting there her hands in her lap she cast her eyes upon his blood drenched shirt. It was amazing to her that he was still alive at all with all the blood he surely lost. Taking her dagger she ripped his shirt up the middle pulling it to the side over his shoulders. Turning him to one side then the next she managed to remove his shirt. Rubbing her hands together as she took a deep breath. Trousers...now for the trousers she thought. She took to loosening the laces of his breeches slowly rolling them down over his hips. She straddled herself over his knees shifting the material of his trousers from side to side as she scooted them down farther along his legs. Soon enough she had his trousers off. They were wet, blood soaked and dirty as was the rest of him.
Once his clothing was removed she cast her eyes upon his bloodied body. There was a deep gash on his upper right thigh, two on his chest, one just above his right pectoral and the deepest one on the lower left side of his ribs. She immediately began work on cleaning the man up so she would be able to see the true extent of his injuries.
After cleaning his body she began placing the herbed salves and ointments on his wounds, stitching up the deeper gashes which were apparently made from a sword, she carefully covered them with bandages. Now that the urgency of mending to his wounds was complete Fiona sat quietly surrounded by bloodied cloths and his discarded clothing. She looked down at her hands red with blood, her dress covered with the same deep dark scarlet color.
Who was he and where did he come from? She gazed into his face and glanced down his long lean yet muscularly toned body. He was a warrior for that she was certain judging from all his old scars. And certain she was that he would bring trouble to her door.
Once all the wounds were tended to he was covered with blankets over his body to keep him warm.
She took a deep breath, stood up and went to change and clean herself up.
Supper was prepared and the two women ate their food quietly.
Rowan was fidgity, unable to keep her eyes off the stranger whos body lay on the floor near the fire. After the meal was consumed the child went to the stranger and sat down beside him as her mother cleaned the night's dishes.
"I still say he is a selchie man màthair" she whispered as she sat next to him leaning close to his face.
To be continued….