The Master's Story

The majority of the Phantom legend proves to be false, as revealed by elite files found in the Master's TARDIS. Apparently took place after his face was destroyed by the Trakkon sun.

Don't own DW. Still.

Progress: Have secured an adequate disguise for my time here on Earth. Since I cannot retrieve my TARDIS in the middle of some busy Earth city at any moment of the day, I must find a natural telepath whose inherent power will boost my power in order to summon my TARDIS. I am living in the sewers of an "Opera House", and have found that I have started a legend as some sort of ghost. Intriguing, these humans. I see why the Doctor prefers Earth to many other planets.

Progress: I am in luck! One of the actresses here is a rather strong telepath, although she is completely ignorant of the fact. The collapse of some set has been blamed on me, but in reality it was simply her emotional over-reaction to the lead actress. Idiotic Earth politics.

Progress: After the telepath's success after a "coincidental" rise to fame, (in reality more of her telepathic influence) I have discovered that she hallucinates about an Angel, who taught her all she knows. Since an angel is apparently some sort of deity that descends from the skies, I suppose the definition isn't that far off. It wouldn't be the first time primitive races have worshipped me.

Progress: I have gained the telepath's confidence by leading her to my temporary home. She persists in seeing me as the spirit of her father, and as it assures her cooperation, I shall not dissuade her. However, her lover may prove bothersome. May have to get rid of him.

Progress: I have sustained my reputation as a ghost, but have decided to take decisive action to remove the telepath's lover. After luring her back to her confidence in my, he had to go and ruin it all, forcing me to confront him and unfortunately leaving me severely wounded. I believe I shall have only one last chance to join with her in telepathic contact in order to summon my TARDIS.

Progress: My last attempt to recapture the telepath proved successful, though many will not see it that way. After a tumultuous chase through the sewers, I finally was able to connect with the telepath and summon my TARDIS. The connection was rather unconventional, I admit, seeing as she kissed me, but I believe I effectively drained all of her telepathic ability enabling me to regain my TARDIS. The energy transfer involved in the telepathic summons did start a fire, burning that opera house to the ground, but I am back in my TARDIS at last, leaving maximum damage, as per my style. Adieu, Earth, as I have learned to say. Adieu.

I know you probably hate me now, but this just popped into my head and felt interesting.