A/N: Hi! Finally, the sequel of ANL is here! It took me a lot of time to finally start writing it, but now is here and I hope you'll enjoy it.

Like it says in the summary, this is a sequel but it stands on its own, so don't worry if you didn't read A New Life :)

This time we'll focuse in little Renesmee and her new life at school. I hope you like it!

Five years

"Happy birthday," I heard in my ear and my eyes flew open. Jacob. I smiled and he smiled back.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"Time for you to go to school," he said, smiling even wider. "I came here to see you in your uniform and to gave you this," he handed me a little gift bag with a pink ribbon.

I opened it and saw a beautiful bracelet inside. I took his arm and showed him my first Christmas, when he gave me a bracelet that looked exactly like this one.

"Yeah, you grew too fast so I thought you needed a new one," he said taking the bracelet out of my hand. "Do you like it?" he asked me, a little insecure.

"I love it," I told him, stretching my arm so he could clasp it around my wrist and I felt myself blushing instantly at the feeling of his touch.

Jacob and I are close, like really close, best friends, to be more specific, but he doesn't know that I want us to be more and I'm scared to tell him 'cause I'm sure he doesn't feels the same about me. He's always been there for me, ever since I was a little girl, he's been like a brother to me, but lately those feelings morphed and now I can't stop thinking about him; his smile is always in my mind, making my head spin and butterflies to fly in my stomach. He is so caring, so understanding and so beautiful that I'm slowly falling for him, not that he notices me, I mean, yeah we're best friends and spend lots of time together, but for him is just that; we are friends and nothing else. That only thought bummed me in a second.

"Why the long face?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows, he could read my face so easily. "You should be happy; today is your birthday and you'll get to go to school, isn't that what you have always wanted?"

"Yes, it is, I'm just nervous, that's all," I lied to him and smiled. School starts today, actually started a couple of weeks ago but my mother told me I was able to go the moment I turned five, that day being today, so today I'll start school with new people to now and new experiences to live.

Even though I'm five I look like I'm fifteen, that's why my parents allowed me to go; I'll start today as a sophomore in a private school here in Seattle. My father insisted in a private school, agreeing with that was the only way he would let me go, so I accepted immediately, the second reason he let me enroll in high school is that my mother we'll be a literature teacher there, so I'll always be protected, and, like my father always says 'protecting you is the most important thing'.

Is a good thing no one in the school would now the teacher is my mother, they'll think she's my sister, at least that's our story now; my mom is my sister, she's 22 (actually she's 18, and will always look like one, but she can go by like a 22 years old), she just graduated from Dartmouth (she actually graduated a couple of years ago) and she's my dad girlfriend. My dad is 20 years old (he's really 17) and he's in his second year of medicine in U-Dub. My dad is grandma's brother, she's acting like she's 26, so my dad can't act like her foster kid anymore, grandpa is acting like he's 27 and he will be working in a hospital here in Seattle. Aunt Alice is acting like one of the foster kids; she'll be 18, just graduated from high school and is starting a business with Aunt Rose, she is also pretending to be 18, is the same business as they had in New Hampshire – an event planner company – but they started again so they can act like they are younger and we'll be able to be here for a while. Aunt Rose and uncle Jasper are acting like they're twins and they are relatives of grandpa Carlisle, Uncle Jasper helps with Alice and Rose's business, but only when is extremely urgent. Finally is Uncle Emmett, he's also acting like one of the foster kids, he's 19 and he's Alice's brother, he got a work in a bar downtown.

Messy, huh? Well, that's my life, we always have to pretend because we are vampires and we don't get old, well, actually I'm a half-vampire and I do get old, but from Grandpa Carlisle's estimations I'll stop growing when I turn 7 and I will always look like an 18 years old, just like my mom. One of the benefits of being a half-vampire is that I look much more human, my skins isn't that white and my eyes don't change color depending if I'm hungry or not, I have human needs, like going to the bathroom and eating something besides blood, and I get human reactions; I can blush and I can cry, so is easy to hide my real identity.

We are not all vampires, Jacob is actually a shape shifter, he can turn into a wolf willingly and won't age if he keeps shifting and that's why he looks like he's 25 ever since he was 16. He looking like a 25 year old since he was 16 is due to the fact that half breeds – like me and Jacob – age really fast, so he aged from 16 to 25 in a matter of months, like I've aged from newborn to 15 in five years.

"Nessie, you have to get dress or you'll be late to school," my father told me from the first floor. Jacob stood up from my bed and offered me his hand; I took it and got up for school. I went to my bathroom and he got out of my room. I took a short shower, I tried to get the knots out of my hair while I was there; my curly hair becomes a wild mess if I don't brush it constantly. I got out of the shower and dressed with my new uniform, it's a deep blue tartan pleated skirt with a white blouse, a deep blue tie and cardigan, with the school logo in the chest. I went down stairs and everyone was waiting for me in the kitchen.

"Ohhh, you look so cute," Aunt Alice squeaked and went to hug me. Everyone hugged me, telling me I looked beautiful, wishing me a happy birthday and giving me gifts. Aunt Alice and uncle Jasper gave me like ten new outfits I could wear when I was with my friends out of school (of course this was Alice's idea), aunt Rose and uncle Emmett gave me an iPhone, they said I could do a lot of fun stuff with it, but more importantly I could call them whenever I needed and they'll be there in a heart bit, all the important numbers where already on the phone. Grandpa Carlisle and grandma Esme gave me a brown leather diary, so I could write every exciting moment of the new adventure that I was heading and finally, my mom and dad gave me a simple silver necklace with a big R.

"If I could produce tears I'll be crying now," my mother said hugging me again. She kissed the top of my head and held me a little tighter.

"You grew so fast," my father added, joining the hug. "I can't believe you are already five and you are going to school!"

"I'm fifteen," I whined.

"You may look like you are fifteen, but you are only five," he replied. Jeez, if they all keep treating me like I'm five Jake would never take me seriously. I felt my father stiffen and I rolled my eyes. That's what happens when you hear another people's thoughts, I added in my mind.

"You know I can't help it," he said sighing. "I wish I could."

Everyone looked at us funny, but then understood that I was having a silent conversation with my father, something we do a lot. My father new before I do that I was falling for Jacob, he tried to get me distracted, he did his best effort of keeping me away from him, but he could pick from my mind that that wasn't helping matters. I was falling for him irrevocably and no one could do anything about it, not even me.

Then they sang "happy birthday" with a cupcake, saying they'll have a real cake in the afternoon; I thanked everybody, ate the cupcake and drank a cup of tea. My mother always says that I should drink milk, but I don't like the smell of it and the flavor is even worse, so she stop trying to persuade me when I was four. At least I eat more food now that back then, but I drew the line in milk.

"Okay, are you ready to go?" My mom asked me. My father was going to give us a ride, something I'm not particularly excited about; no one wants to be seen with her parents on the first day of school.

"You won't be seen with your father, you'll be seen with your sister and her boyfriend," my father reminded me and I winced at the word 'boyfriend', that was plain creepy.

"I can give you a ride if you want," Jacob said smiling at me, obviously sensing my discomfort. My dad growled softy and I smacked him on the arm and warned him with my eyes.

"That's actually great," I answered smiling. My father was going to protest but my mother spoke first.

"Edward, is already too embarrassing for her that I'll be a teacher in her school, maybe it'll be less embarrassing if she doesn't show up with us on her first day," she said, stroking his face. My father melted instantaneously at her touch and I knew he wasn't going to argue anything after that. I touched my mother and thanked her silently; she winked at me and smiled.

"Okay," my father agreed, "but you'll go behind us at all moments. Are we clear?"

"Sir, yes, sir," Jacob and I said at the same time and laughed afterwards. They all looked at us and rolled their eyes; coincidences like this were common with me and Jake.

We went outside and everyone went to the door and said goodbye. We were living in two secluded houses near Lake Union; my father's house and my grandparent's house. In my house it's only me and my parents; in the other house is everyone else. Jake is sharing an apartment downtown with Seth, Seth is also at the U-Dub – studying business management – and Jake is working at a restaurant; he's taking a couple of classes to be a chef.

My parents went to my father's black Volvo; he used to have a grey one but changed before we got to Seattle, saying it was way too updated. I went to Jacob's truck, he used to have a rabbit but changed a couple of years ago for a new shiny silver ford; it was big and it was manly and I loved the stupid thing.

We were already on the road when I started nibbling my bottom lip nervously and shaking my leg furiously.

"Don't be nervous, you'll do great," Jacob told me, patting my hand.

"I don't know," I said looking through the window. "What if no one likes me?" I asked him and he snorted the moment the words came out of my mind.

"What's not to like?" Jacob argued and gave me a reassuring smile. "You are funny, smart and beautiful; everyone will like you, just wait and see."

"Yeah right," it was my time to snort. "You only say that 'cause you're my best friend."

"I only say that because is truth," he said stopping at my school's parking lot. We saw my dad getting out of his car and walking to open my mom's door, he extended his hand to help her and she came out in a fluid movement. Everyone in the school was watching them; the girls were clearly talking about my dad, whispering who knows what in other girl's ears and the boys were elbowing each other and pointing at my mom. It was always like this with this two; the worst of it is that they both get jealous every time someone of the other sex notices them and that's why my dad kissed my mother thoroughly in front of everyone. I shivered and screamed 'stop it!' in my head, so my dad stopped and laughed, he obviously heard me in his mind, he told something to my mom, kissed her one more time and let her go. When he was getting to his door he looked at me and gave me a little wave, I say 'bye, I love you,' in my head and he smiled, he got in the car and drove away.

I took a cleansing breath and shivered when I was exhaling. Jacob put his hand on my shoulder and I turned around to look at him.

"Everything is going to be fine, stop worrying, call me if anything goes wrong and I'll be here before you hang up, okay?"

"Okay," I said with a shaky voice.

"I'll come to pick you up in the afternoon; I don't have to work in the restaurant today and I want to know how everything went. Relax you'll do great."

"Okay," I said a little more forcefully, knowing that Jacob we'll be here when all of this is done is something to look forward. I smiled and he smiled back.

"Now, go kick some asses," he said and his smile grew wider.

"Here we go," I said and came out of the car, ready to start my newest adventure.

A/N: Did you love it? Did you hate it? Leave a review! I'll get back to you, I swear!. Thanks for reading!

If you want to read "A New Life" go to my profile and you'll find a link there.

Sorry for my English, I'm already looking for a beta ;)

Gracias! Connie.-