Thanks for reading my first fic, everyone! It's finally complete! I love you guys, and I sure hope no one would be disappointed in this last chapter!

See you at the bottom!


"SCORPIUS!" I flung myself at him, beaming radiantly. "We've finally done it! We're finally Aurors!"

He chuckled as he caught me in his arms deftly, inhaling the scent of me. And despite that it was our graduation in the Auror Academy, despite that many people were watching, and despite that our parents were there, I turned my head around kissed him full on the lips. I felt him lift me up in the air, not caring as much as I didn't.

Pulling away, he chuckled and murmured in my ear, "You realize our parents have seen that? And your bro—"

But I interrupted his rant by kissing him again and laughed as I pulled away.

"Who cares?" I giggled. Turning away, I flung myself at my parents' arms, engulfing them in a huge hug.

"DAD! MUM!" I exclaimed jovially, jumping on the balls of my feet. "I've made it! I'm finally an Auror!"

Dad chuckled. "Don't be so overenthusiastic, Lils," he teased. "I'm supposed to look decent, seeing as I'm Head Auror here."

"I'm your daughter," I said, grinning as I pulled away. "Who the bloody hell cares if I celebrate with my 'Headship' dad?"

"Headship?" Mum repeated, giggling. "I sure hope you didn't pick it up from Peeves."

I grinned. "Might have heard from him," I said,

"Who said Peeves?" James said beside Al, both of them grinning.

I beamed at them and hugged them, too, almost knocking them over the witch behind their back.

"Merlin, woman!" Al exclaimed, chuckling. "You've got the strength of a hippogriff!"

I turned away and shoved him playfully on the chest. "Be careful what you say, Al, or I'll send you off to the Dementors."

"Des will kill you," Al said. "And anyway, you won't do that, there's no need for me to fret."

"Yeah, right," I said and turned away from them, striding over to Scorpius and his parents.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy," I said, grinning broadly—too broadly, perhaps.

"Hello, Lily. And how many times do I have to tell you to call me Astoria?"

I giggled. "As long as it takes for me to remember Mrs. Mal—I mean, Astoria."

Astoria smiled, shaking her head fondly. "You've really got a nice sense of humor."

I grinned. "I take that as a compliment." I turned to her husband. "What nice robes you're wearing, Mr. Malfoy," I complimented, still grinning. "I might say it's too cliché, though, to match them with your eyes. You see, I never wear hazel or brown robes before."

Astoria chuckled and Draco Malfoy didn't seem to know how to reply.


"Don't mind her, Dad," Scorpius said, grinning at him as he slid his arm around my waist. "She's just babbling when she's excited."

I laughed. "Sorry, Mr. Malfoy," I said. "I was just happy to finally graduate—the second time. You know, like Muggles graduate in high school and college—er, right. I think you don't understand about that."

"He doesn't," Scorpius said before his dad could answer.

"Anyway, Lily," Astoria interrupted, "why don't you come over at the Manor for dinner tomorrow tonight? It's a Saturday tomorrow and it would be lovely for us to have you and your family as well, if they'd like."

I smiled apologetically. "Sorry, Astoria, but my aunts and grandma have already arranged a joint-party for my Auror-thingy and my mum's birthday tomorrow at the Burrow. You can go if you'd like."

"Oh, don't bother us," Draco answered before his wife could reply. "Just tag Scorpius along, and we'll just stay in the Manor for…family things."

"Oh," I mumbled. "I heard your father's ill, Mr. Malfoy. Sorry about that. I hope he gets well soon."


"Anyway, Dad," Scorpius cut in, "I'm going to take Lily for a little celebration for a while today since her party isn't until tomorrow."

"Well, we must be off then," Astoria said. "C'mon, Draco."

The two of them walked outside the door and I stared at them. As soon as they were out of view, I turned to Scorpius.

"Where are you taking me?"

He flashed me a gorgeous smile and said, "Our flat. I've prepared a little something in there."

I grinned. "Our flat? Mmm, that means—"

"That it's also yours, yeah," he said and I beamed at him.

"Shut up, Malfoy. I'm twenty-one and we're not married yet."

He leaned his forehead and caught my lips, caressing them softly.

"I couldn't see a marrying another person in the future other than you."

I smiled at him, my eyes alight with the confession, my heart fluttering.

"I love you," I whispered. "And I couldn't see myself walking down the aisle with another person, either. After all those years…I don't know how pathetic I am but it's still you, you, you."

I jabbed a forefinger playfully on his shirt.

"Yeah, you're definitely pathetic to fall in love with me," he said, smiling, "but I think your family wants to say goodbye…"

I turned away and pulled him over to my mum, dad and brothers.

"You've done well, Scorpius," Dad said, clapping him on the shoulder. "I'm pretty sure you're going to be a good Auror."

"What am I, invisible?" I said pointedly. "You don't seem to think I'm a good enough Auror, Dad."

He turned to grin at me. "Of course you're gonna be a great Auror," he said.

"Too late for that," I muttered. "Anyway, we're going out today, I might come home late."

"You don't need our permission now, Lily," Mum reminded. "You're an adult for about four years now."

"Well, I just thought it would be appropriate to tell you I've got some arrangements to make," I said, shrugging.

"Just don't come home too late, okay?" Dad said.

"Alright, then, we're going now," I said, pulling Scorpius away from them.

"And don't knock Lily over," James added slyly to Scorpius, smirking teasingly.

"Shut up, Jamie," I said. "Anyway, I'll be back around seven! And Al, tell Des to come over tomorrow and write Kat and Jonathan a letter as well."


"See you, guys. Bye!"

We Apparated in the middle of Scorpius' flat, except that it didn't look anything like his flat.

"Wow," I breathed, taking in the surroundings. The lights were turned off and candles lit the whole place, leaving me a breathless scene. The furniture in the middle of the sitting room was placed smoothly on the side of the flat, leaving a space in the middle which was surrounded with red and white roses. It was like one of those films that you see in a romantic Muggle movie. The boy will take the girl out to his flat with something romantic prepared for her. The girl will burst into tears and flung herself at him—but heck, of course I didn't burst into tears. I was frozen on the spot, still staring at the rose-laden floor.

"Come on," he said.

Smiling lovingly, he led me to the other side of the room. We sat facing each other in front of the circular glass table that usually sat in the middle of the room. On top of it was a bottle of wine, two glasses, and three pieces of glowing white lilies.

"Scorpius, I…" I trailed off, but couldn't find my voice. I cleared my voice and said, "Thank you."

Before he could get a word out of his lips, I stood up swiftly and kissed him, as he sat me on his lap. I've never felt as happy as now. The feelings I had for him never wears off, and instead, it only thickens as time passes. I've been in love him since I was fifteen; I've still been in love with him when he left; I've been more in love with him when he came back; and now, after three years of our renewed relationship, with him doing something like this for me, I could only think of doing one thing with him right now…

I deepened the kiss, his tongue moving on mine, and felt intoxicated by the honey taste of him.

Pulling away for breath, I let him trail off kisses on my bare shoulder, to my neck, to my ear lobe and back again.

"I love you," I whispered.

He looked up to face me. "I love you, too," he said. "So what do you think of this?" He gestured around the elegantly furnished sitting room.

"It's perfect," I said without hesitation. "Too cliché, though," I added teasingly and giggled as he pouted.

"I've spent the whole night doing this," he said.

"Oh, so that's why you kicked me out of here too early yesterday, isn't it?"

"Yeah, sor—"

But I interrupted him with a kiss. Pulling away, I said, "Don't apologize. I love it."

"Thanks," he said. "At least it was worth the effort then. Now, why don't you come back to your seat so I wouldn't be tempted to do anything reckless with you for a moment."

"For a moment," I repeated and went back to my seat.

"So," he said, "shall we have wine first?"


He poured blood-red wine in our glasses. After holding their glasses for a toast, I sipped the wine and reminisced back when I was a fifteen year old teenager drowning myself into it.

"Why did you choose wine?" I asked curiously. "You could've gone for Firewhisky or butterbeer, for all I care."

"It's not as alcoholic as Firewhisky. I don't wanna risk having sick here," he said. "And anyway, I couldn't risk spreading sick on my flat, could I?"

"How 'bout butterbeer?" I asked, taking a sip of wine.

"What're you, Lils, a third year?" he teased. "You could do with some wine, you know."

"I could," I said and grinned, "but I was just trying to make a conversation, you git."

"I see," he said as I held my glass for another drink. This time, I finished it straight in one gulp.

I held it again for another one.

"I see," he said again. "You're too eager for a drink. Mmm…you're lucky you never had a hangover."

"Pity for you," I said, grinning as I drank in the new glass of wine again in one gulp.

Swiftly he stood up from his seat and offered his hand to me. "Dance with me?"

I smiled and took his hand. Just as I did so, music started to play, the same music from my necklace. I smiled in content as he pulled me in the center of the room as we glided on the small dance floor. With my arms wrapped around his neck, and his around my waist, I felt content. Even if we're both wearing robes and casual shirts and jeans underneath when we should've been wearing dress robes, even if my hair is up in a ponytail when it should've been in an elegant bun, and even if the dance floor was very small, I felt oddly peaceful.

It wasn't just because of the sweet, calming music, but also because of the fact that I felt only Scorpius' hands on my back; heard only his steady heartbeat and breathing; inhaled only his intoxicating scent, saw only his mesmerizing gray eyes, and tasted only his lips as he leaned down and caught mine.

Without breaking the kiss, I slid my hands inside his shirt and removed it in one movement. I felt his hand slide up inside my clothes and caress my sensitive curves.

Suddenly, he moved his lips away from mine and whispered in my ear, "Is this what you want, Lily?"

"Yes," I answered breathlessly, without hesitation.

"Are you sure?" he asked in a whispered voice. "Because I find it hard to control myself any longer."

"I'm twenty-one. I want to do this. I love you."

Without warning, he carried me towards the bedroom, kicking off the door open and setting me gingerly on his king-sized bed. I was mesmerized at how his eyes shined with love and compassion before he leaned down and caught my lips on his once more. I undid his clothes just as he removed mine, kissing me all the time. He then pulled his lips away from mine and began trailing off kisses from my ear lobes, down to my neck, to my collar bone, and the soft curve of my breasts.

I heard myself gave a soft moan of pleasure as he did that and closed my eyes. Upon opening them once more, I looked up to see him fully. I've never seen anything so…beautiful.

He caught my lips once more and I've never felt a more blissful oblivion than what I've felt now…This was nothing like I've ever felt before…This was heaven…

"Hey, Mum, what's for dinner?" I asked when I arrived back home, accompanied by Scorpius. I was finding it harder to act than I usually did. I'm a good liar, but I still couldn't suppress the silly grin that kept spreading across my face.

"Lamb chops," she answered, fixing me a stare. "So what did you two do?"

"I took her to a restaurant," Scorpius lied smoothly, smiling lopsidedly at my mother. "She got…kind of drink a bit of wine…"

"I'm fine!" I said. "It's just wine. You know I don't get hangovers much."

"But you do get a bit tipsy."

"Oh, I don't want to bicker with you now," I said. "Adults, remember?"

"You don't have to act old to be an adult," he said. "And…I should probably go. Night Mr. and Mrs. Potter!" he added to my parents.

"Why don't you stay for dinner?" Mum said.

"I should probably go," he said. "The old man—er, Lucius…needs some helping and my father's probably tired already."

"Oh, well you'd better go then."

"Good night," he said to them again and turned to kiss me swiftly on the lips.

"Night," I said, ignoring my parents' eyes. He then turned on the spot and Disapparated.

"So," I said with a slight awkward tone in my voice, "lamb chops! C'mon, let's eat!"

Mum and Dad exchanged incredulous looks at my overly enthusiastic attitude but I merely pretended I didn't care or notice.

Dinner at the Burrow was fun. Our friends from school were there which included Desiree, Katrina, Maxine, Nate and surprisingly, even Brett was there.

"We bullied him into it," Des said to me, gesturing to his eldest brother. "He wouldn't have come if we didn't threaten to hex him."

I chuckled in response. "Why doesn't he want to come?"

"Because there are loads of Gryffindors," she answered, shrugging.

"What do you call us, pigs?" Nate said from behind. "We're not Gryffindors but we are here."

"Well you're not Slytherins, aren't you?" Brett snapped behind him and Nate grinned at his brother.

"So I suppose I'm a pig, then," Scorpius said, from behind Brett and I couldn't suppress a laugh. "I'm a Slytherin but I'm here."

"That would be because you're dating a Gryffindor," Brett snapped but he was smiling in his own crooked way.

"And a beautiful one," Scorpius said, sliding an arm around my shoulder. "Anyway mate, sorry but I'll have to go entertain my lady away."

He smirked in response but before Scorpius could steer me away from the crowd, Courtney Ashton, my friend in the Auror training, came over and said, "Thanks for inviting me here, Lily! It's really cool in here! I've never been much out of our house and I've rarely been to parties."

I beamed at her. "You're welcome, then. Now why don't you talk with our friend here, Brett? He's in deep anxiety of being here because he couldn't talk to a bunch of Gryffindors and a peck of Ravenclaws."

Courtney turned to Brett and Scorpius and I exchanged smirks.

"Hello, Brett," she said boldly, holding out her hand. "I'm Courtney Ashton."

"Brett Zabini," he said, flashing a dazzling smile. He didn't seem to disapprove of the tall figure, tan skin and long-lashed, big brown eyes of Courtney.

"See you later, then," Scorpius said, smiling appreciatively at his friend and Courtney.

"Looks like Zabini's got an eye out for an Auroress," I commented as we walked around the garden,

"He should just be careful," he said, "because I wouldn't let him live if he has his eye on my Auroress."

I smiled. "Why, I think she won't let anyone else catch her, though…"

He smiled. "Of course she won't…otherwise she'll suffer on my cause."

I smirked. "I'm not bound to you."

"Not yet," he said, tilting his head to one side and assessing me with a stare. "What would you do if I ask you to marry me right now?"

My eyes widened.

"Oh, Merlin, please don't!" I exclaimed in horror. "For heaven's sake we just had our first you-know-what yesterday!"

He chuckled in response. "I was kidding, Lils," he said. "And why couldn't you say the word se—"

"Shut up!" I hissed. "And I don't have the problem on saying the word 'sex'. I just don't want everyone in my family to know that much about my private life, thank you," I added sarcastically.

He didn't seem perturbed, though. He was used to my temper, my constant change of moods, and practically just my whole being.

"I was just teasing," he said. "Anyway…you couldn't deny you liked it…" He left the sentence hanging on purpose, I knew it, but didn't care about my answer, anyway.

"Oh, I didn't like it," I said and he raised an eyebrow at me. "I love it. It was amazing, if you ask me. I'm not sure why I never let you in before." I didn't even feel embarrassed as I said this.

"I should've prepared something romantic two years ago," he said, grinning, "when you were still a teenager."

This time, I pulled myself away from him and smacked him on his arm.

Glaring at him, I said, "I'm not that girl who jumps in bed with someone, you know! And I don't care if you're teasing," I added knowingly.

"Okay, okay," he said, raising his arms as if in surrender. "I'm sorry, okay. I don't know it would affect you like that, sorry."

I sighed. "I feel pathetic, okay," I said. "I guess that one vital thing slipped my mind through the years…and I just remembered."

"I perfectly understand," he said, sliding his arm back around me. "We've been busy for the last three years."

"I know but…"

Biting my lip, I stared up at him.

"What is it?" he asked knowingly.

I sighed. "I just thought we shouldn't do it like a habit and…"

"Lily," he said exasperatedly, "I wouldn't want that, either. We've got permanent jobs starting September and I think we ought to be careful or else we could make you a baby-carrier in no time."

I shuddered. "I definitely don't want to be that yet…and I don't feel up to making the potion to stop it when having sex every bloody day."

"C'mon, let's just talk about something else, now," he said, sighing. "I could see you're getting uncomfortable and incoherent."

I nodded. "Yeah. C'mon, let's go back."

We went back to the front garden where the older men set up the table and the older women set up the food. Rose set an elegant array of silver and gold lights at the trees. That's when I noticed the person she was with.

"Andrew!" I said and flung my arms at him. It had been ages since I've seen him. He took a job in the International Magical Cooperation office of the Ministry and had been to France for almost half a year. "I missed you!"

He smiled. "I missed you, too, Lils!" He ruffled my hair in a very brotherly sort of way.

"Hey!" I took a step away from him and fixed my hair. "So how come you didn't tell me you're coming today?"

He shrugged. "I thought it was a good surprise to you all."

"Anyway," Scorpius said, "let's leave him to Rose, here. I'm sure they want time catching up."

"Right. See you, then."

It was a very beautiful night. Everywhere I looked, there seemed to be a couple, whether an old one, a fresh one, a young one, or a still blooming one. There seemed to be a glowing face everywhere I looked, and even Courtney seemed to love Brett's company.

"It's wonderful to see everyone together, isn't it?" I said.

"It's more wonderful to see us together after all the years, though," he said as he leaned down and kissed me lightly on the lips.

I was exhausted. First, it was James and Marian's yesterday. It was exhausting when either a Potter or Weasley gets married. Then, as it was Thursday today, there was work already.

It has been a year since we started to work officially as Aurors. It proved to be adventurous just as much as it was tiring.

There has been a lot more mess this year, though. Witches were disappearing, and the next thing we knew, they were dumped in a random place with a wiped out memory. It was also a witch who has been doing all this. Her name was Helen Palmer. And she's getting on my nerves.

Six months. She has been kidnapping witches for six months. And apparently, for no reason at all. The witches she abducted consisted of a five year old girl, a third year Hogwarts student over the summer, a twenty-one year old trainee Healer, a ninety-five year old witch who lives on her own, a shop owner in Diagon Alley, and a woman pregnant for six months. No one died, yet. Well, no one, except for the baby inside the pregnant woman's womb.

It has been an exhausting six months. The only thing we deduced in the attacks was that one witch was abducted each month. Other than that, we have no lead. The only thing we could come up with—which is quite unlikely—was that the Palmer was doing this for fun. But it couldn't be, however.

Helen Harper was a Slytherin in my time, a year older than me. I remembered passing her through the corridors sometimes or seeing her during meals, but other than that, I don't know who she was. Scorpius told me that Palmer was merely quiet and mostly keeps to herself during those days when he was still at Hogwarts. He also told me her family were known to be pure-bloods.

I Apparated in Scorpius' flat with every intention of talking to him. He took the day off work to do some research about Harper and I was here to tell him that he was needed in the office right now. I could've owled him or sent him a Patronus, but this was faster than either and quite frankly, I wanted to see him.

It wasn't his handsome face that welcomed me, though. As soon as I arrived, a spell flew past my left ear, narrowly missing me and I turned just in time to dodge another one. I blocked a third spell and this time, I saw who was firing it and I felt myself froze.

Somehow, I was greeted by Helen Palmer.

"Why, hello Potter," she said in a singsong voice.

"Palmer," I said in a hard voice as I concentrated on aiming spells at her. I was an excellent dueler and I was surprised that she, too, was. I've never seen much of her at school.

"You couldn't win over me," she taunted.

I tuned her voice out, concentrating on her every movement, wondering what her next move was…

"Expelliarmus!" I yelled out loud just as her arms opened wide, loosening her defenses. Her wand flew out of her hand and I caught it. Without missing a heartbeat, I whipped my wand and ropes bound her tightly. She fell over the floor and glared up at me.

Walking over to her, I bent over and said, "Nice try, Palmer. I guessed you've caused enough damage, already." Looking around, there was indeed some damage. Some of the windows was broken and there was a crack in the photo of her and Scorpius in the glass table.

"If you still want to see your lover-boy," Palmer said in a vindictive voice, "you're going to have to let me go."

My eyes widened.

"Where's Scorpius?" I asked vehemently, pointing both wands at her throat.

She smirked. "He's very well asleep somewhere, of course…"

I buried the wands further on her throat and she seemed to lose some of her confidence.

"Where is he?" I said again in a low, menacing voice. "If you don't tell me where he is, I'm going to force it out of you!"

"Give me my wand back, then."

"Do you think I'm stupid?" I snapped.

"Well, if you don't want to find—"

"You're not exactly in the position to make threats," I cut in. "Now, tell me where Scorpius is before I lose my temper and—"

"And what? Throw a hex at me just like you always do at school?"

"Now you mentioned school," I said in a low, dangerous voice, "I'm not only particularly good in hexing bitches' heads off. I'm also good at Potions."

"And where'll that get you, exactly?" Palmer sneered, though I could see that she was sweating out of nerves.

"Let's see…" I said in a mocking voice, throwing her wand in the corner. "Accio Veritaserum!"

A tiny bottle came shooting out of Scorpius' bedroom and I caught it.

"Don't—!" But before she could continue her sentence, I cast a body-bind at her and poured three drops of the potion inside her half-open mouth.

Releasing her from the spell, I asked, "Where's Scorpius?"

"I don't bloody well know, do I?" she answered and her eyes opened wide in horror at what she just admitted.

I sighed in relief then returned to professional mode again. But before I could ask another question, there was a loud popping noise and I turned to see Scorpius appearing a few feet away from us.

"Lily!" he exclaimed, coming over beside me and looked in horror upon who I was with. "Merlin, how come she's here in my flat?" he asked, as if the other woman wasn't there.

"I was about to ask her that," I said. "Maybe we should take her to the Auror office?"

Scorpius nodded and suddenly snatched something on my lap. "Good. You've used a Veritaserum on her, then."

I nodded and put Palmer in a body-bind once more. "Come on, we'd better get on our job now."

It was almost nine when the interrogation had finished. We finally found out the reason why Helen Palmer was kidnapping witches, and her last victim should've been me.

The real reason she was kidnapping witches and Obliviate them was because she couldn't stand seeing a happy witch around. Everyone was surprised to hear her say that she was in love with Scorpius. Scorpius!

I was beyond shocked to hear that news. She confessed that it was because of him that she kidnaps witches. That it was because of me that she had a miserable life. That it was because of me that Scorpius couldn't marry her. That it was because of me that they weren't married right now, having babies.

Repulsed, at the end of the interrogation, I ran straight outside and sat inside my cubicle, closing my eyes and putting my head between my hands.

Someone put a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Scorpius.

"Lily," he said. "I'm sorry 'bout what you heard."

I cringed. "So you're sorry, then, that I've got to hear such a puke-inducing story the reason behind Helen Palmer's kidnapping cases? Urgh, don't remind me."

He suddenly leaned down and caught my lips on his. I have no idea why he suddenly did but I responded, nonetheless.

Pulling away, he said, "Have I successfully distracted you?"

I smiled. "Quite. You just reminded me of it."

"Yeah, sorry," he said. "Anyway, fancy joining me on the flat? Harry said we could take a break from work tomorrow."

"Yes, please," I said. "What food have you got at home?"

"Mainly sweets because I didn't feel up to eating anything heavy at the moment," he answered.

I beamed. "That would be perfect."

"Anyway," he said, "could we stop by somewhere first? I swear this isn't going to take long."

"Sure. C'mon, then."

I took his hand and let him Apparate us both. We landed, not in an establishment or streets that I imagined, but at the top of a cliff overlooking the sea. It was a marvelous sight. The moon and stars seemed nearer here. Droplets of water caught my skin from where they splashed. The ground where we stood was spread, not with sand, but with grass and white flowers that glowed through the moonlight.

It was a breathtaking sight.

"Wow," I whispered in awe and turned to look at Scorpius, who was looking straight ahead at the stretch of waters, through the moon. "This is just…wow."

He turned to meet my gaze and smiled. "I know. I would've brought you here two hours ago, but under certain circumstances…I thought I might be late…"

And to my surprise, he took something small and red and velvet inside his pocket, bent on one knee, and opened the box to reveal a single, silver ring. It was simple, yet elegant, with little diamonds around the band and a slightly bigger emerald one in the middle.

"I love you, Lily. I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather spend my life with. I never thought I'd fell deeply, madly in love with someone until you've given me that chance when I was just seventeen. I even fell more in love with you when you've given me a second chance. And now, it's been exactly seven years since that day you first agreed to go out with me, back in the fifth of September, 2023. I've been meaning to ask you this for ages but—will you marry me?"

I blinked for a few moments, my heart thudding in my chest, and without thinking, I pulled him from the ground so that he stood in front of me. He looked shocked by my reactions and suddenly grasped the box shut with his hand.

"Lily, why—"

But before he could finish his sentence, I cupped his face between my hands and caressed his lips softly, answering his question wordlessly.

I pulled away and didn't care to wipe the tears that started spilling from my eyes.

"So, I guess that's a yes, then?" he said breathlessly.

I couldn't find my voice, so I just nodded as he opened the box once more and slipped the ring on my middle finger. He stood up and I immediately caught his lips on mine as he lifted me up in the air, filled with joy and love.

"Mummy!" I turned around just in time to catch Arianne before she fell on the ground, her strawberry blonde hair falling all over her face.

I hoisted her up from the ground and carried her.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Am I going to have a brother?" she asked.

I looked at her in a mixture of awe and shock. "How did you know about that?" I asked.

"Your tummy's getting bigger, mummy," she said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Yes, you're going to have a brother," I said, smiling at her.

Her gray eyes sparkled with excitement. "Really, mummy? Why didn't you tell me?"

"My little baby's growing like her mummy, isn't she?" someone said behind us and I turned around to see Scorpius grinning at our two-year old daughter.

"Daddy!" he sang and I passed her to Scorpius. "Mummy said I'm going to have a brother!"

Scorpius chuckled and turned to look at me. "See, I told you she's growing like you! Look at how observant she is already!"

I chuckled as my hand absentmindedly caressed the small bump on my belly.

"She's not like me, though," I said, smiling at both of them. "She's got her own personalities."

"You've still got one thing in equal, though," Scorpius said and I raised a questioning eyebrow at him.

"And that is?"

He smiled. "I love you, both."

I smiled affectionately at him. "You've forgotten one other thing, though."

"And that's?"

I kissed him on the lips and said, "We're both Malfoys, remember?"

Arianne giggled.

He smiled as I caught his lips once more.

A/N: And that's it. I'll grab this chance to say thank you to all those who read and reviewed this story! It's absolutely refreshing when I wake up and see that someone has reviewed. And I'll also grab this opportunity to say sorry for all the typos, wrong grammars, spellings, etc. all over this fic. I don't have a beta and don't reread the chapters to remove the errors so, a big, big sorry if they annoyed anyone!



I love you guys!

