DISCLAIMER FOR THE ENTIRE STORY: Nothing you recognise belongs to me, it is the creation of the ingenious J. K. Rowling I am merely borrowing her world and characters to exploit for my own devices :)

I have always wanted to add my own character to the series and I am well aware what sorts of effects an additional character, especially a main one, would have on the plot. However although I do intend to change some parts of the original plotline, it will probably not be until the later years, i.e. years 4, 5, 6 and 7. But I hope you stay with me until then :)

This is a repost of a story I posted ages ago but did not have the time to finish. Hopefully this time I can get it done :)

If you have time check out 'Healing Starts With The Heart' by QuiteMike- I'm betaing it for him and I think it is going to be a really great story!

So let me introduce Allie Black... (full name Alexia 'Prewett' Black)

Thank you for reading my story and please take the time to review :D


A soft wind blew over the trees of the woods around Ottery St. Catchpole. All was eerily quiet and the velvet night sky was clouded, blocking out the moon. The winding lane was deserted and not even the bravest creature was out in the fields this night. Rumbles of thunder could be heard, even from inside the house where Adele Black sat next to a crib, glancing from the tiny occupant to the clock on the wall. The fire crackled in the grate and shadows from the candlelight flickered on the young women's face, not yet twenty-two. She smiled gently down at the small child who snuffled in her sleep and rolled over beneath the blankets.

It was nearing midnight and Adele was beginning to worry. Her husband should have been home by now. It was getting much too late. Moving to the window, she glanced down the lane. He was only supposed to have been making a quick stop at Godric's Hollow to see Harry and James after work.

A snuffle from the cot meant Adele was immediately at its side, watching her daughter, Allie, twist and turn in the covers. She looked distressed so Adele placed a soothing hand on her forehead, which seemed to calm her slightly. As she stood, a strong arm curled around her and pulled her back into a warm body. Closing her eyes, Adele leant into the comforting scent.

"Sirius," she whispered. Both his arms came up around her as she twisted to face him, and held her close and tightly. She rested her cheek against his muscular chest feeling his heartbeat. They stood in silence until Adele became aware of tear drops that weren't hers travelling down her face. She looked up and took Sirius' chin in her hand.

"What's the matter?" she asked concerned. "Honey, what is it? Sirius?"

She couldn't bear it when he crumbled in front of her. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks and he sunk to his knees. He hugged her middle, sobbing into her blue sweater as she soothingly caressed his hair and face, whispering comfort. When the tears seemed to have slowed, Adele kneeled down and cupped his face but recoiled at what she saw. His stormy gray eyes were hollow and empty. There was just nothing. He gazed unseeing at something behind her. Hesitantly, she reached for his hand and enclosed hers around it.

"They're gone," he croaked, his voice emotionless.

"Who? Sirius you're scaring me." His eyes snapped to hers.

"Lily and James."

"What?" her voice cracked. "No- I mean- they were safe- what- how- was it him- I- did he-are they okay?"

"He killed them Adele." he whispered, "Both of them. THAT BASTARD VOLDEMORT KILLED THEM!"

Adele sat in shock staring at Sirius. This couldn't be true; it was just one of their jokes: a cruel joke. He was going to burst into laughter at any minute. She waited… any minute now… but the laughter never came; just that empty look in his eyes. Tears began to pour over her cheeks and she suddenly found she couldn't control them.

"He killed them and it's my fault." Adele lifted her head up sharply and stared at him through her tears.

"But you would never- he-he-your best friend- Sirius- surely you don't mean-you betrayed him…" she choked out.

"No. I'm not- it was…" his eyes widened in realisation. "Wormtail! That son of a bitch! I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!"

Suddenly he was up on his feet, fumbling for his wand and striding towards the door. Adele jumped up and ran to him, hanging onto his arm, pleading with him.

"Please, Sirius, stop! Wait! Tell me!" he stopped at the urgency in his wife's voice. Calming himself for a moment, he brushed the tears from his eyes and placing a hand on both her cheeks, wiped hers away with his thumbs.

"I'll explain everything when I get back, I promise." Sirius dropped his lips to hers and softly caressed her mouth. Adele met it with as much of the same love as possible. He pulled away and wiped a stray tear from her cheek. "Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

He pulled away and went over to the cot in the corner. Despite all the shouting his daughter was still asleep. He bent over and gently kissed her forehead. Something twinged inside of him and he felt such sorrow he felt his heart might break. The silence around them was almost suffocating. He could hear the silent sobs from Adele and even three lots of heartbeats.

Without a second thought, he pulled a long, silver chain from around his neck and dropped it into the small hand of his daughter. It had a pendant; a small deep violet stone cast in silver filigree attached to it. He smiled as the tiny hand closed around the piece of jewellery and turned to take one last look at his wife.

"I love you." he said, eyes only for Adele. "Both of you."

"Come back to me." she whispered, "Come back to us."

He nodded once and in a second he was gone. Adele let her eyes rake over the empty room before settling on her daughter. Suddenly she couldn't hold it in and she let the pain and anguish of losing her best friends wash over her, and even though it hadn't been said, the pain of losing her husband, because that last kiss had never tasted so strongly of a last goodbye.

Thank you and reviews are very much appreciated :)