Disclaimer I don't own NCIS, Gibbs, DiNozzo, McGee, David or Washington, DC. I do however own my main OC, Alfie, as well as her siblings and the Argents.

Author's Note Well, here it is, the last chapter of this story. I was going to make this a little snippit of the sequel - spoilers ;) - but decided not to. So, instead I've written the conclusion to this chapter.

bored411 - Don't worry, I'll be going over all the chapters to this story over the next few months. Making it better, more supernatural, and a lot more interesting.



Two days later found Alfie, Griffin and Sonny gathered in the quad room of NCIS. Gibbs, along with his team (plus Ducky and Abby), had been finishing up a few last-minute questions for the reports they would all eventually have to write about the case.

Griffin had been allowed to go back to his hotel room to change, at which time Alfie and Sonny had been allowed to go with him.

Alfie still wore the same pair of ripped jeans, although they'd been thoroughly washed. Her sandals had been thrown out and she'd borrowed a pair of her brother's shoes, a pair of black Converse, plus a pair of socks. Her neon hooded jumper had also been chucked and replaced by one of Griffin's borrowed t-shirts, it was baggy on her and black, a picture of a silver DMC-12 DeLorean car was printed onto the front of it. She'd also gotten a shower, her hair a more profound shade of white and now fluffy.

Sonny had also needed to borrow a t-shirt from her older brother, she'd been wearing her own jeans and thankfully had still been wearing a pair of Nike trainers.

Griffin had packed his bags and checked out of his hotel that morning, the three siblings were catching the four O'clock aeroplane from Washington, DC National Airport to Gatwich Airport in Britain.

"Well, thanks for coming back in," Tony was the first to speak as he flipped his notebook shut, dropping it along with the pen onto his desk. "I think that's all we needed."

"We were happy to help," Alfie smiled as she put an arm around Sonny's shoulders. "Weren't we?"

"Anything to keep those two locked up." Sonny agreed with a few nods of her head.

The siblings didn't need to worry about hauling a cab to the airport as Tony had very kindly offered to give them a lift down, which earned him a confused look from Tim and a suspicious look from Ziva.

"You better get going." Gibbs commented, sipping a cup of black coffee at his desk, nothing out of the ordinary.

"Well, I'm glad I met you all," Alfie turned to the team and looked at them all as Griffin lifted his suitcase and Tony slipped his jacket on. "I just wish it'd been under better circumstances."

"We do too." Tim smiled back.

"I really hope to see you guys around." Alfie replied as the group started making their way towards the elevators and all piled into the lift, she gave the team a wave before the doors closed.


Washington, DC National Airport

Tony pulled up outside the airport, parking in the drop-off area before they all got out of the car, Griffin grabbing his bags out of the boot. The four stood at the entrance for a moment, not sure how to go separate ways, until Griffin spotted the awkward side-glances Alfie and Tony were giving each other.

"Me and Sonny'll go on ahead," Griffin spoke to his twin, reaching into his back pocket and lifting out a white and orange plane ticket. "Your ticket."

"Thanks," Alfie took the ticket and slipped it into her own back pocket as Griffin and Sonny headed inside, leaving her and Tony alone. "So..."

"Any chance you'd come back to visit?" Tony asked, trying to play it off.

"For the right reason, I think I might," Alfie answered with a smile. "You don't have a pen, do you?"

"Uh... Yeah, I think I do," Tony reached into the inside pocket of his suit and lifted out a pen, handing it over. "Why?"

"Thanks," Alfie took the pen, and grabbed his hand as well, turning it palm up as she uncapped the pen and began writing on it. "You asked for my number, before I forget to give it to you."

"Oh," Tony raised an eyebrow and grinned, holding back a chuckle as the writing was tickling his hand. "Thanks."

"There," Alfie finished, capping the pen and handing it back to him. "I'll be expecting a call now, you know."

"And you won't be disappointed." He promised, and the two shared a quick hug.

"Bye." Alfie waved as she walked into the airport.

"Bye." Tony grinned widely and waved until she'd disappeared, then checked his hand. There was her number, and an email address, along with a little message - phone soon ;). He chuckled to himself before climbing back into his car and starting the drive back to NCIS headquarters.

That's definitely it for Silver Chip.

Editing is a definite and a sequel may be in the works (spoilers), but if I do write it, it won't be up into at least July.

Glad you enjoyed the chapter and I've loved all the responses.

- AlfieTimewolf