(So here we are, this is the last chapter. Thanks to all for sticking with this tale, especially FireTigerLily, Rioshix, DragonWriter17, CiliaReturning, Squeewockle, Emory, Lilly, BuffynFaithFan…..oh there's too many of you to mention but you know who you are and I love you all. Good, now on with the show!)

"Dru, what in hell's teeth be ye doin' here? Not that I wish ye not to be….but how?", smiled Faith as she embraced her beloved friend in her aching arms, their battle weary bodies clattering together bathed in the foul fumes of blood, powder and death.

"I told ye, come the day ye need me….. when all hope is lost an' ye pray for that which is not yours ….on that day I would be there", grinned Madam Dru as she pressed her dry crack'd lips to Faith's bruised cheek.

"Talk not in mumbo-jumbo's prose my friend, tell me the truth. How did ye know I needed ye?", said the pirate queen whose skin bore neat slices which bled but a trickle as she stood flanked by her proud crew under the sharp snapping of the flag in the courtyard of the fort which bustled with rattling sabre and the dull clunk of musket.

"Darla told me", replied the keeper of the brothel as her harlots, now bearing the pallor of heroines, stood true with their loaded flintlocks aimed at the smartly dressed gentleman who stood silent to one side.

"Darla?", said Faith with a brow deeply furrowed by quizzical slant.

"Aye, after ye killed Angelus the men o' The Wolfram held a Council O'War and mutinied taking Lilah as their new Cap'n. They marooned Darla on the island with only Angelus' rottin' corpse t'keep her company", said Madam Dru as her head lilted and she bounced her prize off her hip, "But Darla managed to barter passage back t'the hellmouth with some gun runners who used the island to store their trade. Once back on my isle she told me all of Angelus' part in this wick'd ploy, though I wished ne'er to ride the waves again I set sail at once but at Tabula Rasa we found naught but wreck'd ships….so we sailed here with all haste"

"An' Darla told ye all this willingly?", Faith said glancing at the golden hair clutched 'tween Madam Dru's bejewelled fingers.

"Well…..nay. She needed a little persuasion. It be amazing how talkative one can be when left alone with me …..an' a mallet", grinned the woman whose mind would forever wax and wane in volatile unrepentant tides.

"Dru", said Faith in a slow drawn out pitch, her eyes narrowing in mirth, "What did ye do?"

"Not much. But let us just say Darla will not be playin' the piano for a while", grinned Madam Dru as she swung her blood soaked cutlass, stained with clumps of flesh and notches bore by skull, for she trusted not the company she now kept in the uneasy truce.

"God damn Dru, ye really be somethin' else y'know", chuckled the haggard pirate, "But tell me, why did ye not open fire on the British? Since when did ye fear reprisal?"

"I thought ye knew me better than that, m'darlin'. I will not open broadside on a ship bearing a flag o' truce. No matter how pompous the poltroon helming it", snickered the mind fuddled Madam Dru nodding her singed locks towards the smartly dressed Sir Rupert Giles laden in flouncy lace hems to his finely starched shirt. His beaver hat of plain castor sitting jauntily on his crown and the silver chain of his pocket watch, a gift from his dear departed father, caught the flaming rays of the sun making its small rounded links glint.

"Ladies, please. May we return to the matter at hand", coughed Sir Rupert Giles fresh off the HMS Merlin as he pointed with heaving concern to Dru's new trophy, "Madam, will you please be so kind as to dispose of that"

Madam Dru grinned with serpentine smirk as she drew her hand up, short cropped golden tresses snaking through her fingers where she held up the severed head of the French Captain whose ship had been boarded by the hordes of scurrilous pirate and set to torch in a blaze of vehement glory. She giggled as she poked at the glassy lifeless eyes and drew her tongue o'er its stubbly cheek, the trails of crimson which had run down the still warm decapitated head drew into her mouth as she smiled coquettishly at the wide eyes and grimaces of those who watched on with open mouth.

"Dru…please", asked Faith as she eyed the British man warily, though he was flanked by a pair of Redcoats standing at full attention with bayonets firmly fixed to their muskets and bearing the white flag of truce, the pirate queen wished not to be caught unawares by any foul treachery still bearing its jagged teeth.

"Fine", huffed Madam Dru as she tossed her prize to one side, she chuckled as the bloody head landed in Topher's hands whence he squealed and dropped it with a dull thud to the splinter strewn cobbles of the fortress.

Faith cast a squinting glance o'er to the bustling Redcoats who shepherded the surrendered Irish and few French survivors away to the dank confines of the gaol where they could rest their maudlin spirits. The British men had spilled forth from the HMS Merlin once they made port after humbled surrender had been offered by their battered and scattershot foes. For the treacherous Irish men and their French allies had little choice but to throw down arms for they were trapped 'tween a fort they could not breach and a pair of ships, in dubious alliance, bearing countless cannon to them.

'Neath a flag of truce Sir Rupert had stepped onto land and headed to the fort as the Redcoats at his command rounded up the beaten enemy, the British envoy wished for no further bloodshed and called for parlay 'tween himself, those in the fort and the pirate loon who did not dock but sat in still waters with their cannons loaded aimed towards the HMS Merlin ready to blast them into splintered misery should skulduggery arise. For the British ship be a diplomatic vessel and ill equipped for battle despite the garrison of armed men which they had brought, the greater force still were two days out to sea but closing in rapidly to New Swaffham.

Madam Dru had taken a longboat and come ashore with Harmony, Rhona and Miss Edith for she trusted not this smartly dressed man who asked for peaceful talks to ensue, for she would gladly, at the drop of a tricorn, impale Sir Rupert on her anchor for her own merry making. Glory remained on board The Acathla with orders to open fire if so much as one snap of flintlock was to air, 'twas a truce of dangerous accord which filled the air with threat.

"Captain Lehane…", he started but was cut off with swift dissect from the mouth of the rogue.

"Ye have the advantage o'er me, Sir", said Faith clutching her sword tightly making wary note of where the Redcoats assembled in case of treachery.

"I do apologise Captain, I be Sir Rupert Giles but such pleasantries can wait mayhaps? As I was saying", continued the man who bore kindly face, "Though we are under orders to send all pirates we meet to the depths of the sea I had watched through my spyglass the events unfolding. When you, good lady, attacked the French and our colours once more flew o'er the fort, I knew we had allies and so ordered no further conflict to unleash. I wish not for war, 'tis not in my nature, but opening fire 'pon you…well such an act would surely make you doubt my offer", said the bespectacled gentleman who could well be mistaken as a passed over curate or aging clerk.

"What offer?", sneered Faith as she stood 'tween the mass of gruff battle weary vagabonds and pirates who, under her orders, would not drop their blades. The empress o' buccaneers felt assured that The Acathla was primed and ready to spit forth its forged iron hellfire, and Sir Rupert carried an air of trust which piqued the curiosity of Faith for it were most brave of him to venture forth unarmed unto talks with pirates.

"I have appointed the new Governor of these isles and I have here letters of marque", said Sir Rupert reaching into his fine woven longcoat for the parchment which crackled under his grip.

"Of marque?", said Faith in a tone of near mockery as she watched Madam Dru take the bottle of grog from Miss Edith and swill heartily.

"Yes my dear, letters of marque are given by the Governor so rogues and pirates may work as privateer on behalf of His Majesty, in essence 'tis a legal form of piracy where…"

"I know what letter o' marque be", said Faith as the hilt of her sword pressed tight into her palm, "I be wondering why ye offer such things to me"

"'Tis not only a license to privateer I bear… but also pardons for you and any who fight with you, Captain Lehane. Both are signed by the new Minister himself", smiled Sir Rupert as he held out the parchment, its parliamentary seal fresh broken by the man who offered kind smile unto the pirate.

"Not by the King?", snorted Faith as her eyes spilled o'er the finely inked quillmanship.

"Nay, the King may be head of state and figurehead for our glorious empire but 'tis Parliament who doth rule his kingdom. His Majesty has no authority o'er his armies who fight 'neath his flag nor the shipping of the land. Mr Robert Walpole became Minister last year and entrusted me with the task of securing the sugar routes 'tween the New World and Europe whose economy flourishes on the white gold and its taxes. And we believe you be key to securing our kingdom"

"But why do ye think I would fall into line with ye? One King is as vile as another", snorted Faith in derisions wake.

"Captain Lehane, Parliament has long heard of your tales of piracy but there did linger rumours about your mercy, your acts of kind morality at odds with the rest of your brethren. I raised the suspect that you could be sided with, bearing a letter of marque you would be as a privateer. Protected under the banner of His Majesty King George you would be free to carry on your plundering as ever, taking the bounty of French, Spanish and Flemish ships as you see fit….. but if you take my hand in pledge you may not lay a finger on a British ship…..", he said sternly.

"Ye really think ye can come here an' make me as yer pet?", growled Faith flicking her blade up to point at his chest.

"No, just listen to me Captain. We need allies in these waters, if it were not for you and your men we would have lost the Americas and engaged in an unjust war with Spain. I have been authorised by Parliament to grant you all you desire in return for acting as privateer to His Majesty"

"Ye expect me to follow yer orders?", said Faith, her tongue dry and tasteless.

"Nay, you are free to do as you wish….and be paid handsomely for it. Your repute alone would keep these waters free of any enemy fleet, this pardon is not only for you but for all pirates in these waters who lay down arms and be brought under our laws. I have been ordered to let it be known that any pirate who does not seek this pardon will be sought down and brought to justice. Captain Lehane, the world of piracy in which you live is shrinking fast, can you, with hand on the Good Book, swear oath that such a life suits you well? That if peace were offered you would refuse it so you could spend your few days left in perilous flight? Please Captain, take this pardon and sail for us….then you can rest easy at last and secure the freedom of all your men"

"I…..I will not speak for them for such a choice be for each man. An' I will not judge them for their hearts desire", said Faith dropping her sword for his words cut her more than any blade for she wished for a real life for her men. For her sister. Faith felt a great weight lodge within her breast for she oft dreamed for peaceful days, and now Buffy was casting warmth 'pon her heart Faith wished for as many days with her love as she could muster. But to barter her freedom pained her greatly.

"Whatever loot you plunder from enemy ships you may keep, you will live as before but this time with no threat of the gallows as bearing a letter of marque grants you immunity", implored Sir Rupert as we watched the last of the enemy being herded into the dank grime of the dungeons where they would remain 'til his word of action formed.

"But how did ye know of the French plot an' Mr Finn's plan of war with Spain?", said Kennedy steeping forward from Willow's clenching hand, for her Captain had spilled forth the true extent of Riley's notion and its evils contained therein as they awaited the British envoy.

"Aye, what gave ye such an inkling?", said Mr Gunn cocking his flintlock for her trusted not such a gaunt man of aged years.

"It were Henry Summers who first heard the rumblings of treason from Mr Finn, but he had no proof nor knowledge of what was to transpire, he kept me informed all this time but his last letter made me baulk with worry for it contained the question of Mr Finn's loyalty after his trysts with certain French ambassadors, once Henry died I knew I would have to set flight with all haste. I must speak with Mrs Summers…."

"I am her daughter, Elizabeth…I mean Buffy. Be you speaking with truths pitch, Sir? T-that my father were…"

"Yes Miss, he was a hero…he gave his dying last to protect this isle and the empire. He was a great man, you should be proud of him", said Sir Rupert bearing wide smile of kind and trustworthy knap.

"I am…t-thankyou Sir", said Buffy sadly as Faith squeezed her hand gently in comfort.

"May I ask, Miss Summers, do you still have the music box your father sent you?", asked Giles with an uncertain anxiety.

"I….nay, it were lost on The Slayer", said Buffy with shaking smile bolstered by the strong presence of the woman who had engraved her name on her battered heart.

"Oh..that be a shame", replied the man with slightly lessening colour to his cheek.

"But it may have survived intact, there be flotsam aplenty on the shores no doubt. Why do you wish of it?", asked Faith in barrelled words for such a trinket would be worth but a sovereign from any hawker.

"I…..I cannot tell you that, it be a secret of national importance", said the man with elusive slant to his words, "If it be truly lost then I must speak with Mrs Summers"

"Joyce be wounded, but she is well. A fine lady she truly be", said Faith with a smile for the widow was indeed a lady of benign swash. Joyce had been taken to her chamber by Adelle and Dawn so she could rest from her angry wounding.

As Joyce had been carried away, Dawn near felt herself sob as Buffy spake with earnest words unto her. She did say that Faith had once entrusted Dawn with her ship, that which was most precious to her, and so Buffy entrusted Dawn with her mother, that which was most precious to her. The simple meaning, coupled with warm grateful smile, filled the younglings heart with joys she knew not as she nodded back and stepped inside with the wounded widow intent on ne'er leaving her ailing side.

"I have heard such things penned by Governor Summers himself, I would like to visit her as soon as I can on a matter of some urgency", pressed Sir Rupert as the faint echo of a breeze caught in his breeches shining in mauve velvet for he was most accustomed to the ways of a dandy.

"Why?", said the pirate with a flinch of the eye.

"I cannot tell thee that, 'tis a matter of grave importance. But I would like to extend my thanks to her on behalf of a grateful nation, as would my niece", said Sir Rupert in swift swerve of tact.

"Ye brought yer kin on such a mission?", coughed Faith in surprise.

"I wished not to….. but she be a girl of staunch determine", said Sir Rupert with a shake of the weary head, for the voyage had been long and the young woman not as chaste as one would expect.

"Then she be a lassie I would like t'meet", said Madam Dru as pressed a smouldering fuse to clay pipe and felt the silver phantoms slide down her gullet.

"I think not, my dear", said the English man for he wished not for his precious niece to be exposed to such a blood thirsty harlot who listed as if caught in the lash of a fierce storm.

"What about Captain Finn? What be yer plans for him for he has cast more cruelty than ye can think", snapped Faith in worry for she wished for true justice to seek its target 'pon him.

"I need to hear the full extent of his deceit from his own lips", said Sir Rupert for his report to Parliament and the fine men of Trinity House would have to detail the threat imposed by the knavish Mr Finn.

"I think that can be arranged", smiled Madam Dru, "Miss Edith, I think it time ye showed them why you earned the nickname of 'The Needle'"

"Aye", smirked the dwarfish woman as she pulled out her bundle of needles which rolled into her small hands with a clatter of impending deviancy, eight inches long and still bearing the scorch marks of where they lay in a brazier of late, "My record is fifty six afore they pass out. Once red hot I slide them under the skin, then through the tongue, eyes an' even codlings. I will make him spill all his truths…"

"Gadzooks!", squawked Giles in shock that a lady could enjoy such devious pains.

"If he is to be executed I suggest the Silver Horse", said Madam Dru as she began to dance about on the tips of her toes as if a ballerina caught in the frothing notes of silent harpsichord.

"The what?", coughed the Englishman.

"The Silver Horse, I used it oft on those who wished to clap me in irons", slurred the woman, "Ye strap 'im to a cross shaped like an 'X' an' slowly sliced him in twain with a huge rusty toothed saw….. longways ….starting at the codlings"

"Madam, such atrocities have no place in His Majesty's empire…", blustered Sir Rupert.

"I care not…for I be who I be", giggled the lunatic woman as she ran her swords tip across his chest.

"Dru, do not run him through….at least not yet" said Faith in soothing tone afore turning to the man as Madam Dru lost interest in the British envoy and wandered away to the long hallways of the fort without another word, "Sir, there be much to talk o'er. Can I take your hand in peace? Will ye swear on the life of yer kin that not so much as a blade will be raised to any of us"

"I so swear", said Sir Rupert with solemn tone as he took Faith's offer of truce for he knew the cannon of the pirate ship were aimed direct at the HMS Merlin and, after seeing the unhinging of Madam Dru's mind, he wished not for any slight. "So will you take my offer?"

"Aye, by taking yer hand ye pardon all of us?", replied Faith.

"Yes, all who fought with you are now free men and women. But will you be as privateer to us too?"

"I….I have to think. But if I refuse, will the pardons be withdrawn?", rasped the freebooter warily.

"Well, I was under orders to offer you pardon only if you became privateer to His Majesty, but seeing as you saved these waters from the French….as Governor of this isle, I will make it your reward", said Sir Rupert turning to the throng of pirates and pickpockets, "With the thanks of His Majesty and Parliament, for saving the stretch of our empire, I hereby grant pardon unto you all. You all be free men and women, you are no longer wanted by the law nor will you have to fear the gallows"

A great huzzah rang out from the pirates as their hearts bounded with joy for no longer did they have to cower in fear from the Kingsmen who hunted them, cocking a snook to the Redcoats who formed into tight regimental squares in the debris laden courtyard. Faith felt the cheers rouse her tainted heart as Buffy embraced her tight for with this one act by Sir Rupert they could now live in peace.


The cheer echoed throughout the fort, carrying along the lime washed walls 'til it sounded faintly within the plush confines of Joyce's chamber where the ailing widow eased into the soft feathery eiderdown.

"Dawnie, could you go and bring Buffy and Willow to me. I-I need to tell them something", said Joyce as she cupped the young girls face which had brightened well seeing the widows pain lessen. The older woman lay back on her bed, her wounds fresh stitched and bandaged well as Adelle too stepped from the room in search of fresh linens and balms to soothe the bite of skin.

Dawn nodded back brightly and skipped from the room near running into the slithering smoky form of Madam Dru who wandered along the long corridor, her bloody torn nails pulling along the lime washed walls sounding out a gritty scratching as she stepped.

"Woah there Dawnie", grinned Madam Dru as the young girl nodded her apology and darted down the uneven brick steps to find Buffy and Willow who stood in the midst of the celebrating throng of battered and bleeding pirates who now took the day as theirs.

Madam Dru's head snaked round the oaken door frame of Joyce's chamber, a knowing smirk engraved in her blood spattered face as her eyes clamped down on the ailing figure who lay in a pose the pirate had oft seen before.

"By great Caesar's ghost …..be that really you?", wisped Madam Dru seeing the wounded woman in the bed as she glided into the room.

"Oh dear God…..D-Drusilla?", gasped Joyce 'pon seeing the topered woman whose bottle of rum was near empty, her languid body slithering across the Persian rug as if marionette to a celestial Master.

"Aye, I ne'er thought I would see ye again for I heard ye were killed back in New Orleans…. Mae Thompson", smirked Madam Dru seeing the bright hue drain from Joyce's face.

"Drusilla….please. T-that name means naught to me anymore, 'twas a life I left behind long ago", said Joyce in panicked tones that her secrets were to be unearthed after she had built careful construct of deceit to hide her ways of old.

"But I know who you really be. Ye can change yer name an' start afresh… but yer deeds will live with ye always"

"I have worked hard to give a new life unto me, and for my family. Do not take that from me….please Drusilla, I beg of thee to let my life of old be laid to rest", begged Joyce as she grasped the thin bony fingers of Madam Dru bedecked with golden rings bearing rubies and chipped sapphires.

"Very well, I shall hold my tongue for I owe ye much. But do you not think yer darling Buffy deserves to know the truth?"

"A-about what?"

"That she were not the first to spill forth from yer loins?", smiled Madam Dru recalling well the terrible price this woman had to pay all those years ago.

"Dru….I beg of thee", said Joyce with pooling tears as she felt her tapestry of lies start to unravel and decay.

"I be jestin' with ye my dear, for no-one will hear yer truth from me…..Bloody Mae", grinned Madam Dru as she leant forward and pressed her lips to Joyce's own. The skin rippled warmly under the brush of moist skin 'til Dru broke away with a smirk.

"W-what was that for?"

"For old times sake…ye were always my favourite", winked Dru as her ears prick'd on the mumbled voices skimming along the hallway. The mind fuddled woman made her farewells speaking not a word unto Buffy and Willow who stepped into the chamber with spritely gait.

"M-Mother….be you alright? You seem a little flushed", asked Buffy perching on the side of the bed as Willow stood to one side with a gleaming grin for the betrothal to Kennedy had her mind atizz.

"I….er….yes….I be fine my darling. Willow, come….sit", smiled the widow hauling her well-rehearsed mask back 'pon her face.

"I…very well Ma'am", said the maid with a slight bob of a curtsy before she perched on the other side of the soft expanse of the four poster bed.

"Willow, please call me Ma'am no longer….for there is something you need to know. A-about your father", said Joyce with deep rattling breath as she set ready to spill forth the truth.

In the courtyard outside Faith sat on the smouldering wedding platform and held her beloved friends, Kennedy and Mr Gunn, as they could finally breathe the air of true liberty. Their sacrifice and pains of the years past had gifted unto them a freedom not bought, but earned, thus lending it sweetened tang.

"Ye know, we have to find Davis an' Carrie for we owe them much", said the enchantress of the tides as the vagabonds and pirates around them sang in great cheer.

"I be what!"

Both Faith and Kennedy's head snapped up at the sudden shriek spilling from the lead slatted window of the upper chamber. Willow's voice piercing the air into cowering fragments at the shock of truth bestowed 'pon her in a flood of simple words.

One Week Later

The past days had been a tempest of frayed nerves and blustered revelations but had soon eased into a gentle sway of frivolity in preparation for the nuptials taking place on the brightly decorated deck of The Acathla. Buffy stood in beaming silence for knowing that she was kin unto Willow had not harmed her love of her father for she knew he was a man of wandering lust but fierce determine to do right by the young girl who looked the very epitome of graceful elegance as the words of joy echoed around them.

"Do ye take her as yer bride, Ken?", asked Faith as she fidgeted awkwardly 'gainst the scarlet weskit fastened round her ample bosom o'er the plain ivory shirt, unfastened to near show a glimpse of succulent breast, bearing no ruffles or elegant stitch of Parisian craftmanship.

"Aye", smiled back Kennedy, her hair spun into a French braid with a white silken bow hanging limply down past her stiff collar, as she held the small hands of her beloved, the frothing Mechlin lace of the pirates cuffs tickling Willow's fair skin as Kennedy's fears fell away to naught. Though she had spent manys the hour the past week in a panicked swash she knew that though such a marriage was swift, the pardoned buccaneer could find no fault with wanting to spend her days with the Willow. To cast aside her life of old where she would think naught of purchasing the attentions of a half dozen strumpets for a guinea.

Kennedy still felt the churning of her innards at undertaking such a pledge but seeing the radiance of her beloved she felt the ill waters still within her. Willow's hair a long and flowing wash of fiery red offset 'gainst the simple white gown Joyce had insisted on purchasing for her. Its flowing petticoats plumped out the silken dress and its bodice clasping her midst well bathing her in a subtle elegance as they stood before the oaken wheel of the ship intertwined with white roses.

"Red…..I mean Willow, ye need to understand about Brehon Law. 'Tis the common binding o' the seas, it means anyone can wed but the marriage will only last for a year, at the end o' that time either of ye can end it by simply saying 'I release you'. Then it be over, or after that year ye can renew yer vows, much more civilized than the laws o' the land. You understand?", said Faith solemnly.

"I understand, thankyou", said Willow with a sharply jiggled nod as she cast a brief glance to Buffy who nudged the other bridesmaid Dawn who was bedecked in a pretty gown of simple blue showing that 'neath the grimy pirate lay a dormant beauty of a girl set to bloom.

"Then do ye take Ken as yer bride?", said Faith nodding towards Kennedy who shifted awkwardly in the white stockings bleeding down from the scarlet velvet breeches with longcoat to match. Though the First Mate had aired her protests at such attire she was near press'd into such dandy clothing at the firm insistence of Adelle and Joyce who spoke as if they were mothers to all who sailed with Faith. Kennedy, though strong at the helm and fierce at the blade, could not fight the twin prongs of the elder women who, in a flurry of need, prepared all for the wedding spending coin they did not have, but such debts meant little compared to the joy of the day.

"I do", said the smiling wench who near glowed in the beauty of the moment.

"Then…", Faith grinned with decadent warmth,"...I pronounce ye wed. Ye may kiss now"

As Kennedy moved her head forward their lips met in a wondrous pressing of skin as the collection of pardoned pirates and gentile folk sounded out a fine huzzah as the two kissed sweetly. Their souls bled into each other as a soft breeze fluttered across the finely decorated deck of The Acathla, though Madam Dru were Captain of the vessel she had allowed Faith to wed the two for the woman of strange indulgences looked on Faith as if she were kith and kin.

Willow wept in honeyed joy as she broke the embrace to accept the warm congratulations of Buffy who, in order not to outshine the bride of the day, had chosen to don the uniform of the sailor boy once more. It filled her with an unusual freedom to be allowed to choose to forego the clench of corsets and the rustle of petticoats, though her mother wished for more womanly attire Buffy twisted her face into pouted whinny 'til Joyce sighed in defeat.

Ebony warrior Mr Gunn and Jasmine held each other tight for though they too desired to wed they wished not to steal the thunder of the day for their own as they wished to wait 'til making solemn oath for they wished for a wedding of Islam to bless their union. They laughed and caroused as Lorne and Johnathan, both clad in fine suits befitting gentlemen of the times, poured forth the fine wines and sherries which once filled the cellar of the Governor's mansion but, as a wedding fit, Sir Rupert had allowed the freed pirates to purloin the great measures of drink for the feasting. Glasses and tankards filled and flowed with the grog as the gathered men and women shouted their huzzahs and raised sorrowed toasts to fallen friends who were no longer with them but no doubt cast their smiles down from their heavenly slumber.

"Ken, the Casa De Bonecas be a fine ship, is it not?", said Faith as her arm hung lazily around her friends shoulders, the lace ruffles of her cuffs dangling down well as she took her beloved First Mate to one side.

Their gaze cast across the docks to the battered man-o-war whose fresh canvas was being hung by the throng of British mariners who had arrived on the three ships two days past and were ordered to set to work on repairing it with haste by Governor Giles wanting to show his offer of privateering was honest and steadfast. Though it were singed by the fire and blast-beaten by the battle, it were now in growing stead and ready to sail 'pon first tide.

"Aye, now they fixed th' bow so it be not too far after the heads it be a fine vessel. What it lacks in speed it makes up for in solid hull, other than that it has fine pitch. But how be we off for crew?", said Kennedy as she pulled at the ruffled lace cravat tickling her neck, its high collar hiding the savage scars around her throat.

"Isis an' Topher have taken my offer t'sail with me. There be also that gunsmith Chao-Ahn an' the well topered debtor….what be his name?"

"Harrison? Aye, he seems like a rum cove. I think they will be fittin' for such a fine ship", said Kennedy lightly for she felt most anxious to feel the lilt and swell of the waves once more 'neat her heels, this past week on land had made her more determin'd than ever to snare the lash of winds and the curl of the tides.

"Aye, a fine ship like that needs a fine new name….an' a fine new Cap'n. So how about it?", said Faith with earnest glare.


"You want it? To sail as my right hand woman as Cap'n o' yer own ship? Think of it as my wedding gift to ye", smiled Faith as she toyed with the silver crucifix dangling around her neck gifted unto her by Buffy now her faith in the Lord had begun to blossom in her breast once more.

"B-ut…a Cap'n?", gasped Kennedy in dizzied shock.

"Aye. Ken, ye have served well on The Slayer for many years, takin' command when I could not, sailed it through the squall an' saved us all. Ye saved my life often, I can ne'er repay ye for that"

"As ye have saved mine, 'tis what we do", shrugged Kennedy in reply.

"Aye, but ye deserve a ship o' yer own…..being a married woman an' all", teased the buccaneer with a gentle nudge of play.

"Shut up Fai", Kennedy said round a lighthearted chuckle.

"That's 'shut up Cap'n Fai' to ye,Ken. But ye do deserve such a fine vessel, for I have my own", smirked Faith looking across at the great ship which was surrounded by the working of mortice and anvil sparks.

"Sir Rupert has offered ye any ship in the harbour for yer own, so why do ye insist on taking the Initiative as yours?"

"Think of it a trophy Ken, the skin of a leopard", said Faith in solemn reply as she thought of the gelded Mr Finn currently being shipped back to England to serve as example unto others who betray the King's word. "But will ye take my hand an' be a Cap'n too?"

"But w-what if I fail….both as Cap'n and being a wife"

"He-he…..wife..", chuckled Faith lightly.


"Sorry, it just soundeth strange. But listen to me Ken, I trust ye more than ye will e'er know. So crave me this boon…take the helm an' be the Cap'n ye were always meant to be"

"Aye…I will take yer offer", said Kennedy as she and her friend embraced firmly.

"Thankyou my friend, an' fear not about married life. If ye pay as much mind t'yer wifely duties as ye do to yer ship, then ye will both live long an' happy lives. But if ye e'er need me, ye know I will be there …. always", said Faith with teary quake to her voice.

"Aye…I know", said Kennedy as the crew once of The Slayer smiled widely and slapped her back in congratulation.

"Mr Gunn, it seems I no longer have a First Mate for my ship. Be ye the man for the job?", said Faith staring at the man who bore shock'd countenance.

"Me?…..a-aye. I would be proud to sail with ye, Cap'n", said Mr Gunn as he shook away his surprise and took Faith's hand in oath.

"No better man for the job says I", added Kennedy with gusto as she cast a gaze o'er to her new wife who stood in glowing joy as she released the pained embrace of Joyce whose arm was still bound in a sling.

"You look so beautiful Willow", said Joyce as she ran a solitary finger along the flow of hair cascading down Willow's shoulders like a fiery waterfall.

"A-and you have no qualms about me…m-marrying…a-a-woman?", said the newly spliced woman shyly.

"My dear, we near all perished this past week. Who am I to judge any for finding the true desires of their hearts", smiled the kindly woman as she tried to avoid the knowing smirk of Madam Dru who swung from the rigging gaily woven with ribbon.

"Thankyou Ma'am"

"Willow, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me Ma'am", chided Joyce gently for she knew the young serving girl was still reeling from the revelation of her heritage.

"Sorry Ma'a….er…..Mrs Summers", said Joyce as she tried to hide the strangely pale strip of skin on her finger where her wedding ring no longer lay.

"My dear, you are sister to my Buffy and daughter to my Henry…..in my eyes that makes you daughter to me as well. If you wish it, I would proud to be your Mother, I be not trying to replace your mother but you lost her at such a young age…I just..if you…"

"Yes", blurted Willow in teary joy, "I mean…I would like that….you have always treated me as if kin to you and I be most grateful for that…..Mother"

"Oh my darling", smiled Joyce as she winced slightly as the redhead squeezed her well pressing tight to the bandaged wound.

"But what do I do now? I be no longer a maid in your service…so what can I…"

"Willow, fret not. You are a wife now and your world belongs with Kennedy. Why not sail with her? With her shrouding you with her comfort and grace, what harm could befoul you?"

"But what of Miss Buffy….I mean Buffy", blushed Willow as Joyce smiled widely at her echoes of innocence yet to silence.

"She be with Faith now…talking of which"

Joyce beckoned the smartly dressed pirate queen o'er to her. Faith stepped around Governor Giles and his finely dressed niece Kathy Newman who had somewhat irked Buffy since her arrival. Despite the new Governor's feelings o'er such a binding, he held his tongue for though he felt soiled to be in the company of such blasphemy, the tender love shown 'tween Willow and Kennedy raised questions within his conservative spirits.

"Faith, may we speak?", asked Joyce as she adjusted the silken bow tied 'neath her chin holding her wondrous bonnet of lemon hue in place.

"Let me first…I….I wished things could have started different, for us not to meet under such duress", said Faith with a strange discomfort surrounding her.

"I just be glad we could meet at all, I have ne'er seen Buffy so gleeful…and I think you be the one to bring her such joys", smiled Joyce

"I just regret us meeting in such a bloody manner for I wish ne'er to befoul yer thinkin' of me, all I want is a chance to show ye how I could be…. er…noble an' treat her like she was Queen o' my world an'….", spluttered Faith for though Joyce held no threat to her she wished not to be the cause of a fracturing 'tween mother and child.

"Faith, you need not explain such things to me. I have seen the breadth of your will, how you fight and bleed for those who dwell in your heart. I must admit this be not the binding of hearts I wished for Buffy, but I just wish for her happiness"

"Joyce…I….I…er", Faith said with a stammer.

"What be wrong?"

"Naught, I just….I be not one for airs n' graces…but my father taught me well about….well….. "

"Spit it out dear", the widow enthused softly as she accepted the glass of claret from her servant Theodore who had cast frosty gaze 'pon the new Governor this merry day for he espied Sir Rupert's subtle smiles gathering pace.

"Joyce….I wish to ask ye for yer approval o'er me and B….Buffy that is", breathed Faith not dropping her gaze from Joyce's shocked perching of brow.

"Faith, it be most cherished to me that you should ask me for such a boon…. "

"Joyce, for once in my life I wished to do something right…something true from its start", said Faith as she scuffed her leathered brogues on the well-scrubbed deck of the great ship.

"Do you regret your life on the waves then?", asked Joyce sliding into banter.

"If I could go back and make my amends….I know not where I could start. But now we have peace, we sail under pardons protect…. an' Dawn can live as free woman…it just…when she…"

"You think you be losing Dawn unto me?"

"Well… aye. The way you and Adelle have been fussin' o'er her, getting her to dress pretty and even agree to schoolin'….it feels she be trying to…..", shrugged Faith in mournings echo.

"Faith, you are Dawn's heart. I could ne'er match or surpass what she feels for you, but she has suffered so much in her short life, she deserves and needs the love of a mother, and with your permission I wish to give it to her. I know Adelle and I pamper her so but every little girl deserves to be treated as a Princess, Dawn be your sister so she is like kin unto Adelle as well. Please Faith, let us be the mothers she could wish for, we both missed out on raising our own children so now we have a chance to spoil a child once more. Do you wish us not to lay our affections on her so?"

"It be not that for I know she needs such a love"

"As do you", said Joyce without flinch.

"I…..but my mother seems more happy to fuss o'er Dawn and make her….", spat Faith as she peeked from her breadth of eye the lingering form of Adelle who knew not whether any love could linger within the rogue's heart for her.

"So you accept that Adelle be your mother then?", said Joyce calmly not wanting to accuse the pirate of petty jealousies.

"I….I cannot deny it….the things she said….I know them to be true. But…having a mother… 'tis like I know not who I be anymore….this Caroline DeWitt I once was….this Faith Lehane I became…", said Faith airing the torments which had burned at her oft in the last few days on land.

"A rose by any other name, my dear. Will you not find it in your heart to ease her burden and call Adelle 'mother'"

"But I know her not"

"Will you not give her chance for she has suffered her grief for you her whole life. Think how you would feel if Captain Wilkins were not slain, the joy and love you would feel for having his return unto your life. Adelle now feels that for you", pressed Joyce firmly for Buffy had spilled forth every aspect of the rogue pirate unto her mother this past week.

"I…I understand, it just be….she thinks me still a child"

"How so?"

"Breathe a word of this an' I swear ye will breathe yer last...", said Faith in muted pitch.

"Very well", said Joyce trying not to smile at the thin threat.

"Last night….she came to my chamber….a-and tucked me in"

"R-really?", said Joyce stifling her mirth seeing the flushing of Faith's cheeks. "That be sweet"

"This be not a matter for levity Joyce", she snorted as her face warmed a touch, "But it also be the rigmarole of late. Adelle keeps enthusing that I should wear gowns as a lady should, but I be a wench o' the tides"

"Then why did ye wear one when we sat for our portrait yesterday?", said Joyce fondly recalling the intense blushing of Faith when the previous morn she had donned a fine silken gown of deepest green. A cameo sitting on her thin choker, her hair twisted up neatly and the tattoos of her arms covered by the elbow length satin gloves all lent Faith an undeniable beauty which made the ladies gasp as she stood for the artist to capture their likeness in the swish of oils.

"…I…..", said Faith.

"And you did dance at the ball Governor Giles and his niece threw for us last night, yes it was small and intimate but when you danced with Buffy looking equally fine in her gown you seemed so vibrant"

"Ye can talk"

"What do you mean?"

"I saw how you looked at Sir Rupert when ye danced. Methinks there be promise a-kindling there", smirked Faith seeing the faint flushing of Joyce's robust cheeks.

"I…well…he be a fine man and….nay, you doth change tact Faith. I was speaking of ye dancing with my daughter despite your discomfort in your gown"

"Well…for Buffy…I would do anything"

"You really love her, do you not", smiled Joyce feeling a strange bonding with a rogue still fresh from the shadows of the gallows.

"I do….more than words could e'er do justice"

"Then you wish to spend a long and happy life with her, could you really do that as a pirate? Will you not be wanted the next time you plunder?"

"Aye…I know she deserves all the love I can muster, an' I wish to gift her all I can….she has freed me from the shackles of angst and my heart doth bound when I be with her…", admitted Faith for she felt this be not the time for veiled truths.

"Then open your heart just a little more and help Adelle rekindle the love that every daughter has for a mother. Just speak to her…please", implored Joyce with lightened tone.

"Aye….I will…but not today….I need a little time", said Faith breaking off from the converse, "Red!"

Willow turned from her sweet embrace with Buffy and followed the Captain's beckon for parlay, alone.

"Yes Faith?", asked the bride as she crossed the deck in her low slung heels, one hand lifting her voluminous petticoats as she walked with a rustle.

"Red, I know ye be a fine woman with stout heart…..such qualities are rare and fine within a wench like ye"

"I beg your pardon?"

"I meant naught by it, but heed my words when I say if ye e'er hurt Ken in any way…..I will hunt ye down an' make ye pay. I swear it", said Faith with grinding teeth.

"I…oh…", said Willow seeing the burning truth within the pirates fixed eyes.

"Aye, an' it will be without mercy"

"I-I promise I will ne'er so much as look at another lady save for her, and not just for your threat of agonised vengeance, I love her….I truly do and wish ne'er to wrench that love from her"

"Good, but that same goes for Ken too. If she should e'er hurt ye…"

"Fai, what ye be doin' with my wife?", asked the freshly crowned Captain as she handed her empty tankard to Lorne and stepped back across the bulwarks and sliding a hand around Willow's tightened waist.

"Naught I should not be doing. But Red, be ye sailing with Ken on her ship?"

"Yes, I am ready to be one of her crew…of sorts. She asked and I said yes, I be most excited to sail forth for who knows what the horizon may bring"

"Good, yer ship be ready t'sail Ken. So go this very eve with Madam Dru an' spread the word of pardon to all who come to us an' swear on the Good Book to renounce their ways. Tell them they can sail as privateer with ye and me"

"Privateer? Ye be takin' his offer?"

"Aye….I wish for long days with Buffy an' I cannot do that if I am wanted by the Crown"

"I understand, I had already decided to sail as privateer but wanted ye to say first", said Kennedy placing a firm hand of tribute on her friends shoulder.

"Be this the right choice? Selling our liberty so?"

"I would rather be with Willow in a long life an'…"

"I know, I do. So sail this eve, an' take all ye can into our pardon", said Faith rousing from her flicker of doubt.

"But some on the hellmouth will ne'er sail with ye, Cap'n Rayne, Mr Moloch, that woman with the…"

"I know, an' I will not take up arms 'gainst them 'til they cross us with foulness. After ye gather all ye can, meet me in four days at Tabula Rasa"

"Why there?", asked Kennedy with a touch of puzzlement as her new wife nestled in close to her side.

"I will tell ye when we meet, take care of her Red. And mind my words", said Faith with raised brow to force her point 'pon Willow.

"Thankyou Faith….that be…er sweet", said Willow awkwardly, "But I think we will be fine, I have decided to sail with my beloved, but fear not Faith, for there be not a thing on these waters who could e'er make me look at another woman. So wish us well and we will meet you at Tabula Rasa"

"Sir Rupert!", shouted Faith summoning a hush to those who gathered on the gaily decorated decks of the HMS Initiative, "I have thought o'er yer offer….an' I accept thy hand, I will sail as privateer for ye"

"That is fine news", said Sir Rupert as he felt her fingers clutch tight around his.

"But only on my terms", she snorted staring on with leaden gaze.

"Of course, what it is you wish?"

"I wish to hold the power to pardon any I see fit. I have not the time nor patience to ask ye for such a boon, for I will not bow down to thy authority nor t' the King's proclamation. I value my freedom more than any purse ye offer unto me"

"I…very well", said the man feeling the pirate queen realise her trumping, for Sir Rupert needed her greatly and had no choice but to acquiesce to her demands.

"Second, the Governor's mansion, it belongs to Mrs Summers now. It were her husband who gave his all t'save yer hides, 'tis the least ye could do to repay such a debt"

"Yes, of course", he smiled back with a touch of thanks for he had already cast his eye 'pon another domicile on a plantation far from the bustle of the town where his niece, Kathy could practice her harpsichord in peace without falling afoul of the more roughened elements who resided on the isle. She was his one living relative and knowing full well the stern hand of Quentin Travers he wished her not to be enroled at his finishing school, but Sir Rupert still wanted a fine education for the young lady he had spotted talking amiably to Johnathan. He baulked that his niece could be so brazen as to talk to a gentleman without a chaperone or a letter of introduction.

Faith cast a glance o'er to the widow who gasped her shock for the days past the mansion had been thriving with activity for Joyce had cast her doors open insisting that Dawn and Faith stay with her family until such a time that the call of the waves proved too strong to deny. Joyce eyes simmered with tears of thanks as she could truly see why this rogue had proven herself worthy of Buffy's love.

"Third, no slavers are to sail t'this port. No man, woman or child is to be in chains on this isle"

"B-but slavery be a fine and profitable business and the backbone of economy the world over and…", stammered Sir Rupert on the backfoot.

"Nay! Ye want me as a privateer t' keep these waters free o' the French an' Spanish then my terms will be agreed 'pon first", growled Faith as her handshake turned into vice clenchings.

"I….very well. As Governor I can make such a decree", he sighed in defeat.

"There be another term…..but I will speak of it later"

"Very well, we have an accord. But we need to make it official, so please…give me your sword", said Sir Rupert taking a deep steadying breath.

"Nay, I will surrender myself to thee", Faith snarled glancing down to her scabbard.

"Tis nothing like that I assure thee, as Governor I need to make it a binding oath"

Faith looked at Buffy who nodded her approval with her wide smile, so she unsheathed her father's blade and handed it to Sir Rupert who held it out before her. She flinched but seeing his kindly smile and the warm chuckle of Buffy she relented, she wanted not to fear her own heart anymore, besides, with her crew at hand Faith knew if he so much as drew a drop of blood retribution would be swift and redefine the meaning of pain for him.

The blade flashed in the shafts of sunlight beaming down and he held it afore the gathered throng who now felt a silence descend on them as they watched the pirate queen accept the peace offered unto her.

"I am the Governor of these waters now, but each port and isle needs protecting and I cannot do it alone for I be a bureaucrat and not versed in the ways of war, I need to know these lands will be safe so every fortified island, especially one as vital as this, each one needs a Lord Protector as a privateer to command the docks and guard our shipping lanes. But a commoner cannot hold such a title so by the power vested in me, in the name of Parliament and his Majesty, I do hereby proclaim you….", said Sir Rupert with a smile as he tapped her shoulder with the blade,"…. Lady Faith Lehane"

A dull silence shrouded all as they stared on, Faith's face flushed scarlet as the title rebounded around her mind.

"Hahahahahaha", spluttered Kennedy as she pivoted at the waist in mirth seeing the panic blanching her beloved friends face, "F-Faith…..a real Lady ….hahahaha!"

"What? Huh? No, take it off…undo it", she said in panic as the thought of high tea and evening soirees terrified more than any roar of cannon or the drench of blood from foe.

"I'm sorry my dear, but what is done…is done", said Sir Rupert handing her sword back with hung limply in her hand.

Faith stood dumbfounded as the quiet sniggers grew into a fine cheer of huzzah, tricorns and tankards tossed in the air as Buffy's smile widened far as she embraced the woman who had given her all for her.

"Oh Faith, I told you such rewards would be reaped for being a fine and just soul. I be so proud of you, my love", said Buffy as her mind swirled in the joy of the moment as she pressed her lips to those of the newly appointed Lady Protector.

As the throng of men drank with vigour and sung with cheer 'til the sun did droop in the sky they noticed not the Captain slip from the confines of the ship and make her flight. Within the passing of an hour Buffy could find no trace of Faith, but once seeing the newly risen privateer's horse was gone, she knew whence she had spirited.

Faith knelt silently as she stared out across the harbour where hammering and anvil sparks rang out as three more British ships sailed in on the horizon 'neath the fiery orange glow of the sun which hung lazily in the empty sky as the evening pressed in.

Though her wounds were healing well Faith's heart still wrenched foully as she looked out from the grassy knoll peppered by finely carved wooden crosses, markets for graves which bore no bodies, bearing the names of her fallen shipmates. Oz, Spike, Andrew, even Wesley had a small marker. Saying a prayer for each one she took the silver crucifix from round her neck, her faith restored, and hung it around Xander's grave marker.

"See Xan, 'tis the finest view on the island. Ye can stare out across the seas from here…n-now ye can find peace at last…..we both can", sobbed Faith as she pressed her lips to the red petals of a fresh pluck'd rose and placed it by the base of the cross bearing Xander's name.

The solemn silence was broken by the gentle pounding of hooves coming through the trees 'til the mottled stallion Mr Gordo whinnied at his halt next to Faith's fine mare of few years but many hands.

"I knew you would be here", said Buffy as she slipped off the leather saddle and tied the reins of her beloved, though aged, horse to a branch afore stepping towards the mournful buccaneer.

"Aye….I were just….ye know", said Faith as she wiped her tears away rapidly.

"Aye….I know" , said Buffy gently as she placed a tender hand on the pirate queens shoulder, the wooden crosses made of oaken timbers stood in silent attention, all the brave men and women who sailed with Faith had been killed in the past week or so and though no bodies were interred, the new Lady Protector of New Swaffham had placed orders for fine marble headstones to be carved for each of her beloved crew.

"Ye seem to like that uniform, B?", teased Faith casting off her sadness, feeling her ardour buck strangely at the sight of her love dressed so finely.

"Aye, it fits well and it be most smart. 'Tis easier to ride in", shrugged Buffy as she knelt down on her breeched knees 'til she stared opposite the troubled queen o' the tides.

"Aye, that it be. I been meaning to thank ye"

"For what?"

"Riding with Dawn these days past, it cheers me greatly that ye feel so inclined to her", said Faith gently as Buffy slid her fingers 'tween her beloveds own.

"Aye, she be a natural in the saddle. Though I could see she wished it were you who rode at the gallop with her", said Buffy as she craned her head round to stare across the ships under the pitch of tar and hammer of iron in swift repair.

"I will, on the morrow I shall take her round the isle", breathed Faith in heavy elusive rasp as she followed Buffy's soft gaze across the bustling docks.

"Faith, have you thought of a name for your new ship, for if you have not… I thought…"

"I am not letting you name my new ship, B", interrupted Faith with bristling tone of abrupt measure.

"Why not?"

"For no pirate….I mean privateer, worth their salt would e'er sail on a ship called The Pretty Elves or somethin' equally as mirthsome", snorted Faith.

"I was not going to suggest such a name", baulked the young woman in defence.

"Bet I be not too far off though, what name did ye have in mind?"

"Er….naught", blushed Buffy.

"C'mon B, tell me", pressed Faith as she felt the tugging of her lips.

"T-The Rainbow Princess", Buffy replied in a small voice.

"I knew it, what kind of terror will that strike into the hearts o' men", said Faith as she hauled herself back to her feet afore a sudden notion struck her, "….wait…I have it"


"My ship. I shall call my ship The Invictus", said the privateer proudly.

"Meaning undefeated?", said Buffy showing her schooling expanded to arcane language.

"Or unconquerable, either way, no swine is e'er going to take my ship away again", Faith stated as she helped her love to her feet, "And the sooner it be ready to sail the better….. for we have some business to attend to"


"Aye…we. Will ye sail with me, B?"

"To the ends of the earth my love", said Buffy breathlessly as she slid her arms around Faith's weskit and pressed their bodies together.

"Thank ye B"

"But of what business do you speak?"

"You know how Sir Rupert, when he first arrived, said I could keep all my loot"

"Yes, that is because you have none. It all be in the shallows around the wrecks of the ships"

"Aye, but there be much more plunder out there buried somewhere", said Faith as she fished from her pocket a small circle of marked lead.

"What be that?", asked Buffy as her love flipped the coin o'er in her hands.

"It be the key to the greatest treasure of 'em all, you ever heard of El Primero?"


"He had the greatest treasures of all, this coin bears markings, they be the key to the map. Without this coin the map is useless, and without the map this coin is naught but trinket"

"So where be the map?", smiled Buffy with pride that Faith could not so easily be hoodwink'd into privateering with no leverage.

"I know not, but this treasure be richer than any have the right to bear. After Henry Morgan raided Panama he sailed back across the gulf when three of his ships were wrecked in a ferocious storm that lasted three days an' nights, there were over two hundred thousand silver coins lost to the reefs. Word has it that El Primero bided his time and waited for them to be salvaged by locals afore he put them to sword an' made away with it to add to his plunder. Father told me of such a treasure but ne'er could we find it, legend has it that he buried nine chests of loot, of gold, jewels and rare trinkets. I tracked down the coin to the isle of Rancho Carne where Xander an' me ghosted it away, he hid this coin behind his patch in the empty socket, for I trusted no other with this information. Only he an' me knew of the coin or the treasure", said Faith with saddened glee.

"But how did you keep hold of it?"

"When Xander fell… I scooped it out from behind his patch an' swallowed it. I have only just retrieved it"

"Y-you mean you…passed it?", gasped Buffy in shock.

"Aye….but I washed it clean", shrugged Faith as she watched her love contort her face in foul designs.

"So once we find this map we can find the treasure?"

"Aye….but even if we ne'er find it, 'twill be no great shame for I have all the treasure I need…right here …right now", smiled Faith as the tip of her nose stroked Buffy's cheek as she nuzzled into her embrace.

"You know Tara spoke of your destiny, that you would deny it as falsehood if you were to learn of it. But I cannot deny her words, that you held the keys to the kingdom in your hands. It were true", wisped Buffy as a juddering of her heart rang out feeling the warmth of Faith's skin press unto hers.

"Nay", breathed Faith softly as she took Buffy's hand into her own and bared her soul through her glistening eyes."I know full well what my destiny be"


"Ye, B. I love ye so much, an' I swear I will spend all my days showing ye the ways in which I cherish ye", said Faith with unbridled truth and burning passion.

"I love ye too Faith, with all that I am and more", said Buffy as she leant forward, snaked her thin arms around the Captain's neck and pressed her cherry lips to Faiths. "Hold. B-be you asking me to wed you?"


"Nay?", squeaked Buffy with ragged distraught echoing within her breast.

"Let me tell of why. Those of us on the sea, not all who wander its tides are lost, some us just be searching for somethin' they know not where to find. Now I have found ye B I wish ne'er to let ye go, but since we first clashed noggins ye have changed so much, blossoming into a wondrous woman I would cherish to call my own. But if I ask for yer hand right now, how is it different from what that sliver poxster Riley was offering ye? Takin' yer hand an' settling down in a fine house with whitened fencing, two hounds at the heel and church on the Sabbath. I could ne'er steal the life ye are just discovering from ye by tying you down like that"

"I thought you liked to tie a maiden down?", japed Buffy with a wry wink.

"W-who told ye such a thing?"


"Oh. But ne'ermind her, God rest her harlots soul. For ye have come so far in discovering the real Buffy Summers who hath been manacled by manners o' society all her life. It would pain me always if I did naught to aid you bloom into the woman ye are just revealing"

"But what if I asked you to marry me?", said Buffy with earnest pitch.


"Captain Faith Lehane, I love you will all my heart so I be asking you…", said Buffy as she slid down to one knee and pulled forth a simple golden ring,"….w-will you marry me and make me the happiest woman on God's green earth?"

Buffy's soft hazel eyes washed with stinging warm tears as she held out her mother's wedding ring for she had asked Joyce for her permission to wed the one time scourge of the Caribbean. Though her mother wished not to part with her ring, it had once been used to wed Joyce's own mother and grandmother too, and so, after much deliberation, she gave her ring and her blessing unto her child.


Faith's mouth opened and closed with no sound or sentiment spilling forth from her succulent lips which seemed not to obey the decree of her mind. She stared down as Buffy held her hand in near reverence whilst her heart pounded as if hordes of smithys sparked their anvils deep within her bosom.

"Faith", said Buffy with worried tone, "W-what say you? Will you be my one true love… 'til death do us part?"

"A-aye", came the squeaking answer barely a notch above a penitent whisper.


"Aye….I will be honored to be thy wife", said Faith through a scatter of joyous tears for ne'er did she think her heart could love enough to surrender its will unto another.

As the ring slid along Faith's finger 'til it sat by her welted knuckle, Buffy stood back up and as they both shed tears their lips pressed firmly and tongues were near reptiles probe as the two women felt the world brighten and the pains of their souls silence in the adoration which was suddenly broken by the high pitched whinny of Mr Gordo.

They turned to the aging steed with a chuckle as their breath fought to be reined in, Buffy pulling away to tend to her beloved horse.

"B….do ye really mean it? Will ye keep such an oath as sacred unto me?", asked Faith as her teeth ploughed ridge and furrow into her lip in anxious wait.

"My love…. I always keep my word"

"As do I", protested Faith with slight hurt etching her voice.

"Then keep your promise unto me"

"Of what?"

"This", said Buffy as a sliver of steel snared the light as Faith caught the hilt of her father's blade in her hand as Buffy pulled forth her own sword of intricate hammering.

"B….", said Faith with a deviant smirk as the air sliced in twain as her sword slashed in practice sweeps before Buffy said the three little words the pirate had been aching for her to utter.

"Faith….en garde"

The two women circled each other, Buffy placing one hand on her hip and taking the stance drilled into her on the piste of Mr Merrick, as Faith mockingly mirrored her angled poise.

Faith lashed her blade forth, the sound of clanging steel rang out through the small graveyard as they lunged and parried in equal merits. The swords rattled and shrang as they fought back and forth, Buffy was the more skilled in grace but Faith had the coarse agility to match the others pressing.

Buffy bounded back and forth in delicate light steps as Faith slammed her weapon down with force 'til the blonde woman snaked round her attack and had her beloved on the backfoot. Faith shimmied away as she blocked the sharpened blows but as Buffy lunged forcefully, the privateer ensnared her in her arms as they fell back into the lush green grass.

Buffy lay on top as she felt the hot heaving breath of Faith slither o'er her skin as they stared into each other's fizzling eyes.

"Is that all you have, my Lady", mocked Buffy as they both let the hilts of their swords fall to the ground as their throbbing intimacies heated well and their full breasts pushed together.

"Don't call me that, B", said Faith with a whine as she felt Buffy unfasten the buttons on her breeches and guide the former pirates fingers twixt her bloomers, "For I am no Lady"

"Nor am I, Faith….nor am I"