Disclaimer: I don't own anything. It all belongs to JKR.

Author's note: With this chapter and story, I am mixing the Harry Potter movie world with the Harry Potter Book world. With this story, I feel that some parts from the movie world should be in the books so I combined them. Also, mild language is used in this chapter.

For my faithful readers, especially those who leave reviews. Thank you so much!

Hermione heard a noise in her living room around three in the morning. Standing up, she grabbed her wand and went to the room. Red hair turned around facing her. She closed her robe tighter around her as she found it hard to believe that he really broke into her flat.

"Ronald! What on earth are you doing here at this time of night?" she asked, startled. She gripped her chest, she was surprised to see him standing before her as she caught her breath and stared at him with an angry look.

"Well, when you talked to me on the phone tonight I got worried. I had to see if you were alright," he said putting his wand down on the table. He gave her a look of caring, as she gave him an even angrier look.

"I'm fine, but this is not an hour I need to be awake. You know I have work in the morning," she said crossing her arms. "What are you doing breaking into my flat anyways?"

"I know, Hermione, you know how I feel about you. How I have to protect you after what happened with the war and all," he said coming to her. He ignored her question about breaking in.

"Ron, I don't need protection. I've been doing fine all my life." Her right hand automatically went to her left. The word 'Mudblood' was still etched in her skin. She shivered, not because she was cold, but because she was thinking of that horrible night when she was tortured. He stared at her arm. She knew he felt guilty. Every time she saw him look in that direction, she could tell in his eyes.

"I know you do, Hermione, but you broke off a date tonight. We were trying to see where we are headed as a couple. Hermione, we are all worried about you, come over on Sunday. Mum and Ginny miss you," he offered. He placed his arms around her. She thought she felt safe in his arms, but something was missing. He could tell something was missing, just by how she hugged him. It was as if he was the only one who was hugging, and she was tense when he held her.

"I don't know. I really needed a break from the wizard world which is why I moved back to the Muggle world," she said not giving in.

A noise from the hall made Ron let go of Hermione instantly.

"Hermione, I think someone's there. Don't move," he said grabbing his wand.

"Ron, it's fine," Hermione said standing in the threshold of the hallway, blocking Ron from getting close to who was behind her. For the first time in years, Draco was nervous. He stood behind Hermione unsure of what was going to happen next.

"Hermione, move," Ron shouted, getting angry. He aimed his wand at the person behind her.

"Now, wait Ronald. I can explain," she started saying as she stepped aside.

"Bloody hell. Is that Draco Malfoy? In my girlfriend's apartment?" he said feeling his face hot with hatred.

"Girlfriend?" Draco said stepping beside Hermione. He glanced at her.

"You're dating Weasel?" Draco asked, looking hurt. Hermione had lied to him tonight, but he didn't know why. Something did not add up right, and he had to know the truth.

"I was, I don't know. I'm not sure. It's all so confusing!" she said throwing her hands up in the air. For some reason Draco did not find that funny like he thought he would. He felt a tug in his heart. Wait, had just twenty four hours made him fall for Hermione? He shook his head, impossible. Perhaps the tug in his heart was because she lied to him.

"What do you mean not my girlfriend?" Ron's voice cracked as he spoke as if he was trying to hold back tears. He lowered his wand.

"Ron, I've been meaning to talk to you. I don't like how you call me your girlfriend when I hardly see you except for when I'm at work, and you're visiting Harry," she said crossing her arms.

"If it's because of that bastard, I'll kill him." Ron started walking to Draco, but Hermione stepped in front of him.

"No, Ronald, it's not Draco's fault. Listen, he has a history. He's hurt, and needs some help," Hermione tried reasoning with Ron, but was failing.

"He's tricking you. He's the same damn person he was when we grew up with him." Ron's face continued to burn with a mixture of hatred and anger.

" Why do I feel that I always need to explain myself to you? I shouldn't have to Ron."

"So you 're standing up for him? Since when were you on first name basis with him?" He threw questions at her expecting answers.

"You're being unreasonable," she stated.

"I'm being unreasonable? HERMIONE, you're the one not thinking clearly. I thought you were smart." He regretted saying the words as they came out, he saw she was upset when her eyes grew angry and full of tears at the same time.

"Get out of my flat, now," she replied.

"'Mione, look, I'm sorry," he said.

"NOW!" She pointed to the door.

"Can't I Disapparate here?" he asked gripping his wand.

"NO!" Eyes filled with tears as she watched him leave.

She turned to Draco, didn't say a word and retreated to her bedroom slamming the door. Draco stood in the threshold as he heard her cry. He shook his head. He hated it when women cried. Deciding there was nothing he could do, he went back to bed.

She didn't stop crying till four in the morning. Draco could never sleep knowing there was a woman crying somewhere. He fell back asleep after knowing she was asleep. Five minutes to five, he awoke again to muffled cries coming from her room. He opened he door, rushed to her bedroom, knocked once, and entered. There she was tossing and turning in her sleep. She kicked the air a few times, called out something he couldn't catch and then turned over.

"Hermione?" He knew he shouldn't wake someone up from sleep, but hated to watch her suffer from the memory. He walked quietly to her bed.

"Help us Draco!" He heard her call his name, he froze. He automatically knew what she was dreaming of. His home, her torture, but he never remembered her calling his name. The power of a dream could be overwhelming he thought. He shook her awake lightly.

"Hermione?" She sat up seeing him sit next to her on her bed, moved close to him, fell into his chest, crying.

He didn't know what to do but sit there. He had never had a woman cry into his arms before, and as he sat there he looked down at her taking it all in. Her hair was frizzy again due to her sleeping. She clung to his shirt, using it to wipe away her tears. No one spoke for what felt like hours. She finally stopped crying and still didn't move. He moved his arms around her, not really giving her a hug but hoping he made her feel safe. She felt his muscles tighten due to nerves.

"You talked in your sleep," he said finally after thirty minutes of silence. He watched the red number on her alarm clock flipping to five thirty.

"I did?" she questioned sitting up. He released his arms around her.

"You said my name," he said looking away from her.

"I did?" she repeated.

"You asked me to help you. I have to know, were you dreaming of my home?" he asked looking back to her. She nodded slightly.

"My nightmare," she confessed. He nodded knowing the answer already.

"I dream about it too. Mother sold the house. I no longer live there," he confessed finally.

"Is that why I found you on the streets?" she asked.

"No, I chose to go there. I ran away. Couldn't face the real world anymore."

"I ran away too. Fame overpowered Harry after the war. Ron followed in his footsteps. They've changed." He eyed her for her confession was not something he was expecting.

"Figures. No wonder Weasel was over-protective tonight."

"He means well," she said leaning back in her bed against her bed rail.

"Really? Threatening to kill someone because of years of hatred bottled up doesn't sound like meaning well to me," he stated, then added. "but it's not my relationship so I'm not getting involved."

"There isn't a relationship. He likes to think we're going to get together, but I'm not sure if I want that. I know we kissed during the war, but honestly it was spur of the moment for me." She blushed.

"You kissed him?"

"Yeah, he mentioned house elves needing to flee Hogwarts before the war started."

"It is important to treat them with kindness. I realize that now." He could see a question forming in her eyes and answered before she could ask. "I was a slave in my own home, Hermione. Treated worse than house elves. My nightmare." She nodded understanding.

"I never knew that."

"No one did. All the anger and hurt from home, was unleashed at school. It was where I felt I was finally in control of something." Another long pause came in between them. But this one felt like they were finally understanding each other. He breathed in, feeling a little more relaxed about being in the company of one he thought he hated. He knew he understood how she felt. They had a lot in common and it surprised him.

"I should get some sleep. I wake up at seven am and it's already five-forty-five," she said looking at the clock. He stood up from her bed, walked to the door, and then turned around. She was already back under her covers.


"Hmmm?" she said sleepily.

"I'm sorry for being such a prat to you," he said as he walked out shutting her door.

He never knew how much one person could understand him till their talk. He walked back to his room and went back to bed, hoping for sleep.

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