Title: Amends.
Summary: Ron makes amends.
Pairing: Harry/Scorpius.
Word Count: 436
Warnings: Age difference.
Notes: Un-beta'd, written for nekluvshp (from ) who asked for a sequel to Chose You.

An hour or so after Scorpius and Rose had left the Burrow, the Weasleys had spent the time discussing the discussion. Ron went to the floo, his family not stopping him as he called out "Malfoy Manor" and was whirled away in green flames.

Ron stumbled from the floo at Malfoy Manor coming face to face with Draco Malfoy, Malfoy raised an eyebrow "can I help you Weasley?"

"I just thought I should let you know my daughter will not be marrying your son."

Malfoy just stared at Ron who flushed and continued "Scorpius is apparently in a relationship with Harry Potter."

"I know."

"You know? Fuck Malfoy its Harry! You know who you hated in school!"

Malfoy smirked, "Potter has changed since school as have I. He's good for Scorp, now that their relationship is known I think they'll marry."

Ron's mouth opened and closed a few times before he spoke "do you know where I can find them? I need to apologise."

Malfoy scrutinised Ron with narrowed eyes before giving him the floo co-ordinates to Harry and Scorpius' home. Ron nodded before flooing away, Malfoy watched him go with a smirk "I've said it before and I'll say it again, you're a bad man Draco."

He turned to face his wife "Astoria, I don't know what you mean."

"You know exactly what Harry and Scorpius will be doing and letting Weasley walk in on them."

Draco grinned and pulled Astoria into a kiss, wondering what Weasley's reaction will be.

Harry and Scorpius were still entwined on the sofa, kissing leisurely when the floo flared they turned as Ron tumbled from the fireplace. The redhead looked up and immediately covered his eyes "oh Merlin! Can you get dressed?"

Harry glanced at Scorpius who shrugged as he pulled the blanket from the back of the sofa over them and he moved so he was sitting next Harry instead of on top of him.

"Why are you here Ron?"

Ron gingerly uncovered his eyes, cringing as he noticed that Harry and Scorpius were covered but not dressed, "I came to apologise. I'm sorry for what I said and I didn't really mean it, I was shocked and reacted badly. We, all of us, have discussed it and we want you two to come over for dinner tomorrow."

"What about Rose?"

"I'm going over there now, she won't come unless you two are you know that Harry."

Harry nodded, "okay we'll be there."

Ron nodded and left via the floo, Harry stood and drew Scorpius with him kissing him as they made their way to the bedroom.