A/N: Yup, its another iOMG fic. I'm not exactly the world's biggest iCarly fan, but when I saw this episode, this story practically wrote itself in my head. I just need to type it all out before it leaves my head. I'm hoping this will be a longer (and extremely awesome) iOMG-continuation, as opposed to all the one- and two-shots. Hopefully, this will be the first hook-you-in chapter of many to come. And if you like it, pass it on to your friends! I like to think I'm a good writer, and feedback is much appreciated. And if you are Dan Schneider reading this, feel free to use my ideas in an upcoming episode.

PS I definitely, 100% do not own anything in this fic, except my original ideas. The characters and "All That" (pun intended) belong to the hilarious Dan Schneider.


In the few seconds I went in for the kiss, I wasn't thinking. Just feeling. I could subtly hear the voices of Carly and Freddie in my head, telling me to go for it.

Just make a move, says Carly.

I know its scary for you to put your feelings out there… Everyone feels that way, claims Freddie.

And then there was nothing but my lips on his and the fireworks going off in my head.

A fog settled around us, it seemed, blocking us from the rest of the world.

I had been having an internal battle ever since that ridiculous app told me I was in love. I knew immediately it was Freddie who I loved, but how was I supposed to tell him? Should I ever tell him? I didn't even realize that I loved him until the PearPod app told me so. I just thought it was a crush. A really big crush, but a crush none the less.

I think the most gut-wrenching moment of my life was when I realized he wasn't responding to the kiss at all. His arms were locked at his sides and his lips didn't move under mine. I tried for 11 seconds. The longest 11 seconds of my life.

Then, I released him, the fog lifted, and I realized that we were in some passageway between buildings at our school. And I had just kissed one of my best friends, Freddie Benson, the kid I was in love with.

I stood back a foot from him and looked everywhere but his face. He was staring at anything but mine, I could tell. I consented looking at the ground.

"I-" he tried to stammer out. He was cute when he was flustered.

"Sorry…" I murmured, still glaring intently at the ground.

"It's cool…" he says, softly.

The most awkward silence of all eternity hits and then, I inhale deeply, about to speak-

"Students, just a reminder, the lock-in will be over in 8 hours. I hope your projects are going well. Study hard and prosper," the principal's voice crackles over the intercom, alerting me to life, once again. More silence, as we stand, waiting for something more. But nothing comes. I take that as a sign that I was wrong.

I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have kissed Freddie.

"I should go," I say, grabbing my water bottle off the ground and darting for the door before Freddie can react. I pull it open and see Carly rushing out the classroom door. She saw. I know she saw. I pause for a second, but then start running again when I hear Freddie's voice behind me.

"Sam! Wait!"

I hurry into the hall, where I'm pushed into the crowd, lost to Freddie. I quickly run for the stairs, hoping to lose Freddie in our maze of the school. My logic is that if I can avoid him, this never happened. I never embarrassed myself and revealed my feelings to the guy I love.

I see a girl's bathroom and run inside, locking the main door behind me. I don't care at this point if other girls need to pee. They can find another bathroom.

Running and hiding only work for so long, though. I could hear Freddie wandering around outside, hollering for me, trying to call me. I turned off my phone after the first time he called. People tried to get into the bathroom, but I ignored them.

I chose, instead to sink down against a grungy tile wall and cry my eyes out, no longer needing to be tough.

A/N: Please please please review. I'm putting up the next chapter as well, which will be in Freddie's POV (and a bit longer than this chapter). The POVs will probably alternate between Sam and Freddie with each chapter, with maybe Carly's POV thrown in if its important. I'm already working on chapters 3 and 4 as well. I'm hoping to publish them in sets of 2. Please review, or favorite. I appreciate any reads really and flamers, feel free to flame. I can take it.