Finally the drama's all over. Thank zero!

I thought as I sat on my boyfriend's bed.

"What time is it, Nigel?" I asked with a slight yawn.

"5:32" he answered after checking his watch.

My communicator beeped.

"Numbuh 362 sir, this Numbuh 14"

I inwardly groaned as one of my co-operative appeared on the tiny screen of my communicator.

"Are you all right sir?" She asked.

14 was the same age as I. She had dark brown hair running down to her shoulders and she's like my personal Assistant. She organizes my meetings and debriefing sessions and everything. She's in the moonbase sector and she acquired the numbuh from the old Numbuh 14 who had blonde hair.

She also started KND a bit late but we put her through a special training coarse to speed up the process of graduating from the Cadet's Next Door.

Next to Fanny she's my close friend as well.

"Yes. And why would you think I wasn't?" I asked.

"Was it wrong to be concerned?" She asked as she studied my surroundings.

"Of coarse not but don't go using that tone on me." I scolded her but it surely didn't faze her.

Her expression from curiosity morphed into a mischievous grin.

"Oh my Zero! Did I interrupt something Rae-rae?" She asked using that nickname on me.

I do allow her to drop formalities but when she used Rae-rae...well I told her not to call me that but she insists anyway.

I'm not really upset with it anymore but I still keep up the act.

"Numbuh 14, didn't I tell you not to call me that?" I said giving her a playful glare.

She rolled her eyes."So, you're going commando on me now." She muttered.

"To answer your question, Yes. But you also tell me not to do alot of other things so I tend to ignore you now." She said.

It was my turn to roll her eyes at her.

We get like this sometimes. We argue a bit but I know we still have respect for each other not to mention friendship.

"Anyways, what did you want?"

"Well, you didn't show up in that meeting earlier so I planned on re scheduling it but the deep sea lab scientists refused. They made me stay overtime and listen to their rants about different material things. It took me a while before I calmed them down and..." She trailed off looking sheepish.

"What did you tell them?" I asked suspicious of my dear friend.

"That you'll be happy to hear them out and they've re scheduled for a rant-er meeting on Wednesday 2 PM."

"Wednesday 2PM?" I asked just to make sure.

"Yes?" She asked uncertain.

I gave her a look and finally sighed.


She grinned and was about to tune off.

"Oh Annie?" I teased. She hated being called that. She gave me a dry look.


I took out the DVD.

"I'll send this via hamster. Please keep it out off harms way." I said.

She nodded without hesitation. She knew about the whole fiasco.

"Don't worry Rache. I'll keep it safe." She said sincerely.

"You better." I strictly warned with a wag of my finger but in a playful way.

Dealing with my personal life as well as KND stuff was easier and less hyped with Numbuh 14.

I saw her go for the end transmission button but stopped mid way.

"Oh yea, I forgot. I told them you were on a secret mission with your boyfriend so that they wouldn't ask about you. They weren't fooled by the way. Oh! and have fun with Nigel-kins!" She ended transmission before I could say a thing.

I face palmed and shook my head. What am I going to do with her?

I heard said Nigel-kins chuckle.

I blushed scarlet at the memory. I fell asleep in my office and awoken by Numbuh 14. She said I was sleep talking about a Nigel-kins and she told on me to my boyfriend.

"Wipe that grin of your face." I ordered.

"Whatever you say Rae-rae." I blushed again.

I was so used to being called that by Numbuh 14 but when Nigel started using it, saying he thought it was cute, it would always make me jittery and it just makes my spine tingle and I get butterflies in my stomach.

Once I got over it- mostly I told him to "Shut it."

He just laughed and kissed my temple.

I pursed my lips at him.

He just kissed my nose.

I grimaced.

I knew what he was trying to do and I wasn't gonna give in that easily.

He kissed my cheek.

Okay maybe I was gonna give in that easily.

"You missed." I told him.

For a second he looked confused. He was cute when he looked like that.

Then he got it and we were both leaning in when my communicator beeped again.

"Yes?" I asked really upset that I was interrupted.

"Sorry to keep you from your very important make out session." Numbuh 14 said sarcastically.

I opened my mouth to protest.

"But...I was thinking that you'd like to see this photo Valerie sent me. She sent you one to and I have it on your desk." She said putting the photo up so that Nigel and I could get a better view of it.

In the photo was David after our prank. You see the prank we did started with a decoy. Thing is Numbuh 14 was in on everything.

We got David to a park while he was on his date with Valerie and well all his Exes were there but in disguises.

Numbuh 14 walked out in a big get up and David went head over heels for her. Numbuh 14 was a great actress and let's just say that Valerie didn't approve of what David did and exposing his game became more than that.

Numbuh 14 left a red slap mark on his cheek when he tried to flirt with her even after some hotdogs and nachos and corn dogs and anything else you could buy in a normal park fought for dominance on his hair.

In the photo David just looked confused and gab smacked when all his exes revealed themselves to him.

Numbuh 14 gave out a fit of giggles.

"He should've known not to mess with girls." She said then she turned serious.

"Nigel?" She said.

"Umm yeah?"

"I guess you do know better than to mess with us girls right?"

"Of coarse." He said.

"Good because I'm sending you a copy of this picture. Just a reminder of what we're capable off if you ever hurt Rae-rae."

"I would never do what David did to her." Nigel said at once.

"I know." was Numbuh 14's goodbye. One things for sure. That girl had a huge grin.

I just chuckled at Nigel's horror struck face.

"Nigel don't mind her. She just loves to mess with you. I know you'll never do what David did anyways." I told him.

He gave me a weary-ish smile.

"Now...where were we?" I asked innocently.



So that's that.

I hope you guys enjoyed it and I just had the urge to put Numbuh 14 there. 14is my favorite number. Anyways a big Big BIG THANK YOU TO my readers!

Thanks you:

Kaitlin Todd




and anon I really appreciate your reviews:)


Thanks for checking it out and reviewing and adding my character in your fanfic. Operation:Who Dun it.

And a huge warm thanks to appleduck I'm happy you've enjoyed personal problems Thank you so much for your reviews

and last but not the least my great friend on Fanfiction Gamewizard2008.

Thanks Numbuh 2008 for not only supporting me on this Fanfic but also with everything I deal with. Most of my personal problems and...stuff ;) So THANK YOU!

Thank you all guys for supporting me and putting up with my forever to take speed of updating. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Now my focus would go on my Percy Jackson Fanfic The mark of Athena.

For those stories I've left un-updated. I didn't abandon any of them. I'm just taking things one at a time to avoid stress. I will get to all the other fanfics real soon but till then check out my Mark of Athena fic. It's gonna get pretty epic.

Once again Thank you very much. You guys all deserve Virtual cookies so as you review take one on the way out:)


* Big appreciative Salute*

Arissaprincess321 out!