Thank you for the reviews and favorites! Sorry it's taken so long to update!

I hope you enjoy.

Redalert remained frozen, his hands in the air, staring into Scaleblade's optics and trying not to focus on the barrel of the gun pointed at him. Her face was her usual cold and hard expression but it was clear by her optics she was panicking.

"Scaleblade," he spoke, his tone trying to reflect a sense of calm. It seemed to do no good, the femme's grip on the trigger only tightening. He needed to diffuse this situation. He doubted he would be able to fix their relations with this world's autobots after this, but maybe he could at least stop any extra bloodshed.

"Scaleblade," he started again, "put the gun down. Let me help him." Redalert paused in-between his sentences, keeping his voice low. Scaleblade's grip on the blaster remained unchanging. Redalert dared a few steps forward to close the distance between the two of them, lowering his voice more so only she could hear.

"You know I'm a medic. I'm not going to hurt him, that goes against everything I stand for," Redalert continued. "You can still stand guard. Please. Just let me help."

The femme continued to stare him down before her face faltered slightly for a second and she moved, giving the barrel of the gun a quick nudge to the side, indicating for him to move around her to her leader's location. Redalert nodded in acknowledgment before moving slowly as to not spook the already tense Decepticon, making his way over to the downed tyrant. Scaleblade retrained her gaze and blaster on the autobots before her, face unflinching.

Redlaert got to his knees as he reached Megatron's side and began to examine his wounds. As he scanned the damages, his takes began to churn. This wasn't something they could all walk away from. This was the leader of the fragging Decepticons, dumped injured into the laps of the enemy and Redalert posed as the only liaison between the two forces. He couldn't handle this. There was no way any of them would be given quarter after this, not if he failed at trying to calm things and set them straight. If he couldn't get all of them to get along with each other, no scratch that. If you couldn't make sure no one ended up dead there would be no chance of them ever being able to work and figure out a way to get back to their home world.

He shifted his thoughts back into medical mode as he dressed the wounds Scaleblade had not gotten to. She's more skilled than she lets on, he thought to himself. But then again, most Decepticons knew that if they couldn't patch themselves up from time to time they'd die. Medics were getting fewer and farther in-between, especially in their ranks. There had always been the unspoken rule that medics were off-limits on the battlefield but mistakes and accidents had still dwindled numbers. Like what had happened to Ratchet.

Redalert's processor stalled slightly as he inspected the Decepticon leader's right shoulder. His tanks dropped more, which he didn't think would have been possible at this point. He had to steer all of his self control to not focus on the scuffs of blue and red paint he found there. He could feel a hot spike of adrenaline surge through his body at the thought of what that meant. Their leaders had been fighting prior to Megatron being dropped here, and that meant the truce was null and void.

What the hell is going on there Redalert mused. He forced his hands from shaking, from rage or fear he wasn't sure, and set to work on the injuries in front of him. As he began he noted that while battered, Megatron was in much better shape than Scaleblade and himself had arrived in. It was obvious he had been fighting, but Redalert doubted he had been on the receiving end of the same laser fire that he and Scaleblade had been delt. He glanced up at the Decepticon's face, noting a blank and vacant expression. Does he even know what's going on? Red immediately shook his head and retracted his previous mental inquiry. Of course he didn't, it took him and the femme two weeks to wake up, and even longer to realize the full extent of their situation. It would no doubt take time for Megatron to digest everything, though certainly not as long as it took them. He was still functioning and conscious, despite his distant optics. And for some reason none of that served to comfort Redalert.

Megatron was dangerous. He was cunning. And while there was no doubt in Redalert's mind that he would want out of this world just as much as the rest of them, eons of fighting Megatron on the battlefield had taught the Autobots that if he could take advantage of any situation he wouldn't hesitate to do so. And this was all one hell of a situation.

"Red." A low hiss brought him out of his head once more. Redalert turned slightly to look over at Scaleblade and was disturbed to find her stance had changed. She was crouched a bit, shoulders tense as if expecting to brace for an impact while her optics scanned the sky. She picked up on something. Redalert turned his optics upwards and turned his audios, scanning the static above them.

"Red." Scaleblade repeated, a very distinct edge of panic now in her voice. Just as she finished speaking he heard it. It was low, still a ways out, but unmistakably the rumble of jet engines moving in on their location.

Redalert looked back at Scaleblade and their optics locked. In an instant the panic was shared. Jet engines either meant humans or Decepticons, neither of which meant well for any of them. There was no way they would be able to hide from any incoming humans in this canyon, their species presence would undoubtedly be compromised. And if it was the other option, well, Redalert knew that if Scaleblade, the war hardened melee officer was spooked it was most likely a good idea for you to be too.

Redalert turned to warn the Autobots standing near by, but it seemed that just at that moment someone else had picked up on the incoming as well. Their second in command Prowl had silenced everyone with a hand in the air, all optics turning to him before he directed a finger to the sky.

At his cue the soldiers in the ravine snapped into battle mode, and for the first time to Redalert, they actually looked like warriors. In their time quartering with these Autobots, he had never seen them face any sort of battle excursion. The large difference in his and Scaleblade's frames and armor compared to their hosts was exponential and he couldn't help but think that these Autobots didn't look sturdy enough to be in the middle of wartime. Scaleblade, a small femme by his world's standards, almost stood at level with most these mechs and was much more sturdily armored. Redalert himself was easily a full head taller than all of them here.

The Autobot team began to spread out slightly, all of them getting into a stance not unlike the crouch Scaleblade was still in. The mechs almost seemed to move in time, silently communicating with each other with only looks and hand gestures, a testament Redalert thought, to how easily monitored the air frequencies must have been here.

Redalert was snapped from his observations as the screams of jet engines grew closer at an alarming rate, sounding just over the southeast ridge of the ravine. The ravine itself blocked the view of the sky far out, only adding to the ominous screeching as the enemy approached. The medic instinctually moved closer to his patient in an attempt to shield his wounds from any further imminent attack or debris. He temporarily clamped severed lines to stop any bleeding and sparking that was left, carefully but quickly preparing to transport Megatron out of the incoming fray.

In what seemed like mere seconds after their only warning of sounds in the sky, a squadron of fighter jets flew over the edge of the ravine, flying halfway out before veering upwards and turning back, no doubt scouting out the best layout for an attack. "Seekers!" Ironhide bellowed, yelling overtop of the engines' whirring. The Autobots continued to fan out to counter the attack as the sound of jets approached them once more.

Three seekers, red, blue, and purple in color careened up and over the ravine's ledge, not hesitating to rein laser fire down on the bots below. The trio was quickly followed by more fliers, a few more jets of an assortment of colors and other mechs, fully transformed and flying in formation behind.

Redalert hooked his arms underneath Megatron's shoulders and brought his hands around to grasp his torso before pulling backward in an attempt to rapidly extricate the Decepticon leader from the middle of the open battlefield. If he could just drag him over to bottom of the ledge he had climbed down, behind some of the Autobots, him and Megatron might have stood a better chance at not accruing any more additional injuries. Redalert bent his knees in a low crouch to get the best momentum before heaving backwards, Megatron's much larger frame and weight proving to be a challenge. He had only gotten a couple of yards back when laser fire hit him in his left shoulder, sending him spinning and skidding into the dirt, pain ripping through his arm.

The medic coughed alien dirt out of his mouth as he shoved himself onto his hands and knees before turning slightly and looking up to see where the attack had come from. While scanning the scene before him to identify the assailant he noticed that most of the battlefield had gone quiet, many of the mechs of both opposing factions staring at him incredulously. A gleam of silver caught his optic and he looked at the source. Redalert easily identified the silver mech at the top of the ridge as what must have been this world's one and only Megatron. While the leaders shared nothing in physical traits at a glance, the smoldering hate-filled optics were exactly the same.

That and the monstrous cannon attached to the Decepticon's arm was a dead giveaway. Redalert noted that the cannon was actually smoking, cooling from a recent discharge.


Redalert spared a fleeting glance at his shoulder, noting a slight char across his armor but no serious damage. From the looks he was getting he gathered that the damage should have been much worse. The thought made sense, especially if he weighed a similar scenario of facing the Decepticon tyrant's cannon of his own world. Had he been on the receiving end of a shot from the Megatron he knew, he would be lucky if he even had an arm afterwards.

Redalert snapped his attention from the smoking end of the fusion cannon up to the silver Megatron's face, which was in an almost amusing state of shock. The expression changed quickly however, the leader's face twisting into an ugly display of rage.

"Decepticons!" the silver mech bellowed. "ATTACK!"