A/n: If you can see this, it means you bothered to read the entire thing. Aren't you a doll! You so are… admit it, you are such a sweetheart for reading the whole thing- grammatical mistakes, funny moments, metaphors and all. Feel free to tell me your overall opinion, and stuff I need to work on in the future to make my stories really shine.
Chapter 17: The Consequences
Beckett's POV:
-Four days later-
The phone buzzed softly in my pocket; it was Lanie, with a case. I clutched it hungrily, in need of a case and something to occupy myself with. Bored out of my mind, every waking moment since we'd gotten home had been excruciatingly dull. Castle hadn't called more than twice after he dropped me off on Monday. I was ravenous for a case that could quench my thirst for activity and a reason to call Castle. Things had been strange and anew since the plane had touched down. But since we hadn't established anything 'dating-wise', I needed a reason to call him, and something to say, where I wouldn't blurt out something stupid. Now I did have a reason.
I answered it quickly, telling Lanie I'd be there as fast as I could. When I arrived, I called him as soon as my foot hit the pavement. I had no intention of seeing this body until I had Castle at my side and my nerves calmed. Hopefully the phone call would trigger both.
I dialed and waited. He picked up on the second ring.
"Why good morning my beautiful Detective."
I leaned into my car window to hide my face from a pair of uniforms passing by me. I blushed nervously, and too embarrassed to be seen in this state, I attempted to veil my expression with a simple smile. It didn't work, and a small fit of girlish laughter hit me. Surprised at this I tried to regain my persona striking a serious tone.
"'Morning Castle."
"Any reason you might call me, hmm? Dead guy perhaps?"
"Can't I call you without someone being murdered?"
"You can, but seems to always work out that way."
I told him the address, and within ten minutes he was standing there. I felt almost relieved to see him again, though I didn't admit it. I simply smiled, greeted him and went on my way. It was after we had examined to body, crime scene and suffered Ryan and Esposito's numerous wise cracks that the consequences hit me.
Pulling up to the precinct, I stopped and looked Castle over. He looked different to me, shinier more giddy, he had this funny look in his eyes. Everything about him glistened with a new found light. It warmed my heart- he was in love. When he had leaned in to try and kiss me when no one was looking, I let him. When he had touched my hand while we got in the car, I let my hand linger under his for longer than the smallest touch. These were the consequences of our weekend. Consequences wasn't the right word, they were the little benefits of being in love.
We walked quietly into the elevator, and once the doors closed I had to smile.
"Is this what it's going to be like?"
"You know- us being together?"
"I guess so. Are you saying were together?"
"More of admitting something that's been true a long time."
Castle beamed at me, and kissed my forehead, pulling an arm around my waist. I pulled my eyes shut, letting the feeling wash over me. Together. The word felt good to say. We were, not Kate and Rick- but us. I felt my nerves smooth and my heart calm. For the first time in a long time I was at peace.
When the elevators slide open, we had an audience.
What's with us and elevators?
Lanie stood there, arms crossed and an annoyed, yet teasing expression across her face. Castle's arm was still around my waist. I didn't falter, but smiled at Lanie who knew exactly what was going on.
"Girl? Why didn't you call me?"
"I was… busy."
A smile grew across my friend's face; I saw it coming.
"Don't you say it!"
"Oh, I'm saying it all right-"
"-No, oh please don't!" I pleaded to Lanie.
Lanie took a deep breath. "I told you so! I told you so!"
I rolled my eyes.
"Didn't I tell you, huh? Didn't I tell you… all along?" Lanie teased, hoping to stretch this topic to the end of the earth. I knew if I didn't agree I'd have another thing for Lanie to hound me about the rest of my life.
"You did." I regretfully admitted.
"Oh… Ryan owes me 300$."
"What? Wait you guys were placing bets… on when we would-"
"-Oh, you know it! Mama's getting a new Gucci bag… thanks to you two, and your hormones and impulses."
"Oh, Lanie…" I just sighed.
Lanie's heels clicked off in search of Ryan and her money.
"So…" Castle sighed, surprised at the 'girl-talk' ordeal he had just witnessed.
"So," I mirrored him. "You ready?"
"Let's go."
"You got it… fan girl."
I ignored it and just smiled.
He took his arm from around my waist and followed me into the precinct. It felt like any other day, except that Richard Castle… was all mine. And he always would be.
A/n: The end!
Thanks to all you wonderful readers and for the support I got through thick and thin. You people are great! I send my love to you all in the form of invisible hugs. So… this is the end I guess. If you like my writing, feel free to read any of my other stories. Thank you!
Loving, Happily, Nervously, and finally in conclusion,