((Author's Note: I am in need of an editor. If anyone is interested please let me know))


A cool wind blew up to meet the elven face as sunlight pierced the landscape wiping away the vestiges of the night and signaling the beginning of a new day. Eragon turned away looking back over his shoulder from the hill he had camped on, nearby he could hear the faint snoring of Saphira and beside her lay Arya, cast in the warm glow of the rising sun. In front of him stood a city, its glory diminished by pillars of smoke rising into the sky forming together as they drifted along blown by the wind to be carried away and to disperse.

The Varden had captured the city, they had won the battle for Feinster and now the war with the empire was beginning and as Eragon turned away from the city, he felt the weight of his destiny bearing down on him. This was the thrust that would determine the course of history. It wouldn't be long now before he stood before the black throne of the Empire, brisingr blazing in his hand as he would fight for the Varden, for the legacy of the riders, for the dragons and their Eldunarí, and for all of the people of Alagaesia to finally be free of the tyrant Galbatorix.

Behind him, he heard Saphira rise up to her feet, awoken by the rays of dawn and soon felt her standing next to him. So long as we are together in this, let all of the Empire fear us. Her voice came over their body assuring him.

Eragon nodded his agreement. He moved to turn once again and felt the white light swirling around him, engulfing him in its iridescent glow. The images faded as it felt as though he was passing the leagues and suddenly images began to solidify once more.

Eragon found himself in a grand hallway. Above him he could see a vaulted ceiling supported by pillars of stone as big around as a horse. The sheer size of the place forced his breath away in awe. Before him two doors at least 50 feet tall stood impassible before him. Around him were the people he trusted more than any in Alagaesia. He moved forward towards the doors feeling Saphira padding along one side of him with Roran and Arya guarding his other. On the door, as he came closer he noticed large letters which he recognized as the ancient language. "The vault of souls." He whispered aloud reading the runes and then pain ripped through him blinding him as the images faded once more and he was no longer aware of the world around him as if he had passed from it leaving the dreamworld behind.

Chapter 1: Lost

It was the pain which had brought Eragon to consciousness. He was vaguely aware of a cushion underneath his body and a light rag on his forehead. He rose up slowly groaning as his body protested the movement. He opened his eyes slowly allowing them to adjust to the light streaming through the window nearby. "You shouldn't try to sit up yet." A female voice reached his ears and he turned to face the girl. She was young, Eragon guessed, no older than 18 and had shoulder length brown hair. Eragon studied her for a moment not recognizing her. She moved over to his side and placed gentle hands on his shoulders guiding him back down.

"Who are you?" He asked as he was pushed back down onto the sheets. He was surprised when she gave him a questioning look as if she didn't understand him. It took him a moment before he realized he had spoken in the ancient language. "Who are you?" he repeated.

"I am called Glenys, sir." She said bowing slightly to him. "Please, remain there while I go call for the doctor." She said and with that statement she turned and headed out of the room.

Eragon waited for a second to make sure she was really gone and once again moved to rise up. His ribs screamed out in pain and caused him to flinch with the recognized pain of a broken rib. He growled a bit and closed his eyes as the words formed on his lips. He felt the energy leaving him and soon the pain faded and he moved to stand up taking stock of his injuries. He was a little sore, but the ribs had been the only thing broken. It was then he was aware of a buzzing sensation in his head and he reached out touching the familiar presence of Saphira. Saphira?

Eragon gathered the sheets around him, covering his modesty while he fumbled around looking for his clothes. I am here, Little one. The response was almost immediate and familiar.

Where is here? He asked through their link as he saw his belongings and would move to begin getting dressed.

I don't know, I have never seen a place like this before.

Before Eragon could respond the door opened behind him and the girl from before walked in followed by an older man. He turned looking at them for a moment and could tell the looks of surprise that he was able to stand there.

"Sir!" Glenys said shocked. "How are you standing with those ribs?" she managed to force out and Eragon paused before showing them to her. "They are fine."

"I think I will be the judge of that." The man said and moved forward. Eragon would let him take a look over touching them with practiced hands before turning on to inspect the rest of Eragon before he pulled back shaking his head. "I've never seen such a thing. You are completely fine, while just a short while ago you were injured."

"Where am I?" He asked trying to change the subject. The man though seemed to be focused on where his injuries had been and took a moment to respond.

"Castle Redmont." The man replied.

"How did I get here?" Eragon asked wracking his brain trying to remember the map of Alagaesia. Saphira, do you know of a Castle Redmont? He asked

No, it was not on any of the maps that Oromis showed us. Came the muted and confused reply

"Pardon me sir, but if you are no longer injured I believe that Baron Arald wishes to have a word with you."

Eragon considered the statement for a moment then nodded his acquiescence. At the very least we can find out more of where we are.

Aye, but be careful, Eragon.

Eragon was about to respond when the girl motioned for him to follow and he would move to step in line with her. They proceeded down a hallway heading away from the room he'd been in. His eyes scanned the stone walls of the castle almost passively.

Glenys led him through an antechamber which Eragon observed was decorated pleasantly with fine tapestries hanging down the walls. He could hear the crackling of a fire nearby and his eyes settled on the ornately carved fireplace before he was snapped to a door by which Glenys stood. She had apparently knocked on the door and he'd heard her say a few words to someone inside. "He will see you now." She said curtseying to Eragon before turning to leave.

Eragon watched her go before moving towards the door. He readied himself reaching for the magic once again before moving to push the door open. Inside were a pair of men, each broad shouldered but one seemed to be a bit overweight, perhaps from too many banquets Eragon guessed to himself. The pair studied him intently as he waited for a response his eyes were drawn to a sword resting on the table in front of them. He started to say its name and paused a moment. The overweight man seemed to notice his attention.

"Yes, it is a fine sword we found with you." He said grabbing its hilt and removing the blade from its' sheath. "I have never seen anything quite like it." He observed looking at the blade's sapphire hue before moving to return Brisingr to its sheath.

"It was crafted for me specifically." Eragon replied simply.

The baron nodded. "Yes, I doubt this quality could be mass produced or in a manner which would make it possible for more than a handful to exist. However, the sword is just one of many questions we have for you." The man said motioning for Eragon to have a seat in a vacant chair.

Eragon paused reaching out with his mind touching both of the men in front of him. There were two things he could sense from them, one was a curiosity with him and the other a worry. Convinced they weren't going to harm him, for now, Eragon moved to take the pro-offered chair. "Perhaps then, we can reach an agreement. You answer my questions and I answer yours." He proposed.

The baron seemed to consider it for a moment. "Agreed, so long as your questions do not pose a risk to me," he motioned to the other man there. "to Sir Rodney, or to the kingdom." He replied simply.

"Aye, and I will refuse to answer certain questions as well if I feel they pose a risk to those I have a promise to protect." He said simply and the Baron nodded as if the terms were acceptable.

"First off, where am I? I have no memory of how I came to be here in fact the last thing I can recall is leaving the city of Feinster."

"Feinster?" The baron asked glancing out of the corner of his eye to the man standing next to him who just shrugged. "Well to your question, you are in Castle Redmont which serves as the center of Redmont Fief. On a broader scale, we are part of the kingdom of Araluen."

"Araluen?" Eragon asked shifting in his chair. "I can't say I've heard of it." He admitted.

"And yet you come at a most suspicious time." Another voice reached his ears and he jumped looking into the shadow where it had come from. As if appearing from the shadows a man stepped forward. He was wearing a mottled green cloak with a longbow strapped around his back. "Just who are you exactly?"

Eragon paused before answering. "Eragon." He replied.

"If you pardon my asking," the baron spoke again. "but what are you. You don't appear like any human I have ever known."

Eragon paused before answering. "I am human." He answered but then added. "I was changed by a magic, that even I don't fully understand how it happened, it just did." He finished avoiding the mentions of the elves and the dragons.

The broad-shouldered man would be the next to speak. "Changed how exactly? And why are you here now before we are marching off to war?"

The statement surprised Eragon, suddenly things were becoming clearer in his mind. "I don't know how I got here. I don't even really know where here is." He insisted. "And all I want to know is how to get back to Alagaesia."

The baron paused. "Alagaesia? The land you are from?" He asked.

"Yes." Eragon replied simply. He moved to take a pen and quill from the desk and drew a crude outline of the map Oromis had showed him, naming the major cities in the Empire. He even took the time to point out Carvahall incase a name could spur a memory within them.

"Halt, take a look at this do you recognize any of the landscapes?" the baron asked and the cloaked man stepped forward examining the map.

"No. I have not heard of any of these places, nor do I recognize the mountain ranges or this desert. Everything on this map is not of Araluen or any of our neighbors."

"I will ask a blunt question of you then." The baron said and glanced at Halt. "Halt here will be able to know if you lie. What do you know of Gorlan and Morgarath?" He asked. The names were unfamiliar to Eragon who was shaking his head a bit.

"Nothing." He said honestly his heart having sunk. The man had been honest when he had said that the map was completely unfamiliar with him. Even though it hadn't been said in the ancient language the cloaked man named halt had no idea where Alagaesia was.

"There is one more we need to know of you. Several people have spotted a large beast in the area and I have seen tracks like none I have ever seen. They began occurring shortly after you arrived here. Do you know anything about this creature?"

Eragon's immediate thoughts went to Saphira who told him that while she had been careful, the area wasn't unpopulated and she thought that she had been seen a couple of times though only glancing. He shook his head though feeling the eyes upon him. "No."

"You're lying." The cloaked man said observantly and Eragon's heart sank.

"You look like a man who can take care of yourself." The gruff voice belonged to a tall man clad in armor. Roran looked up to see him, he studied the warrior for a moment before letting out a grunt in reply. The man seeming to be slightly annoyed at the remark decided to take a seat opposite Roran. "How would you like to earn some coin?"

Roran lifted his eyes for a moment glaring into the man. He had the air of a grizzled soldier, the same as Roran now realized that he carried. The pair of them had both killed men, both of them had fought in battles, their weapons stained with blood. "I am not some sword for hire." He said simply.

The other man seemed to consider him. "I come on behalf of Morgarath, he seeks the best to come fight for him as he invades Araluen."

Roran shifted a bit settling a gaze on the man. "I told you I am not a sword for hire. I am just a traveler trying to find his way back home."

"Then perhaps, the fact Morgarath is a powerful magician would be of interest to you. Fight for him and he may be willing to help you."

Roran paused for a moment. A magician, without Eragon around it may be his best bet to finding his way back. "Very well, but if he turns out to be nothing more than a charlatan.." He left it there to leave it to the man's imagination.

The man smiled wickedly. Roran knew that he was planning a fate for him as well. It was going to be an uneasy alliance, but, perhaps, a necessary one.

Eragon looked at the cloaked man for a moment and quickly thought of the words he could say to hide Saphira from them. "You're right. I do know what it is, but for reasons which are my own, I can not reveal what it is." He said quickly. "Rest assured however, that it will not harm you or any person without due cause."

Halt seemed to consider him. "That," he began, "is not good enough. We can't just take the word of a stranger, who arrives as our forces are preparing for war. "

"Is there nothing I can do to persuade you that I mean no harm?" he asked.

"You could begin by revealing this monster in our territory."

Eragon sighed a bit and then conferred with Saphira. "Very well, but on the condition that we meet somewhere, that we will not cause panic, and that I receive your vows in the ancient language that you will not reveal her without permission."

"Ancient language?" the baron asked. "And why should we agree to these terms? You could very well be luring us into a trap. It would not be beyond Morgarath to attempt to have us assassinated here. He has already tried to assassinate Halt."

Eragon felt taken aback by the questions. He was reminded of the times he'd spent with Brom and the earliest lessons he'd received. "The ancient language is the language of an old and wise race. The language is a method of describing everything, not by simple words but by actual names. Everything within the language has a name that describes things to their depths. Also, while speaking the ancient language it is impossible to lie." He said echoing Brom's words. "As such, any oath taken in the ancient language is considered binding. I would tell you the words to say before revealing what you want."

"I find it hard to believe that it is impossible to lie while speaking a language." Sir Rodney said disbelieving.

"As did I." Eragon admitted. "Do we have an agreement?"

"Aye we do." The baron said resigned. "But we must make one exception to this agreement. I do not feel comfortable withholding out potentially valuable information from the King of Araluen."

"And Crawley." Halt added to which the Baron nodded.

"There are people above us, that we cannot withhold information from." The baron explained.

"Very well." Eragon said. "If you must report to them then and only then. I trust you will understand my need for secrecy."

"There is still one question you did not answer. How do we know this isn't a trap?" Halt asked.

"You don't." Eragon answered honestly. Then he began to speak in another language before stopping and then said. "I promise that no harm will come to you unless in self defense. I promise that there is no treachery in this meeting." He said as if he was translating then spoke again. "I know you do not believe me that one can not lie in that language but, that is the best assurance that I can offer you."

"There is one more. Allow two more to accompany us. Halt's apprentice Will and a battle school student, Horace. " Baron Arald said and Eragon nodded.

"If they must."

Will pulled Tug in beside Halt and Abelard quietly removing his bow and an arrow to rest it across his lap as Halt had done. He had never seen his teacher this agitated and knew that the person who sat in front of him was likely the reason why. The man whose features were covered by a borrowed cloak sat between Sir Rodney and Horace each looking apprehensive and alert for any sign of treachery. Behind Will, he could hear the loud hooves of the Baron's horse as the group moved out from under the portcullis of Castle Redmont and out into the village.

It was a quiet day as the group made their way through the village silently. No one spoke as everyone was focused on following the stranger and being alert for any sign of an ambush. It was his and Halt's job, he knew, to offer the first warning. Will's hand slid along Tug's neck for a moment reassuring his horse.

It only took a few minutes but soon the group had left the village and was now plodding through the forest. Will found himself watching the stranger for any strange movements but saw none and so glanced around the forest.

The small group traveled for an hour before they ventured off of the road and the stranger dismounted and moved to lead the horses into the forest by foot. Will and Halt wouldn't dismount as both horses were sure footed and wouldn't have any trouble navigating the woods. Horace and Sir Rodney would both have to dismount as would the baron. Will and Halt took up new positions at the sides of the group which ventured in, that way it would be easy for them to raise their bows and get the arrows off quickly.

Travelling was made slower by the fact that they were on foot but Will guessed they were still making decent time since they weren't going far. As soon as Will thought it the group entered into a large clearing and the stranger moved to tie his horse to a tree and instructed the others to do the same. Will and Halt would remain mounted despite what the stranger said.

"Now I will have your oaths." Eragon said as he moved to pull off the cloak and tossed it on the back of his horse. Will was surprised at the boy's features and apparent youth. He was no older than him but something about him told Will that he was extremely dangerous. The others had noticed the same thing perhaps that was why the Baron and Halt had gone to such measures.

The stranger coached them through the pronunciations telling them what each word meant and then as soon as they had all completed the phrase he seemed to take a step back and cocked his head a bit to the side.

Thud. It was a single concussion of wind that seemed to press down on the group as if some great force had pushed the weight of the sky down on them. Everything seemed to sit still for a few seconds before another blast hit the group. Thud. Will noticed as the birds in the trees took off flying away as fast as they could. Across the clearing several deer stopped in their tracks then bounded off into the forest. Thud. This time it was a deep, almost internal drum that nearly forced Will to his knees. His eyes fell on the stranger and he absently fiddled with his bow string ready to pull and release. Thud. It came again and now it was followed by a roar, deafening in its intensity and as Will forced himself to look up, he found it was no longer necessary.

The horses, even Tug and Abelard, began to snort loudly in terror and all but the ranger's mounts began to tug on the ropes that bound them to the trees as a creature massive and terrifying dropped out of the sky landing behind the stranger. The first thing Will noticed was the sapphire colored scales which reflected the sunlight as bright as a pile of gold and jewels would. His eyes studied the creature as panic seemed to settle itself deep in his stomach. Its teeth and claws were like swords, sharp and deadly and looked as though they could rip through steel as if it were paper. Then the stranger spoke again removing a glove on his hand and held it up for them.

"I am Eragon Shadeslayer, and this is Saphira."