"He Nohomalie"

Shakespeare's Lemonade

Rating: T

Genre: Suspense/Action

Summary: How I think Danny might react when Steve falls down the cliff in Ma Ke Kahakai. I'm sure the episode will completely demolish this idea, but I thought it would be interesting.

A/N: The title means "Silence" according to a nice person on Yahoo! Answers.

I wonder why I bother telling him to be careful as rocks crumble under his hands. He'll never listen. Oh, well. At least he didn't fall.

I pull the rope tighter, thinking it might do some good.

Come on, Steve, I think to myself.

He's going too fast. I mean, I don't know much about climbing—I'm sure he knows a lot more—but I know he's going way too fast. He reaches for the next handhold and I think he's almost to the top, but the rock moves.

And it's a big rock.

For a second, all I can do is stare as it falls and hits him in the face. I wince as if it hit me. Then I hear myself shouting his name as he falls. It's a long way down.

It seems like forever until he hits the ground and for a second I fear he might roll off the cliff and go on falling, but he doesn't.

I call his name again, but he doesn't answer.

He can't be dead. I mean, it's not like a massive boulder to the head could kill a guy. Not a guy like him anyway.

For what seems like eternity, I keep shouting his name. Every time I expect him to roll over and tell me to shut up. I would be okay with that at this point.

"Come on. Talk to me," I say, but not loud enough for him to hear me if he could. "Come on, you stupid SOB!" I shout this time, and it isn't until the words have left my mouth that I realize who else I called that. "I mean moderately intelligent ass," I amend, because I really didn't mean to call him the same thing I called Matt.

It's not like Steve intentionally fell down a cliff and got knocked unconscious. Well, that may not be true, but I give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Hey!" I shout again. "I'm not telling my daughter that I dropped her Uncle Steve off a cliff. So, wake up."

I think I see him move a little. It could be my imagination. No, then I hear a low groan. At least he's alive and sort of conscious.

"Hey, talk to me," I say in a slightly less annoyed tone.

He doesn't say anything, but tries to push himself up on his arms and collapses again with an even louder groan.

"I think my arm's broken," he finally says.

And I believe him because I've never heard his voice so wavering.

"Okay," I say. "Can you get up?"

He uses only his right arm and gets to a sitting position away from the ledge. He looks up at me and I can see the bruises beginning to form on his face. I try not to cringe, because even from far away, they look nasty.

"I'm gonna call for help," I say. "Don't go anywhere."

He gives me a look and I don't bother him about it. I deserve it this time. Then he sighs.

"Not going anywhere, Danno," he says.

I nod and begin to search for cell service, thinking the whole time that this was a close call. Too close.

And I'll lecture him about it later.