A/N- Hey guys sorry this is posted so late :P I had to go to my aunt's unexpectedly and I just got it done...
Anyway, I've used the same format of Days and stuff. AND SURPRISE! I've redone the first five chapters of this story to where they're a bit longer and more detailed, and hopefully edited a little better, lol. So if you wanna look back over those and tell me if they're better, I would love that C;
CAUTION- Towards the end especially it talk about T rated violence. I kept it pretty mild of course, but some of you may not want to read or whatever. It's really not that bad at all except for the last little bit. It shouldn't bother any of you but I rated this T for safety etc. Just to let you know you have been warned, can't blame me. :P
Lol, anyway enjoy this either SECOND to last or THIRD to last chapter... Dunno yet, leave a review if you have a suggestion. But it WILL NOT BE the last one.
Day 1 of Battle
"Dear Lord, Jareth..." Sarah whispered as they appeared just a mere one-hundred feet away from the Eastern Hedge Maze.
It was blazing hot in what was left of the dilapidated area, and yet that small section continuously appeared to simply melt away as slimy black shadowy creatures touched the ground. There was no distinguishing between one and ten of the creatures, for they seemed to mass together and split apart all at once. Their eyes, the only thing to distinguish them with, were a soulless white- blazing out unnervingly. What was even more disheartening was their full fifty-two-tooth grin. Hoping they could be taken down as one simply did nothing to settle the mind.
Stepping nearer to Jareth, Sarah was slightly reassured when he pulled her closer. Alicia, who had been tucked away until now chose then to pipe up, "Wot the devil are those..."
Nodding in agreement and echoing the mouses question,the frightened woman asked in a soft whisper, "What...what are they?"
With glassy eyes, the Goblin King pulled Sarah closer and spoke in hushed tones, "Those," he pointed to the creatures, "are what's left of any poor toured being that the UnSeelie happen to get a hold of..."
That did nothing to settle Sarah's mind. With expressions not at all matching her attire, she was about to inquire some more, but before she got the chance, the barrier unleashing the army underfoot was breached. As soon as it was tripped, hordes upon hordes of magical beings and Labyrinthians gushed upward like a tidlewave. Hoggle, being in charge was at the front.
Alicia, rallied by the movement, suddenly sprung from Sarah's shoulder and ran straight for Hoggle at the front of the pack. "OI WAIT FOR ME! YOU'RE NOT LEAVIN ME OUT A THIS SCUFFLE!"
"Alicia!" Sarah called out frantically, but it was no use.
The mouse was a warrior at heart and she always would be. Trying to chase after her, Sarah was suddenly pulled back sharply against Jareth's plated chest. In a split second, she was gripping her King's side tightly as he rushed forward. A fierce expression overtook all reminiscence of his past tenderness, and with teeth bared, the Goblin King leaped up into the air. At first Sarah had thought they would fall, but realizing that they were floating, Sarah's eyes widened. However, she simply had no time to bask in awe as she looked down. They had jumped to avoid the black sludge now covering their previously occupied space.
From up above, they could see everything. Even up this high though, there were still ricocheted shots that whizzed by 'Are we safe up here?' Sarah asked through the link. However, she received no response from Jareth. Instead she heard him speak aloud.
Teeth bared again, Sarah was taken aback a bit as spittle flew from Jareth's mouth when he screamed out, "FORWARD!"
The army, who had been firing defense shots, suddenly abandoned that angle and surged towards the enemy while slinging everything they had at them.
The battle had begun...
Day 4 of Battle
"SARAH!" Jareth screamed out at he realized the woman was no longer shielded behind him.
It had been a long and touch four days. The enemy was slowly decaying, but they had an advantage. The tortured soul never rests. For that very reason, the Goblin King was thoroughly exhausted. However irregular a fae's sleeping pattern may be, it still was not used to one or two restless hours of sleep. Nevertheless, it was a war and in war there was no time for such luxuries- not if they wanted to win.
"SARAH!" Jareth yelled again over the sounds of buzzing magic and ear-piercing shrieks.
The battle was intense. As soon as his men would take down a dozen, it seemed like twice as many would fill the gap. Many were being injured in rapid succession causing the medical tent to be overflowed at all times.
Thinking about all of this put Jareth in a larger panic. Now frantic, the man stumbled as quickly as possible through he wreckage and dunked under fire. It was pure madness, but the lady of madness had yet to be spotted. Through the whole four days there had been a 24 hour watch for the insane woman, but nothing had come up. Not a single blond hair, or pink splotch.
Eyes wide with terror, Jareth almost started to shake. That is until he reopened their link. Jareth couldn't operate as the Commanding Officer if Sarah was in his head. It only made him realize she was in danger more and more...so they had agreed to shut it down for now.
But now opeing it up ,he yelled anxiously through the link, 'SARAH!'
'Jareth? Jareth! I don't know where I am!' she sounded panicked and that immediately put the distraught King further on edge.
'I'm coming Sarah, I'm coming!'
Opening their link further, Jareth's eye's suddenly widened in surprise. Images around him became blurry and started fading into a smudged but colorful background until all that was left was a glowing light.
As he moved, Jareth could feel that time was being bend, but he paid it no mind. Running at top speed, the king dunked, jumped, and leaped over the fallen walls and burnt structures that used to be the outer wall section. They had managed to push the enemy back to this point.
Approaching the light quickly, the world started to speed back up from its previous slow motion setting. Then, as Jareth got within a few feet of the light, he was suddenly thrust back into his normal sight. Blinking once or twice, Jareth peered down anxiously... to see Sarah curled inwardly and clutching something close.
Jareth knelt, "Sarah, Sarah look at me."
When she looked up, it was clear where bitter tear tracks had cleared grit and dirt from her pale cheeks. However, her head didn't stay level for long. Uncurling her arms, Jareth saw there was a small blue worm clutched tightly to her.
"His house must have fallen in...I couldn't find the Missus."
Looking up she asked, "I don't even know if his hole is near here!" she rasped out, and then in a softer voice she added, "Why didn't he leave?"
Setting his mouth in a thin line Jareth answered softly, "This was his home, and he refused to run away from it."
Sniffing harshly, Sarah suddenly looked up at him, "Oh Jareth I'm so sorry. I was only stopping for a second to see what it was I saw..." tearing up, the woman took a deep breath before continuing, "I had no intention of-"
"Come Sarah," Jareth said gently, "we must get back to our post."
Nodding harshly, the woman proudly stood, the worm still cradled in her arms. Then, taking a stone, Sarah slowly let it glow in her hand until it was a soft red hue. Jareth watched, slightly amazed, as she then let the stone absorb Mr. Worm's body.
When she placed the stone back, she calmly said, "Now he'll never have to leave..."
Day 8 of Battle
"Jareth, we have to act now." Sarah said frantically.
"No! We must wait until Dian shows herself..." as he spoke, the Goblin King hurled another crystal at one of the few hundred or so black creatures left.
Their own army had been gravely injured, but there weren't nearly as many casualties as they had expected. Goblins were incredibly resilient.
"Jareth, listen to me!" Sarah pleaded, "Our army is weak, you're tiring from all this constant vigilance, and Robert and Helen's reinforcements are dwindling."
Jareth looked to her and let her get a glimpse at just how tired he was. "If we combine our power now and wipe out what's left, we may drain us too greatly to do anything further." Taking her hands in his, "What if Dian shows up a second later? We would be defenseless."
"So would she! Her army would be gone." Sarah pleaded.
Kissing her forehead softly, not even taking notice of the grim, he whispered to her, "I can't take that chance. It could mean the end for all of us if I do..."
Day 10 of Battle
Breathing heavily Jareth threw yet another crystal at the monster, followed by one from Sarah. Both were exhausted, but once Sarah had started forming stable crystals and blasts, their efforts had somehow doubled to beat the beast.
After they had nearly defeated the black tortured souls, This had showed up. It was black and oozing despairing darkness just as the others, but it was much different. Eyes tainted red still stuck out as glaringly as the white in an endless glaze, yet there was something more there. Something with malicious intent. Also much differing was it's body. Instead of the small black demonesk form the others had taken on, this one was more Dragon like in appearance. Standing eight to ten feet tall, the lizard being had jutting twisted horns atop its head and razor sharp talons beneath it's powerful bird-like feet. The poor soul had obviously been tortured beyond true recognition.
"Jareth," Sarah suddenly pleaded as she pulled on his arm gently, "we have to act now."
Looking at her intently, Jareth suddenly pulled them farther away from the dragon and then pulled Sarah close into his arms. "I can't risk loosing you...what if she shows up once we-"
"Jareth, there won't be a 'we' to show up to if we don't act now!" the overwrought woman sobbed into his chest.
Holding her in a crushing embrace, Jareth prayed for time to slow...but it didn't. He had no illusionist power over time in real moments of crisis. That much power didn't belong to anyone. Therefore, the beaten king pulled Sarah way just enough to plant a kiss on her lips. He poured himself into the firm kiss, letting her know his love and sincerity. As emotion took over, the man didn't mind when the tears dripped from the corners of his eyes.
Taking his time, Jareth pulled away from the kiss after a moment and let his hand come up to cup her cheek as he spoke, "Sarah Williams," his voice cracked slightly, "I-I love you..."
Grinning softly, Sarah rested her forehead on his and responded, "I love you too, Jareth." Tears matching his own ran down her cheeks.
As slowly as they could afford, the couple pulled apart and bravely made their way closer to the beast once more. When they were a good twenty feet away, Jareth stopped and pulled off his gloves. Smiling bravely the war-weary man made eye contact with the ever-enduring woman he loved. Keeping that contact, Sarah intertwined her hands with his and let her magic merge elegantly with his.
Now with that same powerful purple magic coursing through his body, Jareth knew it was time to act. Keeping one hand firmly tangled with hers, the king let loosened his other and raised it bravely towards the being. Ignoring the chaos around them, Jareth let Sarah's projection ease him into calmness.
The monster, having previously been terrorizing a group of ammunition goblins, seemed to almost sense the change in power charge, and turned to look at the couple firmly glued to each others side. The couple's attention was drawn from each other to the dragon now as it snared a ghost of a smirk at the raised hand. Cocking it's head like a dog, the dragon let it's neck roll to the left until it's horns nearly scraped the ground below. Expecting to get a fearful reaction, the unblinking character was almost surprised when the two merely smiled in a peaceful way. Now enraged, the dragon reared up.
"MOVE BACK!" Jareth bellowed, and every creature in earshot scurried out of sight and range of the face off.
As the monster raised itself on it's hunches, it's neck twisted nastily- about to strike. However, it never got the chance. For as it sprung, an eruption of purple energy surged from Jareth's hand in the most powerful blast that had ever traveled through him and likely any other fae in history.
The beam, which was almost dancing in the air as it traveled blindly, hit the creature square in the chest. Eyes widening unnaturally, the beast let out a shriek that caused those in the area to drop to their knees from the force. Then as it fell, the squall slowly turned more human in quality. As the beast dropped closer and closer to the ground, the blackness around it started to fade until it too looked human. Womanly in fact, and disturbingly...pink.
Sarah and Jareth had both collapsed as well when the monster when down, but Sarah's eyes popped open when she heard the human wail. Sweat dripping from her brow, the woman was breathing laboriously as she lifted her head to peer at what was left of the demon. However, instead of seeing what she thought would be a residual black puddle, Sarah saw none other than Dian.
Trying to stand, the exhausted woman immediately collapsed back onto the ground, but she didn't give up. Raising up just enough to reach Jareth, Sarah shook his shoulder slightly and called out, "Jareth..."
When he didn't move, tears sprung to her eyes and she called again louder, "Jareth?"
Still no answer.
Sobbing now, Sarah used all of her might to push the man over from where he had fallen face first into the hard earth. Like music to Sarah's ears, a low groan escaped the Goblin King's lips. "Jareth, can you hear me?" she called again.
Coughing slightly, Jareth blinked a few time and then looked to Sarah. He smiled at her and said, "Sarah..." and then promptly passed out once more.
Frightened, the woman looked up and called out at the top of her lungs, "ALICIA!"
There was no movement for a long while, but after a moment or two a small dark blob could be seen bouncing towards the pair at top speed. "I'M COMING, SARAH!"
As the mouse skidded to a stop, Sarah began speaking, "Go get Ludo, Alicia, go get Ludo and help him take Jareth back to the castle. He's hurt..." Tears bitterly dripped form her eyes as Sarah continued, "there should be healers there, just ask the Labyrinth for help to get you there as fast as possible..."
Sparing only a second to rush forward and nuzzle Sarah's chin, the mouse suddenly zipped off to find the orange rock caller. Unable to wait for their return, the woman lifted herself to her elbows and used all her might to get to her knees. Breathing harshly, she had to rest a second before moving forward towards the unmoving body before her.
Each inch Sarah took closer to Dian, the more dread she felt. Now only a foot away, she could see extremely faint chest raises; a tell tail sign of life. Taking a much needed breath, Sarah again flipped another body over. However, this one she felt no love fore- only pity.
When her head struck the ground with the flop, Dian's eyes fluttered. Opening them slightly, she let them roll back again, but Sarah would have none of that. Patting her cheek, just hard enough to revive her, Sarah gazed intently at her.
Once her eyes were open and focused, Sarah asked firmly, "Why?"
Breathing harshly, the woman smiled with a mouthful of blood, "Re-ven-ge." she stuttered out- barely clinging onto life.
Furrowing her brow Sarah looked downhearted, "For not choosing you? Wh-"
"No!" the woman spit out harshly, but immediately fell into a fit of coughs with blood flowed slightly from her lips.
Once the coughs died down Dian continued, "that man ripped my father and mother apart!" hate filling her eyes, the woman gasped but continued as she clutched at Sarah's arm, "I was HAPPY, and if...he hadn' shtuck 'is nose... where it 'adn't need ta...be..." breathing raggedly now, Dian's eyes started to roll back.
It took a moment for each word to fall into place, but Sarah could get the general idea of what had happened. Jareth had been the one to realize her Seelie father had been keeping company with an UnSeelie...
After a second or two a shuttering breath escaped Dian's lips and she stopped moving all together. Nothing more dramatic. No convulsions. No dying threats. Just a poor insane woman who should have never been born...
'It makes sense now at least,' Sarah thought to herself as she too felt the world start to grow heavy. 'It all...makes...sense.'
With that last thought and her mind put at ease with her newly acquired knowledge, the young woman let herself slink sideways onto the ground beside Dian. Her strength now depleted, Sarah fell into the growing darkness that seemed to call increasingly at her to just...let...go...
A/N- Yep...intense... What did you think? Personally, I teared up just a little, lol, but their my characters so it might just be me.
Do any of you sympathize with Dian any at all? Even if only a small bit?
I'd love to hear any and ALL comments :)
(Oh and Guest Reviewer, I fixed the eight words to six words in chap 21 ;) )