DayBreaker Easter Egg Hunt

Summary: What will happen if the Daybreakers have an Easter Egg Hunt, where the losers have to do a forfeit? How far will they go to make sure they win? Rated T for language and content, if you know what I mean ;)

A/N: Hi. This is a story that came to my mind while I was writing my other fanfic. I hope you like it, please review =)

*Disclaimer* I unfortunately, do not own the Night World *sniffle* L. J. Smith does XP

Hannah's POV

I was sitting in one of the mansion's living rooms, watching the Jeremy Kyle Show, when Poppy came bounding in. "Lady Hannah," She whined, "I'm SO bored. Please tell me you've got something to do. I've already asked Maggie and Mare, but they're watching some chick flick, and you know how I hate chick flicks. Then I went to Thea and Gillian but they were practicing spells. Rashel and Quinn are training. Jez is pulling pranks. Keller and Galen are out on a run. David is on his Xbox. Eric is studying a hurt snake he found in the forest. Thierry tells everyone but you not to bother him, when he is working, so I didn't even try asking him. Delos is being Delos and watching David play 'his particularly interesting contraption'. And James, Ash and Morgead are on a mission and won't be back until tonight." (A/N: Thierry won't let Quinn and Ash go an the same mission anymore with James and Morgead, unless it's a team mission, or it is necessary as the last mission they went on with the other two, was a complete disaster, as they ended up fighting each other, instead of the rouge family of werewolves.)

"I know what you mean," I said, "I've watched, like, twenty Jeremy Kyle reruns, and that's today alone. Come on, let's go and find Thierry, maybe he'll have something fun for us to do." And with that we went off.

Thierry's POV

I was sitting in my office working, when Hannah walked in. I didn't bother to look up, as I knew that the others knew that only Hannah was allowed to bother me while I was working, unless it was an emergency. "Hello Hannah." I said. From the corner of the room I heard a curse. When I looked up, there was Poppy, standing behind Hannah clutching her foot. "Stupid door." She cursed. Hannah just stood there looking confused, but then after a couple of seconds, she caught on. "Oh," Hannah said, "Cause it's wood, right?" I just smiled at her and laughed. She can be clueless at sometimes, but that's one of the many reasons that I love her. This made her blush like crazy. "Thierry," My soulmate said, "Poppy and I are getting bored, and we were wondering, if you had any ideas as to what we could do." I pondered this for a moment, and then said "Well, it's Easter right?"

"Yeah." Hannah and Poppy said in unison. "So why don't you have an Easter egg hunt?" I continued. "OH MY GOD THIERRY!" Poppy shrieked, "THAT'S A BRILLIANT IDEA! We can wait till the others get back, and start it tomorrow! We can ask Maggie to paint some hard boiled eggs because she's taking that art class, and then we can get someone to hide them, and then we have twenty four hours to find as many as we can…" She was cut off by Hannah's hand covering her mouth. "Sounds like a great idea Thierry. We can get everyone involved, and have a lot of fun. How did I end up with a soulmate as clever as you?" Hannah asked. By now Poppy had stopped talking and Hannah had taken her hand away from her mouth. I got up and strode over to Hannah. When I was about twenty centimeters away, I took her hands, and placed a kiss on her lips. Just a short peck, but it was so tender and sweet. "Lord Thierry, Lady Hannah?" Poppy asked, "Do you mind until you're alone to start making out?" I broke away and gave Poppy the look. The look that said, it doesn't seem to bother you when it's you and James, having a full out make out session. With that look Poppy turned round and said "I'm going to tell the others, to meet me in the main living room at six, with their soulmates." And with that she stalked off. Hannah looked at me, and then rolled her eyes. Quickly she went off after Poppy.

Poppy's POV

I walked into the room where Mary-Lynette and Maggie were in last, to find them in tears. I went over to them an asked them what was wrong. Maggie replied "It's just sooo sad; I mean I know it happens but it is sooo upsetting." I was confused, what was Maggie going on about? "Is this about the movie?" I asked. Mare nodded her head. "What movie was it?" I continued. Mary-Lynette pointed to the arm of the couch. On the arm of the couch was a DVD box. I picked it up and turned it over. When I saw what it was, I busted out laughing. "You mean to tell me… That you're crying… That you're crying over… Marley and me?" With every pause, I burst out laughing. "Maggie? Mare?" I said, "You do realize that it isn't real, that the dog didn't die, don't you?"

"Well duh," Maggie shot back, "We know it isn't real, but it's based on true story." I decided now was a good time to stop laughing, as I needed their help. At some point during the hysteria, Hannah walked into the room. "Have you told them yet?" She asked. "Told us what?" Mary-Lynette asked. "Well," I said, "Me and Hannah were really bored, so we went and asked Thierry what we could do. He suggested an Easter egg hunt, that everyone has to join in on, and we agreed. We were wondering if you two could boil us two hundred eggs and paint them?" Maggie and Mare looked at each other, and then back at us. "Sure." They said. They began to walk to the kitchen when I shouted after them, "Also, there's a meeting, in the main living room at six, Lord Thierry and Lady Hannah's orders. Bring you soulmates."

"OK." They called back. When I walked back into the room, Hannah said "Two soulmates down, five to go." We decided to split up. I was going to tell Thea and Gillian, and Hannah was going to tell Rashel, Jez and Keller.

Hannah's POV

I was walking to the garden, when I ran into Jez. In her hands were five rotting tomatoes. I stopped a few meters away from the door, and looked at her. "Jez?" I questioned. She looked at me and replied, "Oh, hey Hannah. What's up?" I ignored her question and asked another question of my own. "Why do you have rotting tomatoes in your hands?" I asked. "Well," She replied, "I'm gonna smash these against Ash's head when he gets back." I just looked at her and shook my head. I began to walk away, when I remembered why I had walked this way in the first place. "Hey, Jez wait there a sec." I said running back to her. She turned around and cocked her eyebrow up at me, saying that I should continue. "We're having a meeting at six," I began, "It's in the main living room. Bring your soulmate." And with that I walked away again.

Poppy's POV

Why the hell are Thea and Gillian so deep into the forest? I kept asking myself. I was sure I had pulled the short straw here. I was about to turn back, when I caught whiff of a vile smell. I followed my nose. After a few minuets of walking, I reached a clearing. In the clearing, Thea and Gillian were gathered around a cauldron, bubbling with a green, foul smelling liquid. "Thea! Gillian!" I called to them. They turned around to look at me. Seeing that they wanted me to continue, I said "We have a meeting at six in the main living room, Lord Thierry and Lady Hannah's orders. Bring your soulmate." When they nodded their heads, I trotted away, trying to get away form the foul odor. Now, I questioned myself. How the fuck, do I get out of here?

Hannah's POV

I stepped out into the spring air. I began to wonder, where I could find Keller and Galen, when I saw them step out of the rose garden. They had turned so their backs were towards me. I ran up to them. Keller, probably sensing a disturbance in the air, or alternatively hearing my footsteps, turned around in a fighting stance, ready to knock her and Galen's attacker a few feet away. I ignored this, and carried on running anyway. I was sure she would have recognized me by now. As I got closer, I saw the warning look in her eyes, but it was too late to stop. I tried to slow down but it wouldn't work. Keller had slammed me to the floor. I muttered an oomph. She lifted her fist in the air when Galen screamed "WAIT KELLER! IT ISN'T AN ATTACKER, IT'S HANNAH!" Hearing her soulmates words, she looked at the person she was about to beat the crap out of. When she saw it was me, her eyes grew wide. Slowly Galen pulled her off of me, and helped me up. "I am so sorry Lady Hannah. I hadn't realized it was you, I had thought it was an attacker! No offence though, you should know better than to creep up on me like that though." Keller told me, her head bowed in guilt. "Ok Keller, I forgive you." I said looking at her. "I didn't hurt you did I?" She asked. Not wanting to make her feel bad, I replied, "No, not really. It's nothing a nice, hot bath won't solve." The ashamed look had now vanished off of her face, but the guilt hadn't completely left her eyes. "So," Galen asked, "What do you want us for?" I smiled, remembering the whole reason I came out here was to tell them about the meeting. "Well," I replied, "We are going to have a meeting in the main living room at six. OK? Don't be late." Seeing Keller and Galen say yes, I strolled back into the mansion. Two down, one to go.

Rashel's POV

Quinn and I had been in the training room, for four hours straight, and that was this morning alone. The training room is quite a big square room. It has a rock climbing wall on one wall, a bunch of fake weapons on another, a punching bag off to the right and basket ball hoops on either side of the room (A/N: Have you ever seen the NCIS: Los Angeles training room? I imagine it looks a bit like that). For the first three hours that we were training, we did weapon to weapon combat. In the end I won, Quinn had gotten distracted when Timmy came in and started staring at him, with daggers for eyes. Now we had moved onto hand to hand combat. It may not be the best idea to train with your soulmate because as soon as your skin touches the soulmate connection flares up, and it's pretty hard not to get skin contact, when your soulmate is shirtless. We had been training for over an hour now, and neither of us was giving up.

I had just blocked another attack from Quinn, when Hannah walked in. I chose to ignore her as if she needed something from us she would ask. Seeing an opening, I attacked. I didn't quite work to plan though, because while I was attacking Quinn had realized what I was about to do, and blocked it with ease. We continued like this for another couple of minuets, when Hannah finally spoke up. "Ummm Quinn? Rashel?" She asked. I grunted as my response, as I didn't want to yield to Quinn, not just yet anyway. Hannah continued, "Well, we're having a meeting, in the main living room at six. Be there, OK?" I nodded my head.

I had a feeling that Hannah was about to leave, when Poppy walked in. "James, Ash and Morgead are back!" Poppy squealed to Hannah. I was concentrating on Poppy's annoying squeals, so I didn't have time to counteract Quinn's next attack. I obviously hadn't blocked Quinn's last attack properly, because Quinn had knocked me down. Before I had time to get up, he got down and straddled me, and held my arms above my head. I was now immobilized, and it was clear that I had lost. "No fair!" I whined to Quinn. I began to pout; he always gave in to me when I was pouting. But not this time. No, he just said "All's fair, in love, war and training." I began to laugh at his madness.

When I looked up, he was staring down at me. Our eyes had connected. I loved when we did this, because it always meant something good would follow.

Quinn's POV

I looked down at Rashel. I slowly leaned in for a kiss, our eyes still connected. When my lips reached hers, I let go of her arms. They quickly wrapped around my neck. Rashel deepened the kiss. After a few minuets, it had turned into a full make out session. My lips left her mouth, as I slowly trailed kisses down her neck. While doing this, I went to the hem of her black tank top. Slowly I began to lift her top up.

It was half way off, when Poppy squeaked "Ewwww gross, get a room." As she had interrupted us, I decided that I would piss her off, so I said "Poppy, last time I checked, this was a room." Poppy glared at me. If looks could kill, I would be dead. "Ha ha, very funny. Just go to your room, you perv. Oh and remember the meeting is at six." Seeing that I had pissed her off, I gave her my signature smirk. "That," I said, "Is exactly what I'll do." After I said this, I got up and picked Rashel up bridal style. She started giggling as we made our way out of the training room, and up to our room on the first floor. We were going to have some fun.

A/N: So, what did you think? I know it doesn't really explain how I want the story to go, and what's going to happen, but it's just the first chapter. This is my first sort of humor story so I would like to know how I did. Please Review =)