OKAY, so this is my first ever story (OMG right?)
I'm open to criticism and what-not but if you don't like it, don't read it. :D
Also, if you have seen a story like this before, tell me and I will completely change the storyline, I do not copy, but sometimes, things are just alike.
I do not own twilight or any of the characters (sad face)


Prologue: (BPOV)

I slammed my hand down onto the alarm clock to get it to shut up. I hate mornings. I sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. It was still dark out. I willed myself to get out of bed and have my morning shower.
As I was in the shower I thought about...well everything really.

I'm a 23 year old woman, living in LA. I've got money, fans, an awesome job...why am I not happy?

I sighed as I turned off the warm water and went to get dressed for the day. Nothing overly fancy but nothing too comfortable. As I walked into my huge wardrobe I got completely lost on what to wear. A quick glance at the clock and I realized it wouldn't matter. I would either look crap or be late today. I pondered this for a moment. Eh, i'll just look crap.

I threw on some light Grey jeans and a black shirt with a penguin on it. To top off the comfortable look I put on some UGG boots (AN: Outfit on profile) and was on my way.

Being an actress is fun at times but when you have a full day of interviews, it just plain sucks. I ran out of my house and into the garage, I jumped into one of my many cars and sped off.

As I reached the Hilton hotel I saw Heidi standing outside tapping her foot impatiently. Crap.

"Your late." She hissed at me when I finally reached her.
"I'm sorry, I overslept." I say as I step out of my car. She nodded and we walked into the hotel. When we were there we rushed strait into the the elevator. Here we go..

Sooo... short, I know. But its just an introduction to the story.
Shall I go on? Yes? No? Reviews people!
