"O-Oof!" The Captain huffed, hands coming up to push the other away. "H-Hey-! W-Wut are yew?- S-Stu?" He gasped, disbelieving, his heart jumping in his chest. "S-Stuart?"

Happy tears glimmered in the hallow eyes as he looked down at the Captain, his heart swelling and so much love in his gaze that it nearly hurt to look at it. "Oh Muds! I've missed yew so much!" He said breathy, still panting heavily after his race down here. He quickly leaned over, caressing Murdoc's cheek with a thumb as his hands cupped the older's face.

Tears gathered in his own eyes, disbelieving as he caressed his lovers pale cheek. "O-Oh Stu.. S-Stu.. look at yew! Yew look soo.." He had no word for the now bright, beautiful soul searching eyes. One glance and he felt like his whole world surrounded around this one man. These last few months had been torture for the Captain; sodding wenches, beer and rum, drugs and sex, nothing quelled the deep ache inside his chest. He leaned closer, their noses brushing. "S-Stu.. m-my Stu.."

Unable to stand it any more, 2D leaned forward and rather roughly pressed their lips together. His twiggy arms looped around Murdoc's neck as he deepened the kiss, a small but happy tear trailing down his cheek. Even now, back in his lover's embrace, all he could do was cry.

Murdoc pressed his lips back against the others passionately, moaning in pure ecstacy at the sensations that wrapped around him. 2D, 2D, 2D.. he looped his muscular arms around his lovers pale waist, tilting his head to kiss the other deeply.

Stuart's stomach bubbled with joy as he pulled back slightly to get a better look at his lover. "Oh Muds.." He cooed softly, his gaze suddenly taking on a bit of worry. "Wait, w-wot 'appened to your nose?" 2D, his hands coming back up to the older's face as he tilted it slightly to get a better look at his nose.

Murdoc let out a small hiss, his eyes scrunching in slight pain. "Nothin'" he said nasally. "Just got into an ol' fight."

He immediately released the older's face, dropping his hands down to his shoulders with a pitying frown. "Aw.. it dun' hurt too bad, does it?" He asked gently, his dark eyes getting caught in the older's mismatched ones.

Murdoc shook his head, eyes locked with those deep, black ones of his love. Those eyes.. he had dreamed about them, they haunted his every waking thought as he sailed the seas. Day in and day out he would wish, hope to return to Stuart. "I love yew." He captured those pale lips in his own, a hand coming up to caress Stuart's cheek.

Stu's eyes fluttered shut as he felt Murdoc's rough mouth against his own, shivering slightly against the older's body. It all seemed so surreal- having been alone, in his room, crying and wondering if he'd live long enough to see him without dying of a broken heart. Stu tussled his hair softly, loosing his long, pale fingers in it.

Murdoc tugged Stuart to the rickety bed, now in the corner of the room instead of the middle. "Need yew-.." he panted, tilting his lovers head to kiss and nip at his neck.

Letting out a quiet moan -one he never thought he'd hear from himself again- Stuart tugged up Murdoc's shirt slightly and ran his hands beneath it. His soft hands ran along the muscular man's chest and sides happily, dull nails scratching the skin slightly.

The man smiled a little, smirking a slightly. "Yewr not too bad Stu.." He said as he picked up his pace as he then rubbed his hair slightly just to see what he would do.

Murdoc panted pleasurably, fingers dragging along 2D's scalp as his lungs tried to take in oxygen. Fire burned and licked through his veins, his body burning against the pale man beneath him. "Stuart.. Stuart.."

Stuart's body shuddered, needy, as he pulled the older against him tighter as he hummed out in pleasure. This felt so amazing after so many nights filled with neglect and sorrow.

Murdoc kissed down his neck, sucking lightly on 2D's collarbone as he caressed the pale skin underneath the thin veil of his shirt. God how he missed this. Nights filled with locked lips, soft cries and burning pleasure. Stu.. Stu.. how did he live so long without him?

"Ah, Muds... ah missed this.." Stu cooed, finding himself almost subconsciously grinding against the older as his body gave in to an unfulfilled desire. His fingers tugged at Murdoc's hair as he moaned in delight.

Clothes were soon stripped, the two rutting against eachother as the crew loaded the dock up above them. Moan after moan left Murdoc's kiss swollen lips, his eyes rolling back in pleasure as his body was engulfed in pure heat. Stu's lips against his own, marks on their necks, their bodies pressed together; melded as one. "O-O' Stu-.."

Stuart's movements were just as passionate as he tried to fill them both with the white hot pleasure he'd been craving for the last three months. He was sure it had been just as bad with Murdoc, motivating him to try and please the older better then he'd ever done before. Stuart left a number of gap-toothed hickeys along the olive skin as well as dull claw marks on his back as he tried to match each motion Murdoc made.

Murdoc knew when morning was to come, marks would be lining his body from head to toe; and god did it turn him on even more. Alcohol and broads never filled the gaping hole left by Stuart being taken from him, from his new life. "Stu.." He kissed his lips, slowly slipping himself inside the others body.

The younger tensed for a second, having to readjust after so long but finding it to be far easier then it had been originally. He called out the older's name breathily as the sensation filled him and made him crave more.

Rocking against Stuart, Murdoc moaned wantingly, as he placed open mouthed kisses against Stuart's neck. "R-Ready, 'D? C-Can't 'old on much longer.."

2D didn't answer, his breaths coming in short pants as he let out small cooes. He nodded instead, moving back a bit to match Murdoc's rocking.

Pulling out, Murdoc's breaths were shaky, placing a kiss against a bruising mark on Stuart's neck, Murdoc thrust back in, rocking the other against the bed.

He was close to his climax, his body shuddering pleasurably with each thrust the older made. Stu's body was shimmering slightly as the thin layer of sweat caught the dim light of the room.

A moan escaped Murdoc's lips, gripping the sheets next to 2D's shoulder as he thrust frantically against him. More- More- His body cried out for more as the heat wrapped around him like a vice. Stuart was so tight around him; hugging against his body like a glove; his chest, his arms, everywhere. "S-Stuart-!"

The younger shuddered again, calling Murdoc's name one last breathy time before losing it on the captain's bed. He panted, his lungs desperately trying to fulfill their need for air as he continued to quietly hum.

Releasing inside the other with a jerk and a small grunt, Murdoc sagged against him, sliding to the side with a thud and allowing his arms to wrap around 2D's waist. "D-Dulla'd.."

He pressed his forehead against Murdoc's collarbone, panting against the moist skin. "S-s'been.. too long, huh?" He let out an airy chuckle and returned the embrace.

Murdoc licked his chapped lips, breathing in heavily as his eyes slipped close. "B-Bloody brilliant, faceache."

Stu shivered slightly, tugging the rather ratty blanket up over himself and keeping himself pressed against Murdoc. "Ah l-love yew so much.." His voice slurred slightly with a mixture of pleasure and sleep as his own fractured eyes fluttered shut.

"Sleep, dullard.." Murdoc grumbled, allowing his fingers to stroke through the dark blue, sweat soaked hair.

With hardly the energy left in his thin frame to nod, Stu nuzzled a bit closer and drifted off into the sweetest sleep he'd had in a long time.

Murdoc's followed closely after, arms tightening around his lover as their bodies melded together. Finally.. the sweet relief of sleep..

Stu woke up slowly, holding on to the last shreds of sleep as they withered away. He hadn't slept so well in what seemed like ages. He softly kissed Murdoc's chest then pulled back a bit to see if his mate was awake. "Yew up, Muds?" He asked in a quiet, sleep-heavy voice.

He let out a hoarse grumble, rolling over and nuzzling his face against 2D's neck, tightening his arms around his lovers waist.

The younger giggled as the stubble that'd formed on Murdoc's chin rubbed against his bare skin. He gently caressed the Captain's cheek and pecked his hair.

"W-Wut, 'D?" Murdoc grumbled, yawning ruggedly as he tightened his arms around the petite waist.

"Nufin." The younger cooed softly, his pale fingers gently playing with Murdoc's hair as 2D continued to smile lovingly.

"Wipe that grin off yer face, dulla'd." Muds grumbled, nipping at the others neck gently.

He chuckled and quietly asked, "aw, is tha Mudsy cranky this mo'nin?" while continuing to play with his hair.

A slightly harder nip was applied to the pale skin of 2D's neck as Muds rolled over, pulling 'D atop his chest.

He giggled with a shiver as his lover's fangs met his sensitive skin again; his grin only widening as he was pulled on top of him. He leaned down, softly kissing Murdoc then sitting up on his elbows, which were on either side of the older, and gazed happily and lovingly down at him. He still held a small bit of shock at being reunited after what seemed like an eternity apart and he inwardly promised to never take Murdoc for granted again.

"How are you so happy this early in the 'orning, dulla'd?" Murdoc grumbled, pressing his fingers down on the others hips as he pecked Stuart's already kiss-swollen lips between each word. This dullard was his, he reckoned. And he'd neva let 'em go.

Stuart's smile calmed to a more loving one as he placed a soft hand on Murdoc's cheek. "Well.. 'm finally back whe'e ah belong, yeh?" He moved up enough to rest his forehead against Murdoc's, gazing into his red and black eyes.

Murdoc pulled Stuart's bottom lip between his pointed teeth, smirking possessively. "Yeah, and yer staying too." He tightened his arms, jerking the other closer as he pressed their lips together; a brush of a kiss. "How 'bout 't, dullard?"

2D giggled lightly, kissing the corner of Murdoc's mouth as he said, "ah dun fink yew'd be able ta git wrid of me if yew twried."

Murdoc smirked, "Yer stayin' with me dullard." He pressed their lips together passionately, his pointed, devilish tongue seeking the others out with a small groan of what could only be pleasure and a deep longing, affection. "Got that?"

"Mhm!" He nodded eagerly, feeling a relief sweep over him as he heard those words. As long as he was with Murdoc, nothing bad could happen. "Ah love yew, Mu'doc." He chimed.

"I love yew too, faceache." Murdoc grumbled against his lips, pressing himself flush against the other.

Ok, I've fiddled with the grammar even more. xD


Drop a review? They take no time at all and make me and Crow infinitely happy!

-D and Muds