Stu sat in his room, looking out his window longingly. He sighed, turning and laying down on his bed. His mother had told him not to go outside when she wasn't home, which she hardly ever was, leaving the bored boy alone in a house with nothing to do. Wot's the point in being wrich when yew still 'ave nufin' to do? He mused inwardly, crossing his arms beneath his head.

Screams and loud noises from the town below drifted in the bluenette's window, startling him from his thoughts and warning him that something terrible was happening.

He rolled off his bed in shock, landing on his bum with a thud. The young man didn't give it a thought as he rushed back to the window and stared out it. Something was happening down by the port, something big, but he was too far off to see. Then something caught his eye. Large black sails attached ot rickety old ships in the harbor. His throat choked shut as he realized what was happening. Piwates, he thought, running out of his room and to the front door.

"Master Tusspot!" A grainy voice called, footsteps silent as they caught up to the running blue-haired man. "Master Tusspot! You are not allowed to leave the castle!" The maid called, her purple hair brushing against her nose. "Please sir! It is not safe!" A hand grasped the others shoulder, the pale digits digging into his arm.

"B-but Mum's down the'e! Ah- ah gotta make su'e she's ok!" He jerked his arm from her grasp and continued to hurry down the path. He'd lost his dad to a raid when he was younger; sowing the seeds for a natural fear and hatred of pirates. He was going to make sure they didn't take his mum from him too.

"Master!" The maid called after him, quickly losing sight of the other. "Damn." She rushed back inside.

Quickly, the view of the town came; smoke billowing from buildings, patrons and home owners running about in a flurry of panic, gathering as much of their keeps as they could as pirates rampaged about; swinging swords against people's necks, capturing children and stealing everything in their black, grimy sight.

Stuart felt his throat choke up again as his lungs filled with smoke. His watery eyes shot back and forth as he frantically searched for any sign of Madam Rachel. He skid around a corner, his feet slipping right out from under him as he landed hard on his side.

"Ouch.." He muttered along with a quiet curse that trailed off as he realized there was a pair of large, black, muddy boots right in front of him. His wide eyes, a glimmering and beautiful green, trailed up the the hideous face of a pirate.

"Well, 'ell, well. What we have 'ere?" One of the black boots came to thud against Stuart's leg, a small cackle leaving pale and cracked lips.

As the bluenette's gaze traveled upwards, pale, sagging skin was revealed. Eyes, a lit with a disgusting hatred for the villagers was blocked by hair of a horrendous shade of blue and a bright pink mask, covering his eyes but showing his rotten, yellow teeth. A big blue bow-tie was the last thing Stuart notice before a kick to the head had his vision blurring and a gravely voice spoke against his ears.

"Yer gunna' be a pretty 'ne to destroy, aren't ye?"

Stu let out a groan, finding the first thing he was aware of was a massive headache. He subconsciously curled into a ball, his large hands shakily clutching at the sides of his head in an attempt to stop the pulsing pain. When, at last, he found himself conscious enough to move, he shakily sat up and looked around; one hand still tangled in his hair and tugging on it in a pained way. He shuddered, realizing he was in a cage, alone, in a dark, musty smelling room. His large green eyes drifted over to the cage beside his, packed full of other people. "W-wot tha'?"

A small gasp, and pale, withered hands reached through the rusted bars. "Yer next! Yer next!" They screamed, the faces meshed together as their eyes held no life, having long ago been captured and held in the cell to rot, never to be saved.

"Look!" A voice called, a smirk sounding in his snarky tone. "Yer all alone. See? You'll be next. You'll never make it out alive, pretty boy!" A cackle was muted against the bodies, Stuart's eyes widening in fear. "Not after 'e's done wif yew."

The thin, trembling man stared at the cage with a disbelieving whimper. "W-wot? B-b-but whe'e a'e we?" He pressed himself against the cold bars of his cage, his gaze shooting around the room frantically.

A face was pressed between two bars, pale skin, sunken and grave was attached to old, withered bones and dark, lifeless eyes. "Cap'ain Wurzel, middle of 'he ocean most likely. Yer never," he turned his head, coughing, his voice hoarse, "gunna make it out alive boy; yer his priso'er now."

He felt hopeless, frightened tears rising in his eyes. If only he'd listened to Cyborg and gone back inside. "W-wot? Th-tha piwate got me?" He whimpered, visions of what had happened to his father flashing through his mind and leaving him with a knot in the bottom of his stomach.

"Shut up! All of yew!" A voice bellowed, boots stomping against the stairs as a bright light shone from the door above their heads. "All of yew be quiet, yew ingrates!" The voice grumbled, keys jingling as his face was hidden by the shadows, quickly unlocking the quacking bluenette's door. "Yew! Get out! C'me on!"

As he left the confines of his cell the ghastly figure jerked him up by his shirt. Their face, though mostly hidden in the shadows, had a large, rather sick looking smirk on it. They let out a cruel cackle then turned, dragging the boy behind them as they made thier way up the steps.

He struggled against his shirt, panic flooding his senses as he looked at the amused faces of the other people. He whimpered, grabbing at his head as it knocked against one of the steps, making his headache come back with a vengeance. The curled up, trying to hide in himself as the ugly man dragged him across the splintered deck.

Bright sunlight filtered through his lids, voices carrying against the sound of crashing waves, a seagulls fluttering against the wind. The smell of salt water wafted through the air, the heavy thudding of boots reverberating against Stuart's skull as the voices on deck grew louder.

The voices and stomping didn't help his headache in the least, only proving to worsen it. He hid his head between his knees, hands pressed over his ears in an attempt to stop the noise. He felt a particularly loose board on the deck snag his shirt, tearing it and leaving a small cut on his arm. He whimpered pitifully, trying to disappear into himself.

"Well wut do we 'ave 'ere." A voice grumbled, a kicking resonating against Stuart's side. "Open yer eyes! Let's see ze pretty face 'ur 'aptain 'as picked!" The gruff voice shouted, a dark laugh leaving his lips as water was dumped over Stuart's body, the barrel being chucked against his back. "C'me on!"

He yelped and whimpered like a hurt dog, hesitantly raising his pale face, tear-filled green eyes peering out from beneath messy blue hair. He was still trembling terribly, afraid to know what was going to happen.

"Aww, look at 'he cute little villager 'he 'aptain picked up!" he cackled, lifting his booted foot to smash it against Stuart's stomach. Cackles rang through the deck, the boat swaying as waves crashed against it's side. The deck silenced. "What are yew all doing?" The voice rang, shaking Stuart to his bones.

"Get up." he commanded, smacking Stuart across the head with his dirt grimed boot. "Get up!"

The whip-thin man let out a small cry, clutching at his head and forcing himself into a sitting position. He looked up at the Captain, lip now split and dripping blood down his beautifully pale skin and dripping into his lap. He let out a small pitiful noise, wondering vaguely if he was the pirate that'd killed his father.

"Yer cute, rich boy." The Captain murmured, grabbing his collar of his shirt around his neck and jerking him to eye level, several feet above the ground. The Captain's eyes were lit afire with something that had Stuart's stomach churning in disgust. "Let's go have some fun.." his breath was rancid, brushing against Stuart's lips. "Shall we?" He turned, dragging the other behind him.

He jerked at his shirt, half of his telling to slip out of it and the other half worried about how badly he would get beaten if he did. He felt ill and nearly wretched as he was dragged along behind the hideous captain. In a high-pitched whimper, Stu called, "p-puwease lemme go! A-ah'll pay yew woteva' tha cos'! M-My mum is wrich, sh-she c'n pay! Pwease!" He begged desperately.

A short, blunt laugh had Stuart pushed against a musty bed, dust rising against his frame as springs groaned in protest to the weight as the disgusting, peutride Captain loomed over him. "I'mma make you scream, and "mommy" 'an't do anyfing abou' it."

Tears flooded down the frantic boys face as he struggled against the captain's hands, letting out noises of protest. "L-lemme go! Pwease! J-jus' lemme go 'n ah'll do woteva' yew wont! J-jus pwease, n-not 'is!" He choked on his sobs, coughing loudly.

"What'eva I 'ant? Eh?" The Captain smirked, chucking his dark black cloak off to the side, the weight of it thudding against the wall. He leaned down, whispering against the other ear, the smirk heard in his voice. "I'll hold ye to 'hat." He bit down agonizingly, teeth ripping past flesh against Stuart's neck, blood dripping from between his yellow, grimy teeth.

He let out a shriek, struggling to get away as the blood trickled down his collar bone. "G-git off! 'at 'urts! S-stop eet!" Stuart jerked and pulled, though his squirming only proved to rip his skin further as it was still held tightly between Wurzel's teeth.

Stuart's shirt was quickly ripped off, the fabric tearing against his pale skin, bruising quickly. Wurzel continually to bite down against the others skin, pinching and twisting, smirking at the others scream of pain. As Stuart's pants came off, Wurzel let out a small sound of approval, of pleasure.

"CAPTAIN!" The crew called out.

The trembling, sobbing boy thanked God for the timing, his breath now coming in such short, pained gasps that it could hardly be considered breathing at all. He choked over his over his own breaths as he watched the wretched man through his tear-blurred eyes.

The Captain growled, smashing his lips against the other; biting down roughly against Stuart's lips. His breath had bile rising in Stuart's throat as the other growled one, demeaning word that would haunt the other for years to come.



So! 'Ello! Welcome to this new little beauty here 'Welcome to Stranger Tides.' This was the first time I've actually rp'ed "MudznD" as me and Psyco call it. So, forgive me if they are OOC.

We kinda' just let them be after a while, made it sort of a cute and fluffy fic as we are still trying to "test each-other out", but you can expect a lot more new fanfictions coming from the wonderful world of GoRiLLaz!

Feel free to check me and Psyco out at:

Me: pandas-and-pocky(dot)deviantart(dot)com

Psyco (2D) -'cept she's my Muds- at PsycoChic4Eva(dot)deviantart(dot)com

Fank yew~!


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