Dialog in between ** is from the Harry Potter series.

I do not own Harry Potter


"You'll meet the same sticky end as your parents one of these days, Harry Potter," he said softly. "They were meddlesome fools, too." He turned to go. "Come, Dobby. I said, come."

But Dobby didn't move. He was holding up Harry's disgusting, slimy sock, and looking at it as though it were a priceless treasure. "Master has given a sock," said the elf in wonderment. "Master gave it to Dobby."

"What's that?" spat Mr. Malfoy. "What did you say?"

"Got a sock," said Dobby in disbelief. "Master threw it, and Dobby caught it, and Dobby - Dobby is free. "

Lucius Malfoy stood frozen, staring at the elf Then he lunged at Harry. "You've lost me my servant, boy!"

But Dobby shouted, "You shall not harm Harry Potter!" There was a loud bang, and Mr. Malfoy was thrown backward. He crashed down the stairs, three at a time, landing in a crumpled heap on the landing below. He got up, his face livid, and pulled out his wand, but Dobby raised a long, threatening finger. "You shall go now," he said fiercely, pointing down at Mr. Malfoy. "You shall not touch Harry Potter. You shall go now."

Lucius Malfoy had no choice. With a last, incensed stare at the pair of them, he swung his cloak around him and hurried out of sight.

"Harry Potter freed Dobby!" said the elf shrilly, gazing up at Harry, moonlight from the nearest window reflected in his orb-like eyes. "Harry Potter set Dobby free!"

"Least I could do, Dobby," said Harry, grinning. "Just promise never to try and save my life again."

The elf's ugly brown face split suddenly into a wide, toothy smile.

"I've just got one question, Dobby," said Harry as Dobby pulled on Harry's sock with shaking hands. "You told me all this had nothing to do with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, remember? Well -"

"It was a clue, sir," said Dobby, his eyes widening, as though this was obvious. "Was giving you a clue. The Dark Lord, before he changed his name, could be freely named, you see?"

"Right," said Harry weakly. "Well, Id better go. There's a feast, and my friend Hermione should be awake by now ...

Dobby threw his arms around Harry's middle and hugged him. "Harry Potter is greater by far than Dobby knew!" he sobbed.

Harry was about to leave before a curious look overcame him as he looked at Dobby. Crouching down so he was face to face with the little elf he asked. "Dobby, how did you throw Malfoy like that?"

Dobby looked up at Harry with confusion in his eyes. "I's is using house elf magic Harry Potter Sirs."

Harry gave a slight nod "Right, but do you use spells or what? And you dont have a wand either. How do you do all the stuff you do without a wand?"

Dobby looked at Harry in Horror, and started shaking his head so fast his large ears where hitting his face every time he turned his head "Of course not Harry Potter Sirs!" he exclaimed. "House elf's is not allowed to use wands, we's is using the magic inside us Harry Potter sir!"

"Oh...But, what about words. You didn't say anything either." Harry walked over to the side of the corridor and sat down on the ground, leaned against the wall and patted the floor next to him.

Nervously twisting his hands together, Dobby slowly sat next to Harry, tears of adoration in his eyes. "No Harry Potter sir, I's is using my magic in me to do whats I needing it to do. House elf's does not be needed to cast, we's is just focusing ours magic, and making its happen!"

"Are house elf's the only ones who can do your magic Dobby?" Harry Asked.

The little elf gave a slight shrug. "Dobby does not know's sir, we's is being taught when we's is young from other house elves, before being put to work.

"Could you try to teach me Dobby?" Harry asked.

Dobby looked at Harry with excitement in his eyes. "Dobby can try Harry Potter sir! Anything for the Great and Noble Harry Potter. Who is so nice to those lesser tha-"

"Great!" Harry interrupted as he jumped to his feet, energy coursing through his veins. "When do yo-"

"Ahh, there you are. I was beginning to think Mr. Malfoy had perhaps attacked you." Professor Dumbledore said, eyes twinkling behind his spectacles.

Harry looked to Dumbledore. "Err sorry sir, I was talking to Dobby."

"Quite all right my boy, It's nice to see you so happy Dobby. I trust your day is going well?"

Dobby nodded his head his smile nearly making him look insane. "Oh yes Mr. Dumblydor sirs!"

A soft chuckle came from Professor Dumbledore before he looked at Harry again. "It is nearly dinner time, I am going to head down to the great hall, I think you should stop by the hospital wing before joining us, I will see you later Harry."

As soon as the professor was gone Harry turned to Dobby. "When can you start teaching me?"

"Dobby can be starting when you's is wanting to Harry Potter sir!"

"Great!" Harry exclaimed. "Could you meet me tonight outside the Gryfindor common room?"

Dobby nodded his head. "Yes Harry Potter sir! Dobby will be there."

"I need to get going now, I will see you later Dobby. Oh and call me Harry from now on. No more Harry Potter Sir's." Harry grinned at Dobby.

"Yes...Harry?" Dobby looked at Harry, as if checking that he got it right.

Harry gave Dobby a nod and a pat on the shoulder before chuckling "Bye Dobby" he said as he started heading down the stairs.

As Harry made his way down to the hospital Wing he could not help the small smile blooming across his face. Ever since coming to Hogwarts he has loved learning about magic, but with being attacked both years that he has been here, he knew that he would have to work harder than before to stay alive.

Being Harry Potter was a hazard to his health, and now he may have a way to change that with Dobby's help. Even if he couldn't learn house elf magic, he would still start to work harder than ever.

His entire life he never put any effort into his work, in primary school it was so that he wouldn't get in trouble for doing better than Dudley, and here it was because he knew that Hermione would get angry if anyone was doing better than her. Well no more, he was going to start doing the best he could.

No matter what anyone said.