"Too many people! Get out!" Chief called - in a second, Avery, Cristina, Mark and Little Grey bolted out of the elevator to catch the stairs. There was no time to argue. If they were going to save Callie's life, all hands needed to be on deck and everyone needed to do what they could. While the residents all made out in a sprint to get to the operating room, Mark doubled back to be with Arizona. He couldn't be in the OR anyway.

"I asked her to marry me and… A truck came out of nowhere." Arizona kept muttering to herself. Her eyes looked like they stung and badly, at that. There were tears that needed to fall, but they didn't. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Arizona knew that, if Callie was in the same place, she wouldn't cry. She'd do something. She wouldn't just stand around.

"Let me get those gashes taken care of, Robbins." Mark sighed, pulling her away from the spot she seemed to be cemented to. He led her to an abandoned gurney and got her to climb up on it. "I see the ones on your face, but do you know if they're anywhere else?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me."

"They're going to get infected and I can stitch them up in no time. Let me take care of them."

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." Robbins repeated, a little more agitated this time. "What I need is to get to the gallery. That's what I need. My head is fine and it will continue to be fine. But Callie, however, may not be. And the baby may not be. And while everyone in this freaking hospital is all-hands-on-deck, I can't be because that's the woman I love, the woman I'm in love with, and that takes away my ability to be objective. I can't think clearly when I'm staring at the broken body of the woman that I am in love with. So. Stop worrying about my head and the minor cuts that I have because I have a gallery to be sitting in. I need to be sitting in that gallery and I need to watch our friends fix the love of my life." Wiping a tear out of her eye, she slid off of the gurney and onto the tile floor where she crossed her arms over her chest and made her way to the elevator.

The gallery was empty; something to be expected seeing as Callie's case was an all-hands-on-deck kind of a case. From what Arizona could focus on in the trauma room, all specialties were involved, each trying to make their case more pressing than anyone else's. As she settled herself into one of the chairs in the gallery - front row, three chairs to the left so as to be able to see what was being done to her head - it dawned on her. Callie's family had no idea what had happened. And, while Callie and her father had once been very close, they weren't anymore. Not since Callie came out, so to speak. They called each other occasionally (not nearly as much as they used to) and her parents sent their traditional holiday cards with wishes for good health, progress with her career and a possible trip home.

There was only one person in her family that Calliope Torres remained close to and that was her niece, Santana. Callie was a freshman in college when her niece was born and, with being the youngest of the generation before Santana, the two acted more like sisters than anything else. They talked to each other every other day and Callie was always taking a sick day here or a weekend there to get out to Lima, Ohio to see her niece. Over Santana's school breaks, she would fly into Seattle and Callie would take even more time (minus having to come in for emergent cases) for the two to be able to spend together.

With all of this in mind, Arizona felt her pockets for her cell phone before realizing that her phone had been in a holster attached to Callie's dashboard so that the on-board bluetooth could work effectively - meaning her phone had been totaled in the wreck as well. One last glance at the operating room and Arizona knew they'd either be there forever, or Callie would be headed to the Intensive Care Unit in a matter of minutes. She took off out of the gallery, headed for Callie's locker to get a number to reach Santana.

"I'm really sorry to interrupt, but I need Santana." Will spoke softly to Santana's Algebra II teacher with an apologetic look. Looking to Santana, who sat next to Brittany in the back corner of the room, he closed his eyes for a brief second and wondered how the hell he was going to manage breaking this news to her. Of all of the faculty at McKinnley, he was glad that he could be the one to break the news to her, but this was the second time he'd had to deliver bad news.

"Will she be back?" All Mr. Schue could do was shake his head and the old man barked at Santana to turn in her homework and take her stuff with her. From the look on Mr. Schue's face, there was reason for her to be panicked.

"Mr. Schue, what's going on? You look like someone just died." She snorted as she hoisted her backpack onto her shoulders. Silence as he led her down the hall, probably to Figgin's office. "What did I do?" More silence. Finally, she grabbed Will's shoulder and stopped him, turning his body toward her. "Mr. Schue, tell me what the hell is going on. Whatever I did, I don't think I deserve the cold shoulder like this." She crossed her arms over her chest and looked him up and down, waiting for an answer. "Especially not from you." All Will could do was put an arm around her shoulder and lead her to Emma's office. When Santana had a seat, Will leaned himself against Emma's desk and crossed his arms over his chest like he was about to shiver.

"Look, Santana, I - and by I, I mean Ms. Pillsbury - just got a call from your aunt's girlfriend. Arizona, I think her name was?" The look on Will's face worried Santana even more now that he'd mentioned Arizona. "She told me that they were in an accident going out of town for the weekend. Now she, Arizona, is fine, but your aunt Callie isn't in good shape.." he trailed off as Santana wiped a tear from her eye, eyeliner and mascara be damned.

"Did… Uh, did Arizona tell you what kind of shape she was in?" Santana asked with a sniffle and closed her eyes, physically bracing herself for the blow she was expecting. Her aunt was a strong woman, dammit. Calliope Torres was strong and the thought of her all broken and shattered from an accident… It didn't go over well in Santana's mind.

"She didn't give us the extent of the injuries, Santana." Emma chimed in. She pushed herself out of her desk chair and walked around to where Santana was sitting, visibly shaken. "Look, your mom is on her way to come and get you, but I don't know how long that will take so…"

"Can I call her? Arizona, can I call her back? I need to talk to her." A look to Will, who nodded, and Emma grabbed her entire phone and brought it closer to Santana.

"We'll be outside if you need us, and we'll come back and get you when your mom's here." At that point, Santana had already dialed and had the earpiece to her phone.

"I need to speak with Dr. Robbins, please…. Yes, I understand that she's not on duty, but I know that she is somewhere in that damned hospital… Fine. Don't page her. Page Dr. Sloan, then, I know he's there. Yeah, I'll hold."