"You did what!" Saying Harry was angry was an understatement. He was furious at Riley. He could not believe she had been in contact with his brother. It's not like the idea of seeing his brother was terrifying, it was the thought of facing his father. Looking in his families face and telling them why he had run away, how he had failed and not kept James alive, how it was partly his fault for his cousins death. Harry sank into the couch and put his cap over his face. Riley bit her bottom lip and went to sit beside him.

Perhaps she had not chosen the right time to tell him. She was not sure when and how, so the minute Harry walked in and gave her a new bracelet charm, she just let it out that she had met his brother and she had invited him over for dinner.

"Harry, I'm sorry I did not tell you about this earlier, but I thought I was doing the right thing." Harry did not respond and Riley got a bit irritated and took off the cap that was covering his face

"You need family Harry" She told him frankly "I think you have proved your point by becoming one of the most decorated officers of our time, so I believe it is about time you reconciled with your family"

"You don't understand Riley" He said quietly

"You should have seen your brother Harry. The way his face brightened when I told him I knew you. You can imagine how your parents will feel"

"I'm…nervous" He admitted looking at her for the first time "The way I left, James…." He trailed off and looked away the minute he felt tears coming to his eyes. Riley did not even hesitate before she moved closer to him and put her hand in his before resting her head on his shoulder

"I can't imagine how you feel, but I want you to know that no matter what happens tonight, you'll always have me"

Harry looked down at her and her eyes met his

"Would I?"

"Yes" Harry did not take his eyes off her and she blushed before looking away

"I better go start on dinner" She said getting up "You better clean up" she told him

He nodded as he watched her walk away.


The place was tidy and the food was cooked. Riley was dress in a simple green long sleeve dress, with a pink ribbon on the middle that she could tie behind her. Harry was dressed in a white shirt and black pants. They both waited in the living room as they watched the clock tick. Riley had said they would be coming at seven and each second the long hand moved closer to twelve, Harry thought he was going to pass out.

"Calm down, you" Riley said "Anymore of that then you'll have to go change your shirt"

"Your right" Harry took in a deep breath before he got up and began to pace the room.

Five minutes later, there was a knock on the door and Riley could see Harry's face go white.

"Go get it" She told him and he shook his head

"Harold Lowe, would you go get that door" She told him through clenched teeth. Harry did as he was told. He walked toward the door and took a deep breath before he opened it.

"My God" Was the first thing he heard before he could really take in the five people that stood before him.

"Oh Harry" Was the second thing he heard and before he could respond he had been swallowed into his mother's arms. He felt a few more arms around him and he figured they belong to his brothers, one of whom said the first word. Harry opened his eyes and looked behind him and saw the only member of the family not hugging him. His Father.

"How could you do that to me Harry, How could you leave" His mother was in tears now, and Harry looked away from his father and back at her

"I'm sorry" He said. He really could not think of anything else. "Why don't you all come in" He stepped aside so that his family entered, Riley was not far behind and she greeted them as they walked in

"This must be your beautiful wife" Mrs. Lowe said as she kissed Riley's cheek

"Oh no Ma, she's just a friend" Harry told her as he led her to a couch

"You live alone with an unmarried woman" Was the first thing his father said to him before he sat down. Harry looked at Riley briefly before looking at his father

"Some life you live" Mr. Lowe muttered.

"Actually, Harry is only letting me stay here as a favor, you see, I was on the Titanic as well and I lost everything, Harry is just being a friend by letting me live with him." Riley told Mr. Lowe, who seemed to feel bad he made the comment, but it was only for a second, because his eyes turned cold again as he looked at Harry.

"Riley was engaged to James, she would have lived here anyways" Harry said and that moment his mom burst into tears as she went to hug Riley again

"Oh my poor child; Oh James, he was such a good boy"

"I'm really sorry about James, Harry" Ioan said and Harry smiled at his younger brother

"Look at you Ioan, all grown up" He said " And you Tom"

"Well, we weren't going ta wait for you to grow up" Tom said and Harry laughed. He looked at the girl sitting quietly beside Tom and cocked an eye brow

"Are you the wife of one of these two?" He asked and Ioan and Tom laughed and the girl looked angry

"No, but I do feel bad for the women who become their wives. I'm Kate, I'm your sister" Harry was surprised and he looked to his parents as if to ask them to confirm it

"I did not know I was pregnant with her yet when you left" His mom said. She had still been talking to Riley

"I am sorry we never met" Harry said giving her a hug

"All is well now, you're here and we still have many years ahead of us" Kate said and Harry knew he loved his sister already.

They had dinner peacefully. The sibling got to know each other better and Mrs. Lowe tried to get every information of Harry's life since he was fourteen in as little as forty five minutes. Riley got along well with Harry's siblings and it was very nice for her to hear stories of how Ioan and Tom used to bully James when he was younger. Mr. Lowe did not speak at all and he did not eat much. Occasionally Harry would look away from his mom and see that his father was looking at him. Harry knew he was going to have to speak with him sooner or later, but he chose later.

After dinner his family did not stay long as it was getting late. Harry made plans to visit them at their hotel the nest day. Once they left. Harry felt a sense of longing. He missed them already. It was not as if, everything was completely normal again, but he had not had that feeling of being loved and adored in so long and he missed that. The only problem was his father and how to talk to him.

"So" Riley said as the door closed behind them. Harry smiled a bit

"Thank you" He said. " I would have grown old and died not knowing I had a sister" Riley smiled, she knew she had done the right thing.

The week was amazing for both Harry and Riley, they were able to take Harry's family around south Hampton, Harry and his mother bonded a lot as he told her about all his adventures. His brothers were interested in the crazy things he and James had done and they were also curios to know why the two had joined the crew of Titanic. Harry was expecting the topic to come up and finally one Saturday, Tom brought it up and Harry knew it was about time he told them about James life. He told them about the day they first go their letters and how James had always thought there should have been more lifeboats. He told them about James meeting Riley and how he got in trouble with Officer Wilde. Then he told them about that night when James sacrificed himself by staying on the ship to help people. The day Harry said this story, His father had cried and Harry knew it was time he talked to him.

"I could have lost you Harold" He had said

"Is that why you are angry at me?" Harry asked him

"What would I have done if you died? Your mother already blamed me for your running away. If you had died-" Harry hugged his father that day, something he did not remember doing very often in the past.

"I learnt to be a strong man from you father and when I went back to look for survivors, I didn't go just because of James, I went because I thought about what you would have done in the same situation" Harry said

"The day I read about your heroism, I was the proudest father that ever walked the earth" He told him

"And I hope to make you proud for the rest of my life" Harry said

"You can start by marrying that girl" Mr. Lowe joked, but it hurt Harry to remember Riley did not care for him the same way.

Riley on the other hand had also enjoyed spending time with the Lowes, especially Harry's mother and sister. Riley had never really had a motherly figure in her life and Mrs. Lowe was a perfect mother, she loved and kind and she already treated Riley like she was her second daughter. Kate treated Riley like she was an older sister and Riley too knew she too had gained a family in all this.

"You love my son, don't you" Mrs. Lowe had said to her one day. The family had gone on one of the ships Harry worked on. Mrs. Lowe and Kate were sitting down as Harry shoed his father and sibling around, telling them the things an officer does and some things he had done on the Titanic.

Riley was a bit surprised to hear Mrs. Lowes words. She looked at Harry as he showed his brothers how to release a lifeboat from the davit.

"I do, he has been very good to me" She said

"You love him more than a friend Riley and he loves you too. I can see it in the way he looks at you and they way you look at him" Riley could not think of anything to say. She personally could not understand her feelings for Harry. Several times he had told her of his feelings, but she kept pushing him away. Why?
"I think it's because you feel guilty. You feel like you will betray James, by loving Harold"

Riley felt a single tear come down her cheek

"I think about James all the time and your right; I'm scared of telling Harry how I feel"

"When James put you in Harry's boat, he knew what he was doing. I'm sure James would be happy you found happiness with Harry, I think he'll actually prepare him to any other man" Mrs. Lowe said

Riley did not reply, she just tried to absorb everything Mrs. Lowe had said.

"Don't rush it dear, when you're ready you will tell him. Personally, I don't think Harry is going anywhere"

Riley could not forget what Mrs. Lowe had told her that day. And every day since then, she could not keep her eyes off Harry, she realized that every time he was near she was happiest, his laugh had become a soothing tone to her over the months; his eyes were kind and they seemed to sparkle when he saw her. She realized she loved him and she decided she wanted to tell him.

She had lost James and she loved him, but like Mrs. Lowe said, He out her in Harry's boat on purpose. James knew Harry loved Riley, so he was okay with it.

The Lowes had come for dinner tonight and they had spent a while with Harry and Riley, for they would be returning to whales the next day. After they had left, Riley looked at Harry and he smiled at her.

"It's so quiet now isn't it?" Harry said and Riley smiled a bit

"Harry, I've been thinking" She began walking back to the couch. Harry followed her and sat beside her wondering what was on her mind.

"Remember when we first met?" She asked him and Harry nodded

"I spilled tea all over you" Riley chuckled

"Yes, For two whole hours, you were the only thing on my mind" Riley reached out and touched Harry's hand

"I was hoping to see you again, I don't know why, maybe it was because you made me laugh, but then-"

"You met James. Why are you telling me this?" Harry said, A bit of irritation in his voice. "I understand. You don't want anything to do with me, and I'm trying to move on, but it's not that simple, so I don't need you telling me-"
"I love you" Riley said quickly, but Harry did not hear her as he kept talking

"How much you want us to be friends- What did you just say?"

Riley took a deep breath. "I love you. I was very hurt when I lost James and I thought I would never fall in love with anyone else. I thought I was not capable of loving anyone else, but I've loved you the whole time. At first it was like a friend and now it's grown to the love I can only have for the man I want to spend the rest of my life with"

Harry could not help the broad smile that came on his face. She loved him. After all this time, she loved him.

"Are you being serious? Because for a moment there, I think you just asked me to marry you"

Riley smiled "If you'll have me"

"I'm supposed to do the asking" Harry said as his face came closer to hers

"Then ask me" Riley whispered


"Would you marry me?"

"Yes, with all my heart" By this time Harry's lips had touched hers and for the first time they shared a kiss, A kiss that had been delayed long enough. A kiss that would not be the last of the kisses Harry and Riley would share.


The Lowes cancelled their travelling plans to stay for Harry and Riley's wedding, which took place two months later.

Riley's father's best friend was able to get her saved money out of the hands of her Aunt and he transferred all the money to Riley and her new husband.

A year after their marriage, Harry and Riley had their first child, It was a boy they named James moody Lowe. James later had three other little siblings, Anna, Harold jr. and Paul.

Harry always took his kids to see pirate shows.

James favorite song was 'A pirate's life for me'


Thanks you to those who read this story.