Summary: Yes I'm back and today I am giving you the last prompt I wrote for the fest. I have to say that while writing the prompts were trying, ideas running rapidly in my head, it was fun and I probably do it again. But only sign up for one because three, wow-still can't believed I pulled it off. Well enough about me, go and read. Enjoy!

Written for the After Holiday Prompt Fest: Prompt 62: Steve is about to tell Danny that he has feelings for him when Danny and Kono start seeing each other. Steve is stoic, but inside he's seething with jealousy. Without even being aware of what he's doing, at least initially, he tries to woo Danny away from Kono.

Disclaimer: Hawaii Five-O does not belong to me but tomorrow night at ten the television, popcorn, and Hawaii Five-O bingo sheet is all mine. Take that CBS

Author's Note: No beta unfortunately but I looked over this thoroughly so the mistakes should be a minimum. If you find any, please, feel free to ignore. By the way this fic was dedicated to alba17 over on LJ because she requested the prompt.

Here's My Heart Now Give Me Yours

'Today is the day'thought Lt. Commander Steve McGarrett as he walked into the Hawaii Five-O head quarters. Yes, today was the day that Steve finally let his partner Detective Danny Williams know that he was in love with him. The confession had been a long time coming, it just took Steve longer to come to that conclusion.

He guessed that if he had to pinpoint when his feelings for Danny started to turn from brotherly and friendly to hot and bothered he would have to say three weeks ago. The team had just solved a grueling case and decided to go to the local bar to celebrate. The night had been a fun one with drinks and food, giving everyone the chance to unwind and relax. Steve was loving it. He loved seeing his team happy and smiling, especially Danny. And because Danny was Danny he spent most of the night laughing and smiling all the while looking directly at Steve and Steve found himself doing the same. For some reason whenever Danny smiled at him it felt like the entire world disappeared and left just the two of them. It didn't even matter what mood Steve was in, a smile from Danny was enough to make everything seem okay.

At first Steve was scared of his feelings. Terrified even because he never felt this way towards anyone before, much less a man. He tried to reason with himself, citing his closeness with Danny was causing the confusion. Danny was always around, making his heart skip beats and him brain all mushy. Whenever they weren't at the headquarters, Danny was usually at his house watching his television and drinking his beer. Or sometimes the partners would just talked. Talked about everything, from their past to recent events that happened outside each other's company. Well Danny talked, ranted was the better word, and Steve listened. Sometimes he even chimed in with his own stories just to make Danny happy.

Not only that but Danny was bring Grace by on the weekends he had her so the three of them could spend time together. Grace was a fan of the water, as she suggested they go swimming every Saturday and Steve obliged. Even giving the eight year old surfing lessons while Danny watched from the shore. To a complete stranger the three of them looked like a happy loving family and Steve wasn't sure that was something he wanted people to think.

So Steve decided to put some distance between Danny and himself after that night at the bar. He figured that the time apart would clear his mind and help him sort out his feelings. Whenever Danny wanted to come over Steve would lie and say he was busy. At first Danny seemed put off by Steve's responses, wondering if he did something wrong but Steve assured him he hadn't so Danny didn't push. Instead he simply shrugged and said next time before he went back to his work. Finally Danny stopped asking and Steve got the distance he thought he wanted. Unfortunately for Steve it didn't work. The Navy Seal came to realize that he liked being around the blond. Not to mention the fact that since Danny wasn't around in physical form his partner had decided to take over Steve's dreams. At first they started out small, just dreams about the two of them eating pizza or watching the game on television but they quickly changed. Now the dreams including everything on the sex spectrum and left Steve with painful hard-ons each morning. That's when Steve came to the conclusion that Danny made him more than happy and he needed Danny around. For multiple reasons but the main one being the other man made his world less lonely and gave it meaning. Something Steve never thought he'd ever find and he never wanted to lose.

So, that Wednesday morning when Steve woke up, after having yet another dream about a completely naked Danny writhing underneath him, he decided he was going to tell Danny how he felt. Lay it all on the table and hopefully get the response he desperately craved. He was a trained Navy Seal after, there wasn't anything he couldn't handle.

He waited nervously, pacing around his office, as the other members of his team flooded into the office. As usual Danny walked in first shortly followed by Chin and lastly Kono. Not wanting to seem anxious Steve waited for a few minutes before taking a deep breath and walking out of his office.

Steve didn't bother knocking on Danny's office door, simply walking inside and perching himself on the edge of Danny's desk. "Danny can I talk to you for a second?"

Danny looked up, lips pursed as he leaned back in his chair. "I have a ton of paperwork to finish but for you Steve, yes you can have a second."

"I was," began Steve flustering, "I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight and I don't know...hang out."

"Hang out."

"Yeah, yeah hang out with me tonight. You know throw back a couple of beers, watch some T.V."

Danny smirked and leaned back further in his chair. "Why the sudden urge to hang out with me," asked Danny curious as to what Steve was up too. "For the past few weeks you seemed intent on keeping your distance from me, telling me you were busy whenever I even mentioned us getting together. Now you seem very intent on the opposite."

"I'm sorry if I've been distant these past couple of weeks," Steve replied softly as his gaze shifted to the floor. "I just had a lot on my mind I needed to sort out."

"And did you, sort everything out I mean."

"Yeah, I did and that's why I want to come over tonight. I have something I want to tell you."

"Well as fun and intriguing as that sounds I'm going to have to pass. You see McGarrett I already have plans."

"Oh." Steve didn't take Danny having something already planned into consideration when he came up with the idea. "Grace," he asked.

"No, not with Grace," Danny responded, shaking his head. "See if you hadn't been blowing me off these past few weeks you would have remembered that I won't have Grace until Friday night," he finished. "So no, no plans with Grace but I do have plans with a friend."

"You have friends."

"Do I have friends," scoffed Danny as he stopped leaning back in the chair and leaned forward closer to Steve. "Of course I have friends. What, you think that I'm too loud and obnoxious to have people like me besides you."

"No Danny that's not what I meant," Steve tried to explain. "It's just…I've never seen you hang out with anyone other than us, here at Five-O."

"Well since you were busy I found myself having loads of free time on my hands. So I figured I go out and do something about it."

He kept a straight face even though the thought of Danny with someone else made his heart and teeth clench. "Well do I know this friend," asked Steve, the question coming out harsher than Steve intended.

"What's with the twenty questions about my social life," sighed Danny before running his hand over his chin. "Fine, if you must know Steven I have dinner plans tonight with Kono."


"Yes Kono. She wants to thank me for helping her with with her sniper training by taking me out to dinner tonight. Is that okay with you?"

Steve wanted to say no and tell Danny the real reason he wanted him to come over but decided against it. He would still tell Danny just not tonight. Besides, it was dinner with Kono so he didn't have to worry. "Yeah, that's great. Some other time then."

Danny grinned, shrugging. "Alright McGarrett I'll hold you to it. Now get out of here, I have work to do."

Steve gave Danny a faint smile as he hopped off of the desk and walked out of the office and back to his own. It was quiet for the entire morning, allowing the team to catch up on some much needed paperwork and giving Steve a chance to come up with another idea to get Danny alone with him. Looking up at the clock he realized that it was a little after twelve which meant Danny would be asking to leave for lunch soon. Steve decided that if he couldn't come over to his house tonight then he could take Danny out to lunch at lease.

Getting up, he walked out and over to Danny's office to find it empty. Walking over to Kono's office he found hers empty as well. In fact the only one around was Chin who was in his office doing something on the computer.

"Hey Chin you seen Danny," he asked.

Chin shook his head no. "I think he and Kono went to get some lunch."

Steve felt his heart clench again. "They went out…together."

"Yeah," shrugged Chin. "Those two have been hanging out a lot for the past few weeks. You hadn't noticed."

Steve could only shake his head. No he hadn't noticed Kono and Danny getting closer at all. How could he. He was too wrapped up in his own thoughts and feelings to notice anything going on with his team. What kind of boss did that make him.

But, the more Steve thought about it he more he realized that he had noticed a shift in Danny and Kono's relationship. They were always disappearing. Never at the same moment but almost around the same time and they came back together. Not to mention the stares they would give each other soon followed by smiles. Last but not least Kono's insistence on riding with Danny to pick up a suspect when Steve was busy preparing for a meeting with the Governor Jameson. If he put it all together he would have no choice but to conclude that-

"Well I'm sure it's nothing," stated Chin, breaking Steve out of his thoughts when Steve didn't respond. Tilting his head, he stared at the Seal who, for a few extra moments, stood there silently.

"Yeah," whispered Steve finally, giving Chin a nod. He didn't say anything else as he turned around and left Chin's office deciding to go out anyway and get a bite to eat by himself. Walking out to the main corridor, he stopped in his tracks and blinked. Then he blinked again. And again. Steve couldn't believe what he was seeing. Danny and Kono were in the middle of the hall laughing and...holding hands.

His world came to a halt while his heart felt like it had been ripped out of his chest and stomped on. He suddenly felt the urge to vomit or find the nearest person and beat them unconscious but he couldn't do either. At least not in public. For Steve it felt like forever but he finally got his feet to move and walk over to the couple.



"Steve," both Kono and Danny replied at the same time as they stared widely at Steve.

"How long have you been standing there?" asked Kono nervously.

"Long enough to see two of my team members holding hands."

The pair realized that they were in fact still holding hands and quickly pulled away from each other. But it was too late. They had been caught red-handed.

"Is there something you two need to tell me."

Danny raised his arms and hands in an attempt to reply but found himself silent while Kono continued staring at Steve. Finally she couldn't take it anymore and decided to answer.

"We should just tell him Danny," urged Kono, nudging Danny with her shoulder. When Danny still didn't say anything, Kono sighed. "Danny and I are dating," she blurted out.

"What!" Steve didn't care if he let out a shriek. He was surprised by the news he just received; his response was justified. "You're dating."

"Well we're testing the water, trying to see if we can have a successful normal relationship even while working together," answered Danny, talking for the first time since he'd been caught.

"Right," agreed Kono.

"And you've been together how long."

"Just a few weeks now. I told you, had a lot of time on my hands."

Steve didn't say anything, he couldn't say anything without exposing the truth. That he wanted Danny and could give him more than Kono ever could but he couldn't say that. So he remained silent and hoped that this was all a big joke.

Kono took his silence for disappointment and immediately tried to fix it. "Look boss," she began, walking over to him. "I know that dating someone you work with is sometimes frowned upon especially since there's a chance something horrible could go wrong. But Danny and I are responsible, mature adults who are capable of making our own decisions and no matter what happens our jobs won't be affected. That's what you're worried about right," she asked.

Steve let out a cough and gave Kono a nod. "Yeah," he lied. "I'm scared that our team dynamic would change if you two decide you can't have a normal relationship outside of work."

"Well you shouldn't be…worried that is because Kono and I know what we're doing."

He wanted to say something. Tell the new happy couple that fraternizing was against the rules and they could be suspended or worse. But he couldn't. Especially since Danny kept staring at Kono out of the corner of his eye and smiling when he thought no one was looking. Danny appeared to be happy and that should be enough for Steve. Right. "Then I guess there's nothing I can say accept congratulations."

Both Kono and Danny let out sighs of relief and smiled at Steve before turning to smile happily at each other.

"Thank you boss," grinned Kono as she reached back to take Danny's hand once more. "We promise we won't let this interfere with our work."

"Let's hope not," was all Steve could say as he turned around and walked away. Hunger no longer an issue, he just needed to be as far away from the couple as possible.

Steve spent the rest of the work day holed up inside his office trying not to think of Danny and Kono together but it wasn't working. Every time he closed his eyes he could see the two of them doing completely unprofessional things together and the urge to shoot someone came back full force. Steve realized that if just thinking about Danny and Kono being together drove him crazy he very well couldn't handle seeing them around the office.

He thought about transferring Danny back to HPD but that wouldn't be good for him. He needed Danny around, that he already knew. He also thought about transferring Kono but then Chin and possibly Danny would kill him so that was out of the question. No, he needed another plan and he came up with one. A plan that would drive Danny and Kono apart and give him the opportunity he needed to claim Danny for himself. Once that happened Danny could either choose to be with him or hate him forever. It was a risk Steve was willing to take. But the more he thought about the idea he wondered if he could do that to Kono or Danny. They seemed happy together and no matter how Steve felt all he wanted was for Danny to be happy. Even if that meant losing him to someone else.

Steve choose that moment to look up to see Danny and Kono standing in the main office area, laughing once again and Danny's arm around Kono's waist. He couldn't hear them but he knew that whatever they were laughing about couldn't be that funny. As he let out a loud hiss, Steve decided he didn't care about the consequences. All he knew was that Danny was his and no one else could have him. Besides it wouldn't be his fault if Danny fell for him instead of Kono. The heart wants what the hearts wants.


The following day Steve came to headquarters prepared and by prepared he meant a bag full of Danny's favorite island treat. Malasadas. Sure he always complained about the sugar content and empty calories when Danny ate them but if he wanted to get Danny all to himself he would have to start somewhere. As usual Danny was the second to arrive and immediately made a beeline for his office. Steve quickly called out to him.

"Hey Danny, wait. I brought you something."

"Really," Danny asked stopping and turning around. "You brought me something."

"Yeah," smiled Steve as he held up the bag. "Malasadas."

A smile spread across Danny's face as he stared at the bag in Steve's hand. "You actually brought these, for me. The one thing you complain the most about me eating. Why?"

"Why, what do you mean why? Can't I just do something nice for you?" When Danny raised an eyebrow as if saying 'Who are you and what have done with the real McGarrett' Steve decided he needed to say a little more. "Alright fine," sighed Steve. "I was thinking about you said yesterday, about me not being there so I brought you these as a way to say thank you. For giving me the space I needed and not getting upset with me."

"Steve contrary to popular belief I am capable of backing off when necessary. I'm just glad that you were able to work out whatever it was that was bothering you."

"Thank you and that's why I brought you these," Steve replied, holding out the bag further. "Have at it." When Danny still didn't reach for the bag Steve began to worry. "What's wrong."

Danny shook his head. "Nothing," he sighed. "It's just...Kono doesn't really like me eating all the unhealthy junk so I sorta promised her I'd lay off."

"Really. You did," asked Steve unbelieving. Danny didn't seem like the type who let anyone tell him what to eat. His partner sure never listened to him when he suggested healthy alternatives for Danny to eat instead of food filled with saturated fat and sugar. Maybe Danny's feeling for Kono went deeper than Steve thought.

Danny sighed again. "Yeah. I tried to convince her that running around after criminals all day burned all the extra calories but you know how women are. Intent on trying to change you until you have no choice but to oblige by their rules. No matter how psychotic."

Steve gasped, shocked. Not at the fact that Danny was actually turning down malasadas but the fact that he was doing because Kono asked him too. That meant the couple were more serious than he originally thought and if Steve really wanted to succeed with his plan he would have to step it up a notch. "Well ," he began with a pout. "I'm sure Kono won't mind if you eat just one. Especially considering that I brought them for my best friend."

"I thought you said you brought them for me."

"I did by them for you Danny. In case you hadn't realized you're like my best friend."

Another smile, a bright one, spread across Danny's face as he replayed Steve's words over in his head. "I am," he asked softly.

"Yeah you are?"

"Well in that case I guess one or three won't hurt," grinned Danny, finally snatching the bag out of Steve's hand and digging out.

Steve watched as Danny took one out and took a huge bite. Crumbs and sugar dropped everywhere, onto the floor and Danny's shirt but Steve didn't notice it. No, his eyes were currently glued to Danny's face contorted in pleasure and the sounds that were coming out of his partners throat. If Steve was a man of less control he would have pushed Danny up to the nearest wall and shoved his tongue down Danny's throat. Quickly pushing the thought out of his head he gave Danny a nod. "Well, enjoy."

"Yeah thanks Steve," Danny smiled as he took another bite and made his way towards his office.

'One point for me,'thought Steve, making his way to his own office.

Unlike the previous day as soon as the others arrived they were thrown into a case. Steve didn't mind because that meant riding in the car all day with Danny. As soon as they walked outside to go inspect the crime scene Steve walked to the passenger side of the Camero. He didn't even have to look up to see Danny's mouth drop open.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm getting in the car," replied Steve as he opened the door.

"I can see that McGarrett but what I don't see is why you're getting in on that side when you usually snatch my keys out of my hand and insist on driving."

Steve shrugged. "Guess I'm learning not to have so many control issues. Besides, this is your car. You should be the one driving it." And with that Steve climbed in and closed the door.

All Danny could do was stand there speechless for a few moments before getting into his car. He didn't have to be a detective to know that his partner was acting weirder than usual and that said something. Danny seriously needed to get to the bottom of the situation.

As they drove around Danny continued to notice Steve being un-Steve like as they tried to find their murder suspect. Not only was Steve letting him drive but he was letting him have complete control over the radio. Steve was also listening and agreeing with everything Danny said like waiting for the appropriate back up and following proper police procedure. Every time he questioned Steve about his behavior the Navy Seal simply shrugged and continued acting nonchalant.

Luckily for them they wrapped up the case quickly and soon they were free to leave for the day after all sequential paperwork was finished. Once Steve was finished signing his reports he walked over to Danny's office. Knocking once, he didn't wait for Danny to answer as he walked inside and took his usual spot on the blond's desk.

"Hey you about finished."

"If I say yes will you leave."

"Probably not," answered Steve, shaking his head.

Danny smirked. "Well then yes I am. Just have to file this last report and then I am done for today, thankfully. How about you?"

"Finished. I was wondering any plans for tonight."


"Wanna come over for pizza and a movie."

"If I say yes are you going to tell me what you wanted to tell me yesterday."

Steve thought about it for a second and decided he wouldn't tell Danny his secret, not just yet. "I just realized that it wasn't important," he lied.

Danny stared at Steve, eyes squinted as though he was trying to read Steve's face. He knew the other man was hiding something but he still couldn't put his finger on what exactly it was. "Ah," was his only response.

"So is that a yes."

"Yes but only if you promise not to tell Kono about the pizza. She'll have my head if she finds out I had pizza again this week."

"You're secret's safe with me Danno," smirked Steve happily as he slid off the desk and walked over to the door.

"What I told you about calling me that," shrieked Danny before Steve exited his office. "Oh and there better not be pineapple on that pizza."

The night turned out better than Steve expected. Danny arrived a little after eight with a bag of chips and a six case of beer for the movie which Steve had already picked out. Sitting the food, which including a large pineapple free pizza, on the coffee table the boys sat down and started the movie. Steve quickly discovered that neither him or Danny was interested in the movie as the two of them slipped into causal conversation like they used too.

After about their third beer, Steve turned closer to Danny and smiled. "Hey Danny what do you think about bringing Grace over here on Saturday. She could go swimming and I could cook on the grill...I mean...only if you don't have plans already."

"No," Danny replied, shaking his head. "Don't really have anything solid planned except for pancake breakfast Saturday morning."

"Good, then you're coming over, I insist. I really miss having her around."

"Well if you must know she missed you too. We both did."

Danny whispered the last part but Steve heard him and another smile crept upon his face. Grinning behind his beer, he moved his arm to the back of the sofa so that it was behind Danny. 'Another point for me.'

Did you really think it was over. Of course not. I would never leaving you hanging like that. Okay, I would but not with this fic. It's so long that I decided to break it down into two parts. Sorry if I gave anyone a heartattack because they were terrified that this was the end. Well that's all for now, until next time,

All the world's a stage and I'm the star,
