No one was home at the Robbins-Torres house because it was family date night. Twice a month Callie and Arizona Robbins-Torres took their children, nearly eighteen-year-old Josephine and ten year old Timothy, and when she was home twenty-one year old Sophie, out on the town for some family time. Doing something all together and having a meal out together had become a bit of a challenge as the kids got older but Callie and Arizona insisted that it happen and all three Robbins-Torres children knew better then to argue over it. Plus they enjoyed it every bit as much as their mothers did, not that Sophie or Josie would admit it. Tim, who most people called Mac, which was short for Mini-McSteamy, was still young enough to express freely without loss of cool points that he liked hanging out with his moms.

The house was still and quiet since no one had been there since their cleaning lady had left and the dogs were all asleep. After she'd gotten out of school Josie had picked Mac up and then drove them to the hospital to meet up with their mothers, who she'd dropped off that morning. Josie didn't mind having to get up earlier then normal to drop her moms off because it meant that she got to drive her Mommy's T-Bird. Pulling into the senior parking lot at school in the classic car always got Josie a little extra attention and with it nearly being prom season a little extra attention was warranted since she was single and looking for a date.

Walking into the house from the garage the stillness of the semi-dark house was broken as soon as Callie flipped on a light. The quite shattered by the conversation going on behind her. "Mac, that was not the best movie we've ever seen."

"Yes it was." The ten year old argued. "It was funny and had cool fights and lots of stuff blew up and there was even mushy stuff for the Moms."

Josie rolled her eyes at her little brother and shook her head. "You're ten. You wouldn't know a good movie if it bit you on the…"

"Josie!" Arizona warned as she gave her daughter a look.

"The nose." Josie said and then stuck her tongue out at her Mama. As if she were stupid enough to swear in front of her mothers. "Bit you on the nose."

As soon as they'd heard voices the family's dogs came running to greet them and be let out. Rosie and Grey were both getting on in years. Rosie had just crossed over into that twelve to fifteen years lifespan limit on huskies, and Grey was a year and half behind her. Both dogs however seemed to find new life with the addition of Mandy, a red long haired miniature dachshund that Josie had gotten for her birthday and named Amanda after Katharine Hepburn's character in Adam's Rib, her favorite Hepburn/Tracy movie.

While Josie was outside with the dogs Callie was looking through the mail, which their housekeeper had left on the entry table, where everyone dropped their keys when they walked in. She was flipping through the envelopes and sorting out the magazines and medical journals as she called out to her wife that her issue of American Pediatrics was finally in. "I don't see why you don't just download it to your…"

"To my what?" Arizona asked as she looked over at her wife from where she'd been hanging up their coats. "Calliope?" The blonde frowned when she saw her wife staring down at something in her hand and walked over to see what it was. At the top left hand corner of the envelope Callie was staring at was the unmistakable english red cross coat of arms of Brown University and dead center was the name Josephine Robbins-Torres. "Oh." Was all Arizona could think to say.

Of course they were excited by the prospects their daughter's future held. Josie was a smart kid with a good head on her shoulders. She was going to do great in college. But doing great in college meant leaving home, leaving them, and that was breaking their hearts. To make matters worse Brown was on the other side of the country and a lot harder to get to then Sophie was down in California. But Josie had her heart set on the school that created and was there for number one in the liberal medical education field, which of course didn't surprise anyone really. If Josie was going to do something of course she was going to do it right and be the best at it.

"We should tell her it's here." Arizona said softly.

Callie nodded. She set the other mail aside and led her wife over to the couch and sat down. They sat there waiting for Josie to come back inside, knowing she'd have to come right pass them to get to the stairs. Arizona said they had to tell her. She hadn't said they had to rush to tell her. Callie was going to cling to these final few seconds before everything in their lives changed one way or the other. They were about to have either a very excited Josie who would be moving to Rhode Island, or a very broken hearted Josie who'd be moving somewhere else. It was really no a no win for them, but they were still hoping they're baby girl was about to get her dream.

As soon as Josie spotted her mothers she knew something was up. "What's wrong?"

"This came for you." Callie said as she held out the envelope.

Josie stepped closer and took the envelope. "Oh." She said sounding just like her Mama had moment before. "This is it I guess." She looked up at her mothers who nodded and then sat across from them on the coffee table. "What if I didn't get in?"

"You got in." Arizona reassured.

"Of course you got in." Callie agreed. "Open it mija."

Her hands shook as Josie turned the envelope over. As her finger broke the paper apart the sound of it ripping seemed almost deafeningly loud to her. Josie held her breath as she slid the paper inside out of the envelope and unfolded it. Her mothers watched, holding their breaths as well, as Josie read it. "Dear Miss Josephine Robbins-Torres." Josie began, her voice cracking. "I hope you are as pleased to receive this letter as I am to send it to you. You have been admitted to the 269th class to enter The College of Brown University. The Board of Admissions has selected from nearly 20,000 applicants those men and women who, as members of the Class of 2036, will give The College what promises to be the strongest class ever. You will be one of 1500 freshman who…"

She didn't get to finish reading because her mothers had pulled her to her feet and into their arms. It still hadn't hit her yet, not until she heard her mothers congratulating her, that she'd been accepted. She was going to Brown! When it finally sank in Josie started laughing and jumping up and down in excitement. "I got in!"

"You got in!" Her mothers cheered.

"We're so proud of you mija." Callie said as she held her baby's face in her hands and kissed her forehead.

"So proud." Arizona agreed with tears in her eyes.

The rest of the night was spent making Skype calls to Sophie, to her grandparents, and normal calls to godparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends. Josie wanted everyone to know, and everyone was just as proud and excited for her as her parents, even Michael Karev who hadn't heard from Brown yet, because of course he'd applied too since that's where Josie wanted to go. Some of the buzz about Josie going to Brown was dulled a few weeks later when Michael found out he didn't get in, though it helped that he would be kind of close by at Rutgers.

Josie had really been relying on Michael as of late and the two were closer then they had been in years. Which is why it hurt a little when she found out that Michael had asked Tatum Jenson to prom.

Standing in the parking lot of their prep school high school Josie was waiting on fifteen-year-old Emily Montgomery. The girls were going to head over to the private school where the younger cousins were to pick up eleven-year-old Lillian Hunt and twelve year old Carol Sheppard for a girls' afternoon at the mall. She'd just tossed her backpack and uniform blazer into the back seat of her Jeep when she heard someone behind her. "About time."

"Time for what?"

That was not Emily's voice. Turning on her heel Josie found herself face to face with Luis Iglesias, captain of the boy's soccer team and co-captain, along side her, of the debate team. "Oh, Luis, sorry. I thought you were my cousin."

"Disappointed?" The tall tan skinned dark haired young school super star asked with a dazzling smile.

Josie shook her head as she returned the smiled. "No, of course not."

"Good." Luis replied. "I was hoping to catch you before you left for the weekend. I wanted to ask you in person."

"Ask me what?" Josie asked as she leaned back against her jeep with her arms loosely crossed and one leg bent up.

Luis smiled as he let his dark eyes roam over her for a moment. "If you don't already have plans I'd really like it if you'd go to prom with me."

It took a lot of will power to keep the surprise off her face. Josie was popular sure but popular enough for one of the school all stars to ask her to prom? "No, I don't have any other plans. I'd love to go with you." She fished a pen out of her jeep and then took Luis' hand. Emily was coming towards them with a questioningly look on her face as Josie wrote her number in the palm of Luis' hand. "Call me later. Maybe we can catch a movie or something, ya know, just to make sure we actually like each other."

Luis smiled. "Would tomorrow night be to soon?"

"Call me later and I'll let you know." Josie said with a playful smirk.

Emily watched in utter awe as Luis walked away. Looking up at Josie she asked, "What did he want?"

"A prom date." Josie said with a beaming smile as they climbed into her jeep and she started it up.

Josie and Luis hit it off, going on several dates before prom. Since she was having her dress made and knew her colors it was easy for Josie to give him a color sample so he would match. Her mothers took the day of prom off so they could spend it with Josie, taking her to the spa and to the hairdresser and then helping her into her dress. Sitting on Josie's bed watching her as she looked herself over in the mirror both Callie and Arizona had tears in their eyes, Josie was stunning. She'd gone with darker colors then she had in the past. Her dress was a dark red, black and sliver. The sliver and black details on the front popped against the dark red color of the upper corset, which was drawn tight in the back by wide sliver ribbon so it hugged Josie's figure. The skirt was full and had several layers of netting that made the red darken as the dress flared out. Josie had even gotten full-length opera gloves made to match. It was a classic, Victorian look, and with her hair pinned up and in curls it looked as if Josie had just stepped from one of her old black and white golden era movies.

"Josie, baby, you look beautiful." Arizona said as she stood up and walked over to her daughter.

"Thanks Mama." Josie said softly. She smiled that perfect blended smile that was a little bit Callie and little bit Arizona. She'd given up earlier in the day on asking her Mama to stop crying but as she turned to get her Mommy's option she felt her own eyes began to sting. "Oh not you too."

"Sorry mija." Callie said as she smiled a mega watt smile. "You're just so beautiful." Walking over to her daughter she cupped her baby's face in her hands. "Just like your Mama."

Josie smiled, her tears welling a little more as her Mommy kissed her forehead.

"He's here!" Mac yelled up the stairs.

Of course this was going to be an event. Everyone had come over to see Josie in her dress and see her get picked up. Teddy was peeking out the window while Addison was whispering for her to stop spying. "Hired a car." Teddy said. "A silver Bentley, nice."

"Let me see." Mark said as he pushed Teddy out of the way. "I hope he doesn't think that not driving means he can get drunk."

"Dad." Sophie groaned.

"Mark, get away from the window." Callie said as she and Arizona came downstairs to answer the door. She shooed him away just as the knock came. She gave Mark a look that told him to behave and then walked over to let Luis in.

Luis was in a black Riviera style tuxedo with a deep red vertigo style vest and matching windsor tie. He looked very handsome and a perfect match for Josie. "Good evening Doctor Torres, Doctor Robbins."

"Hello Luis." Callie greeted as she let the boy in. "You look very handsome."

"Thank you." Luis replied.

"Josie will be down in a moment." Arizona said, smiling at the way Luis was looking at the gathering of people while trying to look as if he wasn't. "Family always comes out of the woodwork for big events."

"I understand." Luis said with a smile. "My family is waiting at the EMP museum. That's where Josie and I decided to take pictures."

No one got to say anything else because Lexie gasped. "Oh Josie."

Mark's whole face lit up at the sight of his little girl. "Wow kid, wow."

Josie chuckled softly as she hugged her father. "Thanks Daddy."

"You look amazing." Luis said as Josie came towards him.

"So do you." Josie replied as he held out her corsage.

It took forever for them to get through taking pictures because Mark had decided that if Luis' family was going to be there so was Josie's. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, godparents all pointed cameras at them as they stood against the multi-colored walls of the museum. By the time they were finished Josie had spots in her vision from the flashes. When they finally arrived at the ballroom Josie couldn't help but be in awe. The theme was This Moment in Time and decorations were done up as if looking back through time, lots of clocks, lots of black and white pictures of places like Hollywood, New York City, London, Pairs, and of course Seattle. Black, white, and silver were the main colors but there were splashes of color as well; the Tardis blue was a nice touch. Josie would have to find her more nerdy friends on the decorating committee and hug them for that one. There were cardboard stand-ups of couples dancing in tuxedos and gowns that reminded Josie of the costumes in some of her favorite movies. The picture area was dominated by a huge clock, which couples were standing in front of having their official pictures taken.

"They really out did themselves." Josie said as she and Luis made their way through the room looking for their table.

Luis snorted. "With all the money we raised and the prices of tickets and stuff, they'd better have."

The night was spent dancing, eating, drinking, and socializing with friends. Josie was having a wonderful time and was really glad she'd brought an extra memory card and battery for her camera. She even took a few pictures with her phone and texted them out to her family. About an hour after they arrived, while Luis was off getting them another round of sodas, Josie finally spotted who'd she'd been looking for since getting there.

"My god Josie." Michael said as he walked up to her looking suave and handsome in black tux pants, a black shirt, and blue vest and tie, no jacket. "You're beautiful."

Josie blushed. "Thanks." She smiled brightly as she hugged him. "You're looking pretty good yourself."

"Wanna dance?" Michael asked.

Josie beamed. "I'd love too."

Michael took Josie's hand and led her out on the floor. They didn't know it yet but this was just the first of many moments of this kind that would happen between them. The song was a classic, old, slow one; Ray Charles began to sing You Don't Know Me, and they begin to dance. Josie took in the words and the way Michael was holding her and there was the smallest flicker of something deep down inside her. As the song faded Josie, who'd had her head on Michael's shoulder, pulled back enough to look at him. Blue eyes looked right into hazel and for a moment, just a fleeting moment, they were on the same page.

"Josie!" Luis called out as he approached. He nodded at Michael. "Hey man." Then looked at Josie. "I think I have the DJ talked into doing some Latin songs. Ready to show off those moves you said you have?"

She was reluctant but Josie pulled away from Michael, turning towards Luis with a smile. "Don't let the blonde hair and blue eyes fool you Luis. I learned to dance from the best." Josie hooked her arm around Luis' and started to walk away, but paused for a moment to look over her shoulder at Michael before Luis pulled her into the crowd.

For several days after the prom that moment with Michael would replay in Josie's mind, but as life and senior year went on it would be filed away with other small little moments the two shared.

One Friday afternoon while studying for finales Josie reached for her iPad, in desperate need of a break from mathematical theory. Curling up into the corner of the sofa, Josie picked one of her favorite playlists, and then started checking her email. She smiled as she read through a letter from Tuck, rolled her eyes at the lolcat pictures George sent her, ached a little as she watched a video from Sophie, and then felt a spike of excitement when she realized she'd been sent housing information from Brown. Because she and her parents made sure everything was in early she had first dips on housing and such, but because she was a freshman she would have to have a roommate in a double room rather then being alone in a single.

"What are you reading mija?" Callie asked as she came into the room from the kitchen.

"Housing sent me my dorm assignment and the name of my roommate." Josie said as she read over the information. "I'll be in a double in Mead House with a girl from Cleveland named Christina Burke."

Callie raised an eyebrow and made an amused sound in the back of her throat.

"What?" Josie asked as she looked up at her mommy.

"Nothing." Callie said with a shake of her head. It was to long and complicated a story to explain why the name Christina Burke was funny to her.

Josie looked at her mommy for a long minute before shrugging and turning her attention back to the device in her hands. "They sent me her email. Should I email her?"

Callie nodded. "It's always a good idea to get to know the roommate as soon as possible. That way if you can't stand each other you can do something about it before you end up living together."

Made sense to her, so Josie opened up a new email. "What should I say?"

"Just start with a simple introduction." Callie advised.

Josie nodded and did just that. She also let Christina know that she could be found on the social sites. Forty minutes later she got a reply. Josie was still sitting on the sofa but instead of being curled in the corner she was cuddled up with her Mama who'd finally gotten home from the hospital. "This is cool." She said as she read over the email. "Christina's dad is a doctor at the Cleveland Clinic. So that's something in common."

Callie's earlier amusement was quickly turning into real curiosity. "Oh? What kind of doctor? Does she say?"

"A surgeon." Josie answered. "Cardio. Her mom's a musician, that's cool."

Snatching up her blackberry Callie sent a text to Mark and then pulled up Google and did a quick search. The next day Callie, Mark and Addison were huddled together discussing the possibilities.

The closer it got to graduation the more Josie's emotions stirred. Of course she was excited about everything. The thought of college life, of all the new experiences and her first real taste of freedom was thrilling. It was also very terrifying. Josie was close to her family, close to her mothers, and the thought of being so far away from them scared her. She'd always been an independent kid, sure, but she also relied on her mothers, her dad, and the other adults in her life to keep her world stable while she walked on it's narrow walls with her eyes closed. The thought of leaving behind the only world she'd known her whole life for this brave new world where she'd be alone had caused a lot of tears and late nights talking with her sister. Sophie always knew just what to say to call Josie back from the edge of a total freak out.

The morning of Josie's graduation Arizona found her daughter dry heaving in the bathroom and it reminded her so much of Callie that it made her smile despite herself. Walking in she wet a washcloth with cool water then placed it on Josie's neck before wetting another to wipe Josie's face. She knew from watching Josie the last several weeks that this wasn't just about speaking at the ceremony it was about what happened afterward. Arizona knew that if Josie was going to get through the day she'd need a distraction. "Mommy's picking up the plane tickets next week." One of Josie's gifts was getting to pick where the family went on vacation and Josie had picked Spain and Brazil. "And everything's ready for the party tomorrow. I hope you remembered to thank your sister for picking up your dress from the tailors."

"I did." Josie said softly, her voice horse from throwing up and dry heaving.

Arizona smiled reassuringly at her daughter when she saw the flicker of panic. "You'll be fine when it's time. A little tea with honey and you'll be right as rain." Leaning in she placed a kiss on her baby's forehead. "Come on. Lets get you ready."

"Everything alright?" Callie asked as Arizona and Josie passed her in the hall.

"Everything's fine." Arizona said with a look that said it all.

Standing on stage at the podium dressed in her cap and gown Josie looked out over the sea of faces. She felt ill. "For weeks I've been trying to think of what to say to you all." She began, addressing her classmates. "I wanted it to be something no one else has said. I had no idea what that would be until I noticed a certain song that kept playing whenever I'd shuffle my iPod and it hit me. For our entire lives we've lived in our safe little worlds surrounded by the people who love us and the people who have nurtured and taught us, and all of us in one way or another are about to leave that world for a new one. We're about to become cowards in a brave new world." Josie paused. "Yes, cowards, because speaking for myself, I'm scared to death. Like the song says, we're putting ourselves in the hands of fate. We're venturing into the unknown and we're doing it on our own."

She paused for a moment and then continued. "On our own yes, but not alone, not like we've all been thinking. I realized in the last few days really that while we're out there in that brave knew world we're not really leaving our loved ones, our friends and family, in the old one. No matter where we go or what we do we take a piece of them with us." Josie smiled. "When I smile I have dimples, I get that from my Mama, and I'm taking that piece of her with me. This morning I was so worked up about speaking today that I made myself sick, my Mom does that too when she's faced with public speaking, when I get upset or flustered I mumble or rant in Spanish, Mom does that too. I'm taking those parts of her with me. I can be unbelievably charming when I want to be. I get that from my Dad. I giggle like my sister, and my brother and I both have this kind of full on belly laugh that makes our mothers giggle and roll their eyes at us. Duty, honor, loyalty, honesty, compassion, love, caring, are just a handful of things that I've learned from my family, and I'm taking all of it out there with me. I also take everything I've learned in and out of the classroom during my years here, things that we've all learned. We all have pieces and parts of the people in or lives that we're taking along with us. Cowards in a brave new world, yes, but we're well armed cowards. We're ready to take on our futures and for that on behalf of us all I thank those who've helped get us ready."

After taking her seat Josie looked for the faces of her family and seeing the pride on her parents faces made her smile and the tears in her mothers' eyes made her own sting. After the ceremony was over Josie went looking for Michael. With her diploma in it's little black folder and her cap clutched to her chest with one arm, she used the free one to throw around his neck when she found him back stage. Michael hugged her so tight, lifting her off her feet, and when he put her down, before he could say a word, she kissed him. She really kissed him, and when it was over, after they'd stared into each other's eyes, after they'd had another one of those unexplainable moments between, she ran off to find her parents.

Neither of them talked about the kiss at their respective parties. Josie went off on her trips with her family; Michael spent a lot of time with his mother, before coming back to Seattle to be with his Dad before he went off to Rutgers. Josie spent as much time with the people she loved as she could and just like that the summer was over. Most of early August was spent preparing, shopping, packing, shipping things cross-country. By the time the dinner her mothers planned for her rolled around the kiss was just something else Josie had filed away. Just like the memory of the extra long hug Michael gave her at the end of the night.

Stepping into her new dorm room Josie looked around at the stark walls and minimal furnishings and once again felt that mix of excitement and terror. This was it, she was really here, she was really doing this. No turning back now.

"Come on mija lets get you settled in." Callie said from behind her daughter.

Josie nodded. She and both of her mothers had boxes in their arms while her dad was unloading her suitcases. The room had a small common living area; two equally sized small sleeping areas, and a very tiny bathroom. Home sweet home for the next year she thought as she picked one of the sleeping areas.

Down at the rental car Mark was pulling suitcases out of the trunk when he heard a voice out of the past. "Mark Sloan?" Mark turned, his eyes going wide. "Preston Burke? Well, I'll be damned."

As the two men shook hands Burke asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Moving my little girl into her dorm." Mark answered with pride. "You?"

"Same." Burke replied.

Upstairs Josie was meeting her roommate for the first time face to face. "These are my mothers." She said after she and Christina had greeted each other. "Callie and Arizona Robbins Torres."

"Hello Doctor Torres, Doctor Robbins." Christina greeted. "Josie's told me a lot about you in her emails. This is my mother Mei Burke."

While the mothers greeted each other the girls both said their dads were getting more things from their cars. There was laughter and giggles coming from the room as Mark walked in. He smiled as he was introduced. When Preston walked in Callie's jaw dropped. "Burke?"

Burke blinked. "Torres?"

Mark laughed. "Small word isn't it?"

"You know each other?" Josie asked.

Callie nodded. "Doctor Burke use to work at Seattle Grace when I was a resident."

Burke looked between Callie, Mark and Arizona and then he asked Mark. "You and Torres have a daughter?"

"Me, Torres and Robbins have three kids together, two girls and a boy." Mark said. He was going to enjoy this. "Doctor Arizona Robbins, Callie's wife." He introduced.

"Nice to meet you Doctor Robbins." Burke said as he shook her hand and then once again looked at his form colleagues. "We really need to have drinks and catch up."

Callie gave a mischievous grin as she said, "We've met Christina." She paused, her grin turning to a smirk. "Yeap, a drink sounds really good."

That evening while the girls were at a dorm meeting the adults gathered around a table in a near by pub. "So let me get this straight." Bruke said. "You have six kids with four mothers?"

"That we know of." Callie tossed in.

Mark glared at her. "Yes. There's Sloan, who was a teenager before I even knew she was out there. Sophie, Josie and Tim with these two. And my wife Lexie and I have two, Ryder and Zoey."

Bruke shook his head and then looked at Callie. "When I left you were still with George O'Malley."

"Long, long, long, long, long time ago." Callie said. "A whole other lifetime ago."

"It's a little strange." Mei said as she, Arizona, and Callie waited on Mark and Burke outside the pub. "Preston never talks about his time in Seattle. It's a little odd to actually meet people from that time in his life."

"It's a little strange for us too." Callie said honestly.

Inside at the bar paying the tab Burke asked, "How's…"

"She's fine, she's great." Mark answered. "She's married, has two kids, second in command of cardio, she's happy."

Bruke took that in, nodded, and said. "Good."

Late that night after their parents had gone off to their hotels Josie was using sticky putty to wallpaper one of her walls with pictures. In several of those pictures, unbeknownst to Christina and her mother, was the woman Christina had been named after. Josie knew a lot of stories, a lot of legends, but she didn't once put it together. All the times over the next few months that Josie talked about her aunt Christina the girls never knew, not until Josie was home for Thanksgiving and she was telling her aunts all about her roommate. Things got a little weird after that but by the end of the year the girls were friends again. By the end of the year Josie had built up a nice little world of her own and to her surprise it fit pretty nicely with her world back in Seattle.