Character aren't mine.

Three days had passed since the shooting when Jane finally wakes up. Confused at first, she looks around the room trying to remember where she was and what had happened. She sits up causing blinding pain to course through her abdomen.

"Shit! Son of a bitch that hurts," she moaned.

"Language, Jane."

Jane looked to her left to find Maura sitting there with a look of relief on her face. Maura sat at her bedside holding her hand.

Seeing Maura made all the memories of what had happened rush back. "Oh my god! Frankie!" Jane started to panic.

"He's fine Jane. The paramedic got him here on time and his surgery was successful. His doctor wanted to keep him a few days for observation, but he if going to make a full recovery. He is being released tomorrow," Maura assured Jane keeping a firm hold on the detective's hand.

"He's good?" Jane asked, relieved.

"Yes, other than worrying about you, he is good."


Smiling at her, Maura asked, "How are you feeling Jane?"

"Like someone shot me in the stomach," Jane replied with a laugh. "Ow."

"Do you need more pain medication?" Maura quickly asked, concern and fear showing.

"No, it just hurts when I laugh," Jane reassured her. "Don't make me laugh and I'll be fine."

"I'll try," Maura smirked.

Damn, she is so beautiful when she looks at me like that, Jane thought. She then quickly shook her head to rid her mind of the thought. Stop thinking about Maura like that, dumbass! She's your best friend. That's it, she silently scolded herself.

"Are you sure you're okay? Something seems to be bothering you," Maura asked worriedly. "I can call the nurse."

"Maura, I'm fine. Really," Jane lied.

They sat in silence for a moment, Maura still holding Jane's hand. They both stared down at the intertwined fingers.

Jane looked up at Maura after a minute. She noticed tears in her eyes. "Maura, are you okay?" Jane asked, worried about her friend. Jane always hated seeing Maura upset.

Maura sat silent for a moment longer, thinking about what she wanted to say. How am I supposed to tell her that I'm in love with her? I don't want to scare her off or lose our friendship, but I can't keep this in any longer. Not after almost losing her, she contemplated. Maura's facial expressions grew more pensive while Jane looked on worriedly.

"Jane," Maura began as she finally looked up to meet Jane's gaze.

"What is it Maura?"

"I…I don't…" Maura stuttered.

"Is Dr. Maura Isles really at a loss for words? Must be a first," Jane joked. She's never seen Maura like this before.

"Jane, I don't know how to say this."

Jane noticed how scared Maura looked. "Maura, you know you can tell me anything. Just say it," she smiled at Maura. She squeezed the doctor's hand reassuringly.

"Jane, I…I'm in love with you," Maura choked out through tears.

After hearing those words it took Jane a moment to be able to speak. "Maura…I…" she stuttered, looking at Maura with incredulous eyes.

"Janie!" Angela Rizzoli shouted as she burst through the door. "You're awake! Maura, why didn't you call us?" Frank Sr. followed Angela into the room. Maura quickly let Jane's hand go.

"Ma, don't yell at Maura," Jane snapped at her mother. "I've only been awake for a few minutes and I was drilling her about Frankie." She glanced at Maura apologetically. "She hasn't had the chance to call you."

"I'm sorry Maura," Angela replied. "I've just been so worried about you Janie." She walked over to Jane's bedside and gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek. Maura stood up and stepped aside allowing Jane's parents to get closer to their daughter.

"I'm going to go so you three can spend some time together," Maura said as she started to leave.

Jane looked at her pleadingly, "You don't have to go."

"Your parents have been worried sick about you," Maura smiled at her. "I'll be back later."

Jane watched as Maura left the room.

"Hey kiddo," Frank said as her leaned over to kiss her cheek. "How are you feeling?"

"Hi Daddy," she smiled up at her father. "I'm good. How's Frankie?"

"He's doing good honey," Angela replied. "We just left him. His surgery went good. He's healing fast. They are releasing him tomorrow."

"Good," Jane smiled in relief. "That's what Maura said."

"Didn't you believe her?" Angela inquired.

"Yeah, I did," Jane replied. "I just needed confirmation, I guess."

"She saved your brother's life. The doctor said if it hadn't been for what Dr. Isles did before he got here, he most likely wouldn't have made it," Angela said. "That's a good friend ya got there Janie.

"I know," Jane smile as she thought of Maura.

"I don't know how to thank her. I would have lost two of my babies that day if it hadn't been for her," Angela said tearfully. "Ya know this is the first time she's left your room since they let her in here," her mother told her.

"Really?" Jane looked at her mother in surprise.

"Yeah," her mother answered. "She said she couldn't leave until she knew you were okay. She wouldn't even leave long enough to get fresh clothes."

That made Jane smile. She was aware of the fact that her parents were looking at her so she tried to hide it. God, I love that woman, she thought to herself.

"How does your side feel, honey?" Angela inquired, interrupting her thoughts.

"Doesn't hurt too bad. As long as I don't move too much… or laugh," Jane answered. "My mouth feels like something died in it though."

"I'll go get you a toothbrush and some toothpaste," Frank offered.

"That would be great, Pop. Thanks," Jane smiled at her father.

"Be right back," Frank said as her left the room.

"Are you sure you're okay, sweetie?" Angela asked her daughter. As if she didn't already worry about her kids enough, she was terrified now. "You seem distracted or something."

"I'm fine, Ma. I promise," Jane answered, trying to reassure her mother. "I just have a lot to process."

"You should run a brush through your hair, Janie," Angela said. Jane glared at her. "This hospital is full of nice eligible doctors," her mother replied defensively.

"Ma, seriously!" Jane shot back.

Just then, Frank returned with the requested items. He handed them over to Jane.

"Thanks Pop," Jane smiled at him appreciatively as she took them from him. "Can one of you hand me some water and one of those bowls over there? I don't have the strength to get up just yet."

"Sure, sweetie. Here you go," Angela complied. "We'll get out of your way so you can get yourself cleaned up."

"Thanks Ma," Jane replied. "And…leave the brush," she added hesitantly.

"Sure thing sweetie," Angela smiled. "And don't you dare get out of that bed until the doctor says it's okay," she warned.

"I won't Ma," Jane reassured her.

"We'll be down in the cafeteria if you need anything," Angela said, motioning for Frank to follow her. "You know you scared your father and me half to death?" she added.

"I'm sorry Ma," Jane said sadly. "I had to."

"I know you believe that," her mother replied. "Just don't ever do it again."

"I'll try," Jane smiled.

"We love you Janie," her mother said as she exited the room.

"I love you, too, Ma," Jane replied. Her father leaned over to kiss the top of her head. "I love you too, Daddy."

At that, Jane was left alone with her thoughts, which of course drifted back to Maura. I can't believe she said that, Jane thought. Okay, gotta brush my teeth and hair so I'm somewhat presentable when…if…she comes back. Jane quickly brushed her teeth and set the bowl aside. She ran the brush through her hair thinking I can finally tell her how I've been feeling without scaring her off. She smiled, relieved at the thought. She's been keeping these feelings inside so long she felt as though she may burst.

Just then, Maura peeked in the door. "Mind if I come in?"

"Hey," Jane said, a smile spreading across her face as Maura stepped into the room.

"I'm sorry about before," Maura said, staring at her hands.

"You are?" Jane blurted out staring intently at Maura.

"I shouldn't have said that," the M.E. continued without making eye contact. "It was completely inappropriate given our situation."

"What situation?" Jane asked.

"We're friends, Jane," Maura answered. "And we work together. I don't want to jeopardize that relationship."

"Maura," Jane couldn't fine that right words. "C'mere," she said as she motioned for Maura to come closer. Maura complied, slowly. As soon as she was within Jane's reach, the detective pulled her down to kiss her softly on the lips. She heard a quiet, contented sigh escape Maura's lips. "Are you really sorry you said it, or were you afraid I didn't feel the same way?" Jane asked, maintaining eye contact.

Maura finally met her gaze. "Do you?" she asked hopefully.

Jane kissed Maura again. "Does that answer your question?" she smirked at the doctor.

"I believe it does," Maura sighed, a smile spreading across her face.

"Well I've always been better at show than tell," Jane smirked. "You just surprised me before is all. Just moments before you said that I was thinking about how beautiful you looked. You look cute in those scrubs." Jane couldn't stop smiling, her gaze never leaving the beautiful doctors. "I never imagined you felt the same way."

"You still don't realize how gorgeous you are, do you Jane?" Maura chuckled.

"I'm not Maur," Jane replied shyly as she looked down.

"Yes, you are Jane," Maura said. Looking Jane right in the eyes, she continued, "You are the most breath-takingly beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I remember thinking that the first time I saw you, which I found odd because I have never felt an attraction come on so strong or so fast before."

"You really think I'm beautiful?" Jane inquired, a slight smile on her lips.

"I believe the words I used were 'breath-takingly beautiful'," Maura smirked.

"I've never felt anything like this before," Jane confided. "That's why I never said anything, apart from the fear of rejection. It scared me. Thinking of you like this. It's all very new."

"Is it too scary?" Maura asked.

"No," Jane quickly replied. "I mean, I'm still scared. But knowing you feel the same way makes it less scary. My main fear now is that I'm gonna do something to screw this up."

"Well," Maura started as she leaned in closer. "Don't worry about that. I want this far too badly to let anything screw it up." Maura then captured the brunette's lips in a gentle yet passionate kiss. She couldn't help but smile when she heard Jane sigh. She then took Jane's hand and placed a gentle kiss on it. Both women sat with their fingers intertwined, gazing into each other's eyes for a moment.

Jane broke the eye contact first. "Shit."

"Language, Jane," Maura smirked.

"I'm sorry. It's just…"

"What?" Maura asked as she noticed panic flash across Jane's features.

"My mother," Jane said in frustration.

"What about her?"

"My parents are gonna be back any minute, and you know how I said I'm afraid I'm gonna screw this up?" Maura nodded. "Well, my mother finding out will be the first step," Jane finished.

"You don't think she'll approve?" Maura asked.

"I don't know," Jane sighed. "I just don't see any good coming from her finding out. At least not yet."

"We can be as discreet as you'd like," Maura assured Jane. "Family pressure can add to the complexities of any relationship, especially a new one. Add to that the fact that you've never been in a relationship with woman before. I understand and am not offended in the least. We don't have to say anything to anyone until you feel ready," she finished, giving Jane's hand a gentle squeeze.

As if on cue, they heard Angela and Frank down the hall. Maura gave Jane one last kiss before letting go of her hand and pushing her chair back a safe distance.

Jane sighed as Maura let go of her hand. She didn't want Maura to move away, but she also didn't want her mother walking in on them together. Jane gave Maura a grateful smile and mouth 'I love you' to her as her parents entered the room.