A/N: Just a short fic that came to life from this devart: .com/art/YJ-feeling-the-aster-yet-198807221 The plot bunny bit me and held my other fic hostage until I wrote this down T_T Anyway, I guess this could be considered a precursor to my other fic, Trauma.

Robin had entered his room in Mount Justice a couple of minutes ago and had just taken off his cape when someone rapped on the door repeatedly. Whoever it was didn't even stop when he yelled that he was coming. He figured there was only one person who'd do that.

He was speaking even while the door was sliding open. "KF, you couldn't have waited until I was in my civvies-"

He broke off with a gasp as he was slammed back onto a wall.

"Hey, Rob." The speedster grinned mischievously at him, one arm pinning him to the wall. Wally's free hand was raised in a fist.


The fist slammed into his shoulder at full speed.

There was a dull crack.

He screamed as lightning pain shot straight to his heart.

"Music to my ears." Kid Flash was saying through the roaring in his ears.

Robin clutched at his shoulder, only to realize his wrists had been bound. And Kid Flash was grinning at him – what he took for mischief was in fact cruelty. It looked wrong on his best friend's face. It looked...

"You're not KF." He glared at the teen holding him.

"There's that detective mind working." KF's look-alike chuckled and leaned close. "Scream for me."

There was a sensation of weightlessness.

Then he crashed face down on the floor.

His shoulder blazed, ripping a cry from his throat.

Something heavy settled on his back, shifting to spread to his shoulders – he gritted his teeth as his broken collarbone grated– and there was hot breath on his neck.

"You look so good right now, Robin. Helpless and in pain." The impostor whispered.

Cold air blew over him as his shirt was pulled up.

"Stop...!" He couldn't help the shiver as fingers ghosted over his skin. Warm wetness licked the shell of his ear. He struggled to get away but the impostor's weight kept him pinned against the cold concrete floor.

Then the hand traced the waistline of his pants, and he bucked.

"Get...off me!" He twisted this way and that, but his broken collarbone stabbed him with every movement.

And all the while, the impostor laughed.

There was a loud crash from the doorway; a shout, "Get away from him!"

Then the weight was gone from his back.

Robin rolled to his side to see Superboy give chase to the fleeing impostor.

The impostor had KF's speed.

His view was blocked by a pair of blue boots. "Robin! Are you alright? I can't believe Wally would do something like this!" M'gann babbled as she helped untie his wrists. "He's your best friend and...he didn't hurt you, did he?"

"Where's Wally?" He interrupted her.

"H-he's out...running..."

Robin shook his head fiercely. "No, not him. That's NOT Wally!"

"It's not?"

"I don't know if it's a clone or a doppelganger or an alien parasite, but it's not Wally." He pushed himself to his feet – or tried to. His broken collarbone tore another cry from him and M'gann quickly supported him.

"You can't go out there! You're hurt!"

"Need to..." he gasped, "...call Batman."

"Here." She mentally called for Robin's comm.

"Go help Superboy." He told her as soon as the gadget reached him. "Kid Flash can't use his speed if he doesn't have traction."


"I'll be fine! Just go!"

M'gann nodded and flew off in the direction of the crashing sounds.

Batman was quick to respond to the emergency call. "What is it?"

"Is-" he gasped at the shooting pain from his chest.


He gritted his teeth and tried to ignore the burning. "Is Flash with you?"

"Along with Kid Flash. What happened?"

"At Mount Justice." Darkness was creeping on the edges of his vision. "N-not Kid Flash attacked me."

"Three minutes."

The call ended abruptly.

Robin tried to stand up again but his chest blazed white hot. He focused on the comm unit on the floor. Funny, he didn't remember dropping it…