Title: Pact (15/?)

Author: Mina Robins

Fandom: Glee

Pairing: Brittana/Faberry, Faberrittana. Polyamorous.

Rating: T

Summary: Rachel stumbles into the underworld hidden beneath Lima's dull exterior when the slumbering genotypes in her DNA finally awaken and exert themselves. Thankfully her mates will help her navigate through the more dangerous paths she has to encounter.

After the Berry's had left, the four girls returned to Santana's room and settled down for bed since night was well underway. Santana sat at the edge of the plush divan with Rachel between her legs and a brush in her hand. It was relaxing to untangle Rachel's long chocolate tresses. 'I meant what I said before, you're part of my Pact, I feel it, we'll always keep you safe.'

Rachel remained silent for a moment and then turned her gaze up to Santana. 'What do I mean to you?'

"Everything." Santana gently caressed the shorter girl's cheek with the back of her fingers.

"Before all of this, before the chance event of me walking into the three of you about to-" Rachel looked away with a blush. "Mate, I was nobody to you, how can you be so sure."

Brittany and Quinn sauntered into the room freshly drenched in their unique flavours and moved to sit beside Rachel. Quinn's scent was overpoweringly sweet and the aroma that lingered in the air made Rachel shift uncomfortably as she felt her nipples harden and chafe even against her soft pajamas.

"Your abilities were awakened when you scented us about to mate, we were about to claim each other completely into a Pact, someone that has had their Shifter gift suppressed for so long could only ever be awakened by her Destined." Quinn placed a hand on Rachel's knee and caressed. "We are meant to be your Destined, do you deny the pull?"

Brittany whimpered and leaned down into Rachel's lap. The singer immediately threaded her fingers through the golden silk of her mate's hair. "No, of course not."

"What's the problem then?" Santana questioned a bit more forcefully this time. "Destiny can be crazy at times but this is right."

'What if our personalities do not meld well together?' What if my personality doesn't meld well?

"Oh Rachel." Brittany sat up and wrapped her arms around Rachel's neck. "I'm sorry if we were ever mean to you, but both me and Santy have always thought you were an amazing person."

"Just annoying." Santana laughed when Rachel glared up. "But very talented."

Quinn placed her hand on Rachel's cheek. "Do you remember when we were kids?"

"Vaguely." Rachel answered cryptically since hearing what her parents had revealed had sharpened up her memory of pretty much eloping with Quinn when they had been children.

"We were actually very close friends at one point but then something happened, my memory of it is fuzzy at best, perhaps you recall that we had left school?"

Rachel nodded. "Yes, and my fathers re-informed me of what had occurred, apparently I knew you were my Destined when we were young and had attempted to morph into my Shifter form with you away from school grounds."

"My father forbade me from being friends with you they found us after and I ended up being a huge bitch just to be near you." Quinn smiled faintly and her eyes held an regretfulness in them. "I wanted you to notice me so very bad; I think I would classify it as an tiny obsession."

"It's true, Q drew waaaay too many hearts around that picture she drew of you." Brittany supplied helpfully.

Quinn held her index finger in front of her lips in the universal sign for silence and a look in her eye that said don't-tell. "It was a caricature."

"D'aaawww, you drew hearts?" Rachel's eyes shone and she grinned coly at Quinn.

"I think I've been in love with you since we were kids." Quinn answered honestly and blushed when Rachel gave her a smile that made her insides melt. Rachel held out her hand and interlaced her fingers with Quinn's. The blonde grinned and kissed the back of Rachel's hand with reference and appreciated how easily Rachel found it in her heart forgive all the trespasses they had incurred on the starlet.

"See, you're totally meant to be here, Berry." Santana continue to run the brush through the shorter girl's mane. "Sandbox love never dies."

"Did you just quote Jennifer's Body?" Quinn raised an eyebrow. "I'm not judging, it's just, well yeah, I'm judging."

"It wasn't that bad of a movie, M-Fox is hawt."

Rachel tilted her head at the tallest blonde and shrugged. "I did enjoy her in Transformers."

"Booyah." Brittany held up her hand for a high-five which Rachel answered with a laugh.

'Though really Megan is nowhere as enticing as any one of you three. Oh my, forget that part, I did not mean to think that. I blame Quinn!'


"Well, it is, I can scent you everywhere and it is making me feel very-" Rachel felt like if she didn't stripped off her panties now they were going to get soaked through, no one should ever be allowed to feel this turned on when no one had begun touching.

"Turned-on? Hot? Wet? Horny as a dandy?" Santana supplied with a purr.

"Arrgghhh, teach me how to turn it off!"

"I'm sorry Berry-Pie but we all feel like this cause Quinn is in heat and as her mates we want to mark her up since pretty much any available bi-pedal humanoid will want to get in on that."

"No, I want to address the constant broadcasting of my thoughts, it is supremely embarrassing."

"Don't forget about entertaining!" Brittany shook her head at Santana and the Latina relented.

"Rachel, look at me."

Rachel glanced up from her hands and blinked at Quinn. "I'm going to teach you how to start shielding your thoughts but first you must visual a sanctuary, think of a place that is your own, and you will hear us clearly so it may be a bit jarring."

"Very well." Rachel pressed her lips together in thought. "I think a theatre would be a good place."

"Alright, close your eyes." Quinn motions for Brittany and Santana to back away from touching any part of Rachel's body. "I want to you sense our thoughts, to feel us beside you, imagine you're seated in an amphitheatre and you have the best and only seat in the theatre but you're early and the place is empty at the moment."

"Alright." Rachel stills and leans back onto the bed and tries to imagine herself in the described location.

'You hear my voice now because I've entered the amphitheatre, because we are linked and you're safe with me here, your thoughts are the volume of your voice and your voice is very quiet because you allow me very close to you."

And Rachel could sense Quinn in a way, in her mind's eye Quinn's essence was so unique and strong. The warmth from the girl shimmered in soft iridescent colours and the smell of Columbine saturated the theatre. It was very disorientating to be suddenly surrounded by such a din of noises, it reminds Rachel of when she had just awoken on top of Quinn's bed. When her vision was too sharp and the world around her filled dangerously to the brim with stimuli.

Rachel imagined herself drawing together, her forehead against her knees, her breath shallow as she pressed her hands over her ears. The cacophony of voices was disorienting and it was disturbing to be bombarded with so much all at the same time. A warm, light touch causes Rachel's mind to blink up at her glowing Pactmates.

'As are Brittany and me, we are by your side so our voices are soft, our thoughts are quiet because you let us near you.'

"Brittany and I."


"The proper grammatical-"

"Berry, you want to project your sexy thoughts all the time or learn to mute them?"


'No, that was good, it was a very small reply, now imagine that the theatre is your place and you wish for silence for the play is about to start, imagine distancing our essences from your thoughts, your mind.' Quinn continued, her tone calming and patient. 'This is your sanctum, your stage, imagine walking down to the stage and escorting us all from mind.'

'How do I escort you out?' Rachel thought of ushers in their classic red uniforms and suddenly she could see them, a horde of faceless genderless entities take shape from the shadows of her mind and immediately corral and push her mates to the furthest reaches of the theatre. They hold her mates against the doorless walls and contained them there with their sheer numbers.

"Stop!" Brittany moaned.

'Fuck! Berry, not so hard!' Santana held a hand up against her forehead as the pressure grew.

'Rachel! Please, imagine an entrance, we'll go out willingly, just-' Quinn backed away from Rachel as did the other cheerleaders, the physical distance in reality caused the shadow conscious to let up but not allow their mental forms them near Rachel's.

"I cannot hear your voices anymore!" Rachel panicked and jumped up from her spot on the carpet. "At least not clearly, there is so much noise but I can no longer distinguish words!"

"It's okay, close your eyes, your mind should recognize that we mean you no harm, we are your mates."

Rachel shuts her eyes and once again imagined her amphitheatre, before she could run towards the essences of her mates one of the entities resembling her shifted form comes into view, this usher wears nothing but fur. Her shifted state slams against the other shadow ushers and paces around her mates and bumps its body against their ethereal forms thus scenting them. Rachel pushes pass the shadow ushers and instructs them away. The ushers turn their featureless faces onto her for a moment before a growl from her shifted form causes them to disperse. Her shifted form remains close and lies next to her mates.

'Quinn, Brittany, Santana, are you okay, are we okay?'

'Yes, Berry-pie, holy hell you have one hell of a mental barrier.' Santana uses the heel of her hands to message against her temples. 'All I need is another headache.'

Brittany went up and rubbed Santana's back, her fingers automatically trailed over the scarred skin of where the poison had been so close in permanently damaging her lover.

'I am so sorry; I never meant to do any harm.' Rachel was in full panic mood, it was frightening to see herself cause harm to the people most dear to her.

Quinn took Rachel's hand in hers and squeezed. "You were amazing; I have never felt defence mechanisms so substantial."

"Should I have been able to cause pain like that?!" Rachel asked hysterically.

"You were defending your thoughts, with more training everything will work out just fine." Quinn motioned to Santana. "She's only feeling so overwhelmed because she won't participate in as many meditation sessions as Brittany and I."

"Are you alright though, you are not hurt?" Rachel walked over to Santana and placed her free hand over Brittany's. "Oh, Santana, are you okay."

Santana glanced up at the distraught faces of her mates and chewed on her cheek, the pain was fading fast. "Duh, you just startled me is all, I'm fine." She stood up and stretched with a smirk. "Good as new."

Rachel felt her lips tilt up into a smile and quickly wrapped her arms around Santana. The shorter girl ran her hands up and down Santana's back, she needed this closeness. It started out platonic but each time she found her hands closer to the other girl's toned ass.

She had all these urges and every time they danced with something dangerous, the emotions and need thrashed inside her. Feelings that instructed her to claim, mark and never let go. Rachel craved for more than all the casual touches, she wanted more skin from everyone. It was terribly distracting that she could feel a throbbing excitement heat up between her legs.

The singer trailed her hands underneath Santana's tank top and inched them up along skin that was impossibly soft. She felt Quinn and Brittany draw near and it suddenly made her doubt her ability to give as good as her mates could supply her. It didn't help that the nimble digits of the two cheerleaders caused her skin to instantly grow hot under their caresses and for her own scent to twine with her mates'. Rachel didn't want to disappoint with her lack lustre experience in the bedroom. Her spine to stiffen both from anxiety and then embarrassment for harbouring such feelings towards her mates. Thanking the gods that she could feel that her mates' were pushed far enough in her mind that they couldn't clearly hear her mental rumblings.

Santana who had been very well behaved for the most part of the night quirked an eyebrow at the bold then abruptly nervous Rachel. The Latina's emotions fluctuated from impatience for the carnal nature of feeding the need for her new mates' body to gentle cautiousness of wanting to savour and welcome Rachel's virginity to their bed. Unsure of how to proceed at first she had decided to allow her blondes to have a go at their little rabbit to loosen her up, but while the whole scene was a turn-on for Santana, it only seemed to make Rachel more nervous. Santana gripped onto the supple and tight derriere of one Rachel Berry, damn, those 6-am elliptical runs obviously were worth the time. Yes, she actually listened when Rachel went on rants about her exercise regime. Rachel stiffened and Santana scowled while trying to contain her pomegranate flavours from suffusing the room as well. Santana fell back so she was sitting on top of her bed and yanked Rachel down so she was seated on top of her thighs. She nuzzled her face into the back of Rachel's neck until the diva started to relax.

Starlet, it's okay Quinn pathed while pulling slightly away, hoping the familiar caress of her mind would ease the anxiety permeating from Rachel.

Brittany placed a comforting hand on Rachel's knee which only caused the shorter girl to squeak and cross her legs.

Both blondes shifted back and looked expectantly into each other's eyes for an idea.

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to engage in." Quinn said out loud, it was easier to hide the sadness Rachel's refusal caused while speaking since she could modulate her voice, since it was harder to hide her feelings if she had continued telepathically conversing with Rachel.

"No, that is not the issue…" Rachel sighed frustrated at her inability to please even though she had not even begun to touch her mates. "I just… I'm just worried that I will not be satisfactory addition to this." At the mention of "this" Rachel pointed at her three mates. "I do not wish to ruin anything…"

"Rach, we haven't kissed before so can we try that for a while?" Brittany questioned hesitantly, she could feel all the turmoil emanating from her mate and it made her heart throb uncomfortably, especially since those feelings were caused by the three of them.

Rolling her eyes affectionately at Rachel's lack of self-esteem in this department, especially since it has been near impossible to get the smaller girl to stop touching since the incident at the Fabray's house. I mean while they had been sleeping Rachel had all but molested her in their nap. Santana smiled mischievously and held out her hands to Brittany and Quinn.

"Come here," Santana winked at Rachel and proceeded to yank Quinn's body closer to her own to ravish the head cheerleader's lips. Brittany smiled indulgently at the familiar scene and leaned over to place an adoring kiss on the top of Santana's head for being so clever. The Latina grinned and turned to give Brittany the same amount of attention she had given Quinn and then drew back and gently nudged the two blondes together. "Give us a show, darlings."

The air was once again infused by the fragrance of their own unique flowers as Quinn and Brittany entangled together and laid claim to each other's lips. Quinn had her hands around Brittany's neck and fingers bunched into the long golden strands. The taller blonde was enthusiastically licking down Quinn's neck and rocked one of her legs between Quinn's. Quinn half moaned and mostly growled, euphoric that she might be gaining some kind of release. Being in heat made her constantly dripping wet and once she gets one orgasm she's making sure none of them were leaving the room for the rest of the week.

Rachel was absolutely transfixed by the two blondes in front of her. Santana was beneath her on the oversized plush bed, a Cheshire smile gracing her lips. The starlet would bet her collection of signed Barbra Streisand memorabilia that her mates were enjoying her crimson face way more than technically legal. Rachel felt her throat become parch and a whimper escaped her lips when Santana's hand began trailing up to caress the soft skin of Rachel's thighs, the singer automatically uncrossed her legs.