This is my first fanfic I've ever written so please don't eat me ;_;
I also wrote this in just one day so yeah it's bound to be crap.
I had some help from FeliPirushea so give her some credit.
Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia nor any of it's characters but I do have two Hetalia DVD's~

"Kesesese! You just lost the Game, priss." Gilbert gloated. Confused, Roderich replied uncertainly, "The Game? I don't believe I was playing a game…"

Gilbert rolled his eyes at the aristocrat, "We're always playing the Game. You cannot escape the awesomeness of the Game."

Roderich decided to humour the albino. "So how do you play this Game?"

Gilbert had a mischievous glint in his ruby eyes. "Well, priss, every time you think of the Game, you lose it. But that version is boring, let's make it interesting. I say that every time you lose the Game, you have to do anything I say~"

"You know very well I will not agree to that."

"That's why I will set Elizaveta on you if you don't cooperate."

"Elizaveta is one of my closest friends. I would just set her on you instead. And she will have her frying pan."

With a frown, Gilbert reconsidered and thought of something else even more punishing than a frying pan, "In that case I will set Francis on you instead."

Silence settled in the room as the brunette stared in shock. "You wouldn't."

"Oh I would. Just ask Luddy. He knows very well what I'm capable of."

The Austrian tried to find a loophole, a way out, ANYTHING. Unfortunately he found nothing. Thinking quickly he tried to distract the albino or at least delay the horrors of playing the Game.

"How did you get in my house anyway? I locked all the doors. And the windows. And I also made sure to forbid Elizaveta from giving anyone the spare house keys."

"I'm just that awesome," knowing what Roderich was up to, Gilbert asked him again, "so are you going to play the Game with me? Or shall I just give Francis a call?"

"Fine. I'll play the stupid game."

"Not the stupid Game. The Game."

Roderich just looked at him as if he was stupid 'which he is' he said to himself.

"And what if you happen to lose the Game? Does the same go for me? You have to do anything I say?"

"Yeah, I guess… But the Awesome Prussia never loses the Game. I'm far too awesome."

"You and your ego the size of Russia…"

"Kesesese! See you tonight then~"


"Oh yeah I forgot to mention. Antonio, Lovino, Feliciano, Ludwig, Francis, Arthur, Alfred, Matthew and some of the other guys are coming with me to the bar tonight for a few drinks. You're coming too."

The brunette sighed. "Very well I will come to the outing. At least some sane people are going."

"Be there at 8.30 sharp!"


Roderich sat alone at a table with a glass of wine. The rest of the group were either dancing, talking loudly or just piss ass drunk. The only sane people who had come have had a few drinks have gotten relatively drunk. Roderich just sat there watching them have fun; he had yet to be drunk. His wine had only had a few sips taken from it.

Gilbert broke away from the crowd of people dancing in the middle of the floor and went straight towards Roderich. He wasn't as drunk as one might have thought, but he was still rather tipsy and had a bottle of beer in his hand.

"Kesesese! Enjoying yourself?"


"Come on, man! This has been one of the best Friday's yet. Guess what, priss?"

The Austrian knew what was coming. "What is it…?"


"I believe the lyrics are getting DOWN on Friday."

"Getting high is much more fun. Anyway, want to join a game of darts?"

Roderich buried his hands in his face. Gilbert grinned like the Cheshire cat.

"You just lost the Game didn't you? Kesesese! Wait here, I'm going to go get your punishment~"

Gilbert went up to the bar. "Yo barkeep! Get me the most alcoholic thing you have and put it on Luddy's tab!"

The bartender mixed together an assortment of alcoholic beverages and produced a bluish green drink. "Here you go. Just call me if you want another."

"Oh we will!" Gilbert shouted back. He staggered back to Roderich and handed him the drink. He looked down at the contents with disgust.

"... If I die, you're the one who'll get blamed. You know that, don't you?"

"Kesesese, you're not gonna DIE, it's just a drink! Anyways, you lost the game so-"

"Fuck you."

"Oh yay! That's twice now! I'm gonna go get your second drink, kesese! Toodles~" And with that the woozy albino skipped back to the bar.

Roderich sat staring at the concoction before him. 'I wouldn't be surprised if the bartender just broke a lava lamp into the glass' he thought to himself. And Gilbert expected him to drink it.

'Oh well' he said to himself, as he downed the drink. 'It tastes worse than it looks' he thought. He slammed the empty glass on the table, just as Gilbert came back with a second ,and slightly spilt, glass.

"KESESE! You drank it! I'm proud of you buddy!"

"S-shuddup. I ain't your buddy. Man... I need ta… Need ta lie down f-for a minute..." he mumbled as he slumped off his barstool onto the wooden floor. "G-gimme that other drink. M-my head hurts." he said.

"Sheesh… What a lightweight. You get drunk real easy." The brunette drank the… green thing in just one gulp.


"That's called being drunk."

"… Oh."

"Anyway want to join our round of darts? Oh wait that's not such a great idea with you being off your ass and all that."

"What do you mean I can't play your game? Oh shit…"

"Kesesese! That's another! WE'RE GOING TO NEED A NEW GREEN ONE OVER HERE!" Gilbert yelled to the bartender. In a flash another green drink appeared in front of Roderich.

"Drink up~"

"Y-you're going to be the death of me you… you sexy b-bastard," the Austrian drank down the glass of whatever-the-hell-that-is.

"You finally admit that I AM awesome!"

"S-shut up you hottie and dance with me." Roderich stood up and dragged Gilbert towards the dancefloor. Amused at Roderich being so forward, he fulfilled the brunette's demand. Basshunter blared over the stereo and the two joined the crowd, swaying and moving with the others.

"Hey Gil?"

"You must be really drunk to actually call me by a nickname, Roddy."

"Don't talk to me like that you… you… s-sexy thing."

"I am aren't I?"

"You know what Mr. Ego?"


"I love you~"

Gilbert could only stare in shock. 'Must be the alcohol talking. Man he's wasted.'

Roderich backed up his statement by pulling Gilbert towards his face and smashing their lips together. The albino found himself kissing Roderich back, thinking to himself, 'Mein Gott what am I doing? Verdammt… This feels good I'll just keep doing it. He'll forget in the morning.' He started kissing him with even more enthusiasm.

Arthur had noticed that they had started making out in the middle of the crowd.

"GET A ROOM YOU GITS!" Having been jolted out of his bliss, Gilbert was rather angry.


Before they knew it, Arthur, Gilbert and Roderich were thrown out of the bar for being too loud and obnoxiously drunk.

"This bar was unawesome anyway," the Prussian man said, "let's go for a walk."

Arthur was glaring at the bar door. "They don't know who I am! How can they not know who I am? Do you know who I am? I can't be thrown out of a bar! … Who am I?"

"You're England. Britain. The United Kingdom. Arthur." Roderich replied.

"That's right! I'm the bloody United Kingdom and they… they… they're all GITS. I'm going home. Goodnight you fucking pricks."

Roderich woke with the sun feeling like Matthew had hit his head with his hockey stick. He found he was under a bench in the park. Not remembering at all of what happened last night, got up and started looking for the albino and found Gilbert passed out in a tree. Ignoring killer headache and the urge to vomit, he tried to wake him up.


Gilbert was jolted out of sleep and fell out of the tree.

"Sheiβe…What was that for, Roddy?"

"My name is Roderich, Gilbert. I have a hangover and I want to go home. Being the gentleman that I am, I have decided to wake you so you wouldn't have to call me later to pick you up."

"How nice of you." Gilbert said sarcastically. "Do you remember anything at all of what happened last night?"

"Fortunately no. All I remember is a horrid green drink."

"Let's go home then."

Gilbert found himself feeling a little sad that Roderich remembers nothing of them kissing. 'Verdammt,' Gilbert said to himself, 'he doesn't remember us making out at all. I suppose it is a good thing…' But he couldn't help but feel sad. 'Mein Gott don't tell me I've fallen for that… Aristocrat?'

"Yo priss."

"What now?"

"We played a really good game of darts last night."


"I never knew your vocabulary could be so vulgar. Anyway when we get back to your place you're making me breakfast~"

"Damn it all…"

Yeah I know Gilbert has lost the Game heaps of times but Roderich was either drunk or distracted so he didn't exactly notice it...