Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball or Dragonball Z sadly. I also don't own DBGT but the characters are the best part to that
Android 22
As Cell was killed, a young boy, no older than Gohan, awoke from his slumber. He was no longer human, Dr. Gero's computer made it clear that the term, "human" would be a term that was an insult to him. "Android 22," the boy said. He had to admit it had a ring to it. Not worth all the pain and suffering, but it had a ring to it. He looked back at the computer and blasted a ki blast at it.
"Now, it's time I go back to stop that evil creature, Cell," Android 22 said with confidence.
Android 22 was a special android, he was made by cells, like Cell, only with differences in the methods, instead of a combination it was a takeover. The saiyan cells of Goku and Vegeta were mutated and implanted in him. They first blended in with the human cells, multiplying at the same rate, then, they began to kill off the boy's cells, and replace them with ones of a saiyan. This was named by Dr. Gero's computer, "Plan: Vegito" it was his backup. "If Cell failed," the computer informed him, " Dr. Gero wanted a backup plan."
Backup plan, plan B.
That was all 22 would be to Gero, he wanted to change this, he landed in front of the remnants of Capsule Corp. In this timeline, Trunks was killed by Cell, and Cell escaped to the past.
22 quickly found parts and blueprints to a time machine, he used the scraps on the planet as parts. This place was desolate, no life anywhere. He was a little thankful Gero had saved him by capturing and experimenting on him. Just a little. He built up the machine and escaped, reaching the timeline as Cell was destroyed by Gohan.
"Well, well, well," 22 said, "looks like I missed the party."
22 searched the world, coming to a spot hidden in a crevice he could barely fit through. "This is the lab," he said with a smirk. "I'll hide in my hibernation pod." He was secretly happy about two things.
One, he got to escape the hell called his timeline.
And two, that Gero's computer made special modifications to him so his power was undetectable.
Now all he had to do was wait for the time to be right.