This is the last chapter *sobs*…oh well….I'm sure you are going to like me next story better :D
Chapter 5- The End
*Fast Forward*
I held a beautiful baby girl in my arms. Sonya Thalassa Jackson. She had a mop of black curly hair, and big grey eyes that somehow reminded you of the ocean on a stormy day. Her face was narrow
and clever, yet rebellious. Her skin glowed slightly form all the blessings she had been given. I chuckled remembering when the gods had come.
"I AM HERE EVERONE DO NOT WORRY!" Apollo shouted as he walked into the room. Annabeth looked up startled.
"Apollo!" Artemis said walking into the room "Shut the Hades up!"
"Some one call?" Hades said walking in. He paused to look at me distastefully. "Why am I here again?" he asked.
"Because" Hera snapped while appearing "I am your older sister and I told you too. It's not like I want to be here either!"
"I'm older than Zeus and he's the king of gods!"
"Damn right I am!" Zeus said entering with a flash of light.
"Ooooh!" Squealed Aphrodite who was suddenly next to me. "The baby is going to be soooo beautiful when I am done with her!"
"Ugh! I should be working on my automons" Hephaestus grumbled lowering himself onto the couch.
"Oh don't be so mean Hephaestus!" Demeter scolded "These children are going to be perfect!"
"THEY BETTER BE GOOD FIGHTERS!" Ares shouted appearing next to Annabeth. "Wait! they're going to have my blessing so of course they are!"
"This is boring" Dionysus stated randomly from the kitchen.
"Hey you guys have good internet connection here!" Yelled Hermes who was on my laptop.
"EVERYONE SHUT UP" Athena said walking in with Poseidon in pursuit. I blinked.
"Wow. You guys came fast." They all started babbling at once but my Dad shut them all up.
"Ok! So after the kids are born then you guys can give your blessing ok?" Annabeth and I stared. Blessings?
"You would…do that for us?" Annabeth asked "I mean…not all of you like us…" Zeus snorted.
"Well Athena here wouldn't shut up until we agreed it and Poseidon kept causing earthquakes in the place my girlfrie- I mean friend who is defiantly a boy lives." Hera looked like she was about to
strangle him but Artemis saved the day.
"ANNABETH'S WATER IS ABOUT TO BREAK!" She yelled and with that all Hades broke loose. Annabeth was screaming, gods started running around wildly while Hermes shouted 'What am I suppose to
do!' while jumping on the couch. After at least a hour of this, Annabeth was finally done delivering.
"What are you going to name them?" Demeter asked.
"Sonya Thalassa Jackson" Annabeth said fondly. My Dad whooped in triumph.
"HA! THALASSA MEANS FROM THE SEA! THEY NAMED THERE KID AFTER ME! TAKE THAT OWL HEAD!" he did a victory dance around the room while Athena rolled her eyes. I stared at my father. I had always seen him composed
and well...Mature in stuff. Now I think that image has been ruined.
"Idiot. Sonya means wise so take that!" My Dad stopped dancing and glared.
"Whoa!" Thalia yelled as she and at least half of camp walked in. "They named her after me dummies! Sonya Thalassa Jackson. Thalia, Thalassa. Get it?"
"No!" Nico argued "She's named after me because-" he paused. "How is she named after me?"
"She isn't."
"SHUT UP!" Athena yelled "I believe we have another child here we have to name!" I peered over at the little boy Annabeth cradled in her arms. He was identical to his sister except for the fact he was
a little bigger.
" Charles Luke Jackson" she said. I looked down. It was hard picking that name. Everyone else seemed to understand and a moment of grief filled the room. Then, when I couldn't stand the silence and anymore I pushed my way to Annabeth and asked
"Can I hold one?"
"No." I frowned
"Why not?"
"Cause its my turn!"
"There's two of them though!" She paused for a moment then stuck her tongue out at me.
"Fine" she said and handed me Sonya. I smiled to myself and held my daughter.
Now that everyone had left I looked down at Sonya. She was beautiful. Annabeth sat next to me with Charles in her arms and smiled. She leaned her head against my shoulder and sighed. Then her
eyes popped open and said.
"Percy?" she asked
"You proposed to me a month ago right?" I laughed and said
"Yeah, have you already forgotten?" She punched me playfullly.
"No! I was just wondering... Who's going to tell our parents this time?"
Why me?
SO there you have it! Sorry it wasn't as good as i wanted it. My next story shall be called...wait for it...wait for it... "People Love to Hate me" ! Heres the summary of it-
So, i got a project to do a report on a Greek Goddess (yea!) so we drew names out of a hat and i got Hera (Noooo!). Now orginally i HATED and i mean HATED Hera! But after my report i was sobbing after reading everything she's gone through. So i made a one shot about it BUT if i get ten reviews telling me to go on i do have an idea to make it longer! :p So any way thats it!