Hello everyone! This is Gembomz. This is just a little idea i thought of while watching the third movie.

I know this chapter isn't long but... well read it anyway and if you like...i'll do some more.

Before i start: READ THIS

This takes place at the end of Harry's third year. When Harry and Sirus are in the clearing with the dementors after Remus had been called off to another part of the wood (by hermione using her time turner) and Severus Snape is taking Ron(and his bitten leg) to the hospital wing.

Hundreds of dementors flooded the area, spreading its cold touch, the darkness and the despair, the cold misery overwhelming every living thing it touched. The dementor closest to Harry lowered its hood….

"Harry!" Hermione screamed frantically, running down the hill, her wand grasped firmly in her right hand. Harry couldn't hear her, the sound of death in his ears. As he stared into the face of the dementor, terror-stricken, he felt his patronus disintegrate into the thin air. The dementor lent closer.

"Harry!...Expecto…expec...expectopa" it was too late. Not even Hermione could keep hold of such a happy memory with this amount of dementors surrounding her. The dementor lent in closer and pressed its cold, lipless jaw onto Harry's mouth. The last thing Harry heard were the screams of Hermione calling his name over and over. The pain was too much for Harry and he soon welcomed the darkness.

Thankyou for reading! Please review and tell me whether you think i should carry on or not...