Hello people of the fanfiction universe. This is my variation on a Glee/Harry Potter crossover as I love both fandoms A LOT. I've not actually written Glee fic or a Crossover before, so please review. I like reviews, they taste nice.

Anyway, this will be a Harry/Kurt, but if you have any ideas for Ron, Dean or Hermione pairings please review as I would love to hear your ideas.

Warnings: It will be slash, so don't like don't read.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Glee, although I would rather like to...


That was what Harry needed. He needed to run away. It sounded cowardly, but he figured he deserved an escape. The pressure had been constantly on his shoulders since he was introduced to the magical world. Of course, he wouldn't change being a wizard for the world, just maybe not Harry Potter, the saviour of the Wizarding World, that was far too much pressure.

That was why, when he told his best friends he needed to run, no one was really surprised.

"I can't stay." Harry said simply one day as he, Ron, Hermione and Dean were sitting in the living room of Grimmauld Place (it had been made inhabitable after the war had ended).

"I know." Dean responded. Dean had joined the group after the war had ended, although he had been good friends with Ron for along time. They had shared similar experiences, and he needed the same escape.

"Where are we going to go?" Ron asked, easily accepting that they were going to run away.

"Wait, WE?" Harry looked surprised. "I can't ask you all to run with me, not that you wouldn't be welcome, just it's a big ask."

"There's nothing tying us here," Hermione had shrugged. "Mine and Dean's families aren't here and Ron's aren't that close anymore." That was true, after Harry had refused to get back together with Ginny, in fact he had claimed he must have been blind to ever date her in the first place, the Weasley's had started ignoring him. Ron, being his best friend got dragged into that, and before long the only brother Ron ever saw was George.

"America," Dean grinned, "I've always wanted to go to the US of A."

"America sounds good, actually," Hermione agreed. "We could live in the muggle world, completely escape any recognition and just be ourselves, no strings attached."

"Muggle world?" Ron sounded scared.

"We'd give you a crash course, Ron before we went of course, and we'd have to catch up on some of the work Hogwarts didn't teach us," Hermione said, smiling like the Cheshire cat. Ron and Hermione had decided they didn't want to date after the war, that it was better if they just stayed friends, and, after a few weeks of tension, they were back to the comfortable companionship they had shared before.

"So, we're going to go to America," Dean grinned, his eyes lighting up. He started bouncing up and down on the sofa like an excitable three year old, humming some tune he'd heard earlier.

Of course, most teenagers, if they said they were moving to America, would never do it. But, these four had everything they needed. They had enough money, it was no secret Harry had enough money to sustain more than twenty people on a Malfoy-style life at least until they died. They had an incentive, they needed to escape from the craziness that was the Wizarding World. Then there was the adventure, the drive that made you do things a little bit crazy, something you'd never normally do. And, of course, there was the fact that Hermione was extremely stubborn, and once she'd said she was doing something, she was doing it.

So, within three weeks they were ready to go. They exchanged galleons for US Dollars, booked their flights and found a small house to live in. Hermione had a distant relative living in Lima, Ohio who could keep and eye on them, and there was a local High School, McKinley they could attend.

The four wizards stepped off the plane. Hermione and Dean shared massive grins of glee, Harry portrayed a more subdued happiness, Ron looked petrified. He was shaking like a leaf and was a slight shade of green.

"What was that, and how is it safe?" Ron asked, pulling his case towards a taxi.

"That, Ron was a plane, it's how muggles travel all the time. Yes, it's perfectly safe or else they wouldn't be in use, would they?" Hermione rolled her eyes at the boy who would happily fly through the air on a broomstick, but apparently a place was too much for him.

"Lets just get in the car, I'm sure Ron will consider that far safer," Harry smirked.

"Yes, cars. I like cars, they're safe, I've traveled in a car before," Ron muttered to himself.

The four stepped into a taxi and, after telling the driver their new address, sat back to relax for the duration of the journey. They mainly sat in silence; each deep in thought about their ideas of what life in America was going to be like.

Eventually, they arrived at their new house. It wasn't excessively large, but was a decent sized four-bedroom on a quiet street. Harry unlocked the front door and walked through to the living room. 'Wow,' he thought, 'I actually own a house. Well, a house that I've bought myself. I never thought I'd get this far when I was younger and living under some stairs.' He sat on the sofa and thought for a while, reminiscing on his childhood until Dean called him upstairs to fight for the bedrooms.

"Yes," Harry said climbing up the stairs, wondering how badly Dean and Ron had managed to destroy everything already. Luckily, however, everything seemed to be in order.

"Well, we need to sort out who gets what room. I guess you can have the master room as it's technically your house," Dean said, thinking for a moment, "And Hermione can have the attic conversion thing that's upstairs as she probably wants to be as far away from the rest of us as she wants."

"Ah, so she can bring her boyfriends home," Harry snorted. Hermione rolled her eyes, it was a standing joke that she had only had two short relationships and the boys loved to tease her about it at every opportunity.

"But, you see that leaves Ron and me to fight out for these two rooms," Dean nodded to the two rooms behind him.

Harry pulled a face at his friend and went to look at the two rooms. "Dean, the two rooms are exactly the same…" Harry said, confused as to why his friends would need to fight over two rooms which were the same.

"That's the point, the rooms are the same, so how are we meant to decide who gets which one?" Ron said, coming down the stairs.

"Let's flip a coin for it then," Harry marveled at how immature his friends could sometimes be. "Dean you're heads, Ron tails. The winner gets the left room."

The two nodded, and watched eagerly as Harry flipped a coin. "Heads," the black haired boy said. "Happy now?"

"No," Ron pouted, "I wanted the left room…"

"I wanted the right room…" Dean added.

"Well Dean, you take the right room, and Ron take the left room, then," Harry sighed and walked into his own room. One of the walls was painted a pale blue, and the other three were white. There was a double bed up against the blue wall, with a desk opposite it. A wardrobe stood against another wall, with a door leading to an en-suite and a large bookshelf completed the room. Harry felt a smile tug at his lips. This was finally a room he could call his own, and he loved it. It was light and airy, and his best friends were only just down the hall. The only thing left to do was unpack.

After what seemed like weeks, but was really under a day, Hermione, Ron, Dean and Harry were finally unpacked. They had performed expanding charms on their bags so everything had fitted in easily. It was probably a good job Hermione was so good at the charm as they had a lot of stuff between them.

That was the only word for it, stuff. There was everything, from random Beatles CD's to a large collection of badges to a bar of chocolate that could have been older than them. Once unpacked the house turned into a home, and the four settled down for the evening. Tomorrow they were to start muggle high school, and all were more than a little scared…