A/N: The final chapter! Woo!

Xenium - gift made to a guest or ambassador; any compulsory gift.

His voice was soothing, soft, and his hand traveled along her hip. "Pond..." Amy turned her head to hide her face in the skin of his neck. She could breathe in his scent and it swirled around her; "My Raggedy Doctor..." She could feel his breath on her hairline.

Amy opened her eyes; the mourning light flooding in from her window. It wasn't the first time she had a dream of her imaginary friend; the Raggedy Doctor. Still...was it normal to have such vivid dreams?

Amy propped her head up on her elbow and smiled, her body warm under the covers of her very soft bed.

"Amelia!" Her mother came into her room, smiling, "Your father made breakfast."

"Mum!...You're my mum!" Amy couldn't understand why that was so surprising.

"Of course I am, Amy! Are you feeling alright?" Amy hugged her mother after she set the tray down on her bed.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Everything's fine!" Amy looked over at her closet and for some reason she was expecting a wedding dress there. But no, a blue, deep blue dress was hanging up. Amy stared at it. Why did she think there was going to be a wedding dress? She looked at her hand; no ring.


"What day is it?"

Her mother gave her a stern look and then felt her forehead, "Honey, it's Rory's wedding day. Remember?"

Amy gasped and shut her eyes tightly as her mind was suddenly assaulted with memories; things she forgot? How could she forget?

"So, I met someone." Rory said with a shy smile.

"Ohhhhhh?" Amy nudged him with her elbow. They walked side by side down the park and Amy held in her hands a plastic bag filled with bread crumbs for the ducks.

"Amy, you just have to believe for twenty minutes..." Who...who said that? The Doctor. The Doctor had said that in one of her dreams. But why did he say that?

"Amy, I'm sorry..." Rory said, as he cupped Amy's face in his hands.

"You want the stars, Amy—and I can't give them to you." Amy cried and Rory hugged her. They were only nineteen, a relationship that had lasted three years and a friendship that had formed when she was just seven. In the end, it had been Amy's love for the Doctor and her heart that wanted to travel and see the world; while Rory was happy here. She couldn't or wouldn't grow up; not even for him.

"Amelia? Amy? Are you okay?" Her mother's worried face returned to view. "You're crying, sweetheart." Her mother wipes away her tears and hugs her; though, she didn't know why exactly. She just knew that her daughter needed comfort.

"I'll be downstairs in a little bit..." Amy says with a smile. Her mom smooths her hair and then leaves. Amy falls back onto her bed and stares up at the ceiling. She thinks about calling Rory. She thinks about the Doctor. She thinks about the all-too-real dreams she has. She thinks about the blue dress over there. Amy closes her eyes; green, ancient eyes. But so very, very kind and he's lanky...all limbs, really. But there's a certain hidden athleticism...like a swimmer or a runner. He's no twig. With a flop of chestnut brown hair and a big chin and deep-set eyes. His hands are pianist hands. Thin lips.

"How can I describe a person that's 'imaginary' so damn well?" Amy asks the air. The air doesn't respond.

There's a great big thing missing and she feels like it's right in front of her; but she just can't remember!

Her phone rings; "Hello?"

"Where are you?" It's a female voice, one that Amy doesn't recognize. She—whoever she is—keeps talking, "Rory! It's bad luck to see the bride, if you take one step in this room; we aren't having any children!"

"What's her name, then?" Amy says, tossing the bread into the lake. Rory kicks at a stone with his shoe, "Nina."

"She nice?"

"She's something." Amy laughs and tosses another handful as the ducks start to congregate and dip their little heads into the water. It's been two years since they broke up and they managed to remain friends. He was her only true friend, after all. It hurt at first, it hurt so much, just to be in the same room. Then it got better. Day by day, month by month, and now it was like nothing changed.

"She's...loud...funny, though. Very determined, driven..."

Amy rolled her eyes, "Rory, I asked you about her! I'm not asking for a resume!"

Rory laughed a little nervously. Oh, he was always this way when it came to girls. Amy handed him some bread.

"Amy? Aim-eehhh? Hello?" Amy blinked out of it. Nina—she was talking to Nina. Rory's soon-to-be-wife.

"Right, sorry, you were saying?"

"That I would like my maid of honor to not be late for the wedding." Nina said with a smile. Amy clamored off her bed and took the dress down, cradling the phone between her shoulder and her ear,

"I'll be there soon."

Rory kissed her cheek when she arrived and hugged her tenderly. "You look great, blue...it looks good on you."

"That's ultramarine, Rory. The bluest of blues." Jeff says with a grin. Rory glares and his arms fall away from Amy.

"I know my colors, Jeff."

"Oi! Come off you two, this is a celebration! No bickering." Amy says wagging her finger at the both of them. Amy smiles and heads off to see Nina. They were good friends, Amy remembers. At first, Nina was reluctant because Amy was Rory's ex-girlfriend and they still hung out.

Nina confronted Amy, "Why didn't it work out between you and Rory?"

Amy nearly choked on her tea. "We..." Amy stared at the brown liquid, "I'll have to tell you a story, if you can handle it..."

Nina nodded and Amy told her about her imaginary friend, the raggedy doctor, and how he crashed landed in her backyard. She finished her story by saying; "Rory wants a life in Leadworth, he wants a family and quiet, simple, pleasures. And I want to go places, Nina. I want to go back to Scotland. I want to see the pyramids and the northern lights. There's no way I could settle down."

"Why don't you go then?" Nina asked, surprising her.

Amy looked at her cup of tea again as if she was searching for the answers. "I'll go. I just have to pick a place to start."

After Nina had talked to her, their friendship blossomed. Really, how could she have forgotten things like this? It didn't make sense. She had pictures of herself and Nina on her wall. They celebrated Halloween at her house, Rory was a Roman, she went as police woman and Nina dressed like Cleopatra.

"Nervous?" Amy asks as she walks into the dressing room. Bridesmaids and family members are moving in and out of the room and Nina is standing in the center having her dress zipped up.

Nina smiles, "Are you? I heard that Rory invited that cute doctor." Nina says, referring to a doctor who has a little crush on their Amy. Granted, the boy only saw Amy once but it was enough for him to beg Rory to invite him.

"Which cute doctor?" Amy plops down in a chair, her dress puffing out around her, "That hospital has a lot of cute doctors." Nina's blonde, curly hair is piled up on top of her head. Her smile is small but Amy happily smiles back.

Even if her heart is confused and her head feels like there is a great big hole in it; she's still going to have a good time. "Oh, Nina. This came for you." Says one of the girls as she hands Nina a little blue book. Nina looks at it, flips through it, and tosses it to Amy.

"Hold on to it for me, what a bizarre wedding gift."

"Ohh maybe it's from aunt Myrtle? She's a bit loose in the head." Asks one of the nieces, her face thoughtful.

Yapp - limp leather binding in which cover overlaps edges of book

Amy stares at the book in her hands. It feels like it's buzzing her hands. She flips through it just like Nina had. Blank. Blank. Blank. The color matches her dress. It matches something else too...what does it match...Amy shuts her eyes.

She hears a bit of a conversation as someone leaves the room; "Now, Timothy. Stay there. Don't leave!-" the rest of the woman's words are cut off as the door shuts and Amy feels like her brain has been chucked down a tunnel.

Amy pressed her lips against his and his hands dug into her back. She tossed her head back as his lips touched her throat; he was muttering, she could only catch bits, 'magnificent, impossible' seemed to be a common compliment. She could see stars even as she closed her eyes. "Pond." His breath hot in her ear and Amy grasped his shoulders, her eyes meeting his green ones—or were they hazel? "Never leave." He whispers before kissing her again.

( It's all so vivid, so real, how could those be dreams? Day-dreams? Stories in my head? )

We're all stories in the end.

Amy gasps as someone touches her shoulder. She almost had it! Right there, in the corner of her mind, the thought was there. She fumbled to catch it but it was gone. "Come on." Nina says, her brown eyes soft.

"Who dropped this off?" Amy asks one of the bridesmaids as they walk. She holds up the blue book. The young girl frowns and tries to remember.

"If I see her, I'll point her out, okay?"

Amy just nods; it's all she can do. She's got a wedding to attend.

Zero Hour – the time set for the start of an action ; crucial event

"Amy do you have the book?" Nina asks, turning to the redhead.

"See, Rory? Isn't this the strangest gift?" Rory turns it over in his hand and flips through it. He looks at his new bride and Amy; who are expecting him to say something. Do they not get it?

"It makes sense."

"What?" They reply in unison and then laugh.

Rory passes the book over to Nina, who just hands it back to Amy, "You can keep it. I have plenty of notebooks at home."

"Thanks." Amy holds the book in her hands. Why is this important? Why do I feel like I need to have this in my hands? Why do I feel like it was supposed to come to me and not Nina?

"Oh there she is!" The bridesmaid says next to Amy, the one who said she'd point out the mysterious gift-giver. The girl points and Amy follows her hand—a woman walks by the window. She's got a small smile on her face. Blonde hair. Hello, sweetie.

"You know the saying? The...old wedding saying." He clears his throat, "Something old..."

Something old...

Something new...

Something borrowed...

Something blue...

"Shut up." Amy says quickly. She's got it. She's not letting the thought escape her now. The great big hole in her head. She sees a man wearing a bow tie. Suspenders. She looks down at her very blue dress.

"Amy, what is it?" Nina asks and Amy stands up. She's already half-way across the room when Nina and Rory jump up to follow her.

"I remember." Amy says, standing outside, her cheeks wet with tears. "I remember you! I remember! You were never imaginary, you were real, you are real. Raggedy man, I remember you!"

Nina reaches out and delicately places her hand on Amy's elbow.


"It's something old..."

The wind suddenly gusts and Nina's hair is loosened from its clips. A birdhouse hanging from it's tree is knocked down.

"Something new..."

Some of the guests have left the reception to see what all the fuss is about outside.

"Something borrowed..."

Rory clutches his forehead and winces, Nina's attention is on him and she asks him what's wrong.


The TARDIS materializes and Amy runs forward.

"The Doctor, how could we forget the Doctor?" Rory asks his new-bride.

"He's real?" Nina raises a skeptical eyebrow.

Rory just gestures to the TARDIS with a nod of his head and Nina stares as a man in a top hat pops out with a mad grin.

"Oh, that's strange." The Doctor says, looking at Amy's dress and then to the blonde woman next to Rory in a white dress. "The universe should have just restarted itself. Have you brought me to the wrong universe, Pond?" He looks at her, baffled, "What changed?"

"I don't bloody care." Amy grabs him by the white scarf he's wearing and pulls him down to her level.

"Oh-mmpgh..." He relaxes into the kiss, Oh Pond...I missed you, let's not do that again shall we? No more. I hope there's dancing, even if it's not her wedding—I should ask River about it. Is River here? Oh, she'll turn up. The Doctor's hand had traveled on its own accord to tangle his fingers in her hair. Look at you, so brilliant, brought me back. I knew you would. My Amelia.

"Does anyone wanna explain to me what the hell is going on?" Nina asks, her hands on her hips, and her gaze on Rory.

The Doctor, very reluctantly, tears his mouth away from Amy's. "I can do that! But first, tell me, have I missed the dancing?"

Nina gets the simple and to the point version of the story. The Doctor has a time machine that's also a space ship and he is very much real. Amy Pond is special and can bring people back—literally from never being born. She brought him back, she brought Rory back ( "And he was plastic!" ), and her mum and dad.

"Now, what I can't figure out is why you two aren't together." He points back and forth to Amy and Rory.

Rory looks at the Doctor with a tiny smile, "I grew up."

Amy peeks at the blue diary of River's and she finds, very neatly, written below "The Big Bang Two."

' The Doctor & the Fairy Tale. Memories are powerful, but so are emotions, strong connections made between two people. That bond had the power to effect time lines; if only slightly.'

"Oi! Don't look at that! That's unfair." The Doctor says, snatching the book away from her. Amy pouts. "Is the writing back?"

"Spoilers." Amy winks and takes his hand; it's time she got to see the Doctor dance. (Here's a spoiler that River's book doesn't mention: he's terrible at dancing.) He rests his forehead against hers as a slow song takes over and Amy sighs, bumping her nose with his, and making him smile.

"What did you think about while waiting for me to remember?"

"I thought about how badly I wanted fish fingers and custard."

"Liar." The Doctor chuckles and for the moment; all is right in the world.

"Your welcome to join us! Bigger on the inside, you know." Amy stands in front of the TARDIS doors. Nina shakes her head. "I think I've had enough strange for one day. Have you seen that bowtie, really Amy? A bowtie!"

"Bowties are cool." The Doctor announces, popping his head out of the TARDIS door, his body behind Amy's. He gives a not so subtle glance down at the exposed skin of her shoulders and the fiery curtain of hair pooling at the middle of her back.

"Well, this is it then..." Amy opens her arms up to her two friends and they hug each other tightly.

"You take care then? Do all that traveling you told me about..." Nina whispers, looking at the Doctor as he leans against the TARDIS door frame. Nina breaks away and walks towards the Doctor, peering over his shoulder to see the interior of this 'TARDIS'.

He grins but the look this woman is giving him is actually quite unnerving. "You're a little mad, aren't you?"

"A madman with a box." The Doctor laughs at some private joke. Nina looks back at Rory and Amy, who are still hugging.

"You're not going to get her killed, are you?" Nina crosses her arms.

The Doctor's grin suddenly falls, "No...no...never." He says with complete honesty and his tone is so fierce, so serious, that Nina can tell he isn't lying. She looks at this strange man and his strange little but big box—and she looks back at Amy, who never really fit in with the village they lived in; Nina comes to a firm realization that there are very few perfect things in the world.

But this madman and Amy Pond...that's something special, something perfect.

"Take care of yourself...of him." Rory mutters and Amy squeezes him tightly. They were in love once, they were going to be married, but as she says goodbye; Amy Pond does not feel regret. She's happy. Rory can live the life he has always wanted, with a woman who will constantly push him and love him just as much as he loves her. And she can live the life she's always wanted; one that's simply mad adventures and running.

The hug ends and Amy smiles as she steps into the TARDIS. The Doctor bounds up the steps in a criss-cross dance pattern. She looks back at her two friends.


"Shall I address the next letter to Mars?" Nina smiles, feeling Rory's hand wrap around her own.

Amy shrugs, so much life and so much energy in her eyes, "Maybe. Or you might wanna address it to 18th century Paris. You never really know."

Amy shuts the TARDIS door and holds her dress as she takes the step to the console. The Doctor smirks at her, "Right then, Pond." He plucks in a few coordinates and takes the lever, Amy at his side, "Every star, every planet, anything and everything..."

Her hand covers his.

"Where do you want to start?"


I'm going to go cry. I hope you liked the character I created for Rory...yeah...sort of inspired by Nina from "Being Human." I am not ashamed. The Doctor does return the book to River, I was just lazy and didn't feel like writing that part.