This is just a happy little one-shot I put up as my pet's description on Subeta. I have to say, it was pretty fun to write.

It was just another boring day at the office. Another, dreadfully boring day.

He'd been living with Dante for a few months now, and was used to his partner's spontaneous behavior. However, this most recent episode deserved a round of applause.

The morning had started as any other, the phone ringing off the hook, waking up Nero. He took the calls and nearly beat in the door to Dante's room in an effort to wake the elder slayer. When that didn't work, he kicked the door in and drew Blue Rose.

Patty was so used to the noise, she didn't wake up when she heard the gunfire erupt from Dante's room and the curses that followed. She simply returned to her cleaning.

A smug Nero soon descended the stairs, holstering Blue Rose, "Good morning, Patty."

"Good morning, Nero," she smiled, "Are you cooking breakfast again?"

The boy smiled at the young child. They were very much alike. They were both orphans, and they both had to put up with Dante. "I was going to. Was there something in particular you wanted?"

"Pizza!" came Dante's muffled demand, but a groan followed. Nero's blue eyes rolled skyward.

"Pancakes?" Patty asked hopefully, then grinned as Nero nodded.

Soon, the scent filled the house and Dante hobbled down stairs, rubbing his chest no doubt where Nero had shot him.

"Hey there, Patty," Dante said, ruffling her hair as he walked by. She pouted a bit. Dante laughed at the look on her face, "Careful. Your face could freeze like that."

Dante continued to the kitchen, watching as Nero flipped the pancakes expertly, flinging them in the air and catching them in the pan. A evil smirk took Dante's face and he moved closer.

"Touch me and I hit you with the pan," Nero warned, not even turning, "If I'm lucky, it'll burn to your face."

"Touchy," Dante grinned, but backed off, seating himself at the table. The elder hunter was thankful Nero was living with him in all honesty. It kept the shop clean after Patty left. Mostly because if Dante made a mess and didn't clean it, Nero would do something to him. Usually shoot him.

Dante's chest throbbed in a reminder of earlier.

"I'm going out today," Dante said, "I'll be back later."

"Got it," Nero mumbled, moving to put another pancake on the growing stack, "Patty! Breakfast!"

Now, here it was, going on eleven at night and Dante was nowhere to be found. Nero wouldn't find this odd on a normal day. However today was...

The minutes ticked by and Nero, depressed and hurt, found himself going upstairs to his room. It was small, housing a bed and dresser. He kicked off his boots and laid on his bed, closing his eyes. Did he forget...?

Nero wasn't sure how much time had passed before he was shook awake by a strong hand on his shoulder. His eyes opened to find mirror blue eyes smiling back.

"Get up," Dante said, helping Nero sit up.

"...Where were you...?" the boy mumbled, rubbing his face. Dante didn't give an answer, going to the doorway.

"Come on, slowpoke," the elder teased. Nero grumbled and crawled to his feet, following Dante. As they neared the stairs, Dante's hands covered the boy's eyes, who emitted a stream of profanities.

"Dante! Let me go!"

"I can't. It's a surprise," Nero could hear the grin in Dante's voice and allowed himself to be led down the stairs.

At the bottom, the hands were removed from his eyes.

"Happy birthday, Nero~!" came the chorus. Lady, Trish, Patty, Morrison, Enzo, Berial, and Kyrie stood there, smiling. Nero blinked, happy and surprised, turning to Dante.

"You didn't think I forgot, did you?" Dante gave a cocky grin.

I like it. Should I add on, or do more one-shots? I'm better and one shots, I thinkā€¦.

Don't worry, Whispers in the Dark is still going, subbers, I'm just fighting with the chapter is all.