Sorry for the delay, but here's Time's Are Changing for Servant's Sides. Fanfiction wouldn't let me sign in at all during the weekend, so I had to wait. Enjoy!

A bit of romance, I guess?

Times are Changing

Everyday was just the same for the 'Head of the Household'. Nothing ceased to bore him, since everything was repetitive. Everyday, he would go to all of the servant's rooms, wake them up, (and some people are hard to wake up) and go throughout his day making sure that everyone is working and not gallivanting with others, especially the opposite gender. It was tiring at points, and even he thought that the description was an easy job for him. But there are such servants who slack off way too much. But as the head, it was his duty to perform his duties, no matter how laborious the task may be.

What's even worse is that some foolish, little servants who just started working for the Master recently are starting to gossip and joke about him behind his back. But, nevertheless, the 'Head of the Household' will ignore their little comments and continue his daily job. But little did the little gossipers knew, the 'Head of Household' can simply increase their daily amount of work any given time. He chuckles to himself sometimes when he thinks of the thought. That's what people deserve after foolishly crossing with him and saying such childish words behind his back.

Anyway, back to the storyline- Cogsworth, Head of the Household, was on his way to wake up the frivolous pair, Lumiere and Babette. The flirty pair always dillydallies with their work, disrupts everyone else, and worse of all, sleeps on the job!

Some days, Cogsworth thought to himself as he stomped down the hallway, it's hard to believe why the Master still keeps them. He sighed as he reached Lumiere's room. He knocked on the door politely, then cleared his throat.

"Lumiere, it's time for breakfast." Cogsworth placed both of his arms behind his back, awaiting for a reply. "You must wake up now Lumiere, everyone else is awake." Cogsworth continued. Still, there wasn't an answer coming from the door. Impatient, Cogsworth yelled, "Lumiere! You are already 5 minutes delayed than everyone else is! Don't delay me from my job as well, I have to wake up Babette as well!" He yelled, annoyed as ever. Still, there was no answer. "I'm coming in now!" He placed his hand on the doorknob and twisted it towards the right, opening the door quickly.

"Shhh…" A man sitting on top of the bed hushed the Cogsworth. Confused, Cogsworth walked over to see Babette sleeping peacefully in the bed.

"Don't tell me… Did you-?" He asked, only to be cut off by the handsome and flirtatious Lumire.

"No, she said she had a nightmare last night and was afraid of sleeping alone." He whispered, stroking her hair gently. "Et comme un gentleman, I offered her to sleep in my room. I slept on the floor, though." Lumiere's eyes strayed away from the sleeping maid for a second.

"Lumiere, I don't think I've ever seen this side of you." The portly man chuckled softly with sarcasm.

"Well, she changes me, vous savez? And I just think… that one day… One day. Something terrible will happen to us, and I won't be able to embrace her as I can now." He whispered the words Cogsworth would've never thought come out of his mouth.

"Lumiere, I hardly think anything would happen to us in this castle. Were isolated from the outside. It's hardly plausible to think anything would try to do any harm to us." Cogsworth strayed his eyes away from the couple, looking outside the window. The sun was gleaming bright as ever.

"It's one of those feelings I just get when I wake up. Anyway, don't tell anyone I said this to you." Lumiere whispered, trying his best not to wake up the sleeping woman beside him.

"Why?" Cogsworth asked, already knowing the answer within is heart.

"I just don't want anyone thinking I have turned 'soft', I guess. I'll wake up Babette for you, if you want." Lumiere offered. Cogsworth jumped a bit, shocked at his offer, but nodded slightly.

"Alright. Thank you, Lumiere." Cogsworth thanked the half-awaken man, then took his leave.

"Oh, Cogsworth. Good morning!" A woman appeared right next to Cogsworth.

"Oh, hello Madame. How are you on this fine morning?" He asked, feeling extra kind to the woman in front of him.

"Wonderful! It's just like that time-." Madame began bragging nonstop about herself while the poor man just nodded, actually paying attention to the story he heard about a thousand times before.

Madame De La Grande Bouche played a 'special' place in Cogsworth's heart. But foolishly, the man just thinks that it's just a little chest pain. What a fool. As Cogsworth nodded to everything Madame had to say, Lumiere's words played within his mind.

Well, she changes me, vous savez? And I just think… that one day… One day. Something terrible will happen to us, and I won't be able to embrace her as I can now.

Could he… Could Cogsworth think the same about Madame like how Lumiere thinks about Babette? Could he…? Could that weird throbbing in his heart mean something entirely different than what he thought it was?

… No. Even if it did mean something, Cogsworth couldn't possibly think that something would change them completely.

"Madame, why don't we discuss this while eating breakfast?" He offered, and Madame nodded. "Did I mention you look ravishing in that dress today?" He asked, unknowingly flirting with the woman.

"Why, thank you Cogsworth! I thought this dress did look good on me!" She boasted, twirling around as she walked gracefully down the hallway with the Head of the Household by her side.

Nothings going to happen to us or this castle. I just have to repeat that in my mind. What is Lumiere so paranoid about?

Okay, I'll try to clear things up so there won't be any confusement. Everyone in the castle hasn't been turned into 'object's yet. Mkay? Love it? Hate it? Leave a review! Have a suggestion for a chapter, tell me it and you'll see it in a future chapter! Please read my other fan fictions as well! I hoped you enjoyed!