So, this will be a collection of one shots for Beauty and the Beast. First up, we have The Flaming Duo. ( I guess you can tell whom I'm talking about.) May contain a bit OOC ( Out of Character).

I Don't Own Beauty and the Beast

I don't own the characters in these oneshots.

All I did was write this one shot. Please enjoy!

The Flaming Duo

A cute, tiny little feather duster hopped up and down the hallways. She looked side to side, as if looking for something. When it seemed as if she gave up, she sighed in dismay. The flirty feather duster just took another deep breath, regained her energy, and trotted down the long hallway.

It was tiresome being a feather duster, especially when it came to cleaning high places by herself. What, you didn't know? The whole castle was placed a spell that turned them all into 'objects', that is, only the master of the castle was turned into an animal of some sort. But, let's save that for another time, okay?

The tiny little feather duster looked aimlessly down the hallway, still looking for that something. Servants who saw her from afar, even admirers, were bewildered by what she might be searching for. All of her admirers drooled when they saw her swayed side to side, looking for that special something. But that didn't last too long, since they were abruptly burnt on the rear. The servant who burnt them glared at them with such an look that screamed 'don't-you-even-think-about-it'.

It was the candelabra, Lumire, a terribly known playboy of the castle. Although he flirts with almost everyone in the castle, his mind is mostly consumed of the small feather duster. The feather duster was beautiful when she was human, even as a feather duster as well. How can he not be overprotective when it comes to her? Guys turn into 'wolves' when they're near her. Filthy, disgusting wolves. And not to mention, but the feather duster herself is quite absent-minded. Lumire shutters to think what the disgusting wolves might do to her while he looks away for even a second.

But, even though he admires her, he flirts with almost every girl in the castle. He has charismatic charm that no one could even compare to. And I mean nobody. He can make anyone fall in love with him in a second, maybe even less. But, that particular feather duster has yet fallen in love with him. Lumire did thought of giving up on perusing this woman, but it was futile to even resist seeing her smile.

Even if she's mostly made out of wood and feathers.

"Looking for something?" Lumire placed one candle-like arm in front of the feather duster, leaning on a nearby wall. He tried using his French accent to seduce her, but it had no effect on her.

"Well, yes actually…" She mumbled, still looking around. The absent-minded flirt didn't even notice that the servant in front of her was Lumire. "Oh, bonjour Lumire! I didn't know it was you!" She smiled, Lumire's heart…err… flame fluttered a bit. Even when not a human, Babette, the flirty French maid, was the most beautiful creature he even set his eyes upon.

"What is it, Babette? I'll help you try to find it." Lumire smiled a devious smile that he thought would win Babette over. Being as oblivious as ever, Babette had no effect on Lumire's constant flirting.

"I'm trying to find that monsieur from before. I wanted to see if I can just sneak him some food so he wouldn't feel hungry." The sweet caring side of Babette started to appear. Babette was just a bad a flirt Lumire was, but she tends to worry about others a lot. Babette's eyes averted over to the side, not meeting with Lumire's.

"I don't think the master will be very pleased with that."

"Well, I believe that the master is being inconsiderate this time."

"Well I agree with you but-…"

"So, you'll help me right?"

"I never said-…"

"But you just said that you agree with me!" She puppy-eyed the candelabra

"But…I… Fine. Here, come with me, but quickly!" Lumire finally gave in to Babette's cute little eyes that was once human. Babette cheered to herself quietly, happy about her achievement. But it wasn't hard for Lumire to follow her orders. She practically had him wrapped around her little finger… or feathers, in this case. Lumire leaded Babette, who was carrying a plate of food on her head, to the dungeon. The old man from before can be seen.

"Thank you Lumire, I'll take it from here." Babette smiled, almost telling Lumire to back off. But Lumire hid in the shadows, just in case. "Bonne soiree' monsieur," the feather duster smiled faintly to the old man. "I've brought you a meal." And with that, she set the plate down in front of her guest. Thankfully, he took the food and began enjoying his meal that the feather duster risked her life to receive. When he was finished eating, he shivered, due to cold, possibly. But what could a feather duster provide for the poor elderly man, who was behind steel bars? It's not like she could easily slip right through and try to warm him up. "Are you alright, monsieur? Would you like for me to get a blanket?" She asked completely worried.

"I'm fine." He smiled, coughing as if he was sick. Babette couldn't help but feel even more worried for him. "Thank you for your kindness, little lady." He said, reminding her of being human.

Oh, how she wished that she had long slender legs that she can run freely without difficulty. How long had she long to have her long, soft arms and hands to wrap around cute monsieur's, and all of them longed for the same thing as well. How much has thought about her beautiful face, more so, her becoming human again. At this rate, it was futile. The small, heart-broken feather duster silently sobbed.

"Are you alright?" The old man asked, now worried about her. The small feather duster just only nodded, whimpering and moaning softly.

Oh how she wished she was human again.

She could do whatever she pleased. She can do whatever she couldn't do in this small, wooden body of hers.

She hated this small body with all of her heart. At that moment, she despised her master for making a foolish decision.

The old man couldn't do anything to comfort the small cleaning utensil. What could he do? He was trapped behind bars, like a bird in a cage. He couldn't do anything while the servant, who saved his starvation, silently wept. But there was someone who could've done something. But, he had to stay behind the pillar, as if it was his duty to stay there. The whole entire dungeon was silent, except for Babette's tiny little sobs.

That is, of course, a large roar resonated throughout the room.

Everyone in the dungeon, except for the one who made the noise himself, jumped. Babette finally stopped crying, but was now motionless. She knew this was the end. Her cruel master would not allow of her sneaking away food for the poor, starving elder. Footsteps could be heard afar, heavy footsteps.

Lumire had to do something. Something! He screamed in his mind. He had to get Babette out of there quickly before the Master could find her. Without thinking another thought, Lumire leaped out from behind the pillar and wrapped his 'arm' around the feather duster. In a quick movement, he quickly pulled her away and hid behind a pillar, leaving the old man by himself.

The Master was yelling nonsense at the old man, as if scolding him. There were a few words they both heard.

"Who was down here!" He roared. "I heard someone crying, a feminine voice. Was it one of my servants?" He growled. Shaken by the Master's fearful voice, Babette jumped closer to Lumire. The candelabra had to move his arms quickly, or else he would burn his loved one to a crisp. When they heard their Master stomping away, giving up on looking for his two servants, they sighed in relief.

"So Lumire… Are you willing to help me out tomorrow?" Babette's 'flirty' side showed as she tried to seduce the candelabra.

"Anything for you, mademoiselle." He flirted back. And that was true, that candelabra was willing to do anything for his small, cute feather duster.

So, what did you think? Love it? Hate it? Leave a review! Got a suggestion for a one shot, please tell me! Thanks for reading my first one shot for the series Servant's Sides! Also, read my other fan fictions if you please. Thanks for reading!