Title: Looking Glass
Author: Keelywolfe
Pairing(s): Sunstreaker/Sideswipe
Warning(s): I'm going to put in for slight dub-con, here. The twins play rough. Also sticky, because that's where this went.
Summary: Direct sequel to Wonderland. Sunstreaker is not good at sharing his toys.
There was a very specific reason that one of Prowl's favorite punishments was solitary confinement.
It worked.
For all that mechs could survive for centuries on their own if need be, they didn't exactly like it and the knowledge that other 'bots were nearby but inaccessible due to punishment was unbearable to the type of mech who was likely to earn a punishment, and as such, it was usually quite effective.
There were, of course, exception to every rule. Sideswipe certainly suffered in solitary, probably even more than most due to his bond with his twin, but he still ended up with it twice as much as any other mech. Speaking of his twin, Sunstreaker was another exemption but for a different reason. Solitary was completely ineffective as a punishment for him because he didn't care if he was alone or not. Since no one had managed to invent a punishment that worked on that particular troublemaker, and not for lack of trying, it was generally considered more of a way to give the other Autobots a few hours of peace away from him. Not that anyone minded.
Well, one mech minded and Prowl turned a blind optic to the glimpse of red he saw creeping into the storage shed that was serving for Sunstreaker's solitary confinement. Sideswipe was the only one suffering from his brother's absence and since Prowl was well aware that Sunstreaker never attempted the reverse when Sideswipe was confined, he would allow this.
So long as they were quiet. There were a few rules that had to be maintained, after all.
Carefully, Sideswipe crept through the various boxes of supplies, following the echoing call of his brother's presence. Far in the back of the supply warehouse, he found his brother sitting, leaning against a wall with his optics shuttered. The brilliant gloss of his armor was muted in the dim light, reminiscent of the mech Sideswipe had just stormed away from, a comparison that Sideswipe kept very firmly to himself since comparing Sunstreaker's appearance to Bumblebee's was a good way to get some painful dents.
Sunstreaker onlined his optics, cycling them once before looking up at Sideswipe, his mouth plates curving into a mocking smirk. "Miss me already?"
"Always, Sunshine," Sideswipe snorted, ignoring his brother's frown. "Mission accomplished and I am ready for some downtime."
"Can I assume that it worked?" Coolly amused. His cheek strut was still broken which meant Ratchet was pissed off though whether it was with Sunstreaker or just his normal bad temper was anyone's guess. With one gentle finger, Sideswipe touched it, felt the unevenness over what should have been smooth plating. It had been Sunstreaker's idea to get Bumblebee into solitary confinement and he'd known exactly how to do it, too, just the right way to piss off the other mech to the point he'd come to blows. Sideswipe had no idea if Bumblebee's little human had been aware of just who he was asking to help him with his little plan but the fact that Sunstreaker had been agreeableto them helping had been more than a little shocking.
Not that Sideswipe would have turned Sam away, not when all he wanted was exactly what Bumblebee did, and Bumblebee was a good enough friend to Sideswipe that he wanted to see the mech happy. Sunstreaker on the other hand…well, maybe Bumblebee really had been annoying him and he was hoping the human would keep him distracted. It was as good a guess as any.
The plan they had come up with had been simple enough; pretend to form a holo and let Sam get in close to Bumblebee so they could admit their feelings for each other. It'd been going perfectly, too, until Bumblebee had gone off-script. Well, that just proved why Sideswipe was a fighter and not a tactician. Although it was a shame more of his plans didn't degenerate into desperate fragging, the war would be over by now if it did…
He only realized he was still stroking Sunstreaker's broken cheek strut when his brother swatted his hand away impatiently. "Well? Did it work or not?"
"Yeah, it worked," Sideswipe grumbled. "Almost too well. When you said he should bend the little human over, I didn't think he'd take you literally."
"Did he?" Sunstreaker gave him a look of genuine surprise.
"Oh, yeah. I'll show you a vid of it later," Sideswipe flopped down on the floor next to his brother with a loud clatter of armor against the concrete floor, curling up against his side. A moment later, he felt a soft touch on his side, strong, knowing fingers rubbing at his sore joints and Sideswipe sighed in contentment.
"I'm sure it was quite a sight, but I think you can spare me the visual," Sunstreaker said, bemused. "I wouldn't have thought the little glitch had it in him. I was rather expecting that they'd spend the next few months making sappy eyes at each other and holding hands."
"They might've if he'd actually known it was the human," Sideswipe said, sleepily. "Poor thing was wound so tight he didn't even realize it wasn't me until he had the kid naked and pinned." He chuckled. "If I hadn't spoken up he might never have realized. That wouldn't have been awkward at all."
Already half into recharge, it took Sideswipe a moment to realize that Sunstreaker's hand had stilled, resting on his shoulder.
"Sunny?" Sideswipe slit open one of his optics, craning his head to look over his shoulder. "What's wrong?"
"He thought it was you?" Carefully neutral and that was what woke him up. Sunny was many things but neutral wasn't one of them. He was surly, loud, antagonistic, and all around a pain in the ass for everyone, including Sideswipe, but he was not neutral.
"Yeah," Sideswipe said, trying for a nonchalant laugh. "Bee was pretty…um…"
His hand tightened on Sideswipe's shoulder, hard enough that Sideswipe winced, felt metal denting under his brother's grip. What the…oh. There was one other adjective that occasionally described Sunny pretty well; jealous.
Pit slag. This was an unexpected development. They'd both known there would probably be a little kissing and maybe a little groping involved with The Plan, but apparently, Sunstreaker hadn't factored in naked and sex, and thistime, for whatever fragging reason, it was setting him off.
There was just no telling with Sunstreaker. For all that Sideswipe knew his brother in intimate detail, for all that they shared a spark, that he could feel sharp surges in emotion that slipped through their link. For all that, trying to predict Sunstreaker's reactions were like trying to predict the weather on this little backwater planet. For all Sideswipe knew, somewhere a butterfly was fluttering its wings and sending the oxygen levels up .001% and what might have only amused Sunstreaker yesterday was now popping sharp warnings into Sideswipe's HUD that cold fury was seeping through their bond.
Not that he didn't appreciate the warnings but just once, he'd like for them to be in time for him to dosomething about it. The sudden feel of cold concrete against his faceplate, his arm wrenched painfully behind his back told him that it wouldn't be this time. Sunstreaker's weight was solid on top of him, straddling him and his grip on Sideswipe's wrist was incapacitating unless he wanted Sunstreaker to take his arm off at the shoulder. Somehow, he doubted Ratchet would be amused by that.
"Sunny—" Sideswipe started, biting it off too late, as his brother wrenched up on his arm hard enough that a redline warning flashed in his vision. Punishment for the nickname that his brother occasionally tolerated but always, always hated, and he knew better than this. They hadn't been planetside long enough, he hadn't adjusted to being around so many other mechs. Neither of them had. Sunstreaker had been coolly amused at the idea of helping the little human when he'd asked. He certainly wasn't anything as mild as amused now.
Sideswipe couldn't get free but it didn't stop him from trying. Desperately, he thrashed against his brother's hold, trying to get free. It was useless; Sunstreaker was as heavy as he was, even without his brutal grip on Sideswipe's wrist, and he only rode the shift of Sideswipe's body easily, rising up on his knees before knocking him back down, hard enough that his vision frizzed with white static.
That was all it took. Sideswipe gave in, sagging against the cement that was rapidly warming against him, his vents kicking up little clouds of dust.
"Oh, are we not going to play?" Sunstreaker murmured against his audial sensor. Sideswipe didn't reply, lying still and silent even as Sunstreaker shifted his weight back, one knee pressing into the space between Sideswipe's legs, parting them. He pushed his leg up roughly, making enough room to kneel between them. "Prowl would come if you commed him. I bet he'd do more than give me a few hour of solitude if you called, begged him for help. He could come in and see you like this, spread out beneath me."
Sideswipe said nothing, shuttered his optics and took a sharp vent of cooling air against the surge of heat that rose in him at his brother's words, again, clinging desperately to any amount of control.
He felt his brother's silent chuckle through their link, like a mental caress, and that more than anything eased Sideswipe. Amused Sunstreaker was much, much safer. "Do we like that idea?"
"Are you going to hurt me if I say yes?" Sideswipe managed, warily.
"Oh, pretty, I never hurt you," Sunstreaker chuckled, cutting off his brother's wild protest with, "Not any more than you like me to." His grip on Sideswipe's wrist loosened, enough that he could pull free if he wanted. "I'll prove it. I'll let you go, if you want."
If he wanted. Did he want? His shoulder joints were aching from the pressure, warnings scrolling through his vision begging him to pull away while he had the chance but there were other things he could feel. His brother snugging his hips against the plate covering his valve, the hot, slick pressure of his brother's spike against him, leaving smears of lubricant as Sunstreaker rubbed against him, like he was trying to push right through the thin metal.
"Come on, brother," Sunstreaker panted, stroking his free hand viciously down Sideswipe's side, armor shrieking as his fingers gouged out curls of paint. "What do you want? I'll let you go, if that's what you want."
He would, he could, Sunstreaker could be as carelessly indifferent as he was possessive and in the end, it was Sideswipe who was always clinging in desperate helplessness.
If he enhanced his audial receptors, Sideswipe would be able to hear other mechs around them. Hear them talking and laughing together with the humans, the sweetness of their normalcy. He could hear them, if he tried, while he lay here with his brother between his legs, lubricants slicking down the inside of his thighs while Sunstreaker rubbed against him. He could stand up and join them, leave Sunstreaker here in his solitary confinement and Sideswipe could walk out and enjoy the rare ordinariness of not being in battle, of being around friends. He could choose that…
No. From the beginning of his existence, he'd never had a choice at all.
His vocalizer was edged with ragged need as Sideswipe moaned and shifted, pushing his hips up even as he snapped open his valve cover. He barely felt the thin squirming sensation of triumph slick through their bond as Sunstreaker was abruptly pushing into him, the disconcerting mixture of pleasure and a startling throb of pain through his sensors as he was so suddenly spread wide, Sunstreaker never hesitating as he forced his way past any nervous resistance.
"Perfect," Sunstreaker's voice was a mirror of his own, ragged with want, a growl vibrating through him as he filled his brother with his spike, stretching the slick sheath of his valve with one hard stroke. Whether he meant being inside his brother or just being with his brother was anyone's guess, his hands moving with unsteady familiarity over Sideswipe before settling on his hips. One hand squirmed under Sideswipe, dragging his hips up and the sudden change in angle made them both gasp, identical gusts of air as Sunstreaker slid in so much deeper. And stayed, holding maddeningly still until Sideswipe squirmed against him in mute protest, begging silently for him to move.
His hand was free, Sideswipe realized hazily, still behind his back but Sunstreaker had long since let him go and with a whimper of aching pain, Sideswipe drew his arm stiffly down, letting it slide beneath him even as his strained joints sent wild pulses of pain through him. Awkwardly, Sideswipe braced his weight on his hands, trying to rock backwards, trying to make Sunstreaker move. His brother's grip on his hips was unyielding, holding him still even as their mingled lubricants trailed slickly down his thighs.
"Sideswipe," Sharply, cutting through the haze of his want. "What do you want from me?"
Everything, he couldn't say. Anything. Gurgling little cries seemed to be the only sound he was capable of. One sharp, punishing thrust that dragged a near shriek from him before Sunstreaker stilled again.
"Tell me!" Sunstreaker snarled. "Say it!"
I can't, a bare whimper, through their bond.
"Yes, you can, you will." Slowly, slowly, Sunstreaker withdrew, hesitating with just the tip of his spike still inside Sideswipe's valve. A threat, a goad, it didn't matter. Words forced their way through Sideswipe's vocalizer, a thin whisper of sound.
"Take me!"
It was enough. Sunstreaker's snarl was nearly feral and Sideswipe could only try to brace himself against the concrete, felt as it flaked away in gritty rubble beneath the pressure of his fingers as Sunstreaker pushed into him. One brutal thrust, another, his frenzied rhythm a primal mix of desperation and drawn-out need, and Sideswipe stillcouldn't move, spread out beneath his brother as Sunstreaker bore into him with maddening ferocity.
Overload came with the abruptness of a lightning strike, every joint in his body locking as the electrical sweep of it crackled between them and through their link, Sideswipe felt the shock of it roll over Sunstreaker, a sharp, brilliant echo between them that doubled, trebled, amplified by each surge until Sideswipe's vision shorted to black and nothingness.
It only took him moments to reboot but it was long enough that Sideswipe could feel that Sunstreaker had cleaned him off, his panel closed and the splatters of their lubricants wiped away. It took him longer to realize that Sunstreaker was still touching him and Sideswipe onlined his optics almost warily, watching his brother gently brush away the crushed concrete dusting his knuckles. The floor was a wreck, he realized with resignation and it didn't take two guesses to know who would be repairing it.
Sunstreaker never paused, his touch unbearably gentle in the aftermath of his...whatever it was. Temper tantrum seemed improperly juvenile. More like an unsettlingly brief touch of insanity and this tenderness after was terribly familiar was well. A silent almost-apology as he polished away what scratches he could. A few were too deep and would have to wait for his auto-repair and in the meantime, Sideswipe knew he'd be enduring the pitying looks of his friends who knew better than to ask what had happened.
If only they knew the truth...he had a feeling their looks would be a lot less pity and a lot more horrified disbelief if they ever found out how eager he was to beg for each and every scratch.
Eh. Sideswipe had survived worse.
He hissed in startled pain when Sunstreaker dug into the strained joints of his shoulder, then went limp with relief as the pain eased. Not half-bad at repairs, his brother. If only he'd stop causing half of them-
"You would have let him?" Sunstreaker asked, so softly, and Sideswipe vented a sigh. No need to ask who Sunstreaker meant.
"Maybe," he admitted, and he might take a beating for his honesty but it was true. Bumblebee was attractive and kind and strong and...and he'd pinned his little human down with shocking aggressiveness that had pinged every sensor Sideswipe had with a sharp tingle of lust. If it had been him, even as a holo, if he'd been pinned down, Sideswipe didn't really think the word 'no' would have come up in conversation. Or any words at all beyond 'more' and 'please'.
It was hard not to cringe but to his surprise, Sunstreaker's touch never changed, still gentle as he soothed every tiny hurt he'd caused. His only reply to Sideswipe's confession was a noncommittal hum. Whatever jealous surge he'd had seemed to have been soothed for the moment and cautiously, Sideswipe let himself relax nearly into recharge, opening the bond between them wide as he basked in his brother's brief contentment, the easy resonance of their split spark. Take what you can, when you can, and frag the consequences, that was their motto.
It'd worked for them so far.
Barely, Sideswipe opened his optics and watched his brother, watched his aberrant tenderness. Twins in spark and not in metal, no mirror image, was Sunstreaker, but sometimes Sideswipe could see flashes of himself in his twin. His darker image, his looking glass self, hiding himself in armor the color of the Earth's sun.